Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Letting go of the past ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*Disclamier: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho


Yo ho ho! Iz me again. This chapter is gunna have some inuyasha and kagome fluff. Personally I hate inuyasha.. but I'll be nice to him. There are gunna be a flashback in here to explain everything. I hope.


Mistic UV- if you read the summary, it said they did defeat Naraku (Which I wrote about in this chapter..)


Ice_princess_1185- I really dunnoe about the lemons.. I was planning to do some here and there.. (they are teenagers *snickers*) but I'm kinda bad at them… so if you wanna help out.. just say so ^_-










~*Kagome's Dream*~


Kagome was sitting against the God tree in the feudal era. It was midday, and the forest was peaceful and quiet. A twig snapped behind her and she quickly turned to the noise. She covered her mouth and gasped at who it was. "Inuyasha."


There, standing right in front of her, was the man she loved. His silver hair glittering in the sunlight. His piercing golden eyes poured into her deep blue ones. And who could forget his cute triangular doggy ears on top of his head.


He gave her a soft smile. Walking up to Kagome, he pulled her into an embrace.


Tears formed in her eyes, she quickly closed them and let them fall down her face. She clutched at his hatori and sobbed.


"Kagome" Inuyasha murmured softly while softly rubbing her back.


"I've missed you Inuyasha," she said into his clothes.


He hugged her tighter. Raising a clawed hand, he wiped her tears away. "I've missed you too kagome."


"Are you real?" she whispered softly.


"No. I'm still dead. I just got a chance to talk to you in your dreams."


She looked up from his chest, and looked him straight in the eye. "So you're never coming back?" she asked, her eyes getting glossy again.


"No, I can't. I'm sorry I left you kagome, but you need to move on. Don't waste your time dwelling on me."


Kagome gave him a questioning look.


Inuyasha blushed. "What? Can't I say something nice without getting questioned?!"


She giggled. "No, because it's you."


He `feh'ed and turned around.


She reached up to rub his doggy ears. A purr came from his chest during her actions. She laughed, while inuyasha pouted.


"I'm sorry! I couldn't resist!" she said while still laughing. "Besides, this is going to be the last time I ever get to touch them" she added in a sadder note.


He frowned. "Aw come on kagome! I wanted this nice little visit to be a happy one!"


She smiled at him. A sudden thought occurred to her. "Did you re-unite with kikyo?" she asked with her head bowed down.


Inuyasha was a little surprised. He didn't think she would ask about kikyo. "Yes" he replied "she forgave me and got a new soul."


Kagome stiffened a little bit. She faced inuyasha and asked "are you happy?"


He smiled at her. "Yes, but I still miss the whole gang of course."


"I-we all wish for your happiness" `Even if it's not with me…' she added sadly in her head.


"Thanks kagome. It means a lot coming from you." He pulled her into another hug. "Ya know kagome, I'll always love you…"


She closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. "Me too inuyasha." `more then you'll ever know.'


Suddenly, Kikyo appeared between some trees. "Let's go inuyasha," she said in a gentle voice. "It's time to go." Locking eyes with kagome's, she smiled. Instead of it being empty, it was filled with warmth and tenderness.


Pulling kagome into the last embrace either will get from each other, he hugged her tight. He pulled away and walked towards kikyo. "Good-bye kagome." He said giving her a tooth grin. He looked at kikyo and gave her a hug. She hugged him back. You could see the love they had for one another. A white light slowly engulfed the lovers. When the light disappeared, they were gone.


Kagome stared sadly at the spot inuyasha and kikyo disappeared. "Go kagome… live your life to it's fullest… for I'll always be watching over you." Inuyasha's voice echoing throughout the forest.


Tears rolled down her face. `At least I got to see him one last time…' Wiping away her tears, she sat back down against a tree and let the sun's rays warm her up. `Deep down I knew his heart belonged to kikyo. I was 500 years too late.' She mused to herself. `But I'm happy they finally got to be together.'

~*End dream*~


-Hiei's P.O.V.-

He was sleeping peacefully until he smelt salt. Opening his eyes, he saw kagome was crying. He purred softly in an attempt to comfort her. He was satisfied when she stopped. But when she tears started to roll down her face again, he got curious. Opening his jagan eye, he peered into her head.


