Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Missions of the Heart ❯ The Shadow Of Memories ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Missions of the Heart:
Chapter Ten: The Shadow Of Memories
Hiei unsheathed his sword; his muscles were tensing as well. The presence just kept growing stronger as the darkness grew thicker. `What the hell is going on?'
Kurama held his rose whip, having drawn it as soon as he noticed the danger creeping on them. He gazed thoughtfully at Kagome; she had to be powerful to be able to sense it before all they could. This realization brought him to another question, how was she the way she was?
Yusuke was peering around annoyed. How could he protect anyone if he couldn't see? There was no way night could be as dark as it was now. Nervously he stepped close to Kagome, worried that he would lose her as the darkness around them increased. It seemed he wasn't the only one who thought this, for Kurama, Hiei and Kuwabara did exactly the same thing.
Kagome blinked at them in slight surprise as they surrounded her, almost like they were afraid the darkness would swallow her whole. Not that she would admit she was slightly scared she would be separated from them, alone and helpless, trying to rely on her own eyes.
For some reason, this darkness made her terrified. It felt so familiar, yet she couldn't place her finger on what it was. Her eyes glanced to her side; the jewel was still glowing, almost like it was trying to battle the night away. An idea popped into her head, and she focused her miko powers into her hands.
Whatever the darkness was, it appeared to not like her miko powers. As soon as the two orbs of energy were created in her palms a maddening screech resounded around them and the darkness faded away from them. Intrigued she charged more energy into the orbs, causing them to grow more powerful and brighter. The result was the same; a hissing noise of displeasure resounded and the darkness faded.
The three boys stared at her, curious for they had never seen her use her powers before. Hiei simply glanced at her from the corner of his eye, having seen the display of energy through different means. At this thought he looked to his hands, still they were red looking from his previous encounter with pure energy. `I guess miko wounds take longer to heal.' He summed up, not bothering to think to deeply into it at such a time.
The darkness started to screech its displeasure, the noise causing all ears to hurt. Kagome winced and the moment her concentration wavered the darkness attacked. The group was suddenly thrown away from each other, separated and alone with not even their eyes to rely on.
Kagome grinded her teeth together as she slowly rose from the ground. Damn, she had to be the one to land on the hard paved sidewalk wouldn't she? Quickly she searched around for the others, and fear gripped her when she realized she was alone. Alone; with nothing but a small dagger to aid her.
Spreading her senses she tried to track her teammates. She gasped surprised when the darkness smothered her attempt by using the energy as a pathway into her mind. Instantly she was plummeted into the darkest of her memories. `No…' she whimpered mentally as images flashed before her. Why did she have to have such bad memories?
Gritting her teeth she tried to force the presence out. The more she willed it away the stronger it seemed to grow, as if it were feeding on her despair. So many horrid images flashed before her mind, and soon she let herself be consumed by them.
The jewel on her side continued to glow, its bright pink mystified light tried to battle the darkness away. Yet without the help of its host it too began to fade…
………………………&# 8230;….
Yoru's ears perked up. `No…' Kagome's whimpering voice sounded through his mind. Growling he quickly transformed, scaring Shippo and Mrs. Higurashi out of their minds. If only he could communicate with them, but sadly his connections only stretched to Kagome.
Giving them a look he hoped they would interpret as `Kagome's in danger stay here I'm going to rescue her.' Or something along the lines, he crashed through the door and took off to the sky.
Gone were his worries of being discovered or making sure no damage was done to the Higurashi property. Right now his only concern was with Kagome, and the fact that she desperately needed him.
Already he could feel her despair; see the memories she was being forced to relieve by some strange presence. If only he was closer he could help her battle the intruder, for they were strongest when together. `I'm coming Kagome.' He hoped that through her turmoil she received the message.
………………………&# 8230;..
Yusuke cursed, how the hell could something like darkness do that? He hadn't even seen anyone, or sensed anything coming at them! Quickly he looked around to see if he could locate the others. Like suspected the darkness was too thick to see anything within an inch of him.
Desperate, he spread out his senses to try and track the others through the blanket of black. He was surprised when an evil presence suddenly attached itself to his energy, traveling it like a walkway into his opened mind. Before he could close the connection the strange creature entered and by-passed his defenses.
Instantly horrid memories of his past plagued him and he shuttered, clutching his head. With a frustrated shout he tried forcing the presence out, but the memories over-came him. Clouded with despair he was left with no will to fight, succumbing to the power the strange creature had on his mind.
………………………&# 8230;…….
