Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Could be Better? ❯ What's New & What's This? ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Three days later.....
"School's Out!" yusuke shouted outside the shrine.
Kurama sweat-dropped.
"You didn't even go!" a brown-eyed, brown-haired girl accused.
"Nani is your point?" he asked.
"You're an idiot." Kuwabara said.
"Wow, the oaf's right. A-ma-zing." Michiko said behind them. They all turned.
"Shut up!"
"Why should I?" She asked sweetly.
Before he retorted; however, ...."SIT BOY!"
Michiko sweat-dropped.
Rin came outside in a spagetti strap with short shorts, which made Kurama stare and Michiko snicker. Coming over Rin asked,"You're Yukimura?" "Right?"
"That's right, Yusuke's girl." Michiko drawled.
The girl blushed deep scarlet and Yusuke yelled, "She's not my girl!"
"R-i-ghhhtt. And I'm not Hieis mate." she said, sarcasticly, taking off the illusion spell and continued. "I'm Michiko, this is Rin."
"I'm Keiko and nani was with the 'sit'?"
"You didn't tell her." Michiko growled with a twitching eyebrow.
"I thought you would!" Yusuke defended himself.
"I'll explain." Rin said, taking the newcomer inside. michiko followed, mumbling something. Kurama wasn't sure, but swore he heard "baka ningen!" He chuckled.
"Nani are you chuckling about?" Kuwabara asked.
"Nothing." he answered, following the girls inside, with the last two behind him.
When Michiko walked into her room, she noticed Hiei asleep on her bed. She smiled and went over to him. His eyes slowly opened as he sat up.
"Hello sleepy-head." She said with a smile.
He looked at her, then her stomach. To a ningen it'd look as if she were only three months along. Pulling her closer to him, he put an ear to her stomach and listened with his hands resting on her hips. Michiko smiled, thinking he was like a child. She rested a hand on his shoulder, the other on his head. They stayed like that, a knock came on the door.
"Yeah?" She asked.
Rin opened thedoor with Keiko behind her. They just stared at them, neither mate decided to bother to move from where they were.
"Nani?" Mcihiko asked.
"Genkai and Yukina are here." Rin answered.
"We'll be down." Michiko told them.
"Kay." Rin said, smiling as she shut the door.
"We'd better go." She said after some while.
Standing up, he picked her up and carried her down andsat heron the couch as he sat on the arm. Yukina and Genkai came over, making sure she was healthy and checking her with some of their powers.
Later, everyone was eating, talking, laughing. Koenma was even there asking all kinds of questions and getting answers from (mostly) Rin and Michiko. Every once in a while Hiei snuck glances at his twin sister who always had a smile. Michiko and Kurama noticed, but didn't say anything.
*Why don't you just tell her, already?!*
Hiei quickly looked at his mate, who was carring on with a conversation she had with Genkai. He sighed and stood up. "Yukina,....can I speak with you, alone?" he added looking at the oaf that stared stupidly from the ground.
"Sure." She answered with that never fading smile.
As they left the room, those that knew they were twins stared at Michiko with shock written across their faces.
"He...you.." Koenma spluttered.
"Nani is going on?" Kuwabara confusedly asked.
He didn't have to wait long before the two came back with matching smiles and eyes shinning like ice crystals. Hiei sat back down as Yukina answere the question.
"HE'S NANI? Shrimp's your kyooclai?! I'm killing him for not telling me!" Kuwabara exclaimed.
"I don't think he cares at the moment." Yusuke pointed out. Hiei and Michiko were kissing. Rin and Yukina were giggling, Kurama had an amused expression on his face while everyone else were staring with wide eyes and slack-jaws.
The mates were giving each other everything they had. It was quiet for a while, then Kagome and Inuyasha came through the door.
"MICHIKO! HIEI!" Kagome yelled at the two in question. Inuyasha just stood there staring in shock.
Michiko held up a hand as if saying hold on, then put it back on her mates head. Rin and Yukina giggled harder, Kurama started laughing and Yusuke was watching with a lot of intrest.
Finally the two pulled apart, barely able to breathe and looking as if they had the shock of their lives.
"Did they live through that?" Kuwabara asked.
"It looks like they just more than enjoyed that!" turning to Keiko, Yusuke asked,"Can we ever do that?" She slapped him hard on the head and was scarlet. Everyone else was laughing at them.
About 1 1/2 months later.....
Michiko was in the feudal era in Kaedes hut, alone. She sighed, her and Hiei had another fight and she was still pregnant. Hearing the fighting that was outside, she didn't bother to look. They were all more often lately. Sighing again, she put her hand over Hieis mark. It may not have been that long ago, but it felt like an eternity. The material at the entrance opened, letting sunshine flood in then shut back out. Looking up she saw Yoko looking down at her.
She sadly smiled."Well, I haven't seen you since, nani? Yesterday?"
Yoko, shaking his head and going down on a knee in front of her, said, "You know, he's just worried about you."
