Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ what's her name? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Heh, this is my first fic so please be gentle! *gives puppy eyes*




*Note: Hiei shares an apartment with Kurama




Ch. 2-


Jumping gracefully into his room, Hiei gently set the girl down on his bed. `Why did I save her?' he mentally asked himself. `And who was this "inuyasha" guy she whispered before she collapsed?' Shaking his head, he attempted to rid those thoughts out of his head. `She's just a baka ningin onna.' He quickly scanned the apartment. Kurama wasn't home. That's when he noticed a red light blinking. Walking to the `answering machine' he once heard kurama call it, he pressed a button.


"You have 1 Message"




"Hey Hiei" a familiar voice started "I just wanted to tell you I'll be staying at Yusuke's for tonight. It doesn't look like it will stop raining tonight. I'll be home tomorrow. So I'll see you later. Bye."




Hiei exhaled loudly. It was a good thing his roommate wasn't coming home. He wouldn't know how to explain why he has a wet ningin onna in his room. Turning around, he silently walked back to his room.


Taking his cloak off the girl, he thought about what he should do next. Remembering how humans were vulnerable to the cold, he began removing her wet clothing. After taking off her sweatshirt, he finally got a good look at her body.


His eyes moved up and down her body, drinking in her curves. The girl had a perfect hourglass figure. She had fairly large breasts, big hips, and nice shapely legs. Hiei berated himself for thinking such thoughts. `She's just a ningin' he kept telling himself. His eyes moved to her face. `Hn. Pretty…' again he banished those thoughts. There was no way he would find a ningin attractive! Focusing back on the girl, his crimson stare stopped at her lips. They were full and pink. How he wanted to see if they were really as soft as they looked.


Blinking, a sudden thought had came to him. What was her name? Unwrapping his bandana from his head, he used his jagan to look inside her head. Picking a recent memory he saw a girl with long hair tied at the end with a bow. "Kagome!" she yelled out. He pulled out of her head. `Kagome. It suits her.' Satisfying his curiosity, he put his bandana back on, and took off her shirt and pants. That left her only in her bra and underwear. Deciding that all wet clothes should go, he took those off too.


Gathering all the wet clothes, he hung them in the bathroom to dry. When he came back, Kagome had changed positions. She rolled over to her side, facing him, with her arm and leg covering her private parts. Her hand was brought up to her mouth, lightly touching her lips. Some of her hair poured down her shoulder, her bangs slightly in her face. The rest of her hair pooled on the bed, touching her back. Her skin glowed as the moonlight that had escaped through the clouds, hit her body.


She looked like a goddess.


So innocent looking, yet with a small devious attitude. She looked as if she was showing you all of herself, yet being discreet at the same time. All in all, she looked perfect in Hiei's eyes.


Pulling clothes out of his drawer, he sat down on the bed next to her. He cupped her face and lightly stroked his thumb over her bottom lip. Noticing how cold her skin was, he proceeded to dress her. Gently scooping her up, he had her upper body resting on his chest. He gazed down at her face once more. Her features were so angelic. Quickly putting on the over sized t-shirt, he grabbed the baggy sweatpants next.


When she was fully clothed, he removed the covers of his bed and tucked her in. For the next few minutes, Hiei sat there silently watching her breathe.


He didn't know what compelled him to do it, but he climbed into bed with her. Wrapping his arms around her petite waist, he brought her closer to him. She was a stranger, yet he felt so calm around her. He had no idea why.


Sensing warmth, Kagome snuggled against Hiei's hard chest. Nuzzling his neck, she sighed contently, and fell into a deeper sleep.


Her touch sent shivers down his spine. He was very intrigued by this girl. Burying his nose in her hair, he inhaled deeply. She smelled like rain and cherry blossoms. His own scent of pine and wood was now mixed in. Feeling strangly at peace, Hiei allowed his eyes to close. He fell into a pleasant sleep as the soft taps of rain drops against his window, and the wonderful smell of Kagome lulled him to sleep.