Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Many Conflicts ❯ A Cure? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 4. " A Cure? "

" Ka-Kagome......What happened to you.......?" Yusuke could barely talk, Inu Yasha kept drooling, not sure, is it because of her beauty, or the sudden change?
Kagome slowly walked out of the lake, " I-I,.....I don't know,...but,... this....all happened in my dream a few days ago....."
" A,..few days ago.....? " Kurama repeated
" Yeah,...this is exactly what happened....." Kagome answered
Kuwabara opened his mouth, trying to say something, but no words came out, he pointed behind them, " uh, uh, uh, uh,...... ..."
" Well, what the hell is it? spit it out....." Hiei curious of what the baka was saying
" L-l-look behind you....." Kuwabara finally said.
They all turned around, the lake was glowing and an object began to arise, " Ummm........you guys,....is it suppose to glow like that?...." Kuwabara said, still pointing to the object.
The object appears to be a woman, in a cloak, the hood covered her face, so they didn't know who it was...
" Kagome......" she called out, " You changed...."
" I'll say she's changed! What the fuck did you do to her?! " Inu Yasha yelled at the woman
" She's complete, I've waited so many years for you Kagome......the destined one is here..." the woman spoke in riddles
" Nani? what do you mean?..." Kagome asked
" What the hell are you talking about?! " Yusuke yelled
" I shall explain......Kagome is chosen to carry on our previous master's powers, we chose her because her heart is pure, and she won't abuse the power... we kept an eye on you since the day you've been reincarnated...from Kikyo..." the woman explained
" But! but! I don't want the powers! I don't want to become a demon! change me back! pick on someone else! Why me?! " Kagome whinned
" Your just the right person......" the woman replied
" No! no I'm not! " Kagome shouted, " I want to turn back! I refuse this! this! whatever I've become! " Kagome rejected
" I'm sorry,....I can't change anything about it.........." The woman responded
Kagome fell on her knees and began to cry, Inu Yasha watched her fall apart, this sight made him angry
" Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr..........Shut up! there is a cure! tell us before I start tearing you limb from limb! " Inu Yasha gritted his teeth
" mmmm..........There,.....is one .....but it's past impossible to retrive it......." The woman said
" Tell us, tell us now...." Hiei began to heat up
" Where is it?! " Inu Yasha demanded
" It is at the peak of the Ugarau mountain you have to retrive to bottle of antidote there, but I warn you, there is a spell-"
" I don't care about the stupid magic mojo or whatever the hell you call it! Kagome! we'll change you back! " Inu Yasha promised.

******************************************************** *******

" KKKAAAAGGGOOOMMMEEE!!!!!! " Sango yelled, searching for her lost friend, " I can't believe that she could do something that stupid! "
" She knows how dangerous it could get at night! " Miroku yelled behind Sango, riding on Kirara
Shippou began to cry, " No,....Kagome.....don't leave us....."
" Hush,...Shippou..... we WILL find her...." Sango notified him.

