Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Silence Is Golden ❯ I Will Protect You ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I STILL don't own Yu Yu Hakusho....damn.....
Wait a sec! I don't own Inuyasha either!.....double damn.....
But I do own Setsuna, Sasaki, and Meyko! Ha! I am undamned!

okay, here we go,
"Blah" =speaking
**Blah** =telepathy
'Blah' =thoughts
you got that? then let's begin!

Author's note: Okay, in Japan it's customary that a family member go to stay at the hospital if another family member is injured (Or maybe staying with a family member only applies to long-term care) but anyway, this is my story and I'm not very farmiliar with Japanese customs.

Mrs. Yamamoto was still crying as she finally entered Setsuna's hospital room with Kenji by her side. The others would have entered, but only immediate family was alowd in at that point. They took the seats beside her bed and sat in silence. Setsuna was still unconscious from the crash that had happened only a few hours ago. She had a few large cuts on her right side where her body had collided with the windshield along with buises covering her body. It was hard to believe that she was even alive. It was so scary that she really could have died. She was their Setsuna, their silent but sweet Setsuna. They didn't think they were ready for her to leave so soon. They sat in silence until the doctor walked in.
"Excuse me, but I'm afraid that I'll have to ask you to leave. Visiting hours are over, and it wouldn't be very good for you to stay all night." he said, a hint of guilt crossing his face.
"Yes, I guess we should go." Yamamoto-san said, standing up with Kenji and leaving the room. When they were gone, the doctor walked back into the hallway.

This process was repeated day after day until one night.


Setsuna shot up in the hospital bed, breathing hard. It was dark with only dim light from the hallway coming in. The clock read midnight as she shifted her weight and tossed her legs over the side of the bed. She stood shakily, pain still present and began the search for her clothes. They were in a closet and she quickly changed, being absolutely certain that none of the night nurses could hear her. Cold sweat covered her pale skin, memories of her dream coming back. Double checking the empty hallway she stepped out and limped down the corridoor. Leaving the hospital wasn't the best idea, or so it would seem.
The windows burst out in rooms one by one, the air turning fowl.
"Give it to me! Give it to me NOW!"
Setsuna took off running as fast as humanly possible. That thing was chasing her again. She turned her head and jumped. It WAS a raven!
"Nevermore....nevermore....." it chanted. "One swoop and you'll be nevermore....nevermore....nevermore....." But the voice was clear. The elevator was open; this was her chance. The nurse who had opened the door stepped to the side with a gasped and scream. Setsuna barely fit through the closing doors as the bird rammed into them, leaving a dent that made the trapped girl move backward. She was hesitant as the doors parted. Setsuna glanced around quickly before heading for the door. She burst out of the doors and into the street, being careful of cars, of course. "Nevermore" was being chanted over and over, faster and faster as the beating of wings drew closer. She turned a sharp corner and came upon a shrine. Trespassing was not a good idea, but death wasn't on her list of fun things to do either. Setsuna climbed the stairs still out of sight of the raven. Her eyes moved across the area and landed on a small building. Running inside, she noticed it was a well house. That should have been a good hiding spot. She swung her legs over and jumped in. The ground that she expected to hie never came. Setsuna was floating in a void of indigoes and magents swirling and mixing together. This was even more strange than the raven.....

A/N: Ha! I got you ALL! The raven wasn't ANYONE from the series or movies! I fooled you all! It was just a simple talking, demon-posessed raven!

"Setsuna! Baby! Please, come home! Answer me! Anything!" Mrs. Yamamoto yelled into the night, tears again staining her face.
"Sestuna! Sis! C'mon! Answer us!"
Another stange--and dangerous--happening revolving around Setsuna. Now, she hadn't just been attacked, she was missing. The Yamamoto family was franticly searching around along with the police. Not that anyone had found her yet, but she couldn't have gone far. Had she been kidnapped? No one knew.


Setsuna didn't know where she was. It was night with a full moon and complete silence. No busy city streets or any people at all. Well, probably best to look around. She walked deeper into the forest along a small path. She took one more step as her feet slipped from upder her. Her mouth opened in a gasp as she narrowly caught a ledge below the ground level. The pit had been filled with sharp rocks and sharped poles. She did not want to let go of the rock. Her long school skirt was torn at the hem and blood streamed down her leg.
"Hey! Is anyone down there?"
"There's no time! We should get out of here...."
"Look! Over there! RUN!"
"It's going to kill us all!" And the sounds of footsteps and screams carried slowly away from the pit Setsuna was in. There was a long pause just before a set of light footsteps.
"Hey! Are you okay?" they asked.
Setsuna smiled. Someone knew she was down there. A hand reached down and grabbed her wrist, pulling her out onto the cold ground. What she saw was a girl in a green school uniform and the one that pulled her out. He had furry ears on the top of his head. This was definatly weirder than the talking raven. The girl looked a lot like her except that Setsuna's hair was perfectly straight and her eyes were a different color. The boy had long silver hair and a baggy red outfit.
"Hi there. My name's Kagome." said the girl. "And he's Inuyasha." She looked a bit curious. "Ummm....how did you get here?"
Setsuna shrugged.
"Did you come through the well?"
She nodded.
"But she'd have to have jewel shards to come through the well." the one named Inuyasha said. "Does she?"
Kagome looked at her hard before nodding. "She does. Where did you get that necklace?"
For the first time in years someone had noticed Setsuna's necklace with the little shard charm. She shrugged.
"Was it a gift?"
She shook her head.
"An heirloom?"
Setsuna thought for a moment and nodded.
"You can come with us, if you want to."
"What?! No! There's no way I'm dragging around another human!" Inuyasha shouted.
"Inuyasha! I'm offering to take her back to the well!"
Inuyasha sighed. "So we have to take her with us."
"What? Why?"
"Some demon threw a big boulder in it just a few minutes ago."
"WHAT?! I have an exam tomorrow!"


