Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ First day of School ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho



RubyChik09- uh… hiei bought the bracelets in makai.. I swore I put something about that in the beginning of chapter 8… but I dunnoe.



Ch. 9



Adding the finishing touches, Kagome looked at herself in the mirror. She was now 17, and it was her last year in high school. Somehow, past all the days she spent in the feudal era, she had still managed to get into a good high school.


The uniform was dark blue, a different color other than green, but it looked ok none the less. There were 3 pieces to it. First there was a white blouse, then a dark blue vest over it that was lined with white. When it was cold, she had a dark blue jacket. Her skirt went to her mid-thigh and had a white lining. Pulling up her knee-high socks, she picked up her bag, and went downstairs.


Miroku was already in his uniform. The guys had plain white shirts with dark blue lining on the sleeves and collars. They wore dark blue slacks and had a dark blue blazer. As Kagome looked him over, she had to admit he looked good in a uniform. His shirt was opened loosely at the top and his pants fit him well, even his little dragon tail seemed to go with his ensemble.


She almost squealed when she saw Sango. Her hair was in the familiar low ponytail and her regular eye make-up was on. The blouse and skirt fit her perfectly. Miroku seemed to agree with the way he was drooling at her.


Sango tugged on the short fabric. "Isn't this a little short Kagome?"


Reaching into the fridge for milk, she shrugged. "Remember my sailor uniform? Now that skirt was short."


Nodding her head in agreement, Sango put a bagel in the toaster. "So we finally get to see this `school' your always complaining about. Is it really that bad?"


Kagome nodded her head. "Yeah, all day long you just have to listen to teachers go on and on about boring stuff till you fall asleep."


"Not really Kagome. You're just to stupid to understand what the teachers lecture about." Souta said adding in his two cents. He was now in Jr. High School with Kagome since he was only 4 years younger than she was.


Growling, Kagome picked up an apple and threw it at Souta, who easily caught it. "Shut up you brat!"


Biting into the apple, he just shrugged and headed for the door. "Bye, I'm leaving now."


Kagome glanced at the clock. "Why is he leaving so early?"


Out of no where, her mom popped up from behind her. "He had soccer practice. Plus I think he's meeting a girl." She said with a small smile.


"Hm." Sitting at the table, everyone ate silently. The sound of minutes passing away was the only sound heard. Looking at the clock, Kagome's eyes widened! "CRAP! We're going to be late for school!" Shoving the rest of breakfast in her mouth, she made a break for the door.


Mrs. H, who was use to these morning antics, was waiting by the door with lunches in her arms. She handed them out as each one ran out the door. "Good-bye! Have a nice day at school!"


Luckily for them, the school was only a few blocks away. Huffing and puffing, they finally reached the front gate. Catching their breath, they started walking towards the office when they were stopped by none other than Hojo.


He had his usual cheerful smile on, and walked towards them. "Good morning Higurashi san. I hope you're feeling well?"


She inwardly sighed when she saw him. "Yeah, I'm ok." Sango and Miroku gave her questioning looks, and looked from Hojo, to her. Catching their curious stares, she introduced them. "Hojo, I'd like you to meet my friends, Sango and Miroku. They're new at this school."


Hojo smiled and bowed. "It's nice to meet you."


They politely bowed back. Looking at her watch, Kagome spoke up. "I'm sorry, but we're in a rush. It was nice seeing you! Bye!"


And in a flash she started speeding towards the door with a confused demon exterminator and monk trailing behind her. Running to catch up with her, Sango asked, "So who was that?"


Groaning, she explained to her about the stories her grandfather made up when she was in the feudal era and how he always gave her gifts. She also told her about how he was persistent in trying to go out on a date with her, and was so utterly clueless to the signs of a brush-off.


Sango stared at Kagome. "So this is the guy that you said was courting you in the feudal era?"


Kagome blushed at the implication of being courted and instantly thought of Hiei, but frowned when she realized she was talking about Hojo. She became depressed as she thought about Spike. Sure, he had told her that he didn't just want to roll her in the hay and then ditch, but he was still unclear about what he really wanted with her. When she had asked him, he evaded the question.


And all they had been really doing was fooling around. Not that she was complaining, but she felt a little insecure. With the whole thing between Inuyasha and Kikyo, she wanted to be loved by somebody who wouldn't see her as someone else; she wanted someone to love and see her as herself.


