Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Mr. Ladies Man ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mr. Ladies Man

As they walked towards, the little fire demon, he sat there with an impatient look on his face. He remembered last nights little excursion of Shimura's quite well.

Hiei sat in his tree as usual, trying to sleep, but with that impossible, he decided to take a little walk. He strolled the street quietly, thinking about why Boton was there, did they have another mission? Well if they did she would inform them, otherwise it was of no concern to him.

He found Boton a little too cheery for his taste; he avoided her if at all possible. He then turned sharply on the street corner and launched himself in the air, jumping into a tree. Hiei flitted over the trees at his leisure, heading for Shimura's house.

He arrived at her house soon. He jumped the high hedges and leapt up into the tree in her backyard. Luckily enough it was near her bedroom window. He walked to the tip of the longest branch, studying the tinted window to see her, sleeping.

It was reassuring to see her sleep so peacefully. His stares were short lived when she shot out of bed with a wary look to the exact spot where he was. He swiftly retreated into the tree, masking his ki, carefully. Could she sense him?

That is strange, then again the baka Kuwabara was sensitive to spirit energies. She then went to the window searchingly. Soon she eased off and then she emerged fully clothed out of her door. Apparently he wasn't the only one with an obsession for walks at night.

He watched her, careful to keep his energy off.

He stalked her silently from the shadows of the trees; he had nothing better to do so why not follow her? Shortly a strange human man approached her, speaking roughly. She answered his stupid question accordingly, after all a stupid question deserves a stupid answer.

He then showed his intentions by slamming her against a tree! Hiei was enraged at the sight; he didn't care if she could sense him, his energy rose like his temper. He would have gone down there had she not acted first.

She quickly, yet accurately succeeded in making him run crying. Somehow it reminded him of himself as her death threats were heard by the koorime. He forgot to turn is energy off, but she didn't seem to notice. He followed her back to her house, for her safety, and his reassurance. Damn these humans were rubbing off on him.

When she was safely in her house he retreated back to his tree, to sleep this emotions off.

"Where were you too?", the disgruntled Hiei said.

Kurama and Shimura looked guiltily at each other. Like small children being reprimanded for having sticky fingers.

"Hello to you too, sunshine", Shimura teased lightly.

"We took a quick walk along the beach this morning Hiei", Kurama then offered.

"Hmph", he replied looking away with an unforgiving air, upset they had left him.

"I'm sorry Hiei", Shimura said, placing a hand on his shoulder," But we should get going to school"

With that they left for school. Soon enough they met up with Yusuke and Boton along with Kayko and Kuwabara. (At the school's grounds). Boton came up to Shimura with a mischievous grin, seeing the threesome talk so freely.

"May I please borrow Shimura for a second?", she said, not waiting for a reply and, jerking her out of the confused boy's, earshot.

Then she started in with the interrogation.

"So do you like them?"

"Which one?"

"Is it Hiei?"

"Or Suuichi?"

"How does Hiei put up with you so well?"

"How do you put up with him so well?"

"Why did they defend you yesterday?"

"Why does Suuichi smile at you so much?"

"Do they like you?"

"WAIT!", Shimura yelled.

Boton blinked and burst into laughter.

"What's with all the questions?", the exasperated Shimura panted out.

"What's going on with you three, then", Boton said a little more calm.

"What do you mean?"

"Those two have been acting different with you around them, so I want to know what's going on, Hiei is never that nice to anyone, and Suuichi never smiles so much"

"Nothing is going on", Shimura said.

"Come on I won't tell…" Boton, chided.

"Look, we are just friends"

"Sure o.k.?", Boton said winking, walking back towards the boys who had been watching them intently.

The bell rang and they split.

"So what were you two talking about?", Kurama asked lightly.

"Uh, nothing", she replied quickly.

He dropped the subject then gave Hiei a knowing grin….they both could read lips.

The day progressed as usual, until soon with the passing of time lunchtime came around.

Kurama was nowhere to be found.

"You wait here while I go look for him, o.k.", she said to Hiei who as the only one she found.

He nodded and she began her search. She had memorized his ki by now and it was no problem to track him down.

He was in the center of a gaggle of girls, looking like a fox surrounded by hounds, so to speak.

He spotted Shimura and tried to excuse himself from the gang of girls. But they wouldn't let him go!

She understood that he was hopelessly polite and couldn't just tell them to go away.

