Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Glow-Stick Tag: Part 1 ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, Inufox of an anonymous reviewer, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Morgan: Excuse me, but now that were done with "Spin the Bottle," what should we play?
Ayumi: Well, I think my mom bought a piñata.
Yusuke: [walks in from the "make-out" room] Hang on a sec, I got an idea.
[Everybody looks towards Yusuke and sees that Keiko, Miroku, and Sango are with him. They all take seats at their original places.]
Shizuru: Hey, Yusuke. Or should we call you "Stinky-feet"?
Botan: Oh, I like that! But how about just plain "Stinky" for short?
Yusuke: What are you guys talking about!?
Sanosuke: If anyone asks, I don't know those two.
Kurama: At least you're not from the same TV Show they are.
Miroku: But to answer your question, Yusuke, they're talking about when Shizuru dared Botan to massage your feet.
Kilala Li Fang: Wasn't that, like, a whole game ago?
Kenshin: But Yusuke wasn't here for most of "Spin the Bottle," and that was the last dare in "Truth or Dare."
Kaoru: Yusuke, how come we can't do the piñata, and THEN you're idea?
Yusuke: Because its already really late - or rather, really early - which means by the time we're done with the piñata, it will be starting to get light outside. And my game requires it to my pitch black.
Hiei: That's my kind of game.
Aoshi: So, what exactly IS your game?
Yusuke: [throwing 23 small packages around] Glow-stick tag!
[Everyone caught one of the packages. Yusuke ripped open a 24th package to reveal a green Glow-stick. Then everyone else ripped open theirs. Half of the people had a green Glow-stick, the other half: blue.]
Inufox: Wow, Yusuke! Where'd you get all these?
Yusuke: At Ocean State Job Lot they were only 99 cents each. So, this game is like freeze tag, except its outside in the dark, and you can only freeze someone with a different color than you, and you can only unfreeze someone with the same color.
Keiko: C'mon, guys! Let's go play it!
Ayumi: Just one thing. If any of you get attacked by the Coyotes, it's not my fault!
Kagome: You have Coyotes living near you house? Maybe we can see if they're related to Inuyasha.
Inuyasha: You mean if they're my great-great-great-great-great-great- grandchildren?
Kia: If they are, does that mean you're going to have children someday?
Kouga: Eww! I don't want to even THINK about that!
Inuyasha: [blushing] Shut up!!!
Kuwabara: Guys, let's just go play Glow-stick tag.
[Everyone piled out the door and into the pitch-black night. There were no stars out. The Glow-sticks glowed brightly around people's necks.]
Sango: Just great. In this darkness, IF we get attacked my Coyotes, we won't be able to see them!
Yukina: I think Ayumi was just trying to scare us.
Aoshi: I think I'll sit out this one.
Sesshomaru: I will too.
[Aoshi and Sesshomaru sat on a couple of pool chairs next to the house.]
Shizuru: Party poopers.
Misao: On the count of three, we'll start. One...two...three!!!
[They all started racing around the yard, trying to tag each other.]
Morgan: I got you, Sanosuke!
Sanosuke: Huh? [Morgan landed on Sanosuke with a *kur-plunk!*] Ouch, that hurt!
Miroku: Pile-up time!
Sanosuke: No! Wait! HELP ME!!!
[Miroku, Yukina, Shizuru, Sango, Kouga, Kia, Keiko, Kagome, Inufox, and Botan (all the people on the green team) all jumped on top of Sanosuke in a huge, 12-person pile-up.]
Kurama: Too bad I'm not on the green team, too.
Kilala Li Fang: Wait, all of us on the blue team can pile-up on top of the people on the green team!
Kenshin: What a wonderful idea, Miss Kilala!
Kilala Li Fang: Let's go clobber the green team!
[Kilala Li Fang, Kurama, Kenshin, Yusuke, Misao, Kuwabara, Kaoru, Inuyasha, Hiei, and Ayumi (all the people on the blue team) all jumped on top of all the people on the green team.]
Green team: Hey! That hurt!
Blue team: So? You hurt Sanosuke!
Sanosuke: [weakly] My poor spinal cord...
[All of a sudden, there was a bright flash of light. The pile-up looked towards the house to see Aoshi with a camera taking pictures.]
Kaoru: My delicate eyesight!
Inuyasha: This is worse than the time Sesshomaru took that weird ball thing that contained our father's grave out of my eye!
Hiei: Who here thinks we should get that thing away from Aoshi?
Green+Blue teams: I DO!!!
Ayumi: CHARGE!!!
[The pile-up separated into individuals. They (except for Sanosuke) chased after Aoshi around the yard and the house multiple times. Finally, they cornered him between the fence and the pool.]
Botan: There's no where to run now!
Aoshi: *gulp* [thinking] Hey, I've got an idea...[talking] Sesshomaru! Go long!
[Aoshi threw the camera to Sesshomaru on the other end of the pool. Unfortunately, he didn't throw it far enough. The camera was about to splash into the pool! Sesshomaru dove in to save it, forgetting that diving into water equals getting wet.]
Inufox: Uh-oh...He's in trouble!
Kagome: Thanks to Aoshi's bad throwing arm.
[*SPLASH* Sesshomaru fell into the pool. The sprayed water blocked everyone's vision for a moment. When it cleared, they could see Sesshomaru standing in the pool - soaking wet - holding up the dry camera.]
Keiko: [to Aoshi and Sesshomaru] I have a proposal: We won't chase you around anymore if we can take a picture of you in the pool.
Aoshi: Both of us? Or just Sesshomaru?
[Kia walked over to Aoshi and pushed him into the pool.]
Kia: Does that answer your question?
Kouga: Now hand over the camera so we can take the picture.
[Sesshomaru tossed the camera towards the group. Kuwabara caught it.]
Kuwabara: Say "youkai"! [*click* He took the picture.]
Misao: Whose camera is this, anyway?
Sango: That sounds like a take-off of "Whose Line is it Anyway?"
[Sesshomaru and Aoshi climbed out of the pool. Aoshi grabbed the camera from Kuwabara.]
Yukina: Should we do the piñata now?
All: Sure!
[Everyone walked inside the house.]