Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Can you give me a reasone to live ❯ I Love You Too ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay I think I should tell you all now updates are going to be pretty slow from now on, lets say when I got my report card my parents weren't all that happy with it since I was failing two of my classes.So I have to sneak on the computer to type up the chapters or update. But don't worry I have friends over here that continue to nag at me to update, so say thank you to them there one of the reasons I didn't fully put this story on hold. That and I couldn't keep you guys waiting so long, so here is another chapter.
Thanks to
ZTolerance06: Thanks for telling me my chapter was messed up, and thanks for the review
Forbidden Female Flare
Kage Hogosha: I'm sorry I'm evil, but I'm trying not to be.
Aru-kitsune: I had to stop some where ^_^*
Megan Consoer: I'm working on more chapters don't worry.
Thundercat : Yes I know my spelling is pitiful a good deal of the time. Usually I'm typing up a paper for school, and don't catch those kind of mistakes a lot of the time even when I look over them or revise the chapters. Hehehe I'll try to be more careful ^.^ *
please tell me if I forgot anyone
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. or Yu Yu Hakusho
thinking ` '
talking “ ”
talking telepathically ~ ~
Youko and Kurama talking * *
^~^~^~^~^~^FLASH BACK^~^~^~^~^~^~^
@*@*@*@ POV CHANGE@*@*@*@
#%#%#%#%#%#Last Time#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#
.When Kagome finally got to the house, every one ran out to meet her. They all had a look of urgency on there faces. Then they all said in unison. “Kagome. They found him...”
Kagome's eyes got big as about a million things ran through her mind at once. Some were thoughts of what Naraku had planned, because she knew there was no way he would slip up and be found so easily if he didn't want to be, so this had to be some kind of trap. Kagome just seemed to stand there in a daze for a while completely tuning everyone out , and it seemed to worry the others. “Kagome?... Hello earth to Kagome...Come in Kagome!!!” Yusuke all but yelled while waving a hand in front of her face though it didn't seem to work. All of a sudden Hiei appeared behind Kagome and shoved her a bit while he walked past her, this caused her to stumbled forward and served as a way to bring her back to reality.
Kagome looked upset for a moment but soon got over it, “I take it Koenma wants to see me?” She asked already knowing the answer. Botan nodded then opened a portal, which everyone walked through.
“Sir, the miko and her friends are on their way.” Eimin said quietly her acid yellow eyes looked like they were glowing, since the room was almost engulfed in darkness besides a few candles. “Is every thing ready for them?” Naraku asked looking at her, a small evil smirk on his face. He was now wearing a dark purple T-shirt, a pair of faded ripped up blue jeans, his hair was pulled back. He was after all in the future so he had to get some new clothes, right now he was just dressed casually. “Yes M'lord every thing is ready.” Naraku sat down on the bed in his room, he motioned for Eimin to sit by him and she complied. “Very good is there any thing else you would like to tell me?” He asked before moving to sit behind Eimin, wrapping his arms around her possessively. Eimin unlike the most of the other demons that followed Naraku she was not made from him, but chose to freely follow him in what ever he did. “Yes the little girls powers haven't awoken yet.” She replied, leaning back into his embrace. “Of course it hasn't Min..” He paused after saying the short version with a lot of affection. “Her powers wont awaken till both her, and Kagome are dangerously close to losing there lives.” Naraku stated placing small loving kisses along her neck and shoulder, while his hands slowly trailed up under her shirt.
(Ok you can all let your imaginations finish up this little scene, cause I'm not going to write a lemon for them)
“So he's some where in Makai? But you don't know where exactly? How's that suppose to help me any?” Kagome asked gripping, and un-gripping the arms of her chair. “Well I'm not sure, I just thought I would give you that information so you could start your mission.” Koenma stated leaning back in his chair, he was in his teenager form. “Mission? What mission? You said you knew where he was that means I go there kill him, then come back and tell you. That isn't a mission.” Kagome pointed out slightly irritated.
“Well yes it is, because we don't know where he is exactly. Also Yusuke, Hiei, Kuwabara, Kurama, will be going with you since he is in one of the worst parts of Makai. Botan will join you once in a while to give me a report, but pretty much your on your own.” Koenma replied. Kagome looked about ready to jump out of her seat, and strangle the tiny ruler but stopped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back and saw Hiei standing behind her chair looking at Koenma, not making eye contact with her.
