Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Demon Attack, Demon Defense ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Demon Attack, Demon Defense

The whole Inu gang walked along a dusty and trodden on road in another search for the Jewel of Four Souls. Kagome swore she could sense a demon with at least 5 jewel shards in the near area, and it was making Inuyasha anxious.

"Hey is this thing working?" Inuyasha said as he poked Kagome's head as if it were a machine.

"Cut that out! I can sense where it is coming from, this way", she said knocking away his hand irritated.

"Hey guys let's not fight", Shippo suggested, chirping from the basket of the bike Kagome was riding.

"Shut up igit", Inuyasha grunted.

"I know you did not just call me that!" Shippo exclaimed.

"And what if I did...igit", Inuyasha said louder.

The sparks flew and Inuyasha was just about to pummel poor Shippo when they heard a loud crash through the woods.

Just then a huge demon ranging about 100 feet tall, emerged from the broken trees. Its fierce howl was heard through out the vicinity.

"Its huge!", Sango cried out, her boomerang at the ready with the all ready transformed Kirara.

"Well you know what they say", Inuyasha said cockily, as he withdrew the transformed Tetsiaga.

"The bigger they are the harder they fall!" he shouted as he launched at the demon speedily.

The demon turned around so fast Inuyasha was driven face first into the ground, a mind-blowing attack. Both Kagome and Sango tried to aid him but the huge tail that lashed out before they got a chance hit them.

They hit they ground unconscious. Miroku saw this and was about to unleash his famed Wind Tunnel, but the now conscious Inuyasha stopped him just in time.

"Miroku, if you suck in the monster you suck in the poisonous drool that will kill you" Inuyasha warned.

"Let me handle this anyway", he continued as he got into an offensive position.

It would take all his strength to even come close to harming this one. He hadn't even gotten a chance to ask Kagome where the 5 jewel shards were.

Kagome…the thought came to his mind and his eyes wandered to the unconscious, but safe girl to his right.

With a mighty swing of his sword, his demonic speed aiding the white and red blur, he leapt at the monster.

This time it made contact, but the hide of the demon seemed to be it's primary strength. A loud CLANG was heard, as the Tetsiaga, returned to its rustic form, and Inuyasha was thrown, ruthlessly into the ground, taking the monk out with him.

This time they would stay unconscious for a while, and it just so happened that the monster had built up quite an appetite fighting.

But what the monster did not notice was a lithe shadowed form on the edge of the shambled forest. Then a voice that had not been heard in that forest for 600 and some years, echoed once more



The 4 comrades were deposited directly into the office of Koenma. The portal closed behind them, and as they brushed themselves off they noticed something immediately.

Boton was in the office, awaiting their arrival patiently, as the entered, even she noticed, and for a time could not speak…she knew what must have happened.

"Where is Shimura?" Yusuke spoke all their minds.

"Shimura! Shimura!" the idiotic Kuwabara called, as if she was hiding.

"Shut up baka" Hiei said worried.

"What happened to her?" Yoko, said looking around the room, at the portal and then at Boton who was sitting there awe struck, her hand over her mouth in horror…she knew.

"Where is she? You know!" Hiei shouted angrily, as he whirled on Boton…he himself had an idea.

"S-S-she w-was the 2%!" Boton babbled.

"Boton, calm down and tell us…Where. Is. Shimura?" Yusuke interrogated the horror-struck girl.

"S-she's lost!"

"Lost where?"

"There is always a-a-a chance…that you could be sent t-to another dimension when using these portals…" she stammered.

"Yusuke, she's in another dimension, and she's hurt, weak from the blood loss!" Hiei shouted angrily.

"She relied on us to protect her…" Yoko managed to say, still in shock.

"Where is the toddler?" Yusuke questioned, thinking Koenma could help them.

"On an important business trip", Boton muttered.

"How in the hell are we going to get her back?' Yusuke, said despairingly.

"And where could she be?"


Tatoni awoke to a brain splitting headache, and a throbbing painful foot, she was sure was broken.

She rose as her amber wolfish eyes adjusted to the bright daylight. When she had tried to get up she had barely made it, even with relying on a tree for support.

She endured the pain as she frantically searched for the others. She calmed herself down, because when she panicked, her pain intensified.

She was aware that she was in another dimension as is the chance with all portals, but for it to happen to her…

She reassured herself and with an extreme tolerance to pain due was able to stand and began to walk. She did not so much as flinch at the pain, but her pace was slow, she did not want to worsen it.

She was dizzy from the blood loss, but she moved forward, resolved to find out what period she was in.

She continued, until she sensed a powerful energy coming from a nearby demon, it almost as if there were 5. She delicately sniffed they air.

Was that a hanyou? Was that a dog hanyou? Was that her Inuyasha?!

She had to stop and breathe, many a time she had come across a familiar smell and chased it down, hoping it was him, but always she was crushed, to see just a stray in the street.

But never had she smelt something resembling his scent so perfectly before! She sprinted to the spot, although badly injured, could it be him?

It was possible she had traveled to the Feudal Era. It could be him!

She soon emerged from the clearing that was the source of the scent. At first the monster blocked her view. but there…there was her Inuyasha!

He was unconscious, the demon obviously the cause. She didn't care what time she was in. She was infuriated!

Her maternal instinct raged within her body as she shook with anger, her forgotten pain turning to fuel for the fire.

With a White Flame surrounding her, she flew through the air on wings of righteous fury, and with a double slash with her unsheathed claws, she turned the monster into mincemeat.

But not before he hit her with his powerful tail.

She was completely spent, as she fell, a small smile passed over her face. She fell softly unto the ground about a foot away from Inuyasha.

She could barely move, but she some how managed to crawl over to him. In the process her wound reopened at her wrist, and now there was an even greater of her dieing.

He looked so much older. He was a man now. She laid her head onto his chest. She could have died happy right then and there.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~

So how did you like it? I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha or anything in relation.

It gets tons better from here in on out. Bet you can't guess what two brothers she has links to.

Enjoy. And as always R&R!