Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ The Secret to Being Human ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Secret to Being Human

Many things were going on in Kurama's head as he caught her in his arms. If she wasn't a Kitsune then what was she? Why did she have such an effect when that demon transformed into an Inu child? He was anxious to find the answers but he knew she wouldn't answer, so he would leave it alone, he had a feeling it would resurface…in the near future. He smiled down at her, and hooked her necklace around her neck again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~`

Shimura walked through a meadow; the flowers were beautiful this time of year. She brushed her hand across a white lily. They were just like her, pretty, yet signaling death.

She sighed contentedly as she flopped down on a soft patch of grass and looked out upon the beautiful blue sky strewn with clouds. Then she heard that tiny voice that made her heart happy.

"Hey Tatoni", a small voice sounded.

"Hello", she said in response, as she sighed joyfully.

"Whatcha doing?", he asked as he plopped in her lap, his little golden eyes staring at her adoringly.

"Watching the clouds", she replied, gently.

"Ohhh…can I watch too?", he inquired innocently.

"Of course", she answered him.

He cuddled close to her and put his head on her chest.

"I love you Tatoni", he uttered, as he fell asleep.

"As I love you…Inuyasha".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'< /div>

Shimura woke up in a sweat. She had just had the strangest flashback from her past. She sat up in the bed she had been lain in. It was night and they were in the hotel Koenma had arranged for them. She looked around the room, Kurama was beside her bed in a chair, and Hiei was sleeping peacefully on the windowsill on her close left. Yusuke, Kuwabara, were sleeping on the floor while Kayko, Boton, and Yukina and Shizuro where on couches. They were centered around her as if protecting her, and she smiled.

She got out of bed, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in her abdomen; so intense she fell to the ground. Hiei and Kurama were up in an instant.

"Shimura, what were you doing?", Kurama questioned, angered for her trying to move while injured.

Shimura struggled desperately to get up, but couldn't. The injury had kept her lower half semi-paralyzed. Hiei was by her side instantly, and helping her on to her feet again, and back into bed.

"What were you going to do? Your badly hurt." Hiei protested.

"I-I was just trying to get up", she grunted.

"You should not try and move", Kurama said.

"Yes, you fought well, and hard out there", Hiei said, and Shimura looked at him with a thank you in her eyes.

"So how did you produce these gems on your necklace, and the ones out on the ring?" Kurama asked.

"These red ones come from my blood, they have special properties, when strung together with my demon hair, it becomes a disguise, an appearance alterer.", she answered.

"I thought only Koorime could do that", Kurama said glancing at Hiei.

"As far as I know I'm the only none Koorime that can"

"So your blood fluids create gems?", Hiei, asked.

"Blood, tears, basically yes"

"So when you take this off you become Tatoni?"

"I'm always Tatoni, it's not like I have an alter ego so I'm always in control, unlike you", she said.

"I see you wish to acquire one as well?"

"I just thought if it was possible…", Kurama faltered, he had taken the serum Sazuka had given him, and he was using all his strength to stay Suuichi but couldn't hold it and would soon become Yoko with Suuichi trapped without his own body.

"Yes. It's possible, but we need to find a Shaman to bless it, only then will it work"

"Where do we find this Shaman?"

"In a forest, in another dimension", she said.

"Perhaps Koenma can get us a portal tomorrow", Hiei chimed in.

"Yes, Tomorrow"

Then with an exhausted sigh Shimura lay back on her pillows, and settled in for a much-needed rest.


Shimura's eyes opened and she looked around the room, good…everyone was asleep. She got up and stealthily tiptoed out of the room and out onto the outdoor balcony. She was glad no one had asked questions a bout that boy, or what kind of demon she was. Her wounds had healed almost completely, and she would be completely well tomorrow, and tomorrow she would find the Shaman. She felt she owed him, to leave him hanging like that, but still to think that he would just have her and…leave… Those thoughts shot through her like daggers. But little time did she have for that, because none other than the handsome Yoko himself came sauntering up.

"So I see your healing", he said.

"Well, those jewels explain why you're so rich in the human world.

"I suppose your tear jewels are even more valuable, why don't you use them instead, as a matter of fact how can you create them at all?" he interrogated.

"Well I see you're infinitely more inquisitive as Yoko.," she said, laughingly.

"So if you're not a Kitsune what are you, exactly", he questioned.

"Maybe a little too inquisitive", she added.

"I don't believe your going to tell me are you?"

"My past is my problem, I got here on my own terms, demons respect power, and that I have in plenty".

"I almost envy them…the way you can make something of yourself, without having to continually fight, that's why I decided to become this, I was tired of fighting. But part of me craves to go back to the Makia and reek havoc, the game of cat and mouse, hunter and prey", she said.

"I suppose I know how that feels… after all it's what got me almost killed", he said.

"The best of both worlds…here", she said as she took his hand and scrapped one of his claws against her wrist, as fifteen, perfectly spherical jewels, red in color, dropped into his hand.

"Keep them safe", she whispered, as she then looked into his eyes and saw a glimmer of lust.

One moment she saw him, and another he was gone. But she then felt muscular arms snake around her waist and pull her toward his awaiting lips. She allowed him one kiss, before she pushed him away, and grabbed his head to look him in the eye.

"No more Kurama", she said sternly.