“You do realize how dangerous this is? I don't mean just for our live, I mean for the western lands and as your position as ruler of spirit world. The council will try to use this to boot you out of power, and then say I'm dead to take over my lands.” Kagome said a bit worried, she knew if that happened the power between the demons would become unbalanced. “Yes I do but I'm sure it will all be fine, as long as you keep me updated saying you are ok, alive, and making progress on your mission etc.” Koenma had a serious look on his face, then Yusuke got up the nerve to ask a question that had been bothering him. “Who is the council?”
Koenma took a breath before explaining. “Ok a long time ago a council of demons was assembled, mainly to keep power between the rulers equal and to make sure no one had to much land . Well a few hundred years later the barriers were put up to separate the humans from the demons, and my dad was elected to manage all of this. Well the council was furious they thought my father held to much power, and that they should have a say in what happened as well after all they had been there longer than my father. So what the council does is when one of the rulers of the lands dies, and has no heir they pick out a new one. They also can pick out who runs spirit world, the only reason I'm running spirit world is because of my father. But see Kagome is afraid that the council will try to replace her the minute they hear of he mission, and I'm afraid they'll try to replace me as well since I sent Kagome out to do the mission; and she might get killed.” He said knowing the council didn't like him that much anyway so they would jump at the chance to get rid of him.
“So what your pretty much telling us is we need to be quick, about destroying Naraku.” Yusuke stated. “Yes that is pretty much what I'm saying, you have two days to get ready before you leave. Kagome Hiei will be with you while you go to your house for your things, then you will go back to his place. Do you understand?” Koenma asked not wanting anymore trouble from her. “Yes I under stand.” She replied, although she didn't like taking orders she would for right now anyway. “Alright, Botan portals please.”
Kagome and Hiei soon arrived in her room, where she immediately got to work packing while Hiei took a seat on her bed. What Kagome had said earlier was still bothering Hiei, did she really love him like she said? For some reason he just had to know. “I heard what you said earlier today.” He stated in an even voice, watching Kagome go around the room grabbing random things then putting them in her bag. “Huh what are you talking about?” She asked stopping what she was doing, looking completely lost. Hiei looked a bit agitated for some reason. “When you went into the forest this morning, I followed you. I heard you talking to the dogs and...” He trailed off knowing she could figure out the rest. Kagome's eyes widened just a little, she looked at him casually though. “And ah what?...” She wanted to know what he thought, she wasn't really sure what to say. Hiei sighed a little, before speaking again. “Were you telling the truth?” though he wouldn't admit it to anyone else he hoped she would say `yes'. For some reason he had found himself drawn to Kagome, and she made him have all these feelings he thought he had gotten rid of but really hadn't.
“I-I did...” She stuttered in a small voice as her eyes found there way to the ground. She was scared he would reject her, and this silence that had just started was killing her. Hiei got off the bed walked towards her he stopped just in front of her, he grabbed hold of her chin lightly with one of his hands and tilted her head up so she was looking him in the eyes. Kagome didn't bother putting on an emotionless mask she knew it wouldn't do her any good, instead all the emotions she was feeling were quiet readable.
“I guess you hate me now more than ever?” She asked in a real quiet, and shaky voice while trying to advert her gaze to the ground but Hiei made it impossible for her to do so. “No, I don't hate you Kagome...” For one he actually used her name, and it brought a smile to her face, but it soon died away as she listened to the rest of what he had to say. Hiei looked to be contemplating what he was going to tell her, this was it he figured he best he tell her how he felt and just get it out of the way. “I never hated you to begin with, though you were extremely annoying, smart mouthed, and arrogant.” Hie said with a slight smirk, he had intended to at least get her a bit riled up while he talked to her. “Not like you were much better.” She mumbled scowling at him for a moment as he smirked down at her. She remembered the numerous spats they had, though he never really hurt her except for a few bruises and scratches. “Never said I was it's just how I am...I don't plan on changing either.” Was his only reply which was stated in a pretty gruff voice. “Who said anything about changing you? Not like I want to or could.” She pointed out noting this was the first real conversation she ever had with Hiei, and it was rather enjoyable. Hiei looked about ready to say something about Kagome telling him she couldn't change him in truth she already had, but he decided not to instead he said. “Hurry up and finish packing, I want to be out of here early tomorrow morning so I can get some of my own things.”
