Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Meeting the hero ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ano… First things first… Shadowed- I had no idea there was a fanfic similar to mine. I know you weren't trying to be a snitch, so thank you for looking out for fellow authors out there! ^_-

Second.. Kirei_kitty- I don't blame you. I'm sorry if our fics were really similar! YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DELETE IT!

-ScentOfLavander~ I was thinking of hooking up kurama with sango, and maybe boton with miroku. Does that sound ok? o_O








Ch. 4


When kagome had gotten home, a furious Sango was there to meet her. She started lecturing her on how worried she was, and what could have happened to her. Thankfully, Miroku's wandering hands saved her from the verbal abuse. Taking her chance to escape, she quickly ran up the stairs to her room.


They had added another mattress in her room for Sango (lets just say kagome's room is big enough for to beds, and has enough space to walk around okay?). Her `son' was sleeping contently on her bed.


She walked over quietly and laid down next to him. He instinctively curled towards the warmth. She quietly stroked his hair, and gazed at him lovingly. She then opened the covers to her bed and tucked him and herself in. They both slept peacefully.


Outside, Hiei envied the child in Kagome's arms. He never had a mother to love and care for him. He scowled. He didn't need anyone. `Emotions just get in the way' He growled to himself. The shikon jewel was his interest, not the girl and her silly involvement with kits.


But he still couldn't help the feeling the attraction towards her. Sighing wistfully, he silently jumped into her room.


He kneeled by her bed, and stroked her hair. `Its weird how this normal looking ningen has an involvement with the shikon jewel' He thought to himself.


-Kagome's P.O.V.-

Kagome, sensing another person's presence, opened her eyes slowly. She came face to face with beautiful red eyes. She blinked sleepily. She lifted an arm and stroked the person's cheek softly with the back of her index finger.


Her guest just blinked. She giggled to herself. Hiei didn't know what came ove him, but he stole a quick kiss from her. Somewhat taken back, she just stared at him owlishly. `This is a dream right?' she gave him an Eskimo kiss. The owner of the red eyes bent over her, and nuzzled her neck. She purred softly.


When his gaze as on her face, she cupped his face, and pulled him into yet another kiss. His lips and skin were soft and silky. She grinned lazily.


Without another word, her mysterious captivator left through her window.


`Just like inuyasha…'




-Hiei's P.O.V.-

He had no idea what compelled him to do so, but he kissed her back. He even nuzzled her neck! `I can't believe I kissed a ningen..' his mind went silent. `Though I wanted to kiss her before…CURSES!' Running quickly to his apartment as a black blur to the world, he berated himself for his foolishness.


-Kagome's P.O.V.-

Even if this guy wasn't real, she felt strangely attracted to him during her dream. Heck if she met him in real life she'd pounce on him and kiss him senseless. She touched her lips softly. "It felt so real…" she whispered softly.


Shippo opened a sleepy eye. "Kagome?"


She grinned. "It's okay shippo go back to sleep. I'm just talking to myself."


He eyed her before sniffing her. "You smell funny. Like another demon."


Kagome's eyes widened. "Don't worry about it."


Nodding, he curled himself up even more, and went back to sleep.


She looked outside her window. The sun was going to set soon.


Carefully getting off the bed. She got up and took a shower. When she came out, she put on a red tank with a black jacket over it. She put on loose baggy black pants, and went downstairs.


Sango glared at Kagome as she came down the stairs. "Are you going somewhere?"


Kagome winced at the tone of her voice. "Well you see, last night someone took care of me when I collapsed in the rain, so now I'm going to go get them a thank you present."


"You collapsed?! Are you still sick?"

Kagome hit herself in the head. Great, she got Sango worried. She gave Sango a lop-sided grin. "I'm fine. I took my temperature earlier, and it says I'm normal" she lied.


Sango eyed her. She looked okay… "Just be back in time for dinner alright?"