What he saw shocked him. She was hugging a guy with silver hair, and dog-ears on top. "Inuyasha…" he heard her say. `So this is who inuyasha is.'


He continued to silently listen to their conversation.

"I've missed you Inuyasha," she said while hugging him.


He lifted a clawed hand; he wiped her tears away. "I've missed you too kagome."


"Are you real?" she whispered softly.


"No. I'm still dead. I just got a chance to talk to you in your dreams."


Hiei's eye brow rose. `He died?' When he saw Inuyasha pull kagome back into his arms, he felt a pang in his chest. `What the..? I can't be.. no I can't be jealous?'


Deciding to quickly rid of these emotions, he left her dreams. He thought about what he just saw. `Were they lovers?' he asked himself. `she already has someone else… wait. Why do I care?' Snorting he faced the window. It was now morning, and the rain had finally stopped. The sun peaked through the window, onto the bed.


As kagome shuffled in the bed, he heard her breathing quicken. He knew she was going to wake up soon, and for some reason, he didn't want her to see him. Not just yet anyways.


He swiftly jumped out the window, and perched on a branch. From his view, he could still see inside the room, but was hidden by the leaves.


-Normal P.O.V.-

Moaning, kagome slowly opened her eyes. After seeing the bright sunlight, she quickly closed them. Rolling over, she shielded her eyes from the sun. `What happened..?' looking around for the first time. She realized she had no idea where she was. Looking down at the clothes she was wearing she blushed. `I hope whoever changed me was a girl'. Sitting up on the bed, she put her head in her hands. The previous night came rushing to her. `I was in a park… and when I got up to go home, everything went dark.'


"So someone must have brought me here…" she thought out loud. Shrugging her shoulders she climbed out of bed and walked around the room. She peeked out of the door way to the rest of the apartment. "Ano, is anyone there?" she asked in a timid voice. Silence greeted her, and it freaked her out. "Who would leave a stranger in their house alone? For all they know I could have stolen their stuff, not that I would…" she mumbled to herself.


Outside, Hiei was highly amused at how the girl talked to herself. Of course he even understood what she was muttering about.


Deciding to look for her clothes, Kagome started exploring the rest of the apartment. "If I were clothes.. Where would I be?" she pondered with a finger on her chin. After moments of silence…"I GOT IT! IN THE BATHROOM!"


Going back into the room she woke up in, she walked into the bathroom and found her clothes. Bring them down from where they were laying, she frowned. "Hm, still a little wet. Oh well, it won't hurt." Just to reassure herself, she closed the door to change.


When she was done changing, she looked in the mirror. "ACK! BED HEAD HAIR!" Looking around, she found a brush. (I forgot to mention… Kurama and hiei share a bathroom… sorry! ><) Satisfied with how she looked she cleaned the brush she used, and put it back where she found it.


Walking out of the bathroom, she folded the clothes she slept in and put them on the bed. Looking at the clock, she read the time. `Hm, so it's 10:55 a.m….' "10:55?!" she screamed. Rushing around the apartment she looked for a pen and a piece of paper. `Oh no! Sango is going to kill me! I gotta go! Gotta go!' "WHERE IS A DAMN PEN?!" Looking around the kitchen, she found a whiteboard. She quickly scribbled a note down. Grabbing her shoes (which were in hiei's room….) she opened the door to the apartment and ran down stairs. Looking around, she realized she was only a few blocks away from her house.


Hiei had fallen asleep while kagome was getting dressed. He abruptly woke up when she started screaming. He watched as she scrambled around the apartment. Spotting the white board, he saw her frantically writing something down. When she left the apartment, he jumped back in and read her message. It said:

Thank you for whoever brought me out of the rain yesterday. I'm sorry I couldn't stick around to meet you. If you ever need anything, please contact the Higarashi Shrine at ***-****. Once again thank you very much!


-Kagome Higirashi


Putting on his cloak (hey.. it's cold outside) he jumped back out the window and decided to follow kagome.


-Kagome's P.O.V.-

I sighed to my self. Sango was going to be real mad at me. Maybe Shippo too. She thought back to the events that led to Sango, miroku, and shippo ending up in her time.



