Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ ~ YuYuHakusho ~ Enter the Realm of the Well ❯ Follow the Leader! ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
By: YuYuYasha 
“ What do you mean there's no tournament?!” Kuwabara and Yusuke yelled so loud that it was shaking the shrine to the core. Kurama swiftly clamped his hands over both of their mouths and sighed. Hiei had taken rufuge on the windowsill and lazily looked out the window. ' You should have told them from the beginning,' Hiei said mockingly. He continued to take in the scenary outside.
Releasing his hold on their heads, Kurama ordered them to seat themselves on the couch and walked over to the sliding door to close for privacy. ' Well, you had your share of opportunity to tell them, Hiei. So what was keeping you from telling them?' Kurama asked silkly as he looked over at Hiei.Hiei smirked and looked at the fox. ' And what? Miss this?' Hiei sneered while gesturing to the two boys who were simmering with rage.
“ Okay fox boy!” Yusuke raged, “ Your going to tell me what exactly is going on! An stop with the mind reading messages, you two!” Yusuke crossed his arms over his chest.
“ All right, Yusuke,” Kurama said while he crossed over to another couch and sat down. “ But where to start, thats the problem.”
“ The beginning, kitsune and make it quick!” Kuwabara grumbled. Kurama had to laugh at their impatients, but then toke on a serious face. For ten whole mintues, the room was filled with a buzzing silence as Kurama finished telling the two boys of Genkai's quick judgement of Yusuke's lack of 'enthusiasm' to take on mission's when ever instructed, how they were needed to find Kagome, and how to open the well from its confines of spells and chrams.
“ So the old hag put you up to this?” Yusuke asked quirking an eyebrow. Kurama silently nodded. Yusuke sighed and placed his hands behind his head to think for a moment. Kurama looked over at Hiei for the second time. ' Well, that was easier to elaborate then I thought,' the fox passed on his surprised thoughts to the fire demon who continued to peer out the window.
' Hn. Think again, Kurama,' Hiei retorted. Kurama looked back at the couch and gave a silent, “ Wha-?” of surprise. Yusuke left his seat and was five feet from the door.“ Yusuke? Where are you going?!” Kurama nearly yelled as he sprang to his feet.
Looking over his shoulder, Yusuke growled, “ I'm gonna kill that old hag if it's the last thing I do!” Kuwabara and Kurama quickly left their seats and ran after Yusuke. They both securily gripped their arms around Yusuke's waist and held on as Yusuke trudged up to the door, pumping his arms up and down to keep going while dragging his friends on the floor. Hiei watched with an amused look on his face.
“ Urameshi! I'm just as angry as you are, but come on! Yous seriously don't need to get this worked up!” Kuwabara yelled. “ We both have to help whether you like it or not!”
“ You..guys found..her! I think....you..can take...things from here!” Yusuke spat, panting from carrying their weight around his midsection.
“ Yusuke, be reasonable! Your world is in danger and your worried about the fact Master Genkai lied to you?” Kurama asked while pulling as hard as he could.
“ News flash, Urameshi! She lies to everyone not just you!” Kuwabara added. Hiei shook his head and looked once more out the window when something caught his eye.
He stood up from the windowsill and called over his shoulder, “ Hey baka's! Get over here and check this out!” All three stopped their bickering and looked over at Hiei with big blinking eyes and mouths slightly opened. They all raced to the window and looked over Hiei to get a better glimpse. Kagome was in their sights and from the looks of it, she was carrying a bulging backpack that must have weighed a ton. She ran up to a run-down shack and looked back and forth to check if anyone was watching. Once she was done with that, she grasped the handle on the door and wrenched it opened and walked inside. They four boys looked at one another and nodded. Hiei lifted the window and jumped outside. He was quickly followed by Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara. They ran down the same cobble path that Kagome followed to the shack and stopped before the door. The door was slightly ajar and they peered inside. If Kagome was paying to attention to her surroundings other then trying to pry the plank of wood from the wells opening, she would haved noticed a four sets of crimson, emerald green, light brown, and beady black eyes watcing her.
“ Hey Kurama? I thought the well was sealed with charms and stuff like that,” Yusuke whispered to the kitsune.
“ Well its suppose to be or either that she's more powerfull then I was lead to believe!” Kurama answered who was just as surprised. Kagome lifted the seal, she jumped inside the well as a blue light engulfed her body. The boys shielded their eyes and once the light faded, they opened the door all the way, and Kagome was gone. They all walked up to the edge of the well and looked down. Nothing but soil and cobbled walls on each of the four corners.
“ So who wants to jump in first?” Yusuke asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Everyone, but Hiei, stared at him with eyebrows raised while Yusuke formed a sweatdrop. “ Sheesh! Just kidding!” He smirked, but then looked at down the well once again.
“ Hn,” Hiei grunted, “ this is going no where. Might as well get this over with.” Hiei backed up and leaped forward. His ankles barley passed the edge when Hiei's body was illuminated by a blue light. His eyes widen as he kept staring down and until he was no longer in mid-air and dissapeared out of sight.