`Yes, VICTORY!' "Alright! I'll see you later!" and with a wave of the hand, she ran out the door.



`So a demon saved me? I thought there weren't any demons in this time. Well, besides Shippo.' Walking down the many steps of the shrine she thought to herself, `Well what am I going to buy?'


Looking around, she spotted a flower shop down the street. `I know! I'll get a bouquet!'


After choosing out an assortment of flowers, she bought the bouquet and a vase, and headed back to the apartment she woke up in.


By the time she got there, the sun was setting. She rang the doorbell and waited. There were no sounds of footsteps. She tried again. DING-DONG! Nothing.


Sighing, she put the flowers on outside the door and scribbled another `thank you' on the card.


Pulling her coat tighter around her body, she made her way back to the shrine.



-Hiei's P.O.V.-

When hiei had gotten home, kurama wasn't there. `Probably helping his mother…' he thought to himself.


He was a bit tired. Deciding a little rest wouldn't hurt him he took a short nap.


Right as he was drifting off to sleep, the door bell rang. DING-DONG! He put the pillow on his head to block out the sound. DING-DONG! Growling, he got up from the bed, and went to see who was at the door.


Looking out the peep-hole he was surprised to see Kagome leaving a bouquet of flowers on the doorstep. When she left, he went back into his room and put his cloak back on and decided to follow her home.


-Normal P.O.V.-

And indeed it was a good thing Hiei followed her. Just as Kagome was walking through a park, some thugs jumped her.


"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out so late in the dark?" one of them asked, a smirk on his chubby face.


"Ah, well you see, I was just about to…." And with that she ran as fast as she could.




So, now she had 4 big, ugly brutes chasing after her. Just her luck.


One had managed to catch up to her, and tackled her down. She retaliated by kicking him in the nuts. She quickly got up and got into a fighting stance.


She was doing pretty well by herself, Hiei observed. She had managed to break one thug's jaw, punch another unconscious, and knock the air out of another. But she never saw the leader come up from behind her, and pull her into a bear hug. She stomped on his toe, but he didn't let go. She then used her head to hit his jaw, hard. He eventually got enough of her abuse, and threw her roughly to the ground.


Still recovering from the cold, Kagome didn't have much energy. The leader smiled, showing his yellow teeth. "Well girly, behave and I won't have to be so rough on yo-" and the next thing she knew, he was on the ground.


Flustered from all the events that just happened, she looked around. Hiei jumped in front of her, his katana in his hand.


Seeing no blood on his sword, Kagome relaxed. `Must have used the handle…'


He walked over and gave her a hand. She accepted it and stood up, only to fall back down. Her ankle hurt. She must have sprained it. `Great. Just great.'


Seeing she couldn't walk, Hiei picked her up bridal style. Gasping she looked at her hero. Her eyes widened. `NO WAY! It's the guy from my dream!' Hiei watched as her face displayed many emotions. He chuckled softly, she was so easy to read. Her face drained of color. `HE WAS MY FIRST KISS!' Grabbing his cloak, she began furiously shaking him. "NYA! Why were you in my room? Who are you? YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS!" Panting, she stopped shaking him.


Hiei glared at her. "Baka onna. You should be grateful I saved you." She blushed. `Ano, he is right. He did save me…' Pouting, she looked up at him. "I'm sorry." He gave her a small smile, but it was hidden underneath the cloak.


She gazed into his eyes. "So who are you anyways?"




She pouted again. "I thought you were a dream, but I guess not." She blew some bangs from her face. "Fine, if you won't tell me your name, I'll just call you… SPIKE! Hee hee.. cuz of your extremely spiky hair!" She stroked his head as a reference.


Hiei just raised an eyebrow. Tightening his arms around her, he sped off towards the Higurashi shrine.


Kagome was having the time of her life. Even if she was strangling him with her death grip on his neck.


Thunder clapped in the sky. A little after that, it began to pour. `I always manage to find her in the rain' Hiei thought to himself.