Shimura cut through the crowd, came up to Suuichi smoothly entwined her arm with his and walked through the stunned crowd.

"Come on koi", she said with a charming smile.

They couldn't believe it was she his girlfriend?!

She walked like that until they were out of seeing distance, then she regretfully

unlocked her arm from his.

"Thank you", he said also reluctant to relinquish their arm hold.

"I bet that gave them something to talk about", she said with a little laugh, she then saw Hiei and walked over.

"Thank You for waiting", she told him.

"I found Mr. Ladies Man, over there", she said smiling mischievously.

"Maybe we should go to the Seaside Café'", Kurama said blushing at her comment.

"That sounds good, what do you think, Hiei?", she said looking his way.

"What?…Umm..sure", that was twice she had startled him with her asking his opinion. He liked it , having a person actually care about his thoughts and opinions.

"Maybe we should invite your other friends?", she questioned Kurama, politely.

"Yes, I will go get them and meet you there", Kurama said walking away to find Yusuke and the others.

They all met up at the Seaside Café' to enjoy themselves on their break.

They all greeted each other casually then ordered their drinks. Yusuke then started the conversation with Shimura.

"So how did you take that guy, down?", an eager Yusuke asked.

"Well, I hit him", Shimura said stating the obvious.

"Show me!"

"W-what?", a startled Shimura said backing away.

"Show me, beat me like you did to him, if you can"

"Perhaps that isn't the best thing"

"Come on are you afraid?" Yusuke taunted.

Hiei and Kurama, now started in. They had already figured out Shimura wasn't one to pass up a challenge.

"Yusuke, I think you should really stop, now.", Kurama said, afraid he would hurt her on accident.

"Yes you baka, leave her alone", Hiei, added.

""O.k how about we just see who can pin who first, no punches, or kicks", Yusuke said , badly wanting to see her moves.

"Fine, Yusuke, but I won't lose easily", Shimura said ripping off her school skirt, revealing boy pants, which shocked the boys immensely.

Before any one could say anything(to shocked to say anything), Kuwabara spoke up.

"Hey, Urameshi, you can't fight a girl!"

"Hey, if she took down that guy down, then I should be a synch", Yusuke reassured.

"Yusuke, you hurt her, and you'll live to regret it", Kurama said calmly, with a smile as if he was speaking friendly to him.

"O.k, so are you ready, girl?", Yusuke teased getting in to a fighting stance.

Shimura said nothing as she got into a defensive position. With that Yusuke hastily started the match with a rush forward. She dodged easily and swung her leg over his head shoved him to the ground and sat on him, with a smug smile. She was so fast!


"Mnphmnnhph", Yusuke mumbled.

"What's that?", she said moving slightly so he could speak.

"I give", he said spitting out dirt.

She smiled then got off of him, dusting off her pants. By this time all the guys were laughing at him, even Hiei grinned, at Yusuke's obvious underestimating of her capabilities.

"Well, Shimura, it was a lucky match for, you but nonetheless I think we are going to be good friends", Yusuke said clapping her on the back in a friendly manner.

Kurama didn't like how close they were getting, and with a cough said," I think we should get going it's almost time to go back to school"

Shimura nodded and they started back, as Kuwabara made fun of Yusuke's loss.

They stopped admits their laughter as the leader of the gang Shimura thrashed. There were about twenty, obviously he was mad, and he brought back up.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't you", Shimura said coolly.

"Yeah, I've come to settle the score and unless you beg me your not getting off that easy", The leader said angrily.

"I do believe you have it wrong, you are the one who should be begging.", Shimura said.

"I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson, little girl", He replied evilly, as he motioned for the other bullies to be aware.

"She's not alone", Kurama said moving to her side while Hiei flanked her other side.

"Thank you gentlemen, but this going to be over, very soon", she said, and with that she lunged at them with lighting speed. In a matter of moments they all lay on the ground, with tons of bruises. They all were knocked out when Shimura came back with a smile and said tranquilly

"That took care of that."

They all stared, slack-jawed at her fighting skills.

The day ensued peacefully, until the day came to an ending.

"Did you get the history homework? It's a killer", Kuwabara said.

"Well if you want to come to my house I'm good at feudal Japan history." Shimura offered.

"Great we'll see you at 7:00!" Yusuke cut her off running away.

I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho (so don't sue!).

"The fragrance stays in the hand of the one who gave you the rose"

Based on David Baird's Book, I do not own these quotes.