************************************************************* **

When they all reached the Ugarau mountain's peak there was the bottle with liquid in it....
" Doesn't look dangerous to me...." Kuwabara said peering around
" Feh! I knew that bitch was bluffing! " Inu Yasha walked towards the bottle, but suddenly stopped halfway.
" Inu Yasha? What's wrong? " Kurama asked
Inu Yasha just stood there, " What's the matter dog boy?! Can't do a man's job? " Yusuke said, even after the insult, Inu Yasha did not move.
" Whatever, I'll go get it........." Yusuke started towards the bottle too, but stop just like Inu Yasha did.
" What now.....? " Hiei crossed his arms
Hiei was about to get up, but Kurama stopped him, " No Hiei,...... I think something's wrong..." Kurama studied the two frozen bodies, but they suddenly moved, both turned around slowly. When Kagome saw them, it wasn't them......
Inu Yasha had red eyes, purple strips aross his face, and his Fangs and Claws got sharper. Yusuke grew long hair, with red pupils, and black tatoos on his chest, arms, and face.
" Inu Yasha is full demon.......but that's impossible, his Tetsusaiga isn't lost,... or broken....." Kagome mentioned, " and Yusuke.... he's different..."
" Yusuke is a demon,... part demon....." Hiei told her
" They,.....don't look too happy......" Kuwabara took a step back
" So that woman spoke the truth....." Kagome thought aloud
" The spell must have turn demons evil, into their true form..." Kurama guessed, " I think you're the only one who can reach it.......Kagome...."
" But.............. are you sure I won't turn into,..........nevermind! " Kagome took over her cowardly side, and replaced it with courage.
" We'll hold them off as long as we can," Kurama took a rose out from his hair, and jumped out of the way when Yusuke almost struck him, " Hurry Kagome! "
" Okay! okay! I'm going! " Kagome took one step after the other, her eyes squeezed tightly shut, * Okay Kagome,... you can do this.....please don't turn me into an evil demon, please don't turn me into an evil demon, please don't turn me into an evil demon, ....* The phrase repeated in her mind, but before she knew it, something cold smacked into her head,
" OW! " Kagome rubbed head and took an unbalanced step backwards, she snapped open her eyes, " Huh? I got through already? Oh right! the bottle, " She looked to her right and grabbed to antidote, " I got it! " But when she turned to Kurama, all she could see was Inu Yasha aiming for her, " Ahhhh! ", but she felt nothing strike her, Kagome felt someone's arms wrapped around her waist, flying through the sky.She opened her eyes to look at the one who snatched her in the nick of time...
"..............*GASP*..............you!.....but why? why did you save me?........" Kagome was surprised who her saviour was,
" I did not wish to save you, I just wish to help, and get on with my fight....."


" Oh well that's nice! Geez that makes me feel SO much better! thanks for say'n it! "Kagome crossed her arms
They both landed gracfuly on the ground, " What are you waiting for Kagome! drink it! " Kuwabara pressured
Kagome opened the bottle lid, a sudden pungent odor surrounded the air, " EW! I'm supposed to drink that?! " Kagome rejected, as she covered her mouth and nose with her kimono sleeve.
Sesshomaru became weak on knees, he had no choice but to drop, and kneel on the ground, as he coughed. Hiei dropped his sword with a clank, dropped too, Kurama followed right after Hiei. Yusuke and Inu Yasha, on the ground, their arms and legs supporting their body weight. All was coughing, except for Kuwabara and Kagome, " Hey? What's wrong with you guys? " Kuwabara, unknown of the stench around him,
" Ugh! I have to drink it! The awful smell must be affecting ONLY the other demons and make them weak........... so,... here goes...." Kagome held her nose and drank, slowly,.......each gulp was hard to swallow down, Kagome felt like barfing.
* Come on Kagome! Where's that girl power! drink!.....but it taste so horrible.....I think I'm gonna vomite........NO! just drink!,...for the sake of Inu Yasha, and the others.......come on.....only halfway....* She argued with herself, Kagome stopped drinking to take a deep breath. But the bottle knocked out of her hand mysteriously, " NO!" Kagome yelped
It was Inu Yasha, of course, he was half demon, and half human, he could still stand, but not very still.
Once the bottle shattered, the liquid, half drunk, turned into vapor, and disappeared.
" Oh no..........now,...Inu Yasha, Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke, and Sesshomaru will get killed,......because of me, I could of just drank the whole darn thing! And now I'll stay like a demon forever! " Her hands flew to her face as tears of shame shot out of her eyes.
" Wha..........What happened..." Kagome felt her face, then looked down at her hands,....... " I'm... human again........ then that means....."
"ooohhhhhh................." Hiei groaned recovering his strength
" Yes! It worked! " Kagome shouted for joy
" What,... the fuck...just happened..." Inu Yasha asked clulessly
" We did it!" Kagome didn't inform them what had just happened
" We did? "
" We did it! "
" Did what? "
" I'm human again! And your all okay....." Kagome blushed and hugged Inu Yasha without even thinking.
" Uh?! I uh....Kagome! What are you doing........." Inu Yasha stared at her strangly
" A human woman..... how embarassing........ you have father's bad taste Inu Yasha...." Sesshomaru scoffed
Inu Yasha gritted his teeth, " SHE! AIN'T MY WOMAN! " He bickered back, pushing Kagome off of him, Kurama caught her, she looked at Inu Yasha in anger, but when her eye's met Kurama's jaded eyes, she blushed, and smiled bashfuly
Inu Yasha stared at to two, sweatdropping, his left eyebrow twitching,
" Humph,......don't tell me Kurama, the bandit,....... is interested in humans too......" Hiei grinned
" Ah....! What's that supposed to mean?! " Inu Yasha Demanded from Hiei.

