Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ the new assignment ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclamier: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho


*Authors note: Kagome's grandpa died a year ago


~Dragon of Darkness- Don't worry! I won't make Hiei cry… only if I wanna have some fun with his character… OMAKE! Haha.

~Saphire_dragon- I know Hiei's moving to fast. But like I said… they both felt the `connection' to each other. Love at first sight ya know?


Nyah... I love reviews. *Hugs reviews and reviewers*





"Beep… Beep…"


Opening her eyes, Kagome reached over and hit the snooze button. "Ugh…" Sluggishly getting out of bed, she put on slippers and went down stairs.


The aroma of pancakes, sausages, and eggs assaulted her nose. Walking into the kitchen, she saw her mom setting the table. "Good morning Kagome. Are you feeling better?" Walking over, she put a hand to her forehead.


"I feel fine Mom. Mmm, breakfast." Sitting down, she quickly scarfed down the food. "Are the others up yet?"


Her mother smiled. "Nope."


Putting down her fork, she sighed. "Then it's only a matter of time befor-"


"HENTAI!" a voice roared, echoing throughout the whole house.


The guestroom door slammed open, to show a very angry Sango. Huffing slightly, she sat down at the table. Kagome laughed. "Miroku grope you again?"


"Yes! In my sleep no less!"'


Miroku walked in. "Are you lovely ladies talking about me?" he said while nursing a huge bump on his head. Sango rolled her eyes. He sat down next to her, whom in return, scooted away and glared at him.


He just smiled. "Good morning Kagome. How are you feeling this fine morning?"


She smiled brightly at him. "I'm fine! Thank you for asking." With a mischievous glint in her eye, she asked, "so how did you sleep?"


"Ah, never better," he replied with a dreamy look on his face.


"I wonder why that is hentai!" Sango snarled out.


"But Sango, you looked like you were having a bad dream! I was just trying to-"


"Grab my ASS!" continued Sango.


"Sango! What language!" Ms. Higurashi cried.


Blushing, she sat down and mumbled a `sorry'.


A ball of fluff appeared out of no where and tackled Kagome in the stomach. "OOF!"

"Kaasan! Are you ok? They wouldn't let me see you last night!"


She patted her son affectionately on the head. "I'm fine Shippo. Now sit down and eat your breakfast. Today we're going shopping!"


"Yay! Ok kaasan!" He took a seat next to her.


Souta came down last. Yawning, he rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Morning…" he mumbled.


Kagome ruffled his hair. "Still sleepy sport?"


He nodded. "Who could stay asleep with all the noise?"


Sango blushed again. "It's not my fault Miroku is such a pervert!"


"Why Sango! I am but a humble monk! How could you accuse me of being such a person?" he asked with a hurt expression.


Everyone at the table laughed.


"Come on Miroku, it's you! If you weren't a pervert, you wouldn't be you!"


"That's true Kagome!" Sango said why laughing.


"So who's coming shopping with me today?"


Sango and Shippo raised their hands/paws.


"Miroku is going to play against me in video games. He cheated last time!" Souta said with a pout.


"I did not! I just happen to be good at it!" he replied.


The girls rolled their eyes. "Whatever. When you two are done eating, get changed and meet me in the living room.


Both nodded.


Putting her dirty dishes in the sink, Kagome headed back upstairs, her thoughts about a certain crimson-eyed demon.



When Hiei got home, he took a shower and rested. Once he had restored his energy, he went into the kitchen to get some snacks.


Opening the cabinets, he pulled out a bag full of candy and started eating a chocolate candy bar.


Soon Kurama woke up, and after he did his morning rituals, they contacted Botan through their communicators.


When they got to spirit world, Kuwabara was already there waiting. The only person missing was their leader.


A blue portal appeared, and out came Yusuke. Grumbling he asked, "So what do you want toddler?"


The toddler sized ruler pouted. "I'm not a toddler! Anyways, a few months ago, there was some strange energy coming around a shrine in Tokyo (that is where kagome lives yes?). Closer observations showed it was a well that was used as a time portal that goes back 500 years in time. The good thing is, that all activity has ceased."


