Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Parties, Breakfast,Carnivals, ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Parties, Breakfast, and Carnivals galore!

Later that evening Shimura was busy. She had ordered pizza, made sure the room as well lit, even though she doubted they would actually study much. Shimura was no amateur at being a teenager, and she had an idea of what was going to go on. They came at exactly 7:00. When she opened the door they all quieted down, a little surprised.

"I told you she lived here you fools", Hiei's voice was heard somewhere in the crowd.

"Come in", she offered opening the door.

"Wow, it's big", Kuwabara said as they all walked into the nice house.

"Cool, two stories!", Yusuke exclaimed.

"How do your parents afford this?", Kayko asked, timidly walking in.

"I live by myself, no parents", Shimura replied readily.

"You mean all by yourself, all the time?", Yusuke said with a grin.

"Why yes,", Shimura said one step ahead of him.

"And what kind of music do you have?"

"I like Pink Floyd, Outkast, and the oldies", Shimura replied evenly.

But by then Yusuke was cranking the music, and Kayko was busy getting the entertainment.

The house was in a riot; Shimura just shook her head knowingly. Hiei was a little weirded out, and he didn't know what was going on. Kurama then informed him about the basic party's formal procedures.

They sounded so dull, and idiotic.

Shimura had changed earlier that night and was now wearing a blue top matching her eyes and baggy pants, with a metal hoop belt.

She looked great and Kurama noticed. She saw the pandemonium and just smiled.

She knew this would happen; there was just something about no parentals, loud music, and crude entertainment that was irresistible to teens. She knew she used to be one, a long time a go, technically she still was one.

She walked over to the phone still smiling while she ordered some more pizza

"I see you are taking this well", Kurama said coming over to her.

"What else is there to do?", she sighed.

But Kurama knew she wasn't unpleased. Even Kumara himself wouldn't mind as long as she would play spin the bottle, it was surprising since, he never was that type.

"So are you going to play?", he asked casually, not wanting to show his interest in her playing, he was trying to keep it cool yet, it was impossible, to her shrewd eyes, not to mention empathic abilities.

"And why would you like to know, Suuichi?", she chuckled.

"Hey you two get over here and play, already", Yusuke called, as they waited in a circle.

Shimura went over to where Hiei sat looking out the window.

"Don't suppose you will be joining us"

The little fire demon looked at her as if she was a reject from the asylum.

She chuckled then walked over to the teens, Kurama had already joined the circle, leaving a spot free next to him, on purpose.

"So who ever the bottle lands on the person who spun it has to kiss them.", Yusuke announced evilly.

Shimura sat with a look of mature skepticism, eyebrow raised, and unfazed.

"I'll go first then", Yusuke offered.

He spun the bottle hard, and it went around several times before it landed on Kayko(of course), and she kissed him innocently on the lips, nothing serious at all that just wouldn't be like her.

Next it was Boton, she smiled cheerfully, secretly hoping it would land on Suuichi, truth be told she had a tiny crush on the gorgeous redhead. She spun it lightly, and femininely.

When it finally did land it landed on the one and only Kurama. When she went in for a full on kiss, he turned his head slightly, clearly refusing her advance, in which it landed on his cheek.

She blushed, and every one laughed, at this point she excused her self to the bathroom.

Now time for Shimura's turn, something everyone had been waiting for.

She reached over and spun it. It seemed like an eternity before it went around for the last time. It would have fallen on the all too anxious Kuwabara, had she not given it a little psychic push in Kurama's direction.

The green-eyed boy looked a bit startled, she looked at him and raised an eyebrow. All the teenagers just sighed and turned their heads because they knew it would be a friendly kiss on the cheek.

If not only to spite them, and for a little enjoyment, she wrapped her hand around his neck and pulled him into a kiss that sent him for a loop. Her soft lips were a shock to his taste buds, as he savored her flavor. But too short lived it was for Kurama, because the doorbell rang for the extra pizza.

She uncurled her arms from his neck and rose gracefully, to receive the pizza. She smirked as she saw him get up and hurriedly running to get some cold drinks for everyone. The kitchen counter being an exceptional shield to amused eyes.

She got the pizza, Boton returned and everyone seemed hungry, so they dug in.

After a while Kayko had a bad idea.

"So Shimura…truth or dare"

"What?", Shimura said a bit startled, but then she remembered the foolish game the ningens played, yet it had an odd appeal.

"Unless your too scared", Kayko taunted, knowing full well her pride would not allow her to refuse.

"Fine then, truth", Shimura said confidently, as the group of teens watched intently.

"Ok, well what do you like in a guy?'

"Personality or what?"

"Body wise ", Kayko said shyly.

"Above or below the belt?", Shimura questioned mischievously.

This arose giggles and snorts from the teenagers, they had never really pictured Shimura as hard core, but then again,….. appearances can be deceiving.

