Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Meets and Greets pt.2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Well anyway sorry for the typo's, I had to cut and paste a lot of times to get it on here so sorry. Moving on…I wish I owned YYH but I don't, so on with the story, enjoy!


Meets and Greets pt.2

Shimura, Hiei, and Kurama all made there way to most of their classes peacefully. Miraculously missing Yusuke and the others. While walking down a hall to their next class Kurama spoke on the subject of Shimura's fighting skills.

"So where did you learn to fight like that?" he asked curious.

"Yes, tell us you are quite the martial artist", Hiei said with a malicious grin and a twinkle in his eye, knowing full well she was embarrassed by her morning antics.

"Well not really….", she said blushing slightly.

"Come now don't be modest, you really kicked some ass out there…where did you learn to fight

like that? I'm quite interested, you don't seem…well… the fighting type", Kurama said giving

her a side ways glance.

"Do you go to a dojo, or does your family excel in the art?", asked Kurama.

"Oh no I'm an orphan, I grew up in a very rough place to say the least.", she corrected with an amused tone, not the least bit fazed.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know…", he said lowering his eyes.

"Don't worry I certainly don't, I figure I've gotten this far without them…", she said lightly and unconcerned.

"Hmmm…", Hiei grunted approvingly, and understanding.

They then dropped the subject and finished the day in peace.

Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kayko all walked out of 4th period and out to the school grounds for lunch. Incidentally running into a school uniformed Boton. "Hey everyone!", she chirped.

Yusuke some what annoyed pulled her to the side and said out of the earshot of Kayko began his whining.

"If you're here to give me another mission you can forg-"

"Wait before you get worked up, I'm here to tell you that you get a mini vacation.", she interrupted.

"What exactly do you mean?", Yusuke questioned suspiciously.

"You shouldn't have to work for another couple weeks or so, there have been no epidemic of demons lately so…."

"Really, good cause I wasn't about to fight any demons today.", Yusuke said smugly, walking back to Kayko.

"Hey Urameshi guess what, I heard that there was this girl who knocked out the toughest guy in one of the baddest schools in the whole city!", Kuwabara exclaimed.

"Wow a girl? Well that sure is different maybe I've got some competition huh?"

"What you talking about everyone knows I'm the toughest guy," Kuwabara boasted (as usual).

And with that they proceeded in their day unperturbed. Until they went outside to walk home.

Kurama, Hiei and Shimura walked outside laughing, oblivious to the people in front of them. Kurama then bumped into the boy in front of him.

"Hey watch it!" Yusuke shouted, ticked off , until he saw who it was.


"Excuse me my name is Suuichi", Kurama said full of meaning, and glancing in Shimura's direction.

"Oh right, I uh..forgot", Yusuke stammered, "But what are you and Hiei doing here?", Yusuke asked seeing the little fire demon.

"We go to school here now Yusuke", Kurama replied vaguely.

"Well it's good to see you guys again"

"I am pleased to see you two again as well", Kurama, said with a small smile.

"Hmph", added Hiei in his way of saying he was happy to see them.

"Let me introduce you to Shimura Sanada, Yus-", said Kurama.

"Hey you're the girl who beat that punk down huh?", a loud-mouthed Kuwabara interrupted.

"Well, I suppose you could say that",, she said uneasy because of his staring eyes.

"Wow, you're hot!"

"E- excuse me?", she said startled at his abrupt lack of tact.

"Hey would you go out with me?", he said grabbing her hands and kneeling.

"Back off fool, she wouldn't give a baka like you a second glance", Hiei said stepping forward in a defensive stance in front of her.

"She would punch you sooner than she would look at you" he added noticing the stares he got.

"Shove off moron", she said pushing him off her.

"I could be wrong but I don't think your making brownie points Kuwabara", Boton stated helpfully.

"Suuichi what's with your friend?", Shimura said, looking questioningly at the cross kitsune.

"Please forgive him he is as Hiei put it , a fool.", Kurama answered giving Kuwabara a jealous glare.

"Fine your forgiven just keep your hands off"

"So I have a chance", Kuwabara murmured eagerly walking away.

"Well he's not the sharpest tool in the shed", Shimura said in disbelief at his sheer ignorance.

"I don't even think he's in the shed", Kayko added watching him walk off in the distance after a series of falls due to his clumsiness.

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch your names", Shimura inquired politely.

"Oh my name is Yusuke and this is Boton and Kayko, and the idiot you just met is Kuwabara."

"Well it was nice meeting you but I am afraid I really must be getting home…. will you two be joining me?", she asked smiling.

"Yes", Hiei said answering for both of them, not that Kurama was at all unpleased with her company, Hiei just kept beating him to the punch.

"Bye Yusuke I'm sure we will be seeing you again soon", Kurama said waving in farewell.

Soon Yusuke Boton and Kayko dispersed while Hiei Kurama and Shimura walked home.

They talked and chatted casually, yet all the while the strengthened the bonds of their friendship immensely. Hiei and Kurama were both magnetically attracted to her and couldn't wait to see her again as they separated going to their separate homes/trees.

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I will be putting a couple of my favorite quotes from David Baird's book into every Chapter. I don't own these quotes. I guess it's just an extra little thing I enjoy and hope you will too!

" The art of living is knowing to be ready at any time for an unseen attack"