Jumping up the Goshingoku, he jumped through her window, and into her room. They were soaked thorough their clothes, and looked like wet dogs.


Kagome's hair stuck to her face, and her clothes clung to her body. Hiei's hair had fallen into his eyes (cuz it's pretty long if you look at pics of him..) and his cloak looked heavy from all the water.


"Go to the bathroom so we don't ruin the carpet please."


In an instant they were in the bathroom. When Kagome looked saw hiei, she had to put a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing out. "I.. love… your hair.. spike!" she then burst out laughing, clutching her sides. She wiped away the tears that came from laughing to hard.


Then, remembering their current situation, started taking off her wet clothes. She took off her jacket and pants, and hung them over the shower-head. Turning around, she met hiei's heated stare. She blushed and hit him over the head.


He growled. "Don't hit me" he said in a deadly voice. She shivered but held her ground.


"Then stop looking at me like that! And I suggest you take your wet clothes off too!" She then noticed the height difference. She was slightly taller then him.


Shrugging she left the bathroom to go change, while she left hiei to take off his own clothes.


Grabbing a pair of sweats (I call them swooshy-pants hee hee) she threw them at hiei and closed the door. "You can wear those for now. I'm trying to find a shirt that would actually fit you."


Growling, he took the sweatpants off his head. Taking his cloak off, he squeezed the water out. Next he took off his sweat pants and shoes. Putting on the sweatpants, he realized they fit him almost perfectly. He looked in the mirror. Not much he could do with his hair.


Opening the door, he saw she now had on a overly large t-shirt and short-shorts that you could barely see. She looked at him. "Well, I can't seem to find a shirt, unless you want this one."





Rolling her eys, she walked over to him. Grabbing his hand, she pushed him lightly on to the bed. "Sit and stay." He growled once again. No onna was going to boss him around.


His thoughts dispersed when he felt a towel on his head. Kneeling on the bed behind him, Kagome started rubbing his hair down with a towel.


From behind, she was observing him. He had nice tan skin, with a muscular back. She noticed his buff arms, and strong hands. `Wow… so sexy…ME-OW!'


Hiei smirked at her thoughts.


He was caught off guard when his head was jerked back. Kagome's face hovered over his, as she analyzed his face. She pushed it back up gently and continued drying his hair. "Sorry, just had to see what your face looked like." She hugged his neck. "After all, I've only seen your eyes when we met the first time."


She had no idea why she was hugging this strange, nameless, youkai. She just felt so comfortable around him. It was scary, yet thrilling.


Putting her cheek against his bare back, she breathed in his scent. `Hm, he smells familiar…' Thinking back to the day she collapsed in the rain and what shippo said, it kind of made sense. "Ano, are you the one that saved me at the park?"


He nodded. Hiei felt so comfortable with her clinging to him. He got chills down his spine when kagome continued. Moving the towel she put her mouth close to his ears and whispered, "that makes you my hero twice, Spike."


Twisting his body quickly, he pinned her to her bed, with him straddling her. She looked up at him with wide eyes.


`Wow, he really is handsome. Even his face is muscualar. Ah.. he has a strong jaw too. Yah! THOSE PECKS! He's got a really great bod…'


She took a quick scan of his body once more. `I'm glad everyone went out to eat…'


Hiei's ego swelled at all her complements. `Alone huh?' With an evil smile, his mind supplied him all of the things he could do. It's a good thing she doesn't know he could read minds.


Grabbing one of Kagome's hands, he let her feel around his chest. Blushing prettily, she turned her head away. He smirked at her reaction. Seeing his smirk, she fumed. `Ooh! That cocky smirk!" She grinned mischeviously. `Two can play this game.'





Wellies.. heehee.. I had fun with that chapter.. ho hum! YARG! HOW AM I GOING TO ADD IN KURAMA AND THE REST OF THE YU YU GANG?!

-Reviews are really appreciated ^_-