"I know," she said, not looking at him,"But I can't keep caged up, everyone's fighting about something because they're due anytime." she finished when she rubbed stomach.
Yoko nodded, standing up about to leave when he caught the scent of salt, looking down he saw the small inu youkai, he and Kurama saw her as a little sister, now. He sighed because he hated it when this'd happen. Knowing Hiei despised this and was the only one that could cheer the girl up.
Kneeling back down, he gathered her into his arms, letting her cry into his chest. As she clutched his while haori, she buried her face and cried harder, he tried to soothe her.
Two minutes later, someone entered. Yoko looked up to see Rin with a worried expression. She silently asked if Michiko was asleep, this wouldn't be the first time.
He shook his head. Sighing she went over to Michiko and sat on her knees.
"Michiko, otoosan's here." She said gently. Lately, Rin was calling Sesshomaru her father, but he didn't seem to mind, nor did Kagura mind Rin calling her okoosan.
"Really?" Michiko asked through her tears.
Gently smiling, Rin nodded, "But, I don't think he'd like to see you in tears though."
Michiko took a ragged deep breathe and slightly smiled. "Neither would Hiei." She whispered softly.
Yoko and Rin exchanged looks.
"Will we....I mean....stay together?" She asked.
"Of course you will! Nani are anata thinking!?" Rin said.
"It's just that....everytime..I get more afraid that he'll...never come back" As she said that she remembered that day, before they mated. He aid he'd never leave her. Michiko's hand found his mark.
Yoko took the inu by her shoulders and looked at her.
"He'll never abandon you. You're his mate and are having his children, right?" he asked, taking her chin lightly in his hand and turning her so she was looking into his own golden orbs. She weakly smiled and nodded.
"I'm surprised you two haven't mated yet. I want to see Yoko and Kurama fight over who's the otoosan." She said laughing.
Rins eyes widened as she blushed scarlet. "That's not fair!" she yelled.
Chuckling Michiko said, "No, it's true."
Rin glared at her and grumbled,"C'mon, Otoosan's waiting."
Michiko followed the two outside. She let the fresh air fill her lungs with the sunlight flooding over her. Looking around, she saw Sesshomaru.
"Oji!" She went over to him, smiling. Sesshomaru wasn't fooled as she came up and hugged him, he hugged his niece back.
"I haven't seen you for a while." She uttered with her face in his silken haori.
Before he could say anything someone was yelling, "Shippo, give that back!"
"Not until you tell me nani it is!" the fire kitsune ran into view and hid behind the older kitsune, while a panting Yusuke followed.
Rin asked, "Nani did you take?"
Shippo shrugged, "Dunno."
"Helps when you show nani it is, you know?" Yoko said. Shippo did and those who knew nani it was either cracked up or stared at it.
"So, Yusuke, have any plans tonight?" Yoko was smirking.
"Shut up! Now give that back!"
Yusuke cursed.
"Yusuke Urameshi!"
"Uh, uh, K-Keiko! Um. How long have you been here?"
"Baka! I came when Michiko did!"
"Oh! Shit!"
Keiko glared at him, but her face couldn't get redder.
"Is anyone going to tell me or not?!"
"Hn. Have the baka oaf tell you. I'm sure his ignorance will give in, seeing as he doesn't know when to shut up."
They all turned to the speaker that materialized from the trees' shadows, Hiei.
"Shrimp! You're dead!" Kuwabara and Hiei fought more often ever since he found out Hiei was Yukinas twin.
"Funny, the ferry onna hasn't come for me."
Kuwabara yelled in outrage and ran at the fire youkai. Who smartly stepped out of the way so Kuwabara ran into the tree that was right behind him.
Yusuke and some others were laughing when Michiko walked up ot Hiei. her hand came back then swung with all the force she could muster. There was deafening smack as flesh met flesh and bone met bone.
Hiei just stood there, not bothering to move or stop her hand from meeting his cheek. His head was forced to the side after her hand connected with his face, blinking he looked at the ground. Her arms were suddenly around his neck and once again, she was crying. Hiei looked down at her, holding her back.
"Michiko," he said in a pained, yet soft voice only she could hear. "Stop crying, please." he whispered, nuzzling her neck which made her gigle through sobs, he smiled gently against her skin as, slowly, her tears subsided.
Hiei slowly cupped her face and wipped her tears with his other hand. He kissed her after the tears were gone.
Everyone was smiling, that was how they said 'sorry'. Strange, yet cute.
"Well?" Shippo impatiently asked, still holding hte object up for them all to see.
"It's called a condom." Michiko said smiling.
"Okay! Now you know!" Kagome said, taking it from Shippo and threw it at Yusuke, who gulped.
Keiko was about to tell Yusuke off, again when there was a loud 'sploush'. All eyes turned to Michiko standing stock still.
"Wa-wa-water j-just br-broke."
For a moment htere was silence, then all hell broke loose.
Please review and tell me what you think. Thanks!