Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Mating Habits ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mating Habits

Shippo woke up, and spotted the most beautiful fox woman he had ever seen before. He worried about her non-stop when he learned she had saved them. He had never seen one of his kind so strong. Come to think of it he had never seen one of his kind, like her.

Her and Inuyasha were now sitting close to the group by a tree, sitting on the ground leaning against it. He approached them cautiously walking half on four legs half on two. Inuyasha spotted him and started in.

Inuyasha and hr had been talking on what Inuyasha's experiences were, as she insisted on being last to tell her tale.

"Shippo, go away we are talking", he said agitatedly.

"Shut up Inuyasha", Shippo retorted, his curious eyes never leaving the golden haired kitsune.

"Well…you are brave, young one" Tatoni laughed bringing the back of her hand to her gloriously white fangs.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Shippo", the youngster said timidly coming up to her.

"Mine is Tatoni, or Shimura if you wish", she added.

"Since when did you use that name?" Inuyasha inquired.

"It is what I used as my human name, I will answer to both though Shippo", she said smiling, as she curled her tail around Shippo and tossed him, making him laugh.

"You look demon", Shippo commented.

"It's a long story", she said, just as the other rose, now awake. Sango and Kagome now by Inuyasha and Tatoni listening.

"A narrative we all would like to hear", Miroku said, getting up and joining them, under the tree with the others.

"I-I-Inuyasha? I thought you said he was a MONK!" she screeched as she eyed the hand on her thigh rubbing and caressing suggestively.

"MIROKU!" Inuyasha screamed, as Tatoni slapped him hard across the face, looking horrified.

"You do that again hentai and I'll really hurt you!" she added aghast.

Kagome and Sango just looked at each other and giggled.

They already liked this young woman.


When she was all done they just stared, dumbstruck. All of them, in awe.

Kikyo had been jealous and deceived them into thinking that the other was dead. After which he was pinned to the tree, so he couldn't search and make sure for himself.

Tatoni was devastated when she had learned he was dead, and fled the country. After hundreds of years passed she returned.

In doing so she became a human for about 16 years. She met up with the Yu Yu gang and then she dropped here, in his time.

"But I thought you had a brother/sister relationship", Sango said.

"We do, after my mother…she raised me", Inuyasha said rushing through the mother part.

"Yeah, I have to admit he was sooo adorable as the little ball of fluff he was back then", she said, teasingly.

"You're the one who got us in danger", he retorted, equally teasingly.

"How so pray tail"

"You and all those male demons coming around, geez never had a break" he complained.

"You have no idea, what I forwent to be with you Inuyasha", she said with a solemn smile.

"Yeah, but I'm glad your back…forever", he said giving her a true smile.

The later part of the words stayed with her for a while…forever, how could she chose between a world she loved, and a world she once loved, she would have to deal with that sooner or later.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^

Sesshomaru walked along the riverbank, Janken at his heels.

"Aye' me lord, a female demon", Janken said, panting at his lord's pace.

"Are you positive?"

"Yes, me lord"

"Excuse me lord Janken? T didn't know girl demons could fight", Rin said speaking up.

"Its very rare females would go offensive, and have the power to back it up", Janken replied.

"Speaking of females, Lord Sesshomaru? May I ask you a question?" Janken begged

"I suppose you will anyway so proceed", he said unemotionally.

"Well...uhh why lord, have you not taken a mate?"

Sesshomaru swiveled on his heels and caught Janken in a chokehold.

"My affairs are my affairs Janken and you will not presume to interfere in my dealings", he said, almost angrily.

"Y-yes me lord", he gagged out.

Sesshomaru dropped him and walked off, that issue brought up…memories. Memories he wanted to forget. Memories.

He would not love another beside her. And he would damn himself forever for being able to love. And being able to feel heartbreak as well.

"But as to investigating this female…we shall", he said finally.


With a flick of her wrist, Tatoni lit the fire for the soup she was cooking for the sleeping bunch.

It was dawn. Only about 4 in the morning and no one were awake. She sighed happily as she watched the sun peak over the edge of the mountain, and breathed in the morning air filled with the fresh rain smell.

Inuyasha woke to the smell of something delicious, and went outside to see Shimura bent over a pot of breakfast.


In a flash he was there with his bowl, eating hungrily. He easily finished another, and when he went for a third she grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt.

"That is for your little friends", she said

He crossed his arms in an indignant way, but when she scratched behind his ears he softened.

Soon the other came out happy to see food. Even Kirara had a little bowl of food.

"I'm sure your glad to be thought of huh Kirara?" Sango said petting her little head.

"I think I'm going to go check out this well of Kagome's I have business in my world", she said leaving out the specific "business" she didn't want to tell him of her Spirit Detective friends just yet.

"THIS IS YOUR TIME", Inuyasha shouted at her.

"I can do what Kagome does Inuyasha, travel back and forth"

With many more arguments, he finally gave in.

"We can go in three days is that ok", Kagome said helpfully.

"That will be fine Kagome, thank you", Tatoni said appreciatively.

After that Inuyasha was resentfully quite, but she knew he would be o.k. in time, she couldn't really blame him, now could she? Poor guy, everything had happened to him so suddenly and…

Her thoughts drifted she sifted through them, until she came to one image in particular.

It was dark, he had just come back, bleeding heavily, and she was so worried. Worried was not the word, she was exceedingly on edge. When she came to think about it, she was rarely so scared, except when he came home late.

His eyes blood red, cuts and bruises, all over his body, she could remember his scent. His own freshly clean odor, mixed with that musky smell he got when he fought, and blood.

She had to admit, his blood was always…enticing, but when he came back like that…she always was washed with anxiety.

She shifted slightly on the high branch she was on. She despised recalling those memories...those feelings. She became restless and leapt off gracefully, and unto the ground. She needed a walk, or a freakin marathon, what ever came first.

She then began her refreshing jog through the mountainside. Starting at a normal pace and then beginning to accelerate as the adrenaline rushed to her head. Soon she was rushing through the mountain like a golden blur, not to be seen by the untrained eye, or even the human eye.


Sesshomaru and his servant walked steadily to where Janken had said the female had been. He stopped and spoke to Janken without looking at him.

"Wait here, and perhaps I will come back for you," he said stonily.

And with that he set off at top speed towards the place he had been told of.

Little did he know he would not soon return from his little excursion. In fact he would not see these woods again, but relatively soon he would be gazing upon the cultivated parks of the twentieth century.



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