The other weird thing was that she had taken an immediate liking to him. She hadn't even warmed up to Inuyasha that quickly. Her love life had taken and interesting turn and she was curious and anxious to see where it will lead. Hopefully not in another heartbreak.


Pouting, she gazed down at her bracelets. The so-called "gifts" turned out to be something else. Though, she couldn't really blame him. After all, she put a spell on his "present" also. Heh, so they were both guilty. But she was still a little mad at him. He has a lot more commands on the bracelet than she does on his collar. An idea popped into her head as she smirked. The fight had not ended just yet.


Looking at her sides, she realized two people were missing. Turning around, she saw Miroku on the ground with a huge bump on his head. Towering above him was a very angry Sango. She shook her head in disgust at him. He must have done something perverted to one of the girls.


Grabbing his collar, Sango dragged Miroku across the floor until they had reached kagome. "The hentai was looking up girl's skirts!" Sango said as she practically turned red with anger.


Miroku put on an innocent look. "I did not! I was tying my shoes!" he said as he pointed to his feet.


Rolling her eyes, Kagome started walking towards the office. The trouble never ended with Miroku and girls. And now he was at school surrounded by short skirts! This must be some kind of paradise for him.


And indeed it was. From his view on the ground, Miroku got to see up all the girls' skirts that he passed as Sango dragged him along. He smiled as he crossed his arms and tried to relax as best as he could in the position he was in. This `school' may not be as bad as Kagome made it seem.



By the time they got their schedules, they were running down the halls to get to class. Shoving the door open, dozen's of eyes stared at them. Blushing at all the attention, she straightened up and handed the teacher their schedules.


Mr. Suzushi read their schedules and nodded his head. Kagome sat down in her usual seat while the teacher introduced Sango and Miroku. "Class, we have some new students joining us today. Their names are Sango Taiija and Miroku Hoshi. Would you like to say a few things to the class."


They both nodded. "I hope to have a good year with everyone!" Sango said as she bowed politely.


"I have seen so many pretty ladies at this school, and I hope that we could all become `friends'." Miroku said, while flashing a charming smile towards the girls.


The girls all blushed and giggled before the teacher silenced them. Sango ended up sitting behind Kagome, and Miroku to the left of Sango.


Besides Sango almost killing a guy that `accidentally' touched her butt in the halls, the day went on pretty smoothly. Surprisingly, Miroku was very popular with the girls. He had groped a few here and there, and flirted with the rest. Both girls were surprised boyfriends of the girls who flirted with him hadn't jumped him. They've noticed a lot of guys glared at Miroku every time he talked with girls.


Lunch had come, and they sat outside beneath a huge tree. Miroku was dragged off by a bunch of girls earlier, and they hadn't seen him since. Raising a hand, Kagome shielded her eyes from the sunlight.


For the first time, Sango noticed her friend's new pieces of jewelry. "Hey Kagome, where did you get those bracelets? I don't remember seeing them before…"


Kagome panicked for a second. With her quick thinking, she made something up. "I got them from a secret admirer." She lied.


Sango rose an eyebrow at her friend. "Do you think Hojo is the one who gave them to you?"


Choking on her juice, she wiped off the liquid that had run down her chin. "Hojo?! I don't think so!" The idea of Hojo sending her gifts and leaving a card that was entitled "secret admirer" creeped her out.


"What makes you so positive?" Sango asked as she ate a piece of meat out of her bento box. "Besides, he's a nice guy. What's so bad about him?"


Kagome gave her friend a sideways glance. "He's too naive for me. I don't know, I guess I like more of the dangerous type."


Grabbing her drink, Sango smiled at her friend. "Dangerous eh? Like who for instance? Are you already over Inuyasha?"


Nodding her head, Kagome ate her lunch. Swallowing the food she answered, "Yeah, I've been over him for a while. I'm sure he's happy with Kikyo."


Sango agreed silently with her. They hadn't talked about Inuyasha since they came to this time to live with her. She guessed it wasn't a touchy subject anymore. "Hm. But you never gave me an example of who your type would be."


"Eh… I don't know! What about you and Kurama?" Kagome asked, quickly switching the subjects.


Blushing, Sango looked down at her hands. "I like him, but…"


"`But…'?" Kagome prodded.


"…But he's a youkai. My father taught me to fight against them. They were the enemy. I was raised that way."


