Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can you give me a reasone to live ❯ Mettings ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry I did not update sooner explanation is at the end of the chap


I do not own Inuyasha and co. or Yu Yu Hakusho


thinking ` '

talking " "

talking telepathically ~ ~

Youko and Kurama talking * *

^~^~^~^~^~^FLASH BACK^~^~^~^~^~^~^

@*@*@*@ POV CHANGE@*@*@*@



#%#%#%#%#%#Last Time#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#

"Why does something tell me you are going to be more trouble than your worth?" Hiei asked right before he walked threw the portal.




After Hiei went through the portal he ended up in his living room he laid Kagome down on the couch, and went in to the kitchen where every one else was. "Hiei where is she?" Kurama asked holding a cup with stuff that smelled real bad. "She is in the livingroom on the couch." Hiei replied mildly "Ok I'll be right back." Kurama said right be for he walked out. "Hey Hiei guess what!" Botan chimed "Hn" was his only reply. "Since you let Kagome get hurt, and poisoned you have to take care of her till Koenma can see her. He also said we have to get the information about the shikon jewel from her too!" Botan chimed again much to Hiei's displeasure.


"Looks like we have to clean out the guest room then." Kurama said, he had a slight smile on his face from the news that Hiei had to take care of the inu-youkai that was sleeping in the living room. " How is she doing?" Yusuke asked looking at Kurama "She will be fine if we can get Yukina to heal her she will be up sooner, but right now we have more pressing matters where will she stay till we get the guest room cleaned out?" Kurama asked/replied as he looked at every one for an answer.


"I know, she can stay in Hiei's room, and Hiei can sleep on the couch." Botan said happily getting a death glare, and irritated growl out of Hiei. (I'm trying to put a lot of humor in this be cause in the 4th or 5th chapter it is going to get really sad) "Or she could stay with me." Kuwabara offered "How about not. Plus she is Hiei's responsibility now" Botan said "Or how about we wait till she wakes up, and then figure out what to do with her." Yusuke said walking out of the room.


"Where are you going Urameshi?" Kuwabara asked. "I don't know about you but I don't want her to wake up, and bolt out the door." Yusuke said as he went in to the living room. "Do you think I should get Yukina, Kurama?" Botan asked "Yes I think it would be a good idea if you did that way she could heal Kagome, and we can get the information we need sooner." Kurama replied looking at Hiei who started to walk towards the living room. "Ok I will be back in a bit." Botan said as she opened a portal, and walked threw. Kurama then looked at Kuwabara who was still daydreaming about Yukina he sighed, and shook his head then went into the living room. Yusuke was sitting in the armchair across from the couch Kagome was on. Hiei was in the armchair on the left side of the couch by her head.

Kurama went, and sat on the love seat to the left of Yusuke. There was an uneasy silence that Yusuke was the first one to break. "How much longer till Yukina, and Botan get back ?" "I don't know probably not long. All we have to do is wait for Kuwabara to start acting more like an idiot than usual." Kurama said with a bit of sarcasm at the end of his sentence but just then they herd Kuwabara yell `Yukina' "Speak of the devil her self." Yusuke said with a small chuckle just before Yukina walked in the room.


Yukina said hello to every one then looked over at Kagome. "How is she a half inu-youkia ,and one forth fire/ice apparition?" Yukina asked more to her self but got an answer any way. " We don't know Koenma didn't tell us much about her just that we have to take care of her, and protect her." Yusuke said "Hmmm you didn't do a very good job." she said as she placed both hands over Kagome's stomach where the hole was, and concentrated her energy. A blue light surrounded Kagome, and the hole in her stomach closed up then the blue light faded away.


"She is ok now all we have to do is wait for her to wake up." Yukina said trying to catch her breath. "Hn that shouldn't be to long sense she is already starting to stir." Hiei said everyone just gave him a look that said how can you tell she hasn't even moved an inch yet. All Hiei did was look back at Kagome, and ignore everyone else. "Well if that's true then we might want to move her into another room."said Botan "Why should we?" Kuwabara asked as he stopped hitting on Yukina. "Well I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to wake up at four-thirty in the morning with a hole group of people standing around staring at me."Botan said as she went and sat down by Kurama. "I still don't see why it matters."Kuwabara muttered just then Hiei got up went over to Kagome picked her up then carried her in to his bedroom.