Sesshomaru and Koga had joined the fight against Naraku. Koga fought against Kagura, Sesshomaru against Kanna, Miroku, Sango, and Kirara against the demon army Naraku sent out, and Inuyasha and Kagome against Naraku.


Both Koga and Kagura sported numerous wounds from each other. Kagura used her wind blades, while koga used his speed to dodge them.


"WIND BLADES!" she yelled as she flung her fan towards koga. Moving quickly he managed to dodge most of them, but one hit him dead on.


Kagura smirked as she thought she had killed him. She was too late when koga jumped out of the dust behind her, and punched a hole through her chest. Her eyes widened as he pulled his fist from her body. Falling from her feather, she hid the ground hard. Through half opened eyes she whispered "thank you" till her body went limp. She was finally free from Naraku's grasp.


Kanna had tried to collect Sesshomaru's soul into her mirror. He froze, feeling his soul slowly leaking towards the mirror. With all his will power he broke free.


Pulling out Tokijin, Sesshomaru shot a blast of energy towards the albino girl. Using her mirror, she absorbed the attack, and shot it right back at him. He swiftly sidestepped it, and attacked again. Running faster then the eye can see, Sesshomaru swiftly sliced Kanna's mirror in half. He then sliced off her head.


"She wasn't even a worthy opponent" he stated in monotone. He then made his way towards Naraku, killing any demon stupid enough to get in his path.


Miroku was doing pretty good. He couldn't use his kazanaa because of Naraku's insects. He used sutra's and his staff to kill demons. Kirara clawed and bit any demon that came close to her.


Glancing at Sango, he saw a demon coming at her. Just as it was about to bring its claws down Miroku jumped in front of her, taking the attack. Turning around Sango just realized what had happened.


"Miroku!" she cried as she saw his wound. He had long gashes on his back that were bleeding heavily. Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked at the fallen monk. "I'm sorry!" she sobbed. Smiling he wiped her tears away. "I'll be fine, just go kill Naraku..," he said before he fainted from the blood loss. Moving him so he was out of the way, Sango went back on to the battlefield.


Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a sickle (is that was his weapon is?) coming at her. Pulling her katana from its sheath, she blocked the attack. She gasped at who her attacker was. "Kohaku."


His eyes emotionless, he pulled his weapon back to him. Running straight towards her, he went in for another attack. Sango pulled out her boomerang, and reflected the attack. Her eyes looked sorrowfully at her brother. `I can't let this go on any longer. Don't worry brother, I will free you from Naraku.'


Rushing forward, she threw her boomerang. "Hiraikotsu!" (sp?) Kohaku dodged the attack, as the boomerang hit the ground. Tackling her brother, Sango threw his sickle from him and pinned him to the ground. She looked into her brother's eyes; they were devoid of any emotions. `This isn't my brother anymore' she thought to herself. Flipping him over, so his back was to her, she pulled out the jewel shards from his back.


His brown eyes sparkled as he was lifted from his spell. "Thank you sis.." he murmured before his eyes stayed permanently closed. Sango sobbed as she saw her brother die again.


"Ku ku ku you cannot defeat me!" yelled a man in a baboon pelt. "Shut up! Kaze no Kizu!" Inuyasha yelled. Dust and dirt rose from the attack, hiding their sworn enemy. "This is simple child's play" came a voice. A tentacle shot out from the debris and hit inuyasha square in the chest. "Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed.


His eyes widened as the tentacle was withdrawn. Coughing a bit, he used the Tetsaiga for support. He got back into attacking position with a snarl. "You will pay for what you did 50 years ago!" and with that he rushed towards Naraku, attempting to slice his head off.


Naraku dodged easily and sent another tentacle through Inuyasha's body. "NOOO!" kagome screamed as Inuyasha's body went limp. Stringing a bow, she aimed it towards Naraku's heard. "Ku ku ku! You think you can beat me?" Her eyes narrowed. "Yeah, just watch." Her anger helped bring out her miko powers. Her whole body glowed pink as she focused a large amount of energy into her arrow. Her eyes snapped open as she let the arrow fly through the air.


It met its target with a hissing sound. The purification powers in her arrow melted away his skin. He growled as he pulled the arrow out. Smirking, he looked at the reincarnation of Kikyo. "It looks like you weren't powerful enough."