Kurama back flipped in the air, landing hard on his feet. He let his knees bend slightly to take most of the impact as his forest green eyes scanned his new surroundings. Nothing, that's what it seemed like. It looked like he was standing in a black hole, only emptiness around him.
`Do not search for your friend's presences, it will do us both no good.' Yoko stated in his mind, he seemed very edgy. Not bothering to reply Kurama slowly walked forward, careful as he treaded deeper into blackness.
If he could only find at least one of his friends, that would assure him he hadn't actually been transported into some far away place. With all he had seen it was indeed possible, but perhaps he was getting a little ahead of himself. Yoko only mentally rolled his eyes, for a logical guy, Kurama sometimes came up with the stupidest explanations.
“Fox.” Hiei's voice surprised him and he turned around seeing the fire-ice demon standing there, a small flame in the palm of his hand.
Mentally Kurama sweat dropped, despite their situation he couldn't help but think that if it weren't for the flame he would only be able to see Hiei's face. The thought freaked him out slightly, a floating face with red eyes glaring at him…Quickly he shook his head, he had to get focused.
Hiei only raised his eyebrow but did not question further. He turned and started walking away. Taking his silent meaning Kurama followed, wondering if Hiei even knew where they were going.
After a while of silence he finally spoke, “The ningens have gotten themselves into trouble. There minds have been attacked and over-powered.” The information startled Kurama, “What can we do to help them?” silence followed his question, and after a while he wondered if he was ever going to get an answer.
Finally, after what seemed like forever Hiei replied, “Nothing.”
Kurama looked at him confused, “Nothing?” he questioned unable to accept that nothing could be done to save his friends. Hiei gave him a sharp glare, “We cannot do anything, I however, am perfectly capable of helping the stupid ningens.”
Before another comment could be made a faint pink glow caught their attention. Hiei smirked while Kurama smiled. They had found Kagome.
Quickly the two made their way over to her. She was curled into a small ball, shuttering. Kurama placed a gentle hand on her, trying to help quell whatever it was that was causing her fear. Hiei simply stood there, looking slightly disappointed.
After a few minutes Kurama turned to Hiei with a raised eyebrow, “Well, are you just going to stand there?” he got no response. With closer inspection Kurama noticed his eyes were closed. Apparently he was already trying to help.
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Hiei looked around, `So this is the ningens mind.' He stated, slightly amazed. Her mind was different then most, which made things more difficult. Protective barriers were everywhere, all made completely of miko energy. Again his eyes shifted to his hands before he started to wonder in her mind.
His orbs narrowed as small patches of darkness covered certain parts of her brain; apparently it was trying to take over. He continued further, trying to find the source, for only at the source could he free her.
Surprisingly, it didn't take him long. It wasn't hidden anywhere special, just on her memory bank. He looked at the giant black mass with disgust as he approached it slowly, expecting a trap. He was greeted with nothing.
Shrugging he didn't question his good fortune. Instead he drew out his sword and sliced the dark blob. It was then that he realized his mistake.
A hole opened widely, causing it to become almost like a vacuum. With a yell he tried to withstand it, unable to grab onto anything in fear of damaging Kagome's brain. Gritting his teeth he was sucked inside and darkness consumed him.
………………………&# 8230;…..
A man laughed, “Ah Kagome, you were always such a fool.” A sinister smile crept over his face, “As long as I'm here, your life will be a hellish prison.”
A small child quivered in a corner. Her raven tresses hung in a messy heap that covered her face from view, “Go away.” She whispered before tensing, as if expecting to be attacked.
The man frowned at her, “I see, your spirit had been strong since youth.” He growled angrily, “Damn you!” his hand raised and the young girl's eyes widened.
A cry echoed throughout the small home.
She cried sorrowfully, tears flowing freely down her slightly tanned face. Turning her head slightly she faced the monster before her, the man that only knew hate for her. As she took a deep shuttering breath she winced and fell to her side, clutching her stomach. She curled into a small ball, crying in a heap on the floor.
The man smiled, “That's better.” His voice was chillingly cold, but nothing beat how horrid his eyes looked. At time she swore they appeared red.
“Having spirit will only taint it with hate. Following your heart will only lead you into sorrow.” He watched her for a moment, and then he kicked her hard in the side, “Having courage will only get you and your loved ones killed.” He smiled when she quivered, her uncontrollable sobs wracking her small frame, “Believing in yourself will only make others look down upon you.”
The small girl shuttered and hugged herself tightly trying to push his words and her pain out. She shook her head, “No!” she cried. This only caused the man to smile further.