As Hiei entered his room Kagome muttered something in her sleep "Burned pine trees, and forests smells good."Hiei placed Kagome on his waterbed, (I love waterbeds I plan to get one for my new room ^_^ ) and was trying to unhook her arms. When she whimpered, and tightened her hold around Hiei's neck. "So warm don't want to leave." Kagome muttered then tightened her hold on Hiei some more which in turn made him lose his balance, and fall half way on her. He growled as he finally pulled her arms apart, and was able to stand up strait he looked at Kagome her face now held a scowl from the los of warmth. Hiei quickly covered her up, and left his room.


"What was that all about shrimp? When did you start tucking people you don't even know into bed?"Kuwabara asked only succeeding in getting a death glare, and being knocked out by Hiei. "You guys were fighting about where to put her so I took care of the problem." was all Hiei said as he walked over to the chair he had been sitting in minutes before, and sat down. "Someone should go sit in there until she wakes up. She will probably need some clothes to." Yukina said out of the blue. "Your right. She would probably fit into one of your kimonos, and as far as some one watching her."Botan thought a minute "I doubt she would want a guy she doesn't even know in the same room with her when she wakes up so I will watch over her." Botan said very cheerfully.(Wish I could be as happy as Botan everyone that doesn't know me says I'm very intimidating and looked very depressed) Botan opened a portal, and Yukina left.




It had been half an hour already Yukina had returned and every one was waiting for the inu-youkai to wake up when all of a sudden they herd "Your awake!"


@*@*@*@*@*@*@Kagome's POV@*@*@*@*@*@*@


When I woke up I had a splitting headache every time I tried to move the pain got worse so instead I decide I would use my other senses. I took a deep breath the room I was in smelled a lot like burned pine trees, and forests it was the same sent from my dream. It was every where. I took another deep breath there was another sent it was light but still there it smelt of death, and cherries that was one of the weirdest scents I have ever smelt. As I concentrated more I could tell whoever had the strange scent belonged to was still in the room. When I opened my eyes the room was dark so it took a minute for me to be able to see, I looked around the room I was in. The walls were painted black with silver trim. There were two windows to my right they had black blinds, and black curtains with silver designs on them. ( This is what my room is going to look like kinda pretty gloomy for a girl isn't it?) I then sat up my head still hurt a little but not much I looked around the room some more. The person I smelt was in a chair by the door sleeping. She had blue hair pulled into a high ponytail, and was wearing a pink kimono. beside the door was a closet at the far end of the room there was a dresser made of dark wood, and a full length mirror. I climbed out of the bed I was in even though I didn't want because the waterbed was so warm, and the sheets felt like they were silk.


I went over to the girl, and shook her shoulder to see if I could get her to wake up. She started to stir then mumbled some thing about being left alone. I shook her shoulder a little harder, and said. "Hey girl wake up." She opened her eyes, and looked at me for a minute then she screamed. "YOUR AWAKE!"It hurt my ears so bad I had to put my hands over them. The girl never seemed to notice though she just bounced up, and down with a big smile on her face I could tell I was going to get along with her just fine.


"Hello my name is Botan." The girl named Botan said as she stopped bouncing up. and down. "I will be right back Kagome so don't go any where ok." She left before I even got to answer.


@*@*@*@*@*@*@Author's POV @*@*@*@*@*@*


`That was strange I wonder how she knew my name, and where am I?' these thoughts passed threw Kagome's head, and many more till Botan came back in with another girl that had bluish greenish colored hair pulled back in a low ponytail. She was wearing a blue kimono, and had a what looked like a black kimono in her arms. "Hello my name is Yukina."the girl said "Mine is Kagome. Why am I here?" Kagome asked as she looked at both girls. "We will tell you later. But right now I bet you would like to take a bath, and get a new change of clothes." Botan said changing the subject as fast as she could. Kagome looked at her self her shirt was all ripped up she had dried blood all over her, and she was covered in dirt. "Yes I would if you don't mind then will you tell me why I'm here?" Kagome asked giving them a lifeless smile.