Kagome sighed and shook her head well it looked like their conversation was short lived, she watched him move to sit on the other side of her bed again while she got back to packing. Soon Kagome stopped to close her now over stuffed back pack, with some effort it was done. Then she slowly walked to her dresser opened the top draw, and popped the bottom out of the door to reveal a secret compartment which she pulled a box out of. She went over to her desk sat down in a chair she placed the little box on the desk's surface staring at it intently.
Hiei walked up behind Kagome quietly looking at the box wondering what was in it. Soon the smell of salt water assaulted his noes, he wondered where it was coming from but it didn't take him long to figure it out as he saw Kagome's figure slightly slumped over shaking a little. Although he couldn't see her face since her back was turned to him he knew she crying, or at least close to tears. Hiei wasn't sure what to do, what was in the box that was making upsetting Kagome so much? Leaning down a little he wrapped his arms around her shoulders since he really couldn't do much to comfort her while she was in the chair, and had her back facing him.
“I-I forgot to tell you guys some thing.” She said choking on her words a bit, while reaching her hands towards the box. “What was that?” Hiei asked in a soft voice he rarely ever used, and it was very unlike him. Kagome opened the box with a shaky hand to show a pink jewel on a silver chain. “The jewel didn't disappear it only became dormant...” She stopped for a moment, she never thought she would have to look at the jewel again. “It is waiting for it's new guardian to clam it, it is also waiting for it's sister and brother. The jewel of hope, faith, light, ect. and The jewel of sorrow, chaos, discord etc. Pretty much one is `good' the other is `bad' you could say.” Kagome looked to be thinking for a moment.
“How do you know the jewel hasn't lost it's power completely? I mean I don't feel any energy radiating off it at all.” Hiei said not sure what to think of what she was telling him. “I know it's only laying dormant, because once in a while it's power will flare.” She said picking the jewel up out of the box, and holding it in her hand. There was a brief glow as a little power surge came from th jewel. “See? It's just waiting that's all..” She trailed off looking a great troubled. “Tell me how you know it's `waiting'?” Hiei asked.
“Midoriko told me, I left that part out . She said the two jewels were created much the same way as this one, except the sister jewel was made from two holy people and the other from demons. They wanted to make sure the power was balanced out, so each jewel holds some power over the other two. Midoriko said that the jewel of four souls would awaken for a short amount of time after it came in contact with it's new guardian, then it would go back to laying dormant till it's brother ans sister appear. I believe Tenmei is the new guardian, and Naraku knows it. I think he wants to use the jewel for the short time it awakens, he will probably search for the other two as well.” Kagome looked at the desk sadly, she wished the jewel would just go away.
Hie almost couldn't believe what he was hearing, a tear finally slipped down Kagome's face quickly followed by another, though not even a whimper escaped her throat as she cried. “I'm sure everything will be fine don't worry, all we have to do is tell Koenma and be extra careful.” Hiei let go of her, as she stood from her chair, placing th jewel back in the box. Kagome then turned to Hie and hugged him not letting go almost as if he was a life line. Hiei wasn't completely sure why Kagome was crying, though all he wanted was for her was to stop he hated when she cried. He wrapped his left arm around her lower back , and rubbed her back comfortingly with his free hand. He swore she had more mood swings than anyone else he knew. Hiei moved away from Kagome for a moment, and quickly lifted her into his arms bridal style. With some quick maneuvering he was sitting back on the bed Kagome in his lap cradled close to him. This would be the second time he was comforting her it really was messing up his image, but for once he actually didn't care about what his image was suppose to be.
After a good while of Kagome crying, she finally stopped then slowly pulled away from Hiei. He probably though she was such a baby again. It was like ever since this all started to happen she could never keep her emotions in check, no mater how hard she tried. “I'm sorry, and thank you. You can leave now if you want.” She said quietly trying to fully crawl out of Hiei's lap but found he wouldn't let her free. “I can't leave Koenma sent me hear to protect you, so that's what I'm going to do.” Kagome knew that was as close as she would get to an `I'm stay, and your welcome' out of Hiei. She resigned to leaning back against him, and listening to his heart beat as time ticked away slowly. Before long Kagome felt he eye lids grow heavy as she fell asleep, the last word that left her lips were. “I love you Hiei...really I do..” Hiei looked at the sleeping demoness, maybe she was the one he could finally trust. “I love you too..” He said so quietly it was almost inaudible .