Kagome shook her head sadly at her friend. `Ah, such pride…' "But, if you were in love with him it wouldn't matter what he would be. Right?"


Sango looked at her friend curiously. "What are you getting at?"


Stuffing food in her mouth, Kagome took a few minutes before answering. "All I was saying was that if you really did love him, you wouldn't care if he was a youkai or not. Plus, he's not a full youkai. Only a spirit of one resides in him."


The school bell rang, interrupting their conversation. Shrugging, they both packed up their stuff and headed back towards the school.


Hiei watched Kagome walk back to the building from his spot in a tree. He had heard their conversation, and had to hold back growls when the exterminator mention another male's name. He was going to find out who this `Hojo' was and make sure he would stay away from Kagome. In a flash, he was gone from the tree, running off to some unknown location.



After he left Kagome's school, he surprisingly found himself drawn back to the shrine. Jumping into the Goshinboku, he made himself comfortable in the branches and drifted to sleep.

~ Hiei's Dream~


He opened his eyes he looked around and took in his surroundings. The place was at reminded him of Kagome's dream. He was still in the Goshinboku tree, but things were much different. The shrine was gone, and there were no houses. It looked like he was in some sort of forest.


Trees surrounded the area and plants were plentiful. By the Goshiboku, there was a well, which he recognized as the same well on the shrine grounds. The air seemed much cleaner and everything was more peaceful.


He tensed when he sensed another youkai coming. Correction: a hanyou. He noticed the doggy-ears perched on top and the silver hair. A name popped in his head. "Inuyasha."


The inu-hanyou just nodded. "I take it you're Hiei right?"


Hiei just glared at him.


Inuyasha sighed. "Well, I noticed you were in the last dream I was in with Kagome. I've been watching over her, and have seen you with her a lot. Tell me, what is your relationship with Kagome?" he asked.


Still glaring, he put his hand on his katana, which always rested on his hip. "What's it to you?" he growled out.


Crossing his arms, Inuyasha snorted. "Hey shorty, I've known her way longer than you have. And I'm going to be asking the questions not you. She's a very dear friend of mine, and I just want to look out for her. So answer my question, what is your relationship with her?" he demanded, his golden eyes narrowing.


Hiei took his hand off his katana but was still tense. He grunted. "I don't know."


Inuyasha rose an eyebrow. "You don't know? Hell, you've been touching and kissing her and you're telling me you don't know?! Are you just playing around with her?"


Crimson eyes narrowed at the hanyou. "Don't assume anything about me. What I do with her is my business."


"It is my business. Kagome is like a little sister to me. I'm sure as hell not going to hand her over to someone who's just going to use her!"


Growling at the crude accusations, Hiei pulled his katana out and lunged for Inuyasha.


With his transformed tetsaiga out, Inuyasha easily blocked his attack and started running towards him. "Kaze no kizu!" he screamed as blades came from his sword.


Using his speed, Hiei easily dodged the attacks. Pointing his Katana, towards his chest, he ran full speed at the hanyou.


Inuyasha blocked his attack with his blade and crossed blades with him. They were face to face, and each was growling at each other, fangs exposed.


Pushing off, Inuyasha changed the position of his sword. "Backlash wave!"


Hiei's eyes widened as the strong attack came towards him. He barely dodged it as his shirt was ripped and his left arm was bleeding.


He quickly ran towards inuyasha, only to disappear and reappear behind him. In a flash, he pointed his sword to his back. "I win" he panted out.


Inuyasha turned his head to look at the smaller youkai. Sheathing his sword, he put his arms in his hatori and turned around to face him. "You have my permission to court Kagome." He said with a genuine smile on his face.


Hiei glared at him. `Permission? Grr… the hanyou was testing me to see if I was a strong enough to court kagome.' "How did you know I wanted Kagome for a mate? Even she doesn't know that."


The hanyou shrugged. "Keh, I am dead, so I can watch over you two. Compared to how you treat other people, it's obvious that you really care for her. Though Kagome is a little dense though. I suggest you tell her soon. Or else someone might try to take her away from you." And with that he disappeared leaving a confused fire/ice apparition in the forest. (This idea about Inuyasha talking to Hiei was sent by Sesshy81! Thank you for the idea~!)