Suddenly, a blast came out of no where, hitting Naraku square in the chest. Kagome quickly turned around and saw Sesshomaru standing there with an emotionless mask. "It's time you filthy hanyou died," he said as he attacked once again.


Out of the shadows, Kikyo appeared. "Hello incarnate." She said with a cold voice. "Alone you cannot defeat him. I've decided to help you out."


Kagome looked at her strangely. Kikyo sighed. "I too want revenge on him for what he's done in the past. So I will give you the rest of your soul."


With that said, Kikyo concentrated her hands over her heart. She extracted a soul from her body. It instantly flew towards kagome, and entered her. Her eyes widened. `I feel.. whole again.' She smiled at Kikyo. "Thank you."


Kikyo just nodded disappeared back into the shadows.


Deciding to try again, Kagome strung another arrow and aimed it once again. `This time I won't fail' gathering even more energy then before, she was surrounded by light blue energy. When she opened her eyes, they were pure white. "THIS IS FOR INUYASHA!" she screamed as she released the arrow.


Naraku's eyes widened as the arrow purified him. He quickly disintegrated into ash. All that was left was the shikon jewel. On wobbly legs, Kagome walked over to the shards and purified them. Koga walked up to her and gave her the jewel shards from his legs. Smiling she fused them all together with the ones she had. Opening her palm, she saw the completed pink jewel. Turning around to face everyone she smiled. "We've finally done it. We finally defeated Naraku!"


When Miroku woke up, they checked his kazanaa just to be on the safe side. Sure enough, there was no hole! Sango hugged Miroku, while he had a lecherous smile on his face. We all know what that led to.


Shippo came out of his hiding spot from the battle and helped take care of everyone's wounds.


Koga had gone back to his pack with a few scratches. His mind on Ayame, his future mate.


Sesshomaru had gone back to his lands with a polite bow. He gave the Kagome the Tetsaiga. "I have no need for it anymore. I'm sure my brother would have wanted you to keep it." And with that he disappeared into the forest.


Everyone had helped dig a grave for inuyasha. They buried him by the god tree. That's where everything started and ended. With tears in her eyes, Kagome said her final good-byes to her beloved hanyou.


She couldn't bear to lose the rest of her little family, so she decided to ask Sango, miroku, and shippo if they wanted to go live in her time.


"Are you sure it's okay Kagome?" Sango asked.


She nodded. "I know I'm being selfish, but I couldn't bear to live without you guys."


Shippo happily jumped into her arms. "I wanna go live with you Kagome! You're like a mother to me." Kagome softly patted his head. "And you're like a son to me."


Looking at Sango and Miroku, she awaited their answers.


"My answer is yes. I would like to see what the future is like." Miroku said thoughtfully.


"I can't leave you alone with the perverted monk, so I'll go too."


Tears welled up in her eyes. "THIS IS SO GREAT!" she yelled as she gathered everyone in a group hug. Too bad someone's wandering hand had to ruin everything. "HENTAI!" BAM!


Saying their good-byes to Kaede, they all reached the well. "Okay, everyone hold on to a part of me. That does not include my ass, miroku." He smiled innocently. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Rolling her eyes, she waited till everyone was connected to her. "Here we go!"

~End Flashback~


Mom had been so happy she finally got to meet everyone. She absolutely loves shippo's tail too. She was perfectly fine with everyone moving in. Sango and Shippo shared a room with Kagome, and Miroku go the extra room.


They have lived in the future for over a few months now, and have gotten the hand of most technical devices. `Plus I taught them the basics of everything they need to know to at least fit in, and not gawk at everything.'


She clutched the necklace with the jewel on it. She sighed heavily, not once noticing a certain fire apparition following her.


-Hiei's P.O.V.-

Hiei, who saw Kagome start spacing out while she was walking, saw everything. He recognized Inuyasha and Kikyo from her dream.


His eyes widened as he realized parts of the flashback. `The shikon jewel? Why does she have it?' He looked at her innocent face. `I'll find out soon enough' he thought with a smirk.



Yes! I finally finished it. I hate battle scenes, and as you can see, I suck at them too! Erlack, I really dunnoe where this story is gunna go. I guess that's what happens when you don't plan your storys out! HA HA HA! Thanks for the support and don't be too hard on the reviews!