“ Well once again, that was interesting,” Yusuke said while sratching the side of his face.
“ Even so, I think I'll take a leaf out of Hiei's book and follow his lead,” Kurama replied and jumped in.
Kuwabara let his hand drop from his eyes and grumbled, “ Look's like another wild adventure for us, eh Urameshi? Oh well!” Kuwabara plugged his nose and leaped like a frog. “ Bombs away!”
Yusuke sighed, “ Why can't I ever get normal missions like saving a kitten from a tree? Or saving Kuwabara from a tree because he tried saving the stupid kitten in the first place!” He seated himslef on the edge and swung his legs over and let himslef fall. The sensation was overwhelming. Blue, purple, and white lights whizzed by that felt like a warm summer breeze passing over his body. Just as Yusuke was adjusting to the feeling, WHAM!! Thankfully his face broke his fall. Yusuke flipped over to sit up, and was dazed with grass poking from the side of his mouth.
“ Great!” Yusuke began as he spat out the saliva covered grass. “ Now I remember why I never get normal mission's. Stupid pacifier breath wouldn't know the meaning of 'normal' if one of his stupid ogres came up to him, grabbed the pacifier from his mouth and began to suck on it right infront of him!” He stood up and brushed himslef off as he walked on. He stopped when he caught up with the others who were wrapped up at the sight of something down below in a grassy valley.“ Hey what's going on?” Yusuke asked while sliding his hand over his slicked back hair. He looked down as well and his eyes widen.
“ Why do I get the feeling we've stumbled across a mission I'm really going to hate?” Yusuke asked out loud. Below was a quaint little village that would have looked peacefull if hadn't been for the screams of terror echoing along the mountains and the flock of insects that were rampaging all over the place. ' Some one has to be controlling them,' Yusuke thought.
“ I should warn you all,” Kurama began, “ during this time, people of this era are facing their own problems and fears as you can all ready tell. A man, much like Sensui, wants to purge every single person that wishes to stop him from dominating humans and dmons alike. His name is Naraku, if memory serves me right. Powerfull and quite the adversary. ”
“ Great!” Yusuke snorted. “ I hate the guy all ready!”
“ Well lets face this like men and get it over with, “ Kuwabara replied as they began to race towards the village making haste as they went.
Hope you all like it! This has been one of my quickest updates so far. Thanks for reading!
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Adventure | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 12.05.2004 | Updated On: 12.05.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 28 | Visits: 812 | Status: Completed

“ What do you mean there's no tournament?!” Kuwabara and Yusuke yelled so loud that it was shaking the shrine to the core. Kurama swiftly clamped his hands over both of their mouths and sighed. Hiei had taken rufuge on the windowsill and lazily looked out the window. ' You should have told them from the beginning,' Hiei said mockingly. He continued to take in the scenary outside.
Releasing his hold on their heads, Kurama ordered them to seat themselves on the couch and walked over to the sliding door to close for privacy. ' Well, you had your share of opportunity to tell them, Hiei. So what was keeping you from telling them?' Kurama asked silkly as he looked over at Hiei.Hiei smirked and looked at the fox. ' And what? Miss this?' Hiei sneered while gesturing to the two boys who were simmering with rage.
“ Okay fox boy!” Yusuke raged, “ Your going to tell me what exactly is going on! An stop with the mind reading messages, you two!” Yusuke crossed his arms over his chest.
“ All right, Yusuke,” Kurama said while he crossed over to another couch and sat down. “ But where to start, thats the problem.”
“ The beginning, kitsune and make it quick!” Kuwabara grumbled. Kurama had to laugh at their impatients, but then toke on a serious face. For ten whole mintues, the room was filled with a buzzing silence as Kurama finished telling the two boys of Genkai's quick judgement of Yusuke's lack of 'enthusiasm' to take on mission's when ever instructed, how they were needed to find Kagome, and how to open the well from its confines of spells and chrams.
“ So the old hag put you up to this?” Yusuke asked quirking an eyebrow. Kurama silently nodded. Yusuke sighed and placed his hands behind his head to think for a moment. Kurama looked over at Hiei for the second time. ' Well, that was easier to elaborate then I thought,' the fox passed on his surprised thoughts to the fire demon who continued to peer out the window.
' Hn. Think again, Kurama,' Hiei retorted. Kurama looked back at the couch and gave a silent, “ Wha-?” of surprise. Yusuke left his seat and was five feet from the door.“ Yusuke? Where are you going?!” Kurama nearly yelled as he sprang to his feet.
Looking over his shoulder, Yusuke growled, “ I'm gonna kill that old hag if it's the last thing I do!” Kuwabara and Kurama quickly left their seats and ran after Yusuke. They both securily gripped their arms around Yusuke's waist and held on as Yusuke trudged up to the door, pumping his arms up and down to keep going while dragging his friends on the floor. Hiei watched with an amused look on his face.
“ Urameshi! I'm just as angry as you are, but come on! Yous seriously don't need to get this worked up!” Kuwabara yelled. “ We both have to help whether you like it or not!”
