Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Always ready for a fight ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Always ready for a fight"

Kurama went to bed early that night again. He reflected silently on the wonderful day he had.

She kept popping into his mind. It was strange, it's as if he could not stop thinking of her.

Everything about her seemed amazing. She was easy going in her cool, and calm relaxed mood, serene and gracious.

Yet on the same note clever and untamed still keeping her childish sincerity to the maximum. And as if that wasn't enough she could easily hold her own against any human.

If he didn't know any better he was actually flirting with her this afternoon. But fast just wasn't Kurama's style, he would wait to see what it played out to be.

Just like any great battle this girl would take time. Time to study her behaviors, habits.

Time to learn how to love.

Hiei was taking a walk in the park also thinking of the strange ningen girl from school. Shimura her very name echoed charismatic.

She was very different to say the least with her smooth words and calming disposition it was and it was almost demonic how good at fighting she was.

It was hard to explain she accepted him without question to his somewhat mean personality or his gruffness and lack of conversational skills.

She …had made him a part of her life as her friend without inquiry of him. It was as if she just knew that he needed someone like her in his life.

Her face made all the blood from his many mass murders wash away, and a childlike innocence return to him from years past.

In one instant he could forget to shield his heart with the icy silence and ruthless sarcastic ness that made him what he had become today.

He stopped in front of his tree and leapt up. He soon fell asleep, actually anticipating seeing her tomorrow.

Shimura woke up to a strange feeling. It was a dark ki, but not at all threatening. Nonetheless she bolted up and went for the window, lightening fast, afraid that there was somebody there.

When she went to the window the aura vanished as if sensing her approach. She sighed and decided to take a late night walk. She threw on some clothes and headed for the door.

Before she went out she glanced at the clock, it was 9:00. She shoved her hands in her coat pockets and walked out of the house. She was somewhat worried about the aura she sensed watching her, but soon dismissed it; she didn't have the time to be paranoid.

She walked a comfortable pace as her thoughts dwelled on Suuichi and Hiei. They were so different. Different from everyone else, she didn't even seem fazed when she k.o that kid.

She had to be more careful a little harder and she would have killed him. But without a place to retreat to her demon side was suffocating in this weak human body. Usually she could handle it but she needed to be released once in a while. But they made her feel normal almost.

Ah, she was probably overreacting but something was there between her and Suuichi. She loved how humans were so honest and trusting, compared to demons. They were so innocent.

She was awakened out of her stupor to notice a strange man talking in her direction.

"What's such a unprotected girl like you doing here at night?", he said with a malicious tone coming closer.

Her demon side was annoyed so she snapped a gruff reply, "Walking what does it look like moron?"

"Looks to me like your asking for it", he said suddenly rushing at her and slamming her against the tree.

She groaned painfully, maybe she had thought to soon about humans being innocent, oh well good thing that they were some of the weakest creatures alive.

"Get off me you fool", she said socking him hard in the stomach and thrusting her palm up his nose breaking it into fragments.

That same aura appeared again, now angered, by what she had no idea. What was that strange ki?

The man who assaulted her was doubled up in immense pain.

"Leave now and I won't kill you", she said.

The man ran off crying. She brushed herself off and started back to her house, that energy never leaving her side. She sensed it meant her no harm and ignored it.

She walked in the door and went up stairs falling on her bed, soon asleep.

Shimura woke up early that day quickly dressed and went outside, it was too early for Suuichi or Hiei to be up so she headed towards the beach to admire the scenery until it was time for her to meet up with them.

She walked along the deserted beach peacefully watching the waves roll in and out.

Kurama got up as soon as his mother had gone to work. He hurriedly got dressed and went to the door. He just knew she would have gotten up and was taking a walk by now. He could tell she was that type.

He was actually excited, what excited? That was strange; he never was excited about a human. A fight perhaps but a human? In fact she was the only human girl that had been able to excite him.

Sure he had tons of lovers as Yoko but that was a first for this body, Suuichi. He also liked her personality, as much as her body. She was real.

There was nothing fake or shallow about her like the girl's at school. Yes, his demon side wanted her. But he would see how this progressed. It just felt right to be with her.

He trotted down the sidewalk as he thought about her. He raised he head in an attempt to sense her strong energy. He leapt down a cliff and was now on the beach. He saw her golden head in the distance and walked silently over to her.

Shimura continued to watch the serene setting as she strolled the beach lesuriously. She sensed an energy and whirled around quickly in an offensive position fists up ready. She soon realized it was Suuichi!

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know it was you," she said stunned.

"You almost knocked me out there", he laughed.

"Are you always ready for a fight?"

"Yeah I guess so", she said sitting down on the beach.

"I think it's a good quality to have, in this world", he said sitting down beside her.

"This is nothing compared to where I grew up", she said amusement still in her voice.

"Where was that?"

"Let us say it was a place out of this world" she chuckled.

"Hmmm….sect no awen dara tech gakaki?", he said in the language of the beast spirits (I know it sounds retarded but go with me).

Her head shot up her eyes flashing warily. She then answered, "What did you say?", knowing perfectly aware that translated it meant, "Do you understand me?".

He sighed and said, "Nothing", of course she wasn't a demon that was ludicrous, he would sense it…wouldn't he?

Shimura then calmed down and expelled the thought. Of course he wasn't a demon she would sense it…wouldn't she? Yet the thought still nagged her subconscious.

"You know you're not alone", s he said.

"I mean I know you must feel lonely after that moving experience", she added to take the suspicious hint out of her words.

She glanced at the watch on her delicate wrist and said," Let's go Hiei will be waiting", she then got up and offered him a hand.

He nodded and took it with a smile, his smiles made her shiver sometimes. He stood up revealing he was an inch taller than herself.

He grabbed their bags and handed hers to her.

"Thank you", she said smiling prettily. She had never smiled so much in her life.

He returned her smile and with her by his side they left the beach. Heading for the little fire demon that had been watching Shimura closely that night, of her assault.

_______________________________________________________________ ____-

I was kind of sleepy when I put that she acted like Kurama cause she doesn't really but I if had to compare her, that's who would be it.

"He that studies books will know how things ought to be; he that studies man will know how thing are."