*+*+*+*+*With Kurama And Botan *+*+*+*+*
Botan sat in a chair watching Kurama pack, there was a very disgruntled look on her face. Botan didn't want Kurama to go on this mission, and he knew that. She was afraid he might get killed, she knew for a fact that Naraku was much stronger than any of the other demons they had faced in any other mission, heck the monster was made up out of god knows how many other demons. Kurama looked at Botan for a moment he could tell how upset she was, and how worried but he decided to not say any thing so the uneasy silence that had started continued.
Botan had, had enough she couldn't keep quiet to much longer. “Do you have to go?” Was the question that escaped her lips, Kurama turned to her briefly thinking about her question. “Yes .” He stated calmly as if it were nothing, what he was some what trying to pull off now was what he liked to call a “Hiei maneuver”. He was trying to keep his answers short and simple, because he already knew Botan had some type of speech cooked up as to why he shouldn't go and to tell the truth he didn't want to hear it this time.
Botan sighed a bit pushing herself from the chair, she already knew that Kurama didn't want her to tell him the reasons he shouldn't go after Naraku, but at the same time she knew it was his job and he didn't really have much of a choice in the matter. “Alright just please be careful.” She said in a defeated tone. Usually she would have gone ahead and told him why he should stay he would brush it off saying he would be fine, but this time she just didn't feel like it.
“I promise I will, I'm sure that this is just some set up Naraku has planned so he can see our fighting capability nothing more.” He again stated watching Botan intently as she walked around the room looking at some of the plants. She stopped in front of a vine plant on the floor she hadn't seen before. The silver plant vines were climbing up the leg of a table it was near by, the petals of the flower were black, while the center was a deep red color, the leaves were also the same deep red color. Botan squatted down, and reached out a hand to touch one of the leaves but soon found her wrist lightly clutched in Kurama's hand as he pulled her hand away before it could touch the plant.
“Don't touch it.” He commanded looking at her, while they both stood back up. “Why? What plant is that?” Botan asked curiously, “It's a very poisonous plant.” he said simply. “What's it's name? I haven't ever seen one of these in Makai.” She replied still looking at the plant, then she turned to Kurama waiting for him to tell her about the plant like he always did. “It's because it's not listed yet, I actually created it by mistake believe it or not.” He said giving a thoughtful smile, Botan also smiled a little as the tension in the room seemed to dissipate. A yawn the escaped from Botan, she looked at the clock on the night stand it read 12: 17. She couldn't believe how late it was she had to leave. “Well I'll see you tomorrow Kurama I have to go.” She said opening the door to his room, and walking out to the front door Kurama following.
Botan wondered why he hadn't said anything yet, she turned around and was about to say good night but instead found her lips locked with Kurama's. She gasped a little in surprise she hadn't been expecting him to kiss her, and he took that chance to deepen the kiss once again exploring her mouth. She shyly in return explored his mouth back. Soon it became an all out war till they had to brake apart for air but only for a second, then Kurama kissed Botan again as she wrapped her arms around his neck lightly while his arms found there way around her waist pulling her closer. This kiss unlike the first one that was just loving, this one was hungry though it was still genuinely loving. Kurama trailed little kisses from he mouth following he jaw line down her neck where he stopped at the junction between her neck and shoulder fro a moment before kissing back up her neck to reclaim her lips. Botan's let out a little moan her legs becoming a bit wobbly, in the back of her mind she knew she needed to stop this some how she still had some work to do before the night was over Although at the moment she didn't care, all she could think about now was the feeling of Kurama's hand as it started to slowly make it's way under her shirt, lazily traveling over her skin. All of a sudden a high pitched beeping noise went off making the two jump apart quickly.
It took a minute for Botan to realize where the noise was coming from, it happened to be her pocket. She pulled out a communicator, and saw Koenma's face on he screen. “Botan I need you to get over here quickly we are having some problems.” The tiny ruler said. “Yes sir I'll be right there.” She replied blushing a bit. A few more words were exchanged between the toddler, and grim reappear before she finally but the communicator away. Kurama had watched Botan talk to Koenma, his beautiful green eyes has flecks of gold in them though it faded away pretty quickly.
“Well ah... I have to um.. go.” Botan choked out, Kurama gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and let her leave. Kurama went back to his room, now fighting with youko who was desperately trying to get out. After a while he got ready for bed and fell asleep.
Ok well I'll try to get the next chapter out soon, I need you all to tell me weather you want a lemon between Botan and Kurama or not? I can write the next chapter with or with out, it doesn't really matter. There will be a lemon between Kagome, and Hiei some time in the near future not exactly sure when but there will be one. But that's pretty much it. Remember read and review!
Kuro Out