~End dream~


Waking up, Hiei blinked a few times. He had just gotten permission to ask Kagome to be his mate from a dead hanyou and brother like figure… weird. His head snapped towards Kagome's window when he heard something move.


A little round face was looking out the window at him. Shippo tilted his head at Hiei. "Hello, are you waiting for Okaasan to come home?" he asked.


Hiei looked dumbfounded. Even the child knew about Kagome and him? But then again, he was a youkai and had better senses. He nodded his head towards the child; at least it was partially true. He didn't originally come here to wait for her, but he might as well since he was already at her house.


Shippo smiled. "So are you going to be my new otoosan?"


Hiei was glad he had enough control over his actions, or else his jaw would have dropped to the ground. Only kids could put things so bluntly sometimes. "Soon." He said.


The child nodded. "Well, I hope Kagome knows what you're planning. She is a little slow sometimes." Waving to Hiei, he jumped down from the window seal and ran off.


Two youkai have told him to tell Kagome where he wanted to take their relationship. If you could really call what they had a relationship. Hopefully she didn't think they were just together for the pleasure. He shook his head. She seemed too innocent to think that way. He had gotten her son and `brother's' permission, now what about her other two friends? The monk seemed nice enough, but the exterminator was the one he had to look out for.


He smirked as he thought about the bracelets. There were only four commands he could give her. He had to use them wisely. Two were already used up, one was "come" and the other one was "kiss me". He would enjoy thinking of the other two.


His ears perked as he heard distant footsteps. Shifting around on the branches, he spotted Kagome and her friends. They were chattering about something and were laughing.


They walked right past the tree as Kagome gave it a quick glance. He waited a few minutes before she appeared in her room with Sango. She shut the window and pulled down the blinds as they changed out of their school uniforms.


Sango rose an eyebrow. "Why are you pulling down the blinds? It's not like anyone could see us." She said as she pulled down the short skirt.


Pulling a gray tank top on, she sniffed. "Well, Miroku could have climbed the tree to look in…"


"Okay, I agree with you on that one. He would be the type to try that." She said while shaking her head.


She was now dressed in a tight white shirt with a black skull on it and blue hip-hugger jeans. Kagome was wearing a gray tank top with a black silhouette of a city and light blue caprees.


Kagome glanced at Sango. "Why are you dressed up? You don't normally wear those jeans unless you're going out. Is Kurama taking you somewhere?"


Sango blushed as Kagome grinned. "Well, have a good time on your little date!"


The doorbell rang as Sango rushed around the room to grab a bag before rushing out of the door with a distant `bye!'.


Opening the blinds, she watched Sango and Kurama link arms and walk off. Opening the window, she let Hiei in, who immediately tackled her to the bed. "Oof! Can't you be a little gentler with your greetings?"


He just kissed her lightly on the lips. "Is that better?" he asked with a smirk on his face.


Kagome giggled before she pulled him down and gave him a passionate kiss. "I was thinking of something more along those lines." She said with a smile.


-With Kurama and Sango-


Kurama had once again asked Sango out on a date. Her fiery spirit attracted both him and Youko. When he went to go pick her up from Kagome's house, he felt a faint presence of Hiei (Hiei was hiding his scent and youki so Kurama couldn't sense him). Had he been there? If so, why? Being the curious kitsune he was, questions kept building in his mind until Sango's voice interrupted his thoughts.




He turned to look at her. "I'm sorry, but can you repeat that?


Sango hit him playfully on the arm. "Geez, pay attention! I asked you if you would help us move, when the time comes that is."


Kurama nodded. "Of course. Where are you moving too? Is it just you or is it Kagome too?"


"It's Kagome, Miroku, and me. I dunnoe where we're moving to. We're still looking for a place."


Kurama thought about Mrs. Hatusya who was moving out. It seems her husband had gotten a job somewhere else in Japan, and they had already started to transfer their things to their new place. It also just so happened that her room was also across from Hiei and his apartment. A grin graced his lips as a plan began to form. "I know, why don't you move to the apartments Hiei and I live in? It's cheap and pretty close to the shrine and school."


"Hm, maybe." The gorgeous look he was giving her made her knees turn to jelly. How could she resist those eyes? The idea of moving closer to Kurama made her heart do flips. But how would Kagome react? She'd ask her when she got back from her date with Kurama.





Heh.. haven't updated in a while. I have so many ideas swimming through my head! I have a lot of stories in mind so please be patient! R&R!