Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction ❯ Party Time ❯ Confession: Part 2 ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any Anime shows and/or characters from them, nor do I own any brand names mentioned. However, I do own Ayumi, and my sister owns Esanan. Kilala Li Fang is property of herself, Kia of Raven-Ardour, and Morgan of Kurama's rose girl (all at fanfiction.net).
Kagome: I choose...you, Inuyasha!
[Inuyasha gulped quite loudly, and his eyes widened.]
Inuyasha: Oro...
Kenshin: Why must people steal my lines!?
Kaoru: Because your lines are the most original, that they are.
Kenshin: Not you, too, Miss Kaoru...
Ayumi: Inuyasha, are you going to confess or not?
Inuyasha: How `bout not?
Ayumi: [not amused] I was being sarcastic...
Hiei: [to Inuyasha] Just do it. It's not like you wouldn't have to sooner or later.
Inuyasha: And you're prepared to be extremely embarrassed!?
Hiei: No, but apparently I can handle it and you can't.
Inuyasha: [jumping up and glaring at Hiei] WHO ARE YOU CALLIN' WEAK!!?
Aoshi: Actually, he didn't call anyone weak...
Botan: [warningly] Inuyasha, I think you're making one big assumption!
Keiko: [to Inuyasha] Just calm down and sit down!
Yusuke: Keiko, I don't think you should mess with him right now.
Keiko: What, are you callin' me WEAK!?
Yusuke: [worried] I wasn't trying to...
Kagome: You know, I have a way to make Inuyasha sit-
[Instantly, Inuyasha fell back into his seat.]
Kuwabara: That worked...
Inuyasha: [sitting up] Growl...
Misao: [sarcastically] That certainly was informative.
Kia: [to Inuyasha] To quote Hiei, “Just do it. It's not like you wouldn't have to sooner or later.”
Kouga: How the heck did you remember that word-for-word?
Kilala Li Fang: [glaring at Kia] Hey, what gives you the right to quote Hiei?
Kia: Since when did it go to only certain people?
Esanan: Everyone has the right to quote anyone.
Kilala Li Fang: [turning to Esanan] You're just saying that so you can quote Hiei, too.
Esanan: [menacingly] So!?
[Immediately, Kia, Kilala Li Fang, and Esanan began arguing over Hiei...again...]
Hiei: [interrupting] I thought you promised not to fight anymore!!
[Instantly, the three girls stopped.]
Esanan+Kia+Kilala: [with apologetic smiles] Sorry, Hiei!
Hiei: [sighing] I'll never understand humans...
Sesshomaru: That makes two of us.
Sanosuke: Three of us.
[Everyone stared, wide-eyed, at Sanosuke.]
Shizuru: But you ARE a human.
Yusuke: [looking suspiciously at Sanosuke] Unless you've been keeping secrets...
Sanosuke: [looking doubtfully at Yusuke] Just because I'm a human, doesn't mean I have to understand `em.
Yami: He's got a point. There're some people I will never understand...
Sango: CoughKaibaCough.
Morgan: Sorry to interrupt, but we are waaayyy off topic, that we are.
[Morgan received a glare from Kenshin. She simply smiled innocently.]
Yukina: Shall we return to the game?
[All eyes turned to Inuyasha, some with glares, others with hopeful looks.]
Inuyasha: I was hoping you would forget.
Kurama: No such luck, I'm afraid.
Miroku: [to Inuyasha] If you don't confess something in the next ten seconds, I'll hit you over the head with my staff!
Ayumi: Nine...
Kaoru: Inuyasha might be hardheaded, but he's not *that* hardheaded.
Ayumi: Eight...
Inuyasha: And what is THAT supposed to mean!!?
Ayumi: Seven...
Kaoru: [hiding behind Kenshin] Save me, Kenshin!
Ayumi: Six...
Kenshin: Hopefully that won't be necessary...!
Ayumi: Five...
Inuyasha: [death-glare at Kenshin] Oh, it's necessary all right!
Ayumi: Four...
Kenshin: [really worried] Oro!!
Aoshi: Kagome, you might want to think about sitting Inuyasha right about now.
Ayumi: Three...
Ayumi: Two...INUYASHA!...One...
Inuyasha: [stopping suddenly] ALL RIGHT!!!
[Everyone stared at him, incredibly surprised.]
Inuyasha: [giving Kagome a biiig hug] I LOVE YOU, KAGOME!!!
[Kagome gulped nervously. Kouga growled menacingly. Sesshomaru frowned sadly. Everyone else sighed in awe.]
Botan: How very sweet!
Keiko: Wait a second...didn't we already know that he loved her?
Kouga: [with gritted teeth] Somewhat, but he never admitted it.
Misao: [to Kouga] I take it you liked it better before?
Kouga: You think!?
Misao: Actually -
Sanosuke: [interrupting] Actually, I don't believe she does.
[Misao angrily threw a dart at Sanosuke, wiping the smug grin off his face. Fortunately, (or unfortunately, depending on whether or not you like Sanosuke) he ducked just in time. The dart became embedded in the refrigerator.]
Ayumi: [scolding and angry] Kuso, Misao!! My mom's gonna kill me!!
Misao: [pointing to Sanosuke] It was his fault!!!
Sanosuke: No it wasn't!!!
Esanan: [to Sanosuke] Ahem...Actually, it was very clearly your fault.
Shizuru: Still, Misao didn't have to throw a dart at him!
Yusuke: Ooooh, look who's defending Sanosuke yet again...
Shizuru: [with a sly smile] Misao, do you think I could use of your darts?
Yami: [muttering] Hypocrite...
Shizuru: [glaring at Yami] What'd you say!?!?
Yami: [eyes wide and worried] Nothing! Nothing at all!
Misao: [handing Shizuru a dart] Here you go!
[Shizuru took the dart and launched it at Yami. He tried to duck in time, but failed, causing the dart to become embedded in...his hair... o_O]
Yami: [frantically tried to remove the dart] WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!?!!?
Sesshomaru: Shizuru, you might want to think about running away before he recovers...
Shizuru: Thanks, but I'll take my chances.
Sango: Wow...that's very daring of you.
[Shizuru accumulated a semi-proud grin. However, it disappeared when Yukina suddenly reached over and pulled the dart out of Yami's hair.]
Yami: [hugging Yukina] My savior!!
Ayumi+Kuwabara: [scolding] YAMI!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!
[Yami instantly let go of Yukina, who blushed. He then turned to Ayumi and gave her an apologetic kiss.]