************************************************************ ***

They all settled down, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippou caught up with her. Shippou wailed in relief that he didn't lose Kagome, Kurama and Sesshomaru finished their fight, but it ended up as a tie, anyways.........they just continued their search for more jewel shards,

Everyone made camp and sat around the campfire, Kagome was staring a Kurama the whole time, * ~sigh~,,......Kurama is so kind, and gentel, ....If only Inu Yasha was more like him....*
Inu Yasha looked suspisiously at the both of them, his eyes darted left and right, he was sweating consantly. Kurama noticed Kagome looking at him, he grinned back, Kagome blushed and put on a nervous smile.
" Why are you looking at him like that! stop looking at him! " Inu Yasha finally broke
Kagome was embarassed, " INU YASHA!!! SIT! "

They're on the road again................
but came upon a fimilar face.

* ~pant, pant~... no! not them again!...* The demon thought as he started running away from them,
" Hey! ...It's him! " Miroku pointed with his staff
Inu Yasha growled and chased after the demon, " Get your scaly hide back here! ", Inu Yasha jump and landed on top of the demon, standing on top of his back.
" Stop it! why can't you leave me alone! What do you want from me!? " the demon moaned
Hiei appeared suddenly in front of the demon, the demon looked up, " *GASP* you! " it shreiked
" Hn."
" Alright lizard-demon thingy........Where did you get that Shikon shard?! " Yusuke gripped his kimono, trying to shake it out of him.
" Why should I tell you anyway! " the lizard demon protested
" Because,......it's for your own good..........you don't want to get hurt......AGAIN......do you? " Hiei let the threat last longer than expected.
" Hmmm.................fine,...... I,.....I got the shard from........the evil white monkey........." the demon whispered
" What? " Shippou cupped his ears to listen carefully.
" You know.........the furry one........" the lizard whispered again.
" Look,..Ninh is it?, " Yusuke asked, Ninh nodded, " stop telling us all this shit,.....get to the point.." Yusuke tried to ask nicely, if you call it nicely......
" Who the fuck is it?! " Inu Yasha, the, not-so-nice-one, yelled
" IT'S NARAKU DAMN IT! " after his last word, something shot him from behind, and the lizard turned into dust.
" What the...." Yusuke stared at his hands filled with ashes, the demon was obliterated
10 pairs of eyes looked up into the sky.
" Is,....that the furry one? " Kuwabara questioned
Everyone looked behind them at Kuwabara, sweatdropping, mocking his stupidity with their eyes. Then turned back to Naraku, " Naraku.........." Kagome mumbled through gritted teeth
" That was the evil dude you were talking about right? " Yusuke spoke to Inu Yasha, his eyes still glued to the baboon in the sky.
" I~nu....Yasha........." Naraku said his name with a melody, " I see you've brought a couple humans with you.......what good will that do you?......more to worry about......"
" So your Naraku, he doesn't look so tough to me......" Yusuke commented
"........This,....from a human............indeed you don't know how fragile you are,...boy....." Naraku faced to Yusuke
" The name's Yusuke Urameshi, and I'm here to kick your ass monkey boy! " Yusuke fired a powerful rei gun blast to Naraku, it blew him up.
" HA! " Yusuke shouted in victory, at least he thinks...
" DAMN IT! " Inu Yasha balled his fists
" I can't believe it! please don't tell that's the same guy you couldn't beat, it was a piece of cake! " Yusuke bragged
" No you fuck'n idiot! it wasn't him! he probably used one of his puppets again....you wasted your energy..." Inu Yasha cut Yusuke's victory celebration short.

*********************************************************** ****

A small smile plastered on Naraku's face, he was sitting, controling his puppets, " Hmmmm............this Yusuke boy......he's no ordinary boy............."
"What are you mumbling to yourself this time Naraku....." Karuga used her father's name
" Kagura,...... dwell on your own pleasures, I'm planning........."
" Hm.....as you wish Naraku........ " Kagura didn't aruge with him because she knew that look on his face, but smiled anyway...

******************************************************** *******

Inu Yasha crawled on the ground like a dog, sniffing for any clues, Inu Yasha kept crawling forward and was thrown back at a certain spot, " What the hell was that?! "