Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Common Ground ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Common Ground
walked away from the tree he had slept in that previous night.was on a mission a most grueling and challenging onsurviving high school life! slowly sauntered down the side walk, a bag of books in tote. had absolutely no idea of what this human thing was about, Kurama was the expert on that kind of thing. His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the red-head. Kurama had offered to let him stay the night with him and his human mother but Hiei declined saying he didn't need any pity, so Kurama had settled for giving him his school books and uniform. "Hello Hiei", Kurama said in his usual bright mood. "Hmph." "Well, school's in that direction so maybe we should go", Kurama said pointing south. "Let's go then", Hiei replied gruffly, walking in the direction pointed out.arrived at school and were in their seats about two minutes before the bell rang. They had both been seated by the teacher since they were new to this school. The teacher had instructed them to get their books and begin copying the work on the board. The teacher was busy writing their assignment when a girl walked in late. Hiei had been told a little about high school life fortunately, and knew she was breaking some stupid rule. She was about 5'2 Hiei guessed, with long creamy blonde hair and deep blue eyes. Both Hiei and Kurama noticed that she was gorgeous. The class all turned, surprised that she would come in late, to this class. " Late again Sanada?", the teacher yelled. Her face never changed as she calmly and coolly replied," So what about it?" The teacher exchanged some more words threatening to punish her, when she walked out of the door obviously fed up with his nonsense. It was strange she intrigued him. What intrigued!? No he was justcurious yes that's it curious. She left and he wasn't going to get all bent out of shape about it, after all he could care less about these human squabbles. Besides he had more to worry about, this strange human girl beside him was staring!
was one of those days when you just wanted to sit back and relax. And that's exactly what Shimura did. She watched the leaves dance in the warm autumn wind as she lie on a branch in a nearby tree. She soon found herself nodding off, and quickly she was asleep.and Kurama had gotten out for their lunch break at 1:00. Kurama told him that they had an hour of recreational time, free to spend it as they wished, most kids ate. Kurama had asked
Hiei if he would join him but seeing the gang of girls tailing Kurama, he decided against it. Instead he walked down a path and into the foresty area the humans called a park. He resolved to go and catch a break in his favorite oak. He strided to the giant oak dropped his bag and leapt up on to a branch. Wait! There was that girl from this morning and she was sleeping in his tree! 's eyes snapped open at the scent of someone walking toward the tree. A small boy from school with spiked hair and a bandana leaped onto the branch opposite of her. " Sorry, I didn't know this was your tree", Shimura said in a casual voice getting up. "I didn't say you have to leave.. It's just I thought I was the only one who would come here", Hiei replied not wanting to scare her away. "That's exactly why I come here, to get away", she said settling back down. "Why did you walk out of class this morning?", he asked curious. "I wasn't about to deal with that fool anymore than I had to." "Hmm.. Yes that's understandable" "So why do you seek solitude?", she questioned. "I don't like civilization so to speak" " I suppose I can agree with that", she said, "A bit too dramatic for me." "Yes". he responded. They spent the rest of the afternoon gazing at the dazzling blue beach below.
Kurama was surrounded there was no way out! They were every where dozens of girls! Laughing, giggling, shallow girls. He had desperately tried to get away when the bell rang but they found him. He asked Hiei to stay but he denied the request, hell if he was Hiei he would run too. He wished he wasn't so polite and kind, Suuichi. When he finally got away it was time to get going so he headed in the direction he had seen Hiei walk in order to collect him to go back to school. He went to the most secluded part knowing Hiei would want silence. He passed a few trees until he stopped at a huge oak. "Hiei it's time to go back to school", kurama called into the tree wich he couldn't see into. There was an uneasy shuffle and then he heard," I'm not going back." "What do you mean? You have to or you'll get detention!", kurama said, un knowing of Shimura being there as well. "I said I'll pass .", He repeated in a soon to be angry tone. All of a sudden Shimura gracefully leaped down and grabbed her bag, "I won't get into this one, excuse me gentlemen.", she said in a non-chalante tone. "Wait! Uh..at least tell me your name", Hiei said not wanting her to leave. She turned around,"Shimura, Shimura Sanada."