"Any luck?"
"Be quiet. I'm trying to concentrate." Kuwabara ordered. His senses had led them to a shine. They were on Setsuna's small ki trail.
"That's a first."
"Urameshi! I'm gonna pound you!" The fight between the two was about to begin when that ever-cheery voice piped up.
"Hello, Yusuke!" the not-so grim reaper greeted while riding on her oar. "Koenma has great news! He's found Setsuna!"


"So, Setsuna, where do you live?" Kagome asked, sitting in her sleeping bag in the dim firelight.
"Yes, it would be nice to know a bit more about you." Miroku, the (lecherous) monk added. A lot had been found out through a simple pen and pad. Inuyasha would get irritated that he had to have someone read to get an answer, though. Setsuna wrote it and handed the paper to Kagome.
"I've seen that home before. It's really nice." Too bad it had been destroyed. These people seemed nice. There were Kagome, Inuyasha, Shippo, Sango, and Miroku. Oh, don't forget Kirara. They said she couldn't go home, but Kagome promised they would find a way. This was the Feudal Era and maybe not the place Setsuna would have picked to go, but she could think of much worse. "I think we should get some sleep. It's late." Everyone else agreed and fell asleep, but Setsuna was left awake and thinking about what she had gotten herself into. What would Kenji and her mother do back at home? She wanted to return home, but that wasn't an option. She had to press on and fell asleep with her mind clear.


"So, where are we again?" Yusuke asked, pushing a low tree branch out of the way.
"This is the Waring States Era, Yusuke." Kurama said, almost getting hit by said branch in the darkness.
"Did Koenma have to give us such a hard landing though? I hate interdimensional travel."
"I thought it was pretty cool!" Kuwabara said in that horrible voice of his.
"Oi, is that a fire?"


Setsuna laid at the base of a tree, covered in a small blanket Kagome had given her. She still wasn't asleep. Something was calling for her to go deeper into the woods. Something was there. She wished she knew what. Sighing, she put her was about to go back to sleep when she noticed Kagome was missing. That gave her the wosrt feeling that she had had in a long time. Setsuna had to leave and right now. That's all she seemed to do anymore, run. She wasn't a fighter. She couldn't even weild a weapon. But her thoughts were tied and she didn't see the blow to the back of her head coming.


"She's not here. That's what we get for depending on a fool."
"Watch it, Shorty!" Kuwabara retorted.
"Who the hell are you?" That's when the Tantei noticed Inuyasha. Unfortunatly, that's when Inuyasha noticed Kagome was missing. "What'd you do with Kagome?!"
"Whoa! Easy, pal. We're just looking for a friend!" Yusuke said, waving his hands defensively.
"You mean that Setsuna? Long black hair?"
Kurama nodded.
"Guys, it's this way!" Kuwabara pointed in what seemed like a random direction. "I can still sense her ki signature here!"
"Smells like-"
Hiei finished for him, "Blood."


"You jerks!" Kagome sighed and sat next to Setsuna in the prison cell. There were five other girls in the cell with them, and they roughly counted forty or fifty other cells on their trek down the long corridoor. "I'm sorry."
Setsuna put a hand lightly on Kagome's shoulder, smiled, and shook her head. It had been a few hours since they had been thrown into the prison when a white light flashed through the small barred hole in the door. The other girls with them jumped as the door came crashing down.
"Hello there, girls!" came the cheery voice from the sillouette. A few moments passed until they could see her face. Her hair was bright blonde and her eyes were a neon yellow color. She was dressed in a white kimono (Think Inuyahsa, not anything like what Yukina would wear). "My name's Meyko and I'll be your rescuer today!" She stepped to the side to make way for everyone. "Make way and chop-chop! On your way with you!"
Everyone jumped up and was out while Kagome and Setsuna took their time.
"Well now, you look just like Lady Kikyo!" Meyko turned to Setsuna. "And you....I don't know from anywhere! But move along all the same!" The two exited with the more than just happy Meyko right behind them. Alarms sounded and guards rushed about. "Sasaki! Let's just go already!"
"Wait!" Kagome shouted. "Where are we exactly?"
Meyko turned. "Oh, you don't have a place to go?"
The two shook their heads.
"Do you have anyone you were traveling with?"
Kagome nodded.
"I guess you can travel with us until you find your friends!"


"Kuwabara, we've been following your hunches for the past two days and we haven't gotten anywhere." Yusuke said, getting agitated.
"If she was with Kagome, then we're on the right track. Kagome must've cut herself; I can smell her blood." Inuyasha explained.
Kurama also knew. He knew Setsuna's scent anywhere.


"Anyway, you already know my name's Meyko. That's Sasaki. She doesn't like to talk much." Meyko chimmed.
Sasaki was dressed in a long, black cloak. Her hair was midnight blue as were her eyes. She was sligtly taller than Meyko. "I don't understna why you're letting these....humans travel with us."
Both Setsuna and Kagome resented that, Setsuna more than Kagome. So, Meyko was pretty strange, in one word--hyperactivity. For a demon, Sasaki was cold so far, but maybe that would change with time. Just maybe.....

Another chapter down! Boo ya! Review if ya don't mind. I won't post another chapter until I have at least 15 reviews!!!!