“ You..guys found..her! I think....you..can take...things from here!” Yusuke spat, panting from carrying their weight around his midsection.
“ Yusuke, be reasonable! Your world is in danger and your worried about the fact Master Genkai lied to you?” Kurama asked while pulling as hard as he could.
“ News flash, Urameshi! She lies to everyone not just you!” Kuwabara added. Hiei shook his head and looked once more out the window when something caught his eye.
He stood up from the windowsill and called over his shoulder, “ Hey baka's! Get over here and check this out!” All three stopped their bickering and looked over at Hiei with big blinking eyes and mouths slightly opened. They all raced to the window and looked over Hiei to get a better glimpse. Kagome was in their sights and from the looks of it, she was carrying a bulging backpack that must have weighed a ton. She ran up to a run-down shack and looked back and forth to check if anyone was watching. Once she was done with that, she grasped the handle on the door and wrenched it opened and walked inside. They four boys looked at one another and nodded. Hiei lifted the window and jumped outside. He was quickly followed by Kurama, Yusuke, and Kuwabara. They ran down the same cobble path that Kagome followed to the shack and stopped before the door. The door was slightly ajar and they peered inside. If Kagome was paying to attention to her surroundings other then trying to pry the plank of wood from the wells opening, she would haved noticed a four sets of crimson, emerald green, light brown, and beady black eyes watcing her.
“ Hey Kurama? I thought the well was sealed with charms and stuff like that,” Yusuke whispered to the kitsune.
“ Well its suppose to be or either that she's more powerfull then I was lead to believe!” Kurama answered who was just as surprised. Kagome lifted the seal, she jumped inside the well as a blue light engulfed her body. The boys shielded their eyes and once the light faded, they opened the door all the way, and Kagome was gone. They all walked up to the edge of the well and looked down. Nothing but soil and cobbled walls on each of the four corners.
“ So who wants to jump in first?” Yusuke asked as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. Everyone, but Hiei, stared at him with eyebrows raised while Yusuke formed a sweatdrop. “ Sheesh! Just kidding!” He smirked, but then looked at down the well once again.
“ Hn,” Hiei grunted, “ this is going no where. Might as well get this over with.” Hiei backed up and leaped forward. His ankles barley passed the edge when Hiei's body was illuminated by a blue light. His eyes widen as he kept staring down and until he was no longer in mid-air and dissapeared out of sight.
“ Well once again, that was interesting,” Yusuke said while sratching the side of his face.
“ Even so, I think I'll take a leaf out of Hiei's book and follow his lead,” Kurama replied and jumped in.
Kuwabara let his hand drop from his eyes and grumbled, “ Look's like another wild adventure for us, eh Urameshi? Oh well!” Kuwabara plugged his nose and leaped like a frog. “ Bombs away!”
Yusuke sighed, “ Why can't I ever get normal missions like saving a kitten from a tree? Or saving Kuwabara from a tree because he tried saving the stupid kitten in the first place!” He seated himslef on the edge and swung his legs over and let himslef fall. The sensation was overwhelming. Blue, purple, and white lights whizzed by that felt like a warm summer breeze passing over his body. Just as Yusuke was adjusting to the feeling, WHAM!! Thankfully his face broke his fall. Yusuke flipped over to sit up, and was dazed with grass poking from the side of his mouth.
“ Great!” Yusuke began as he spat out the saliva covered grass. “ Now I remember why I never get normal mission's. Stupid pacifier breath wouldn't know the meaning of 'normal' if one of his stupid ogres came up to him, grabbed the pacifier from his mouth and began to suck on it right infront of him!” He stood up and brushed himslef off as he walked on. He stopped when he caught up with the others who were wrapped up at the sight of something down below in a grassy valley.“ Hey what's going on?” Yusuke asked while sliding his hand over his slicked back hair. He looked down as well and his eyes widen.
“ Why do I get the feeling we've stumbled across a mission I'm really going to hate?” Yusuke asked out loud. Below was a quaint little village that would have looked peacefull if hadn't been for the screams of terror echoing along the mountains and the flock of insects that were rampaging all over the place. ' Some one has to be controlling them,' Yusuke thought.
“ I should warn you all,” Kurama began, “ during this time, people of this era are facing their own problems and fears as you can all ready tell. A man, much like Sensui, wants to purge every single person that wishes to stop him from dominating humans and dmons alike. His name is Naraku, if memory serves me right. Powerfull and quite the adversary. ”
“ Great!” Yusuke snorted. “ I hate the guy all ready!”
“ Well lets face this like men and get it over with, “ Kuwabara replied as they began to race towards the village making haste as they went.
Hope you all like it! This has been one of my quickest updates so far. Thanks for reading!
Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Adventure | Type: Crossover | Uploaded On: 12.05.2004 | Updated On: 12.05.2004 | Pages: 1 | Words: 28 | Visits: 812 | Status: Completed
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Hope you enjoy - 'you saucey little mynx.'
Here you go - you have joined the league of extrodinary
Laptop Gentle-Persons.
Hope you enjoy - 'you saucey little mynx.'