Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Two Worlds Collide ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Worlds Collide

Inuyasha woke with a start. He smelled all the others, healthy and outside, and another, smell, a most pleasant lily odor. And blood. TATONI?!

He was the village, in Kaede's hut. He had been bandaged, and then he remembered it. That weak voice calling to him as he drifted between consciousnesses.

He leapt out of bed and in a fury was out of the hut and outside, where the others were.

There she was. There she was, right there, lying in a soft bed of grass. She looked the same. Exactly. The same. She looked almost dead laying there.

In an instant he was by her side, cradling her like a small child. He held her torso to his chest as he stroke her hair. The group, who had been fusing over her worriedly, was in shock.

Could this be one of nark's illusions? No. He couldn't know of her. It seemed so long ago. He himself wasn't young.

"Inuyasha! W-what are you doing?" Kagome said breathlessly.

Then a single tear rolled down his face and Kagome gasped. Miroku put a hand on his shoulder and only after he told Inuyasha that she needed to rest, did he release her.

They quickly related all that they knew to him.

They had woken up and seen the demonic woman laying on Inuyasha, near them, was the monster and the jewel shards. They had taken them back to the village for healing.

While the told him the story he watched every breath, Tatoni took, with intense anxiety, that was contagious.


Shimura awoke not able to move. She quickly remembered her latest memories. Where was he? Had she saved him? Where was she? Her senses came to her and she could smell him nearby.

"Inuyasha", she whispered, weakly.

"Tatoni?" a soft voice answered back.

Tatoni looked up into a pair of golden lanterns in the night.

"Inuyasha", she repeated.

He seized her hand, and pressed it to his heart.

"I-I `m here ", he said desperately trying to smile for her, as more tears fell from his face.

"Is it really you?"

"Yeah, it's m-me ", he stuttered crying.

"Inu-Chan, I-I'm so happy", she murmured before drifting into unconsciousness once more.


Shimura woke again, so much better she felt back to normal. She looked her body over, and admired the well done bandaging. She sniffed the air for Inuyasha and was reassured that he was near by.

She walked silently out of the hut and smiled as she saw him right out side her door, in a heavy slumber. The stubborn fool had probably not slept in days and was now trying to make up for it. She looked at the humans who had carried her here and was baffled as of why. She was after all a demon, but they must be his friends. When did Inuyasha trust someone enough for them to be his friends?

She glanced at the sword he held possessively in his hands. So he finally figured it out huh? She herself had designed the riddle, and the place to hold the famed Tetsiaga.

She stepped over to Inuyasha and saw the small kit. She smiled as he kicked in his sleep; it was so like the Inuyasha she remembered.

She picked her way through them and walked into an open field nearby. She sat down as the moonlight scattered down on her with its silvery brilliance, only the unspoiled Feudal Era could provide.

Then she began to sort it all out in her head. She had always thought him dead. That wench, Kikyo, had obviously lied to her, giving her an illusion that was real for the less experienced Tatoni.

Even though Inuyasha and herself had a brother/sister, even mother/son relationship, but Kikyo always harbored jealousy for her. She had noticed the woman near Inuyasha, but with her wisdom she could tell it was not she.

After Tatoni thought Inuyasha was dead, she left Japan never to return, till hundreds of years later. She had traveled the world many a time over since then, and learned almost every known human and demonic language ever to exist. She was extremely well educated yet her forte' lie in fighting first and foremost.

She sighed and fell down on the grass, soon to fall asleep once again.


Inuyasha's eyes slowly flittered open as he got up and went directly to the hut where he had placed Tatoni.

He started to panic when he didn't see her. Where was she? He sniffed the air hard and chased her scent down. He saw her sleeping there, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He went over to her and shook her gently, in case she was still sore.

"Hmm Inu-chan go away there are no monsters out there, go back to sleep", she moaned in her sleep, she was obviously reliving the past.

He smiled and said laughingly, "Tatoni wake up, I'm not a pup anymore".

Her eyes opened and she leapt aside still wary. She all at once remembered and sprung at him. He received her with a massive embrace and swung her around. He could have stayed like that forever.

"How? What? Why?' he started in.

"You never were patient were you?" she laughed.

"I missed you", he said, burying his face in her mane.

"You. Have. No Idea." she responded.

He released her and looked in her eyes, his brow furrowing.

"There is something different about you, I didn't notice before"

"Inuyasha how old am I?"

"Your about 50 right?"

"Inuyasha, I'm about 700" she corrected.

"What!?" he shouted.

"All in good time Inu-chan…all in good time", she said as she embraced the confused Inu, who cherished her.

She was overjoyed to see Inuyasha again, but with that came sorrow, his name being Sesshomaru.

How long would it take him to sense her smell her?

How long …


I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha, or anything in relation. Do not sue.


Perhaps there are some comments on my story, whether they are good, bad or indifferent. It seems 16 chapters merit some remarks, no?

And I do apologize for the shameful formatting in the earlier chapters, Word pad sucks.

Enjoy. And as always R&R.