Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Run In With The Past ( Chapter 18 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Run In With The Past

Two blurs might have been seen through the wilderness, as they raced at each other to the imaginary punch. They raced so fast that they didn't notice each other's ki until it was too late.

Tatoni dug her heels into the ground in an attempt to not run into the invisible yet powerful energy coming at her. But it was too late; she slammed into the thing and rebounded feet away. She had not seen the being, and it took her a minute to open her eyes.




"Boton, get the damn portal", Hiei said at the top of his voice.

"Well…o-o.k.", she stuttered nervously.

"B-but you might not get to her exact time, this whole procedure is very risky", she added.

"Get the damn portal!", he repeated agitatedly.

"O.K!" she screamed back fumbling around for another portal, in the shelves of Koenma's office.

"It's the last one… there are no more and they take years to create…" she said, her voice dieing off, what where the chances that they would make it to her time, place, and that it would actually transport them there, instead of at the Shaman's forest.

"This will last two trips. One to go there, and the other to get back here…good luck", she finished by handing it to Hiei.

He quickly opened the vile and unleashed the vortex within. Yoko followed inevitably, and just as they approached it, Yusuke and Kuwabara stepped forward, they were in this together and they would find her together.

They stepped in letting luck guide them to her.


In the mean time…


Sesshomaru looked up to see none other than Tatoni herself. The feelings rushed to his head and he suddenly he became breathless, he couldn't hear, or move. The only thing he could do was look upon that face.

Tatoni looked up and she almost chocked on her feelings. She felt like she was drowning, when she saw his face, that face, the face she had fallen in love with for the first time.

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"Tatoni what's the matter?" a pint-sized Inuyasha said from the high treetops.

"Nothing, now go back to sleep" she said tersely.

"Fine I'm going, gees," he muttered as he climbed unto the hollowed out branch and snuggled down to sleep.

It was unusual he had to sleep in the high tops of trees, but every once in a while he was forced to by Tatoni. Inuyasha took it for harshness, but if he only knew…

He didn't know if he was in danger, but he completely trusted Tatoni.

Tatoni sat on the ground near to the tree, but not on it. She nervous, anxious, her eyes darted back and forth excited…and worriedly, for Inuyasha's sake.

Her urge to go into the wild and find a mate, not just a mate but him, was painfully stabbing her, but her need to protect Inuyasha, kept her from going complete animal.

Fortunately she mastered it …almost. But that still didn't mean other males couldn't smell her.

She could be smelt miles away, her hormonal scent lacing the air, but thankfully Inuyasha had no idea what it meant yet, and was completely unaware they were surrounded.

15 strong and handsome males emerged from the clearing's edge. All obvious leaders, attractive, and with good bloodlines it was increasingly hard to keep cool.

Kitsunes, Dogs, Wolves, and other assortments of demons filled the area, and circled her quietly.

She growled warningly, and when they saw Inuyasha they knew that she was protecting her pup. But was that her pup?

What kind of mate would leave such a beauty alone, while she was in heat? No, it wasn't her pup, a stray more than likely, and he was the problem that had to be eliminated.

She then jumped, and jumped high, it surprised them and they took chase, she was leading them away from her beloved Inuyasha.

She was fast and could have easily out striped them, but she needed to be near to Inuyasha just incase.

They had her completely surrounded, against the back of a tree, and then it came.

Bursting forth like a lightening bolt, a flurry of white flashed through the crowd of hungering males, there was nothing but blood and body parts left.

Then standing feet from her the wild animal that was Sesshomaru, looked into her eyes, and at that moment, Shimura's own eyes tinged red.

In an instant he was by her side. He pressed her strongly against the tree, her being mercilessly wedged, between 2 harnesses. Maybe it was better with those males, whose mangled bodies littered the ground.

His clawed hands came to her throat and he pulled her into a fiery kiss.

"Sesshomaru?" she called trying to pull him from his frenzy.

It succeeded, but he was still outraged. How dare they try to take his mate away?!

"Tatoni", he answered, looking into her eyes, lust glazing them over.

She could hardly control herself; his velvety voice was practically dripping desire. He was glad she had called him from his frenzy, he wanted to do this right.

He again captured her in a passion filled kiss, his hands finding their way to her hips gripping them tightly. She moaned and pressed against his lower hardness.

Soon enough he released her and again gazed deeply into her eyes. There was absolutely no doubt that he loved her, and she knew that. But still he had the urge to say it to her.

"I cherish you mainly Tatoni, over everything I choose you, I'm depressed when your gone, and I long for you even when you are near me…I love you", he said devotedly, as he pressed his lips against her soft ones smoothly.

She ran her tongue along his long sparkling white fangs amorously. She needed him. She had just heard the words that every woman , human and demon alike crave to hear.

"Come be with me forever, as mates we will live eternally."

She was on the edge the very edge… her answer bordering her mouth, when she heard it, the single sound that brought her back from the edge.

"Tatoni?! Tatoni where are you?!", a scared Inuyasha cried out helplessly.

Her head shot up and she turned her head in his direction.

"I-I have to go and protect him", she faltered not wanting to leave.

"Forget the half-breed, you want me as much as I you", he murmured busing himself with her neck.

She gently pulled away and tried to reason with the handsome package of hormones.

"I know but he needs my protection and comfort more than you right now" she said gently.



"Frankly I tire of this, I will solve this problem now ", he said angrily as he leapt to where his little half brother lay.

She saw what Sesshomaru's intentions were and chased after him, determined not to let him kill Inuyasha.

She barely out ran him and was just in time, to cover Inuyasha from an attack.

"T-t-t atoni what is going on?", the frieghtened child whimpered.

Stop this!" she said forcefully enough to send Sesshomaru taken aback.

"Move, he is a nuisance to our relationship"

"He is no bother so control yourself! I choose him!", she said crossly.

"Fine I wish you and your mutt all the bliss feasible!", he said with a feel of absolute coldness.

And with that he left , never to return till now, he had looked for after years, but when he went to search for her she was gone, his brother pinned to a tree presumed dead, and Tatoni gone…until this moment.

End memory))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))

They just stood there for a minute until she got up determined not to speak to him after she had heard what he had tried to do to Inuyasha. She brushed herself off and walked the other direction praying he wouldn't call her name.


She had no choice but to turn around. He looked at her and was amazed it was she, but she was older…more womanly, matured.

"So it is you", he whispered.

"Where have you been?" he questioned.

"It is a long story I do not care to repeat", she responded walking away steadily.

"WHERE have you bee?" he said more forcefully this time walking in front of her.

"You can't intimidate me Sesshomaru, you know full well I don't fear you", she said evenly.

"You never where…" he said, recalling some memory, and smiling faintly.

"How can you just act like it was nothing?" he demanded

"You left me …don't forget it"

"I regret it ", he said

She swiveled on her heel and gave him a look that could kill, and then with that, she leapt high over him.

He knew it was no use and finalized on meeting up with her soon. All his thoughts were on her, and they would not soon leave.


Hiei, Yoko, Kuwabara, and Yusuke stepped out of the portal, and they indeed were now in the feudal era. Hiei called the portal into the vile, they only had one return trip and they had to find Shimura.

They were startled to see none other than the golden wolf walk out of a nearby wood, mumbling angrily.

"Screw him"

Then she saw them.

"What are you doing here?"



I just got my first review and I'm sooo happy. So in honor of that, and the reviewer I present this extremely long and hopefully good Chapter 18!


Thanks "inuyashakagoma"