"Uhhh, above", Kayko answered blushing, as was Kurama who once again needed a refill of the full to the top soda.

"Well…it's kind of …stupid, and I would rather not say…", Shimura replied modestly.

"Oh come on, you said, and now you have to answer", they whined.

"Well, I like..long canines…", she mumbled.

"Canines?", Kayko questioned, confusedly.

"Yes, long teeth, I like fangs", she replied quickly, gruffly, and embarrassedly.

They whole crowd burst out laughing that could rival thunder. They laughed until they were brought to tears at her abnormal answer.

Amid the laughter, there were whistles, and "Go Kurama", heard, which at the time held no comprehension to Shimura who was in a state of chagrin.

"Leave me alone already", she spat, and they reluctantly settled down.

"We have to do our home work anyway", she added as she took note of the clock on the wall.

They soon finished and after cleaning up the mess they made, they left and the night was over.

Shimura was actually a bit tired and soon retired to her dream filled sleep.


Shimura woke up as usual but earlier, she also made sure she looked o.k. Since when did she change her life for a guy? Then again Suuchi wasn't just any guy.

She walked to the kitchen and made some of her delicious scrambled eggs, and then she put bacon cheese and sausage in it and wrapped them up in a tortilla. It was somewhat difficult to find such foods in Tokyo. She thought she would surprise them with some warm breakfast. Oi since when did she cook for guys? This was getting pathetic. She made about a dozen and went outside to find them, she was sure they were waiting early for her. She walked up to them and handed them one each.

"What's this?", Hiei asked as he sniffed the delicious smelling food.

"They're just something I whipped up, thought you might like it", she shrugged.

"If you've already e-", she was cut short by Hiei and Kurama taking a huge bite.

They chewed thoughtfully, and then groaned in pleasure, as their tastebuds tingled. These were great. They quickly finished the rest and walked in a contented silence until they realized…she didn't have any!

"Shimura you didn't have any, I'm sorry", Kurama apologized with a guilty look.

"Don't worry I had some earlier", she lied smiling indulgently.

Hiei saw that she was lying and said, "I'm sorry".

"Don't worry I'm fine, Hiei, really." she replied, laughingly.

They brightened up at her laugh and were feeling less blameworthy. They soon were at school and met up with Yusuke and the others. "Great Party" was the chorus of the crowd. The bell rang and they dispersed. Kurama, Hiei and herself went to the gym for P.E. Kuwabara was there while Yusuke had ditched.

Shimura lowered herself to the track showing a fair amount of cleavage and a brilliant red beaded necklace. The whistle blew and she began to jog a bit which was sprinting to the other kids. But she soon realized that Hiei was right by her side wearing a competitive smile. She smiled back and upped the pace, making sure she beat him. But soon he caught up with her defiantly. She then rebelliously sped up. She looked like a whirlwind, when Hiei continued to keep her pace. She then lagged purposely; she was dangerously close to someone noticing her abnormalities. She went from the fastest to the slowest, the others just thought she was tired. But Hiei knew better, she was holding back purposely, and if she could move faster, well that was something amazing.

Later in the day…after phys Ed-------------------------------------------------

The three walked down the hall quietly until Hiei spoke on the subject of her sluggishness.

"So what was that about back there? Why did you give up?", he questioned.

"I'm just no match", she shrugged.

"Hmph", he grunted, knowing she was lying.

In their elective they got handed flyers to go to a school carnival. Kurama's first thought was to ask Shimura. Shimura's first thought went to Suuichi, and if he would ask her. He looked over at the golden haired ark angel, skimming over the flyer. Yes he knew he had to ask her, it was the perfect opportunity, to show his true feelings.

The school day had ended and he had given Hiei an excuse to walk alone with Shimura.

"Shimurawouldyougotothedancewithme?", he blurted out, totally and utterly unprepared for his lack of smoothness.

"Well, sure, I suppose…" she said, she couldn't resist those expressive baby eyes of his.

"I'm so glad, I'll pick you up at 7:00", he said as Yoko took over momentarily, and with a suave kiss to her cheek, he walked away.

Had she just agreed to go out on a date with him? Oh Inari, she had let him get too close, and that was potentially dangerous to him. She knew what this feeling was, and she had only felt it once before, and she also knew it was a risky chance, a risk she had lost before... Besides it would not be fair to him, she could never be truly honest with him, more to the point…she wasn't sure she could forget that handsome white haired demon who stolen her heart first….

I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, it's characters, or anything in association, except for my original character Shimura, which I hold the proud deed to. These quotes are from David Bard's book, "A Thousand Paths to Enlightenment", I do not own any of these.

"Never trouble trouble, till trouble troubles you"

Man, it's late and I don't wanna type nothing more…ZzZzZzZ *snore* ZzZzZzZz head hits

desk, drool, pours out* ZzZzZzZz