"Suer but right now lets just worry about getting you cleaned up."Botan said trying to avoid the reason why they brought her with them, Yukina picking up on this right away decided to intervene. "Do you need any thing after your done taking a bath?" Yukina asked "I will need a brush, a blow drier, and some clothes." Kagome said as the girls opened the door, and started to walk out of the room. "Follow me." Is all Yukina said


@*@*@*@*@*@*Kagome's POV@*@*@*@*@*


When I stepped out of the room the first thing I saw were four boys in the hallway staring at me. The first one my eyes landed on was a boy around 6'10" ( I know I am messing with how tall every one is but it's my fic, and I can) tall. He had orangish reddish hair not a very attractive face but a nice muscular body, and broad shoulders. He was wearing a blue out fit all, and all he wasn't much to look at. The next boy had black hair that was slicked back he was some where in the range of 6'5" or6'6". He had a very nice well toned body, and was pretty attractive. now the next boy was so handsome I stared at him just a little to long he had red hair piercing green eyes a very well built body. He was wearing a pink outfit, and was about the same height as the boy with black hair. (Is Kurama's outfit pink or red? I can't remember) I wondered if he had a fan club because of how good he looked.


But nothing had prepared me for the forth boy I saw he had black hair that defied gravity, and looked really soft. I had to use all of my self-restraint to stop from walking over, and running my fingers through it. He was at least 5'9 or 5'10 his body was very muscular but not to much. He was wearing an all black outfit, and had a white sweatband around his forehead. He had a look about him that pretty much said he didn't give a damn about the world, and he wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone. But his eyes are what captured me they were ruby red/ crimson, and looked like flames. I couldn't look away, and apparently he noticed this because a smirk had spread across his face. I gave him a glare then let Yukina, and Botan push me into the bathroom.

@*@*@*@*@*@Hiei's POV@*@*@*@*@*@*@*


After Botan got Yukina, and took her into my room. Yusuke got up and started heading after them till the idiot human Kuwabara stopped him, and said. "The girls told us to stay out or else, and I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end if they got mad neither would you Urameshi." For once the idiot said something wise, for once any way. "Well I want to know what's going on, and why the demon hasn't come out yet." Yusuke said struggling against Kuwabara's hold on him. " If you want to know what's going on I could tell you."Kurama said. Yusuke looked at him "Fine what's going on then?" Yusuke asked very annoyed. "There coming out." Kurama said getting up from the love seat, and walked over to the hallway where Yusuke and the idiot were standing. I got up, and walked over to them. Then the girls came out with Kagome following behind them. I don't know why but when the guys started staring at her I wanted to rip there heads off, and it took all my self restraint to stop from growling. then I looked at the inu-youkia she was beautiful with her long raven black hair. ` Beautiful where the hell did that come from she is any thing but beautiful.' I thought to my self. That's when I noticed she was looking at me and having trouble trying to look away. I gave her a little smirk then she glared at me while letting Botan, and Yukina push her in to the bathroom.


@*@*@*@*@*@Author's POV@*@*@*@*@*


Everyone went back into the livingroom, and sat back down in the spots they were in before waiting for Kagome to get done taking a shower. It had been twenty minuets before they herd the water shut off, and the sound of a blow drier startup. Yusuke, and Kurama had been talking about different things. Kuwabara kept hitting on Yukina getting irritated growls from Hiei. Botan, and Yukina were trying to talk but to no avail with Kuwabara hanging around that is until Kagome came out of the bathroom. She was now wearing a black kimono with a silver dragon on it with a black and silver sash, the kimono was tight fitting on her in all the right places and the front was in a `V' shape so that it showed quit a bit of cleavage. (I have no clue what a Kimono looks like so please don't kill me.)


All the guys eyes were as big as saucers, and there mouths were hanging open.(Even Hiei) Kagome cleared her throat so she could get the guys attention. "Who are all you people?" Kagome asked she was very confused but she kept her emotionless mask on."I'm Yusuke Urameshi." The boy with slicked back hair said "I'm Kurama Youko." The boy with red hair said "I'm Kazuma Kuwabara." the boy with reddish orangish hair said (I can't remember his first name if any one knows tell me please) "And that's Hiei Jaganish" Yusuke said pointing at Hiei. "He doesn't talk very much" Kurama said "Well we will get along just fine then but does anyone mind telling me why I'm here?"Kagome asked


Ha ha ha a cliffy

As I said before sorry for not updating sooner had lots of tests and more family problems but spring brake is coming soon actual it starts this Wednesday so keep an eye out for more updates well that's it


Kuro Out