Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Nightly visits ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclamier: I do not own Yu yu hakusho or Inuyasha

Heh, there's gunna be a little bit of action goin' on, but not a lot. Heck, they haven't even known each other for what more then a day?! Plus I'm not so good at lemons. Anyways, enjoy the story!






Flipping him over so she was on top, she gave him a sexy smirk. "So you wanna play, aye?" She put his hands above his head, and interlocked their fingers. While kissing around his jaw, she started to grind against him.


He hardened and moaned at her actions, as she continued the torture. She started sucking and nibbling on his ear lobe. Moving to the neck, she nipped and sucked it till it left marks. She smiled victoriously at him. "I left my mark on you."


Bending back down, she lighty nibbled on his bottom lip before kissing him passionately. Hiei slipped his tongue in her mouth, and returned the kiss with as much passion, if not more.


They fought for dominance in each other's mouths. Kagome broke the kiss, panting hard. She had a faint pink tint on her cheeks, but a big grin too. "Anyone tell you you're a good kisser?" Bending back down, she started licking his chest.


Hiei, thinking he'd had enough of being submissive, changed their positions back to the way they were before. He grinded against her as payback from earlier. Moaning she wrapped her legs around his waist, as he continued to rock against her. Sliding his hands up her shirt, he felt around her thin, flat, stomach. Leaning down towards her ear, he whispered in a husky voice, "we have no use for clothes in this game."


Her eyes widened. One, because he spoken more words then had the whole time they had talked and two, because he ripped off her shirt with a claw.


The next thing she knew, Kagome felt the cold air hit her bare chest. Hiei's red eyes glowed in the dark. She felt shivers run down her spine when she saw him look at her with lust in his eyes.


Throwing the now useless t-shirt to the floor, he gazed at her for a moment. He liked how she looked beneath him. `It should be like this more often' He thought to himself.


Reaching down, he licked her already harden nipple. Looking at her face, he saw her eyes closed in ecstasy. Smirking, he continued the treatment. With the other hand, he caressed the other breast. He rolled the nipple between his forefinger and thumb.


She arched her back and gasped, and pushed his head closer to her breast, wanting more. Hiei complied hungrily. He lightly brought his fangs over the sensitive skin.


He loved the noises she made, and the way her arousal spiked when he touched her.


Her fingers ran through his silky locks as he lavished her breasts with pleasure. Her hands ran over his bandana, causing it to fall off.


Looking up, she found a lavender eye staring at her.


She blinked.


It blinked.


She blinked twice.


It blinked twice.


Stopping his administrations, he saw kagome staring at his forehead. Seeing the bandana lying around her neck made things click in his head.


He waited for her reaction. She slowly reached up a hand and… poked it.


Immediately sitting up, he rubbed his third eye, trying to soothe the pain.


Getting up with him, she sat on his lap and hugged him, while rubbing circles on his back. She laughed into his shoulder. "I'm- haha -so sorry- heh heh -I -heehee -couldn't resist!" and continued laughing.


Hiei was confused and mildly surprised. He didn't think she would react this way to the jagan. He had expected her to be scared of it and run away from him. Not poke it and laugh.


Letting go of his forehead, he paid attention to the girl laughing in his lap. Wrapping his arms around her small body, he waited until her laughter subsided.


Finally calming down, she wiped away the tears she had shed from laughing too hard. Looking up at his third eye, she saw it was still a little red in the corners. Hugging him tighter she murmured into his neck, "I'm sorry."


He didn't say anything. His face emotionless, but he ran his hands through her hair affectionately. After a few moments of comfortable silence, kagome snuck a look at him through the corner of her eye.


Still talking into his neck she asked, "… so… what is it?"


"A jagan eye."


Confused she stared into his eyes, and tilted her head. Sighing he continued. "It's an implant which allows me to read people's minds."


"Hm." Gasping, she suddenly blushed and buried her face back into the crook of his neck. `YAH! HE WAS PROBABLY READING MY MIND WHEN I WAS CHECKING HIM OUT!'


Still blushing, she looked at him with a pouty lip. "That's not fair."


He smirked. Kissing her neck, he pulled on the chain of her necklace till he held the shikon jewel. It was strange. He didn't feel any power from it. "I'm not the only one with secrets." He said while observing her.


Her eyes widened, and panic flashed across her face. Snatching the jewel from his hand, she got off his lap and sat at the edge of the bed with her head bowed. "Tell me… is this the only reason why you saved me?" she said in a whisper. Facing him, he saw sadness etched in her face. "Is it because you want the shikon jewel?" Her eyes grew hard, her voice cold. "Were you just using me to get to the jewel?!" Her anger spiked as her miko powers awakened, surrounding her in a faint glow of pink.