Chuckling he bent down to her level and genteelly caressed her face. She pulled away instantly, like venom had struck her. A glare absorbed his face and he slapped her, “Trust will only lead you to betrayal!” he yelled standing up and giving her another good kick.
Growling he turned, “Telling people your problems will only cause them grief.” His anger died away to be replaced with a smirk, “If there is anything that I can teach you it is these lessons.” Laughing he walked away from her small beaten form…
………………………&# 8230;..
She watched as her mother only stood there perfectly still. `Why isn't she moving?' tears began to flow down her face as she banged on the window, pleading her mother to move.
Yet she remained where she was, the gun pointed at her heart.
Kagome looked at her brother frantically, “Stay here!” she told him sternly as the younger boy cried sadly.
Quickly she ran down the stairs, not bothering to put her shoes on. She opened the door, the rain instantly hitting her skin as the wind howled at her and pulled on her hair. Her footsteps made small splashes in the cold night air; time itself seemed to slow down around her.
She leaped into the air at her mother, her mother unable to do anything but catch her. Tears trailed down her face as she clutched to the only person she was able to trust. The man she had come to despise pulled the trigger, shocked at her sudden appearance. The bullet flew through the air and entered her back, embedding itself in her soft skin.
Her mother cried loudly, clutching onto her tightly as her world began to fade into darkness. With swarming vision she smiled, her hand lifting slowly as she wiped away a tear from her mother's cheek, “I wont let him hurt you mama…” she whispered, the sound of the rain fading.
The last thing she remembered before darkness claimed her was her mother's tears and her brother crying in the window.
………………………&# 8230;…………
Hiei pulled himself out of her mind, panting heavenly. Kurama looked at him with a questioning stare, one which he ignored. Angered he closed his eyes again and concentrated. This time he wouldn't fall for the bastard's tricks.
Carefully he wandered over to her mind, making sure that the strange creatures didn't grab onto his energy thread and enter his own mind. Once contact was made he began to search, cautiously creeping about.
With anger Hiei noted that the darkness had spread drastically in her mind, which only caused his footsteps to hurry. He had no idea what kind of impact the darkness could have on her mind if it wasn't stopped soon.
In what seemed like no time he came face to face with the source again. Carefully he placed a hand on it, not wanting to get sucked into her memories like before. Instead of slicing, he aloud a flame to erupt from his palm. Perhaps he could burn it?
The result was not the desired one. The black mass moaned in outrage, the fire seemingly having no effect on other then causing the mass to grow angry. Aggravated, he backed away, trying to think of a different means to destroy the beast.
None came to mind.
“Dammit.” He murmured, sitting down as he glared at the blob of his problems. He had to think of something.
………………………&# 8230;………….
Yoru glared at the huge black mass below him. Obviously he had found the right place. He winced slightly as another sharp mental jab from Kagome pounded through his mind. `I know Kagome, I am coming' he assured her, but he had lost hope that his voice could reach her anymore.
Without a second thought he soared down into the black abyss. Once he made contact with the ground he began searching about. Knowing his senses would be nothing but a hindrance and a risk, he sniffed the air before coughing. Apparently the darkness posses some sort of strange miasma.
Growling in frustration the neko charged up its energy, using the light it produced to battle the smothering smog. His blue colored eyes glanced around, searching. Another shot of remorse assaulted his senses and he shook his head trying to rid it away.
Desperation now filled the young neko's eyes as he frantically wondered around totally lost and unable to find his charge. He let out a small-enraged cry as more sorrow and pain filled him. He knew that Kagome could not hold the darkness for much longer.
Finally he saw it; a small faint pink glow. With a fanged smile he ran over to it, ignoring the two demons that were there. He laid beside his mistress, his icy-blue eyes worried as he gave her a small lick. Then, before a word could be spoken to him, his eyes shut and his body went limp.
Kurama only blinked, and blinked, and blinked again. He was utterly shocked at what happened. I mean come on; out of nowhere in total darkness where he couldn't sense anything Kagome's giant neko appears and lays down beside her then just passes out? Odd…`Perhaps the neko has come to help Kagome fight the darkness clouding her mind. I do sense a psychic link between them, it is much like our own.' Now why hadn't he come to that conclusion, it was the most obvious one after all.
He smiled to himself, if only he could be there to see Hiei's reaction when the neko showed up. Ah, Kodak moments! Quickly however, his face sobered up and his eyes grew sullen as he gazed at the three creatures before him. `I hope…they are alright…'
………………………&# 8230;…………..