`So that's why she how Kagome got the shikon no tama, but that still doesn't explain why she has it.' Hiei thought. `And I didn't get any information out of her either…'


Out of the corner of his eye, Kurama watched as Hiei something flickered in his eyes about something Koenma was explaining. `I wonder what it is…'


"So what's some dumb old well have to do with us?" an annoyed Yusuke asked.


"I was getting to that! As I was saying, before the last time the well was used, 4 people came through from the past! Find them and bring them here!" Koenma said, slamming his hands onto his desk. "Botan! Portal!"


The blue-haired ferry girl popped out of no where, with an oar in her hand. " Yes sir!" Opening a blue portal, she waited until everyone stepped through.


They appeared in front of an old shrine. "Okay we're in Tokyo! I'll see you guys later! And good luck!" she said as she flew away on her oar.


"Okay, well it's not that bad. I mean really, how many shrines can there be?" Yusuke said with a smirk on his face.


~Few hours later~

"5 SHRINES? WHY WOULD PEOPLE MAKE SO MANY SHRINES! AND EVEN WORSE, 3 OF THE MONKS HAD TRIED TO PURIFY US!" yelled Yusuke. As Yusuke continued ranting, Kurama pulled out the map read it.


"The only shrine we haven't checked yet is the Higurashi Shrine."



Kagome, Sango, and Shippo had just gotten back from shopping. After some how managing getting the bags up the shrine steps, they plopped down on the couch exhausted.


"Well, you have enough clothes for now!" Kagome chirped happily.


"Yeah, I'm glad that's over. Those sales clerks were creepy." Sango said.


Kagome giggled. "They thought Shippo was the cutest thing, they just had to pinch his cute little cheeks!"


"Okaasan! They scared me!" Shippo said while covering his cheeks.


The girls laughed while Shippo pouted.


Watching the TV they saw Miroku was kicking Souta's butt at a fighting game. Kagome sighed. `They're both addicted to video games, they were still playing when we left and came home!' "Yo Hentai Sama! We got you some clothes! The squirt too!"


Miroku turned around. "Did you get me a tank top? They're very loose and comfortable." A beeping sound came from the TV. Quickly turning his head around, he saw Souta had knocked his player out. "That's not fair! I demand a do-over! Kagome distracted me!"


"They both act like kids." Sango said.


"Heh, but hey, that's our little family!"


~At the Higurashi Shrine~

When the rekai tentai (sp?) got there, Yusuke got even madder. "Great, JUST GREAT! The last stupid shrine we have to check is the one with lots of STEPS!"


"Aww, come on Urameshi! This is just like genkai's temple. Are you too weak to make it up the widdle stairs?"


Yusuke growled, "Like hell I am!" and with that he was off, bounding up the stairs with speed.


"HEY! WAIT UP!" Kuwabara ran after him.


"Baka." Hiei muttered. Kurama just sighed. Both easily jumped to the top with ease. By the time Yusuke and Kuwabara got to the top, they were panting and sweating.


Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Kirara were outside waiting, on guard. They had sensed some demon presence's earlier.


Kagome's eyes widened as she spotted Hiei. She quickly put on a stalk mask, as two other boys walked up the steps.


"What do you want demons?" Sango asked, glaring at all four of the boys.


They blinked at her. The boy with slicked back hair spoke up first. "How do you know about demons?" he asked while raising a bushy eyebrow.


Sango just glared.


Sighing they boy wiped his brow with his arm. "I don't suppose you guys are from the past?"


The ugly red head elbowed him. "Good going Urameshi! Now they're gunna think we're crazy!" he whispered loudly.


The boy just punched him. "I'm tired, and I'm sweaty. I don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks!"


Kagome tried to stifle a laugh. He acted so much like Inuyasha. The others seemed to notice too. Miroku even had a small smile on his face.


"Ano, may we help you with something?" Kagome asked as the boys kept bickering.


