Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Meet and Greets ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Meet and Greets

Yusuke woke up to a can being thrown at his head.
"Wake up Yusuke you jerk!", an angered Keiko screamed.

"MmmmWha?", he said still half asleep.

"Get up now! Your going to school!"

"Keikobut I don't wannna" he said in a whiny voice stumbling out of bed.

"You are going to school and that's the end of it! You didn't even go the

first day, but you will be there the second day of school!", she
throwing another empty can at his head.

"Ok Ok alright I'm going!"

"Good " Keiko said in a satisfied tone handing him his school uniform.

"That's o.k. I never liked blue.", he said lazily walking to the bathroom.

and Shimura approached what to Hiei appeared to be a mansion. walked up to the nicely painted door and took out a pair of keys. stuck them in the lock and pulled the door open revealing the interior design of a two story house. She left the door open for him to follow
her. She smiled and indicated for him to sit down while she got the supplies.went to a cabinet where she kept a first aid kit and lugged it out. She got out some nasaland some clean tissue, she was sure she had broken it but for some reason he 't show any sign of pain.

"Here" she said handing him a clean batch of tissues.

"Uhhthank you" he said indecisively.

"Your most welcome, has it let up any?", she asked.

"Yes", he replied.

"Good.", she said taking the bloody tissue and gently applying the two bandages to his nose.

"Well if you o.k. now we should go before school starts."

"hmm.", Hiei responded getting up and grabbing his bag, following her lead.

walked out of the house and down the street.

"Yesterday, I didn't get your name but the other boy called you Hiei."

"Yes that is my name..he will be waiting for me to come to his house to walk to school.",Hiei

"Well I wouldn't want to be rude you may join him if you wish, of course.", she said politely.

"I don't know where he is but he lives on some street called Sycamore, would you show me where that is?", Hiei lied, wanting her to accompany him.

"Yes of course." she replied walking in a westward direction.

arrived to find a red- headed boy looking anxiously down the street for something.turned around and smiled joyfully when he saw the short black-haired boy approach.

"Hello Hiei." ,he sounded from where he was. There was that girl
yesterday! With Hiei?

"Hello Missmy name is Suuichi" he said politely offering a hand to the
new comer.

"Nice to meet you , I believe you already know my name.", she said smoothly
his hand making complete eye contact.

"Well, I suppose I should be on my way now Hiei", she said, much to his dismay.

"You are certainly more than welcome to accompany us.", Kurama offered

in hopes of her staying.

"WellI suppose I could." she said with a little smile.

"Then let's get going.", Hiei said stepping forward towards the school.

and Keiko were walking to the second day of school, when a
topped boy ran up to them.

"Hey Urameshi!", he said in an moronic tone.

"Oh look it's the biggest sissy in the whole school.", Yusuke said
a casual voice, continuing to walk on.

"Hey don't start something you can't handle, Urameshi!" he shouted.

"Stop you two! Can't we even walk to school without a fight?"Keiko said
in between them.

"Fine. I'll leave his face intact. For now", Yusuke replied. They then walked to
without a fight.

Hiei and Shimura arrived at school just as the school started, so they made their way to class unhurried.. They got seated when the teacher swiveled around.

"What exactly do you think your doing?", he said maliciously not forgetting the previous scene.

"Taking a seat of course.", she said resuming her stony face and demeanor.

"Who said you could sit there ?" he yelled, for lack of a come back.

"Is there any where else to sit sir?", she asked , witch arose snickers from the students.

"I'll have you written up for bad manners," he screamed .

"Yes of course, I can see how my lack of manners would upset yousir ", she answered with mock politeness and a comical bow. The whole class burst into laughter, even Kurama and Hiei smirked.

"Just sit down.", he said flustered and mortified.
complied and the lesson began. Shimura sat next to Kurama and behind Hiei.

"Very amusing", Hiei said, smirking.

"Yes , quite so", chimed Kurama.

"There are more ways then one to humble a person.", she sneered.
the period ended and the lunch bell rang Kurama spoke up,

"Would you like to accompany us to the Cafeteria?"

"Sure." was her answer and they walked to the cafeteria and

got drinks, shortly after they went outside.
had dropped their bags and where about o sit down when a gang of
from another school walked up to them.
leader spoke up and said, "What's a pretty girl like you doing with

pretty boy and Shrimp?"

"Humphfool", Hiei muttered.

"What's that you little punk?", he said advancing on the all to ready

to fight Hiei.

"There are a whole lot more of us then you shorty"
was about to say something when Shimura stepped in between

them and said coldly, "I prefer quality over quantity.

"Are you turning me down?", he questioned.

"Would you rather me turn you down or beat you down?", she said glaring.

"you wouldn't d-", he was cut short by a back handed slap across the
wich sent him hurtling in the air.
and hiei were slack jawed at the sight they had just witnessed.

"I suggest you leave before you get yourselves deeper", she said icy toned.
gang grabbed their leader and turned tail, dashing away madly.
turned around waiting for it.

"Listen, I know it can be shocking and if you don't want to hang-", she was
short by Kurama clapping her on the back and laughing. They all

laughed. The bell rang and they walked to class.