"No more what?" he taunted as his hands went to her back, massaging the tired muscles.

"This…to think you would screw me, a-and just leave…like all the others…" she fumed.

"I will not be used like that…and none of your charm will make a difference…I've made up my mind, from now one we are just friends", she finalized, with a frantically unstable look in her eyes, as her new blood loss, wound up in her fainting again, into his arms.

The looked down upon her, and his eyebrows furrowed, why did her words, cut him like this? What was happening to him? Did he love her?

He smoothed her hair back from her face, and kissed her soft lips, once, then gently eased her back into her bed. Yes, perhaps he did. And what was so wrong with that? But would she ever trust him?


Shimura awoke (now morning), and quickly put on some clothes. She had hoped that she could go and get some breakfast for her friends before they woke up. She glanced across the room and dashed out, shutting the door behind her quietly.

She walked down the hall and out onto the main hallway, where it was bustling with demons, and humans alike, who all had seen the Dark Tournament, and had seen Shimura. She had left her necklace in the room, so she walked out to the main office and got many stares.

"SO where can I get some breakfast for me and my teammates?" she asked as she came to the central desk and spoke to the terrified human manager.

"T-T-That way", he stuttered as he pointed to the kitchen quarters.

"Thanks", she replied, and walked off in that direction, she hadn't lost her touch yet!

She glided towards the appointed place and walked in through the swinging door. It was busy, and active with the preparation of food.

But the whole operation stopped when the demonic woman walked in. But one unsuspecting and unaware, human boy walked up to her.

"May I help you, Miss?", he said as everyone stared in silence.

"Yes, I wanted to inquire as to if it would be possible to get some food for my teammates and I?"

"Well let me take your order and you can wait for your food in the lobby, O.K.," the said, as he wrote down what she ordered. The whole room couldn't believe that he had just made her wait! But she walked out of there with the promise of being back in 15 minutes.

She walked out of the hotel and found a nice tree to sleep in as she waited.


Hiei woke up realizing something was amiss. Shimura's comforting energy was gone! He went to Kurama, and shook the fox roughly.

"Wake up baka, Shimura's gone", he said urgently.

"I can't feel her ki at al she's not in the building", Kurama said, after trying to search for her.

"Get up Shimura's gone", Kurama said as he shook Yusuke, and Kuwabara awake to help look for them.

Soon the search party was under way, and they had Kurama in front like a bloodhound. Once again the crowds stopped as the winning team of the Dark Tournament, passed through. But they would not be deterred from their mission.

"Where is she can you smell her?" Hiei, questioned.

"Yes I've got it", he said as he walked towards the kitchen.

"This is no time for your stomach, Kurama", Yusuke said, worried.

"Do you think I would treat her absence so lightly?" he said while shooting Yusuke a glare.

But they continued on into the kitchen, and when they entered Hiei spoke up, commanding attention.

"Have any of you seen a woman with a tail and ears, blonde, 6' foot tall?" he shouted, impatiently.

The same boy stepped up and answered, not having a clue as to who they were.

"Yeah, she said she'd be back within 15 minutes to pick up her order"

They all fell anime style and came back up relived.

"Well at least she's safe", Yusuke said.

They then walked back up to the room and sat on the couch and waited, they were going to have a little chat when she got back.


Shimura woke up and went back in the hotel, and to the kitchen. She retrieved her order and went up to the room. When she got there she sensed their energies, they were all awake, and Hiei was angry, and she could guess why. She tried to walk quietly away but she heard his voice.

"Shhhimmmmmuraa", he called angrily.

She sighed and walked in. She set the food down and sighed as the raging little fire demon was crossly staring at her.

"Where were you? You could have been killed by a demon, we thought you were still injured!", Hiei exclaimed, worried.

"I'm a big girl, and I can go anywhere I want, when I want", she retorted.

She instantly regretted her harsh words, because when she said them, a hurt came into Hiei's eyes and he jumped off of the balcony and out into the forest, at super speed. She felt horrible, she had humiliated him, about his worrying and anxiety for her safety, he never showed emotion, and when he had, she embarrassed him.

"I hope you don't do it again, we were worried,", Kurama said, as if nothing happened.

"I'll inform you when I leave Mommy-dearest", she said.

They all smiled and she could tell it was smoothed over, now for Hiei. She dropped the bag, told them to dig in while she went to the window, to track the fire demon. They knew were she was going and didn't appose her.

She jumped from the balcony of the 7-story building, which she had a hard landing, but got up and traced his scent. When she had found him, he was sitting in a shadowy part of the forest making it look like night.

"Hiei", she called softly, apology evident in her voice.

He didn't answer, he was still upset at her. There were few ways he could express his feelings, anger, and anxiety being some of them.

"Please forgive me Hiei", she pleaded.

She touched his arm and he couldn't last against her gentle cries, any longer. She sat next to him and was silent for a while.

"I'm sorry", she whispered.

"It's alright", he said finally.

She smiled tenderly and embraced him. He was so surprised at first he didn't know how to react, then his feelings took over and he put his hands to her back and drew her near. She smelt wonderful. He liked the warmth of her body against his, and it felt right.

"I know it's hard for you Hiei, but believe me you're not the only… forbidden child"


I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, or Inuyasha or anything in relation, except Shimura.