Another red head, with a gorgeous face, spoke up. "We were assigned to bring back some people from the past back to the spirit world. Are you those people?"


The inu gumi had confused expressions. "'Spirit world'?" Miroku asked.


The guy with slicked back hair sighed. "Just come with us will ya?" he said in an annoyed tone.


Sango blew up. "Who are you people? How do you know so much about us? And who wants to meet us?" she yelled angrily.


The handsome red head spoke once more. "Please calm down miss, we mean you know harm. I assure you, nothing bad will happen to you."


Sango seemed too cool down a bit, but her body was still tense, ready to attack if necessary.


At that time, Shippo had wandered outside and jumped on Miroku's shoulder. "I smell a kitsune!" Sniffing the air, he looked at the red head that had talked to sango.


"LOOK! A demon!" the ugly red head shouted. Everyone sweat dropped.


He hopped over and jumped on his shoulder.


"Shippo! NO! Come back here!" Sango yelled.


Shippo ignored her, while he sniffed the guy. "You are a kitsune! I am too! What's your name?" he asked innocently.


"Kurama." He said while smiling at the child.


Kagome observed how the guy, now known as Kurama, treated Shippo. He didn't seem like a threat. But she still confused to why Hiei was here. She looked over at him, and their eyes met.


`What are you doing here?' she said loudly in her head.


`If you come with us, everything will be explained then.'


She narrowed her eyes. `How do I know I can trust you? I mean come on really, I've only met you twice! Plus, you and your friends show up right after you confront me about the Shikon jewel…'


He inwardly sighed. How was he going to get her to trust him. `This has nothing to do with the Shikon Jewel. As the baka said, we're only interested in the people that traveled through time.'


She thought to herself for a moment. But for some weird reason, she felt like she could trust him. She sighed.


Sango was currently having a verbal fight with the `detective' as Hiei put it, while Kurama and Shippo were talking about kitsunes. She pulled Sango's arm towards the house, and grabbed Miroku's along the way.


Together, the formed a little huddle. "Hey guys, I think we should go with them."


"WHAT?!" Sango yelled, making Miroku and Kagome wince.


"We should meet up with whoever wants to meet up with you guys and hear what they want to say. I should be there because I'm probably involved."


"Kagome, are you sure we can trust them? One of them is a full blooded demon, while one is… like hanyou or not, I can't really tell. The other humans have high energy levels. An odd group don't you say?"


"Well, we weren't the perfect group of people either." Sighing, she looked at both of them with seriousness. "Look, we know they're not after the jewel, or else they wouldn't have came out in the open and talked to us. If it were a trap, wouldn't they use some more intelligent people?"


All 3 looked at the two boys who were once again, fighting. This time with fists. With one punch, the ugly red head was down.


Sango shook her head. "Your right. Fine! But I'm bringing my Hiraikotsu with me!"


Breaking their little meeting, Kagome coughed, gaining their attention. "Ahem. Ok, fine we'll go with you. But you must agree that we are free to leave whenever we want."


Kurama flashed the group a charming smile. "Of course. Yusuke?"


Sango slightly blushed while Kagome raised an eyebrow at her reaction.


The black haired guy now named Yusuke pulled out a communicator. "Botan, we found them. Open a portal at the… uh.. what is this place called?"


"Higurashi shrine."


"Heh, thanks. At the Higurashi shrine." He continued.


A cherry voice answered back. "Alright!"


Suddenly a blue swirly portal opened up.


Yusuke walked through the portal, dragging the unconscious guy with him. Kurama shortly followed, who had started a conversation with Miroku, Shippo still perched on his shoulder. Sango followed behind them, petting Kirara while sneaking glances at Kurama.


Kagome smiled. `It seems Sango likes Kurama…' A mischievous glint appeared in her eyes. `I must get them together!'


She was brought out of her musings when a hand lightly pushed her by the small of her back. Turning around she met Hiei's gaze. He caught her lips in a chaste kiss. "Let's go."


Pulling way, she put her hands on her hips. "You better have a good explanation for this," she said in a stern tone as they both walked into the portal.