Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ The Breakdown ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Break Down

Shimura flew threw the streets, using her super human speed, none could see her. She had politely declined when Suuichi had offered to walk her home; she had too much to do.

She would have to break it off with him after tonight; she just…couldn't stay with him not even as friends…she couldn't risk him getting hurt. or her heart getting broken… But if she was going to do this she was going to make it one hell of a night for him!


Kurama rushed home, he had a date with the girl of his dreams! He was going to let Yoko dress him tonight, so he was sure to surprise her.

Kurama got home threw his backpack on the bed, and jumped in the shower. When he got out of the shower he let his hair air dry, as the demon within picked out his clothes for him, it was a great perk to have an extremely charismatic Yoko as a counterpart.

Yoko chose a white shirt, and a pair of tight black jeans. Yoko looked in the mirror, gods; he looked like he was going to a formal. The devilish fox, then tore off the arms of the shirt and unbuttoned it more…now that was more like it!

~I look like I'm going to a strip club, Yoko!~, Suuichi said.

~* Then my mission is complete~*, the thief replied casually.

The red head sighed then, hurried over to the mirror and did his hair quickly. After which he ran out into the living room and sat down in the chair, near the clock to calm his nerves.

Yet he only succeeded in making it worse when he realized it was only about 6:36. He sighed and sat quietly, but he began to fidget, anxiously. Then his mother walked in, with a knowing smile.

"So who is she?"

"What? How did you know?" he asked looking up.

"A mother always knows when her son is dressing to impress"

"Oh, I see", Kurama replied.

"Well, I suggest you get going"

"Why? It's not time yet"

" It's always nice to bring her flowers", his mother said helpfully.

"Well, I do want to get walking so I'll go a little early I suppose"


Shimura swiftly hurried to her closet and chose a short white tank top, and a pair of short skorts(shorts that look like a skirt), that were black, while adding a pair of white heels, were great for viewing her legs.

She then styled her silky tresses to perfection. After the addition of some irresistible body spray she looked at her appearance in the mirror and still saw imperfections.

Even though she was a stunningly attractive; long legs, beautiful golden hair, sparkling smile, and outstanding sapphire eyes, and a voluptuous body. She still saw many defects, but it would have to do.

She then heard a bell ring and she bolted down stairs to answer it. She opened the door to find a most desirable guy awaiting her.


Kurama walked down the street and as he approached he remembered his mother's words. He quickly pulled out a white rose out of his hair.

White symbolized affection and love. It was a first for the infamous Yoko Kurama, to give this particular color of rose, as a rule he only gave red ones symbolizing lust and passion, he was never serious about his one-time lovers.

And why should he care for this one, what made her different? His thoughts where cut off by Shimura opening the door, and showing him what true beauty really was.

"Hello, Suuichi", she said, stepping out into the warm night air.

Suuichi just stood there dumb founded as he watched her in awe, at her complete beauty. So Yoko improvised and took over momentarily.

"Good evening my lady", he replied smoothly, as he offered her his arm.

"I suppose chivalry didn't die out after all", she said with a smile accepting his arm.

"This is for you, even though it does not compare to your beauty", he said suavely with a sexy smile, and offering the rose which she took with great care.

She smiled and knew this would be a memorable date.


They arrived at the booming carnival, and met up with Yusuke and the others. Yusuke and Kuwabara gawked, and Kayko hit them hard in response.

"Hey, let's go to the west side of the park, heard the rides are great", Yusuke offered.

They all nodded and went that way. Along the way to the rides they came across the games, and stopped. While Yusuke, tried to win something for Kayko, Kurama spotted a plush fox doll and knew it was for Shimura. She was busy watching the antics of yusuke, so he slipped off and easily won it.

When he returned with the surprise, she wrapped her arms around him and embraced him, much to his surprise.

"Arigato Kurama-san", she whispered in his ear, which made him shiver slightly.

"Your most welcome", he replied.

"I suppose for me it has a dual meaning", he added with a smile, "Lets go to the rides now, before Yusuke realizes we are gone"

She nodded and they walked off to the fast rides.

When they got to a two-seated ride they flashed tickets and hopped aboard. Kurama definitely liked the closeness, and when she leaned in to him, when they rounded the corner, he was all too happy.

When she gasped at the sudden turn he hardened slightly, she had a certain quality that just naturally turned him on.

Shimura leaned in closely as the had rounded the corner of the ride and breathed in air just to entice him, even though she wasn't scared at all she kept leaning in close to him, on purpose.

Kurama was about to move in for a closer encounter with her lips, when the ride stopped much to his dismay. He stepped out and politly offered a hand to help her out. After which they went to the Ferris wheel, the most romantic ride in a carnival.

There were small basket lights on the giant wheel, as it twirled slowly, to deepen the connection between two people. The night air was warm and the star shown bright like freckles in the night, everything was absolutely perfect, except Shimura didn't like heights too well. But there was no way in hell she would let it ruin this moment with Suuichi. So instead she bore it and walked on the ride with poise.

Kurama was soon to follow and the slow ride began, rising to the top. Her knuckles were white as they got higher, but she never faltered, yet he saw her hand griping the bar for dear life. He then spoke to her comforting words.

"Are you o.k?"

"Yes fine", she replied, not looking at him or the ground.

"It's alright, easy, easy", he cajoled as he eased her into his arms, and once she was in then she grasped him somewhat tightly, then looked up into his face. She saw affection devotion and something else…desire. He then closed the gap between them and hovered above her lips, too make sure it was all right. He was surprised when she gently pushed her lips to his.

He couldn't really handle this so Yoko eased his first kiss a little, and made sure she enjoyed it as well. He brushed his tongue against her bottom lip in plea for entrance and she complied, at first a little, teasingly, then she gave in to his warm kiss that poured a mixture of emotions that were bundled up inside. Yet like the last, the ride ended too soon, and they had to get off.

Yet Shimura knew it had gone too far and she had to do the unthinkable, and now if ever. She had to shut him out; she just couldn't see him hurt. She wouldn't let him get hurt.

"Suuichi, I- I can't do this any longer I-", Yusuke and Kuwabara rushing over urgently cut her off.

"Kurama we have to go NOW!", Yusuke yelled as they dragged him off,… off to the Spirit world. As Shimura stood there and watched somewhat relived that she hadn't had to go through with that, yet what was it that they called him?


Kurama hadn't even time to think, when he was in Koenma's office, while Yusuke and Kuwabara were listening urgently as they talked about something that he couldn't hear. He had just had his first kiss and he was still dizzy and caught off guard, as he stood dumbfounded in the toddler's office.

When he came to the only words he could pick up on were "Toguro", and "Dark Tournament". He soon became angered and began to stamp out of the office, and back to her, she seemed upset, and he had to go to her. Yet he was being stopped by a koorime blocking the exit.

"I know what you want but if we don't stop this tyrant he'll kill us, and everyone we've ever met.", Hiei counseled.

Kurama then withdrew and backed off to the window. It was raining. He realized he could never be with her, it was too dangerous and he wouldn't dare let her get hurt by this new enemy, he would have to go to this tournament, and save her, as well as the world. He would miss her, and to symbolize that; the white rose would forever be her rose.

These quotes come from David Bard's book "A thousand paths to enlightenment", I do not own these, or Yu Yu Hakusho. I do not own any of the characters, or any thing in relation, except Shimura, who is mine.

"No one ever became extremely wicked at the drop of a hat"

I hope someone enjoys these, because I have already written the whole story in notebooks, yet it takes me time to types. I don't need any responses or reviews but they are extremely welcome, I do appreciate them greatly. So just wait until next chapter, the fun really begins and the story starts up.