Hiei's eyes widened. He didn't think she was that powerful. Heck, he didn't think she was powerful at all. That's why he wanted to see why some ningen onna had the jewel.


He smirked to himself. He liked her even more. She was beautiful, and strong. She would make a perfect mate. Pushing those thoughts to the back of his head to think about later, he focused back at the girl that could purify him without a second thought.


She still glowed with power, ranting about baka demons and how stupid she was to let her guard down. Taking a risk, he grabbed her hand, and was immediately burned. Despite that fact, he kept a good grip on her. "Hn. If you think I would stoop that low, your sadly mistaken. I rescued you because I wanted to, I didn't even know you had the jewel at the time.


Her anger dispersed. Tilting her head to the side to face him, she searched his eyes and face to see if he was lying. Huffing, she tried getting out of his grip, only getting a soft growl in return. "I was going to heal your hand."


He reluctantly let go. Grabbing his hand, she put her hands softly over the burnt part and focused her healing energy. His hand was as good as new.


Many questions appeared in her mind. "So what do you want with me anyways? If you're not after the jewel, what else do I have that you want? Most demons despise humans. Judging from the way you act, I doubt you would have a one night stand with a human."


Hiei snorted. What she said was true. But her first question stumped him. What did he want with her? Thoughts from a minute ago popped into his mind. `a mate huh..?' "I don't pick off ningen's off the street for one night of pleasure," he said in disgust. "I don't even like ningen's."


She rose an eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. "So why are you here right now?"


"Hn. Because for you…" he said while gathering her in his arms again "… I'll make an exception." Snuggling her in to his chest, he couldn't help but notice how her body molded perfectly with his. For a while, they just sat there in each other's arms.


Putting her cheek against his chest, she took in his warmth. Just as she started dozing off…




Her eyes snapped opened as she started panicking. Getting off Hiei's lap, she pulled him off the bed and pushed him towards the bathroom. "Quickly! Change! NOW!"


Closing the door, she picked up her ripped shirt and threw it away. Running to her drawer, she put on another top.


Hiei came out of the door, placing his katana back at on the side of his hip. He gracefully hopped over to the window seal. Right before he left, he kissed her passionately.


She cupped his face. "Good bye Spike." And with that he disappeared into the night.


Quickly closing her window shut, she chanted a quick spell that masked his scent on her bed, and herself.


The door opened to show Sango, a peeved look on her face. Turning on the light she walked towards kagome, and stopped in front of her with her arms crossed. "I thought you said you were going to be home in time for dinner."


Kagome sweat dropped. Only sango managed to scare her like this. "Heh, sorry, it took longer then I expected." She scratched the back of her head with a smile on her face.


Sango glared at her. "Do you know how long we waited for you?! We almost missed the reservation!" (sry.. didn't I mention they had dinner reservations? Must have been the lack of sleep…)


Feeling weak, Kagome collapsed on her bed. Sango rushed over, worried for her friend. Taking notice of her flushed look she asked, "are you okay?" Feeling her forehead she frowned. "I thought you said you weren't sick."


Smiling sheepishly, she replied "Uh, I read the thermometer wrong?" Rolling her eyes, Sango pulled open her covers and tucked her in. "Tonight Shippo and I will sleep somewhere else. You need your rest."


"Where will you sleep? There aren't any more rooms!" She felt bad. She didn't want to kick them out.


Sango's eye twitched. "I guess I can sleep with the monk. Kirara could guard me. (I forgot about her too! ><) And Shippo can sleep with Souta."


"I'm really sorry about this Sango."


She offered her best friend a smile. "Nah, it's okay. I'll go get the medicine. I don't want to stay that long with the hentai!" With that said, she walked to the bathroom to find some medicine.


Coming back into the room, she poured some liquid into a cup and handed it to kagome. Making a face, she gulped it down.


Noticing a white fabric peeking out from her sheets, Sango pulled it out. "What's this?… a bandana?"


Kagome panicked. "ER.. Well you see.. it's MINE!"


Sango narrowed her eyes at her friends behavior. There was something about that simple piece of cloth that kagome won't tell her about. No matter, one way or another, she'll find out what she's hiding.


Putting away her suspicions for now, she sighed. "Whatever Kags, just get better okay?"




Grabbing extra pillows on her way out, she turned off the lights. "Good night."




Tired from the days events, she let sleep claim her.


~With Hiei~

He swiftly jumped into his room through the window. Setting his katana on the bed, his hand touched his forehead. His bandana was missing. `I must have left it in her room'


Reaching into his pockets, he pulled out another bandana and put it on.


Walking to the kitchen, he ran into his roommate, Kurama. He was watching t.v. on the couch. "Good evening Hiei. Haven't seen you around in a while."




