Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Reminiscing&Gem Greedy ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


The day started out with aloud "Sit Boy!" Sango, Miroku, Shippo and Kirara all went out side to see what the racket was about, no doubt, Inuyasha had done or said something to upset Kagome. They emerged from the makeshift hut, to see Inuyasha face down in the dirt, near a flustered Kagome.

"You jerk Inuyasha!", Kagome shouted, blushing profusely.

"So what exactly did you do now?" Sango asked in a weary voice.

"I didn't do anything", he said defiantly lifting his chin, after getting up.

"That MORON made fun of my skirt!"

"Well…it is rather short…" Miroku said glancing at her backside, seemingly innocent.

And as always, countered by Sango's fist.

"But I'm sure it's all Inuyasha's fault", he added quickly seeing Kagome's reddening face.

"Thanks a lot Miroku", Inuyasha grunted.

"You should apologize to Kagome", Shippo squeaked.

"I aint apologizing for nothing", he said as he jumped up into a treetop.

"Fine…I'm going back to my time Inuyasha!" a flustered Kagome shouted, as Sango and Miroku shook their heads.

"Don't go Kagome! Inuyasha its all your fault!" Shippo said sullenly.

"Please, Please, Please Kagome. You know Inuyasha is a jerk", Shippo pleaded.

"Well…o.k. Shippo just for you."

They all sighed and were once again on the search for the Shikon Jewel Shards, when Kagome's head jerked up.

"Let's get some sleep before the next hunting trip", Miroku suggested. And after everyone consented they went in and slept.


Inuyasha had just commented on her skirt. What was the big deal? It's not as if he was lying. Why was she sooo, fussy sooo, often? He wasn't gonna apologize, not to her. But it would be a problem if she went back she was the only one able to detect the jewel shards, but deep down he cared for her as well.

Sometimes things got tough and he would just harden, and become untrusting. She had taught him that. She was the only one he could trust 100% percent., no matter what.

But she was gone, dead, never to return, no he couldn't start crying, but something once so precious, was so far away…

She meant the world to him and he would never see her face again, to think he would never again feel her soft kisses on his cheek, her hard exterior, but with a closer look, that butter soft interior, that never failed to brighten his day.

She was always there… never faltering… always strong and confidant. That golden tail always hanging cockily in the breeze. But sometimes she would get that look, he couldn't describe it very well. It was like she was waiting, or replaying something over and over in her mind. Oh, how he longed for her, missed her…Tatoni.


Gem Greedy

Shimura, Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke all toppled over on another in a crumpled heap.

Boton had given the portal in which they could be transported to where they would find a Shaman to bless the jewels for Yoko's re-transformation.

"Uhmh…Get off of me Kuwabara!" Shimura mumbled through a mouthful of Kurama's shirt.

They were in quite a predicament. Yusuke was on top of Kuwabara who was piled unto Yoko, who Shimura was being mercilessly wedged on Kurama's chest, her legs jammed between his. Whilst poor Hiei was on the bottom, supporting all their weight.

"I can't Yusuke's on top of me!" Kuwabara muttered.

"You are puling on my tail, and I will not stand for it any longer!" Shimura growled ferally.

"Why is everybody always pickin on me?" Kuwabara whined.

With a slight shift Hiei knocked them all off of him. The others were completely free while Yusuke uhmm…fell, on Shimura. His hips pinning her painfully.

"Get off of me!" she cried as a huge burst of energy sent him flying in the opposite direction.

"Down girl", Kuwabara laughed.

Shimura turned to him, her terrifying look, making her 4 feet taller, and her fangs seemed to grow longer and her eyes turned blood red. But of course this was his imagination, right?

"Are you quite done?" Yoko question his possessive hormones raging.

"This way", Hiei interrupted, tired of their lollygagging.

"Hey, how do you know where to go?" Kuwabara, shouted, oblivious to the hut standing right in the middle of the small clearing.

"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer", Hiei responded stiffly.

They approached the hovel to see a small withered woman, scuffling around suspiciously.

"Who are you?" she squeaked.

"We are here to get these blessed", Shimura said showing her the jewels, banded together with her magical stranded hair.

Ohhh…my mentor told me of a client that could produce these", she said looking at them hungrily.

"She was a fool, and took no payment, I on the other hand will require it", she said greedily.

"I could kill you right now", Tatoni said seriously.

"But I am the last of my trade and you know it. Give me a payment of 50, and I will be satisfied.

Before Yoko or Hiei or anyone could protest, with a swift cut to her wrist, the dark blood ran down her arm and down on the ground. (She was currently in demon form in hence the switch to Tatoni).

The blood coming to swiftly for her liking she quickly tied it with a shred of clothing. But by then it was too late, she swayed, and then fell into Yoko's arms. S he groaned and steadied herself, now somewhat able to stand (with the all to willing help of the white fox).

"Finish it!" she growled fiercely.

The woman, who had been scrambling on the ground to get them, put them in a pouch and grabbed the stringed beads. With a glowing flash of white light, she had sanctified them with the supreme gift of illusion.

Tatoni growled, and with that they left. Hiei looked back at the horrid woman, and with a look at her house it caught on fire which setting her into a fury.

Hiei and the others chuckled, and a sly smile spread across her face.

"Geez, Hiei" Yusuke laughed.

"Who said it was Hiei?" Tatoni said laughingly.

"Hey where's that handy portal Boton given us to get back?" Kuwabara said, as Yusuke produced a small vile in witch the swirling one time use vortex was in.

With a leap from them and a stumble from the weak Tatoni, they were sent whirling into nothingness, thinking that they would come out on the other side. Oh how wrong they were.


Hey this was a two-in-one deal tonight so hope you enjoy. But this will only count as one chapter. Bit of a twist, but probably self-evident. Perhaps you can see where this is goin. Hope you enjoyed it! And as always R&R.