“Souta, don't come out ok?” Kagome looked at her youngest brother with a small sad smile. She waited for him to nod meekly before closing the closet doors, “Remember, cover your ears.”
Turning away from him, she too put her hands over her ears, trying to drown out the constant yelling she heard downstairs. `Will they ever quite?' she questioned to herself, concern echoing in her honey orbs as the shouts grew louder and more intense.
The whole house was dark, except for a faint light glowing downstairs. Slowly she made her way towards the edge of the stairs, peeking a small head out just enough to see. Her mother's back met her eyes, and she saw her shaking from pent up emotion.
“They are fucking brats! Especially that bitch that sleeps next to our room!” a male voice shouted, and Kagome cringed at his words.
Her mother gasped, “How dare you say something like that!” she stepped out of her line of vision, her voice fiercer then ever before, “Kagome is the only person in this family that cares!”
A slap echoed throughout the house.
“Don't ever talk to me like that.” Her father's voice was an eerie calm.
A whimper was heard followed by an annoyed huff, “Your pathetic you know that. You both are, the way you try to protect each other, like I'm some kind of monster.” His voice grew quieter, “I try you know, I really do. I try to support this whole damn family, and look what I get in return.
The whimpers grew into sobs.
Footsteps were heard, and her father came into her line of vision. He leaned his hands against the countertop, a sigh escaping his lips as he glanced back at her mother, “I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel like your all against me, especially Kagome. For gods sake, I feel like my own daughter spies on me.” He let out a miserable laugh.
The sobbing continued.
Her father rolled his eyes, “Will you quit that horrid noise, it makes you look weak.” He stated with a disgusted sneer, and once again he walked out of her line of vision.
“I'm not weak you bastard.”
“Don't ever call me such things!” no longer were his words soft and mournful, but scorning and burning with rage. Kagome closed her eyes and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to flow down her cheeks.
“I will speak however I please in my own house!” they were back to shouting again.
Her father growled in rage, “You fucking bitch don't yell at me!”
“Stop calling me names you asshole!”
Kagome quickly covered her ears again, trying to stop the assailment of words to flowing through her mind.
Her mother's voice sounded broken, “Just stop!” she continued, breaking into sobs again, “Please just stop!”
“That's right, go and cry for the hundredth time you wench.” Her father shouted, once again appearing in her line of vision. He threw his hands into the air in frustration, “Go commit suicide while you at it to, like you tried to yesterday at the bridge!”
Kagome couldn't hold the audible gasp that passed her lips. She felt betrayed, abandoned even. How could her mother even THINK of attempting such a thing? How could she want too abandoned BOTH her and Souta?
Her breaths grew short as she tried to hold the assailment of tears at bay. Her vision was blurry; the lump in her throat was suffocating. She couldn't hold it down; she couldn't keep the tears at bay.
Her father turned in her direction. His eyes grew wide, but whether it was from rage or surprise she didn't stay to find out. Already she was up off the ground, her hair twirling in a black mess behind her as she bolted for the closet Souta was in.
Surprised Souta looked at her, his young innocent eyes staring at her in question. Still sobbing uncontrollably, she picked him up and held him tightly against her, as if snuggling with a favorite stuffed animal.
Not bothering to close the close door she turned and headed to her room. After safely inside she slammed the door and locked it.
She blinked, that voice sounded familiar. But that couldn't be right, her father and mother were downstairs yelling, and Souta was right here in her arms.
“Kagome, snap out of it!”
She looked around her room frightened, it sounded like it was coming from every direction.
“Kagome!” the voice shouted, and suddenly she knew where she had heard it. She looked down at her brother, then to her locked door. Tears still shimmering she whispered, “Yoru, please get me out of this hell.”
………………………&# 8230;….
Yoru smiled a victorious smile while Hiei only glared at him. Ignoring the fire apparition, he continued the onslaught against the giant black blob in her mind. Apparently his connection to the trapped Kagome inside was weakening its hold on her. Already it was withering away.
“I'm trying to Kagome, but I need you to attack it from inside your memories. You have to figure out what it wants you to do.” He told her gently, knowing the despair she was feeling.
A foggy voice called back to him, “I'll try.” He frowned; apparently it was hard for her to establish firm communication with him still.
………………………&# 8230;………………….
She looked at the now slumbering Souta, a smile tugging at her lips. Gently she set him down and stood, concentrating. Could it be possible to use her own miko energy in here?