With a spoon, he took ice cream out of the freezer and started eating out of the carton.


"Yusuke said there's a mission coming up. We're to meet everyone at spirit world tomorrow."


There was no response. Kurama chuckled. It was typical for his roommate to be silent.


"What do you ningen's call it when you want someone for a mate the first time you see them."


Hiei's question had caught him off guard. It was also something he thought he would never hear him ask. Regaining his composure he replied, "I believe your talking about love at first sight. Why do you ask?" Youko was quite curious as well.


"No reason." And with that he went into his room, and shut the door.


Kurama's eyes lingered at the doorway with a curious stare. Something was up with his friend, and being the curious fox he is, was going to find out.


~In Hiei's room~

Eating the rest of the contents, he threw the carton away. He just couldn't get her out of his mind. Her smell, her touch… it was alluring. Coming to a decision, he quickly jumped back out his window, and became a black blur to the naked eye.



In the middle of the night, kagome woke up to a squeaking sound. Opening her eyes, she tried to adjust them to the dark. Blinking she looked at the direction the sound was coming from. A small breeze hit her face as she saw her curtains dancing with the wind.


A shadow hoped through the window and into her room. In an instant, she felt someone spooning against her. Turning around, blue eyes met red. Hiei gently raised a hand and put it against her forehead. "Your sick." She rolled her eyes at that comment.


Pulling her hand from the covers, she revealed to him his bandana. "I believe this is yours."


He put his hand over hers curled her fingers over it. "You can keep it."


Shrugging she stuffed it in her pillowcase.


After a few moments of silence, Hiei began stripping (oh yah baby). She blushed and hid her face under the covers. "What are you doing?" she asked in a muffled voice. He lifted the blanket and hopped in next to her. "Hn. I'm going to use my body heat to help you get rid of your fever."


Kagome gulped. She looked at him nervously. "N-no it's okay. I'm fine! I took medicine. I'll be fine in the morning "


He ignored her as he started taking off her clothes. She made no protest, but was beet red by the time he was done. "I've only met you yesterday, and you've already undressed me twice." She covered her chest with her hands, and peeked at him through her long eyelashes. He smirked. `She's so beautiful when she's blushing…'


He wrapped an arm around her waist and brought her to his chest. She relaxed almost instantly. `He's so warm…' A low purr vibrated from his chest. It was like a soothing lullaby, harmonizing with his heartbeat. Closing her eyes, she fell into a peaceful sleep.


When her breathing had slowed down, he knew she was asleep. He gazed admiringly at her face. No one had made him feel this way. Or even tried to for that matter.


The mission… it was probably about the shikon no tama. After all, it had disappeared for centuries, and now it suddenly showed up again. His eyebrow furrowed together. He still doesn't know what her relation is with the jewel.


He would think about that later. Ignoring the way certain body parts brushed against him, he concentrated on sleeping.


Her scent assaulted his sensitive nose. `rain and cherry blossoms…' He could never get enough of it. It calmed him, and allowed him to fall asleep.



Early in the morning, Hiei carefully got out of bed, hoping he wouldn't wake her up. He quietly put his clothes back on and was about to leave when he heard her voice. "…mmm…Spike..?"


He looked over at her. Sure enough, she was staring at him, her eyes were half way open. Yawning, she rubbed her eyes groggily. "What time is it?"




She looked out the window to see the sun beginning to rise. Getting out of bed, she put her clothes back on. "Hm.. watch the sun rise with me."


He nodded. Picking her up bridal style, he jumped out on the roof. She settled in his lap, as she shivered to the cool breeze. He crossed his arms over her protectively, as they watched a new day begin. "It's beautiful huh?"




She giggled. Turning around she touched noses with him. "When will I get to know your real name?"


Rubbing her nose softly, he gave her a soft kiss. "It's Hiei."


She gave him a wonderful smile. "Hiei…" she said testing it on her lips. "Eh.. I like spike better!" Sticking her hands in his hair, she began massaging his scalp. "I'm Kagome… if you didn't already know thanks to your third eye…"


He smirked at her. He caught her lips in yet another kiss. Focusing back on the sunrise, they both sat there peacefully, enjoying each other's company.


When the sun had settled high in the sky, hiei nudged her. "Kagome." No movement. "Kagome?" Looking down, he saw her fast asleep. His eyes softened as he lifted her more tightly, and jumped back into her room.


Tucking her back in, he gently kissed her on the lips. "Good bye my future mate…" he whispered before he jumped out the window.


Kagome opened her eyes after he left. `future mate…?' She smiled and pulled out the bandana. `Hm…we'll see hiei… we'll see.'










Yarg! EVERYONE'S OOC! If I try to make Hiei more seductive.. he sounds like youko/kurama. DARN!