Inwardly she doubted that, after all, look at her, she was eight! `Damn.' already her present day mind was making itself known. Perhaps there was still a chance then? Maybe, if it worked, she could use her miko powers and destroy the whole memory? It was possible; her miko powers were the ones who had fought the darkness off before…
She fisted her hands, her eyes closing as she concentrated. Disappointment greeted her when nothing happened. With an aggravated yell she slammed her fist against the wall, now what?
Suddenly realization occurred to her, and her head slowly turned to her closed door. She wasn't meant to use her miko powers to fight the invisible foe. All her memories had been about the despair one person had caused during her youth.
Her father.
She cringed, how on the seventh level of hell was she supposed to kill him. The one person she still couldn't face today without trembling hands? Even though this was nothing more then a memory she was able to manipulate, it still felt VERY real.
“Oh god help me.” She pleaded, reaching under her pillow. She stood frozen for a moment, her hand remaining perfectly still. With a shuttering breath she pulled her hand out from the pillow, revealing a knife.
Not long after she had been shot by accident by her father, had she snuck a sharp chief knife into her room from the kitchen. It made her feel safe, knowing that if worst came to worst she at least had a chance at protection.
Still shuttering she started to slowly walk towards the door. She stopped just in front of it, her hand resting on the smooth golden handle. Her eyes glanced back over to her brother, still fast asleep and oblivious to the world at his young age. She sent him a sad smile and then turned to the door again.
She opened and walked into the hall.
Instantly the once slightly smothered shouts assaulted her ears. She took a deep calming breath before continuing on. `I can do this.' She repeated over and over in her mind, the story of the small steam engine coming to thought.
It wasn't long before she reached the stairs.
Gradually she climbed down them slowly, the hand holding the blade turning white. Her arm began to shake slightly, anticipation and nervousness creeping into her system. `Oh god, I can't!' she screamed inside her head, yet her feet would not stop moving.
Soon she came to the door of the kitchen, an audible gasp stopping the assailment of words as her shadowed figure emerged from the darkness. Her mother blinked at her in surprise, her father stood completely still in shock.
The knife glittered innocently in the piercing light.
“Kagome…?” her mother's questioning voice rang somewhere in her mind, yet she paid it no heed. Her eyes were glued to the demon before her, the one she knew she had to kill.
Slowly she walked towards him, her arm shaking more aggressively.
He raised a small eyebrow at her, “You can't be serious.” A smirk played upon his horrid lips, “You can't actually think YOU, of all people, can kill me with that meager knife?” his eyes grew taunting.
Kagome didn't listen to him; instead her eyes grew an eerie black as she approached him. Her handle on the blade tightened and her arm finally stopped its horrid shaking. Making one swift eye contact with her victim, she lunged.
He gasped in surprise, before a scream tore from his throat.
Her mother was wailing, screaming her name, pleading her to stop. Yet once she started hacking away at him she couldn't contain herself. Pent up rage from old wounds leaked out of her into the object in her hand. Slowly it seeped with every stab she took, with every drop of blood.
She looked like the very monster she despised.
Finally, unable to take it anymore, her mother picked her up off of him, throwing her to the side. Quickly she knelt before her father, tears seeping from her eyes as she stared helplessly at his dismembered body.
Kagome sat on the floor, hollow eyes staring straight ahead in shock. The knife slipped from her grasp useless, blood smearing onto the floor as it slid slightly away. She blinked, yet the hollow feeling still remained, clinging to her, numbing her, from the treachery she had just committed.
Slowly she raised her hands, staring blankly as the blood slid down the lines imbedded in her palm. It seeped from her fingertips, dripping eerily to the floor. `I did it…' she thought, before her eyes glanced over to her mother, sobbing feebly be her father's side, `But at what cost?'
The scene began to fade, and panic rose inside her. Crying she looked to her hands, watching in horror as darkness began to eat away at them.
………………………&# 8230;……..
Her eyes popped open, and she looked around.
Yoru gave a happy growl in greeting while Kurama held an extended hand to her. Hiei simply stared at her with a slight glare, as if in deep thought about things. Inwardly she groaned, she had a feeling she was going to find out what those thoughts were in the near future.
Taking Kurama's hand she rose wobbly to her feet. She smiled thankfully at him before dusting herself off, “I thought I was a goner there for a moment, thanks guys!” a cheerful smile plastered on her lips and Hiei glared at her. She ignored him in favor of looking around.
Frowning, she looked at Kurama, “Where are the others?”
………………………&# 8230;…………..
That's another chapter, so long!