Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ Meating Koga ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meating Koga

"What are you doing here?" Shimura said in disbelief.

"Here to rescue you?" he shouted exasperatedly.

Then all of a sudden she broke into laughter that was hilarious in it's self. It came in short feminine barks that had a peculiar pitch. Then surprisingly she walked over to them, and after clasping Yusuke on the back, her laughter subsided and she spoke.

"It's a long story that needs explaining"


Couple hours later


After all was said, except the whole thing with Sesshomaru, they sat there, all together, circled around a fire.

Miroku and Kuwabara had a certain number of things in common and sat by themselves off to the side, watching the girls, one with an amorous look, and the other with a dumbstruck look. Yes, Miroku's new apprentice had much to learn about women.

Yoko sat next to Shimura, occasionally overhearing some of Miroku's conversation and shaking his head, they had no idea what it was to be a player.

He glanced at Inuyasha who was staring at him, eerily. One he didn't like that Yoko was obviously attracted to Tatoni, and second, he looked so much like his brother.

But then there was Yusuke, the two punk leaders met and from the beginning they were friends.

"Come over here and I'll show you how real demons fight, punk!" he would shout at Yusuke.

"Heh, I'd like to see you try it!" Yusuke said as they got up and began to fight. Of course it was all fun, even with their cocky attitudes and all their big talk they were just a bunch of softies inside, and everyone knew it.

"Don't you know that the sword is outdated, in my time the gun, is the weapon to have!" Yusuke would taunt, as he brandished his finger for a mild Spirit Gun.

"Yeah, Yeah big mouth, bring it!" Inuyasha would retort drawing the Tetsiaga as Yusuke readied his spirit gun.

They were so alike it was scary.

"So why did you want to become human again Tatoni? From the looks of it they are weak!" Inuyasha taunted as he and Yusuke battled fiercely.

Just then a foot swiveled around, and hit him in the mouth. Inuyasha lay on the ground, as Yusuke stood victorious.

"Why would she want to be demon?" Yusuke sneered, and with that Inuyasha's foot knocked the ground out from under him and they both lay on the ground, side by side, their big mouths having gotten them beat once again.

"Say Yoko do you have a girlfriend?" Kagome said, while little hearts filled her and Sango's eyes.

"HEY, Whatda ya mean girlfriend, Kagome!" Inuyasha shouted.

"No, but I suppose I'm not available either ladies." He answered, thinking of Shimura, who once was sleeping, had an eye cracked and an eyebrow raised waiting for his answer.

"Am I going to grow up like you and Shimura?" Shippo interrupted, as he looked at Yoko, as idolizing the incredible fox.

"Train hard little one and always have your eyes open for wallets", Yoko, said smugly, leaning back against the tree.

"Where's Shimura?" Yusuke asked as him and Inuyasha lay panting on the ground.

"None of your business", Hiei said, he knew where she was, but she didn't want it revealed to the grouped lechers.

"Is she safe?" Yusuke questioned also.

"Shimura's her own weapon, besides we have a telepathic link, if she needs something, she'll summon me", Hiei explained.


Shimura lifted her head daintily to the wind, and discovered a waterfall nearby. She could smell the water, but it covered all other scents around the area.

She made her way to the waterfall, and when she saw it, she was amazed. It was so beautiful.

She quickly stripped down to her bare form, and climbed into the water. It was sort of cold, but refreshing, nonetheless.

She wasn't feeling so fresh, and she hated being grungy. She took the Shampoo and poured it over her head, and on her tail. She lathered it, then rinsed.

She was ringing out her tail when she jerked her head up, at a youthful male wolf, staring at her naked form.


Koga came to his comrades in his cave in a whirl of dust, using his extreme demonic speed.

"Yo, I'm going down to the falls, I got a bunch of blood on me, from the latest kill", Koga said, as he dropped a wild boar at they're feet.

"Thanks Koga", they said.

He grunted acknowledgement then headed for his territorial waterfalls. Koga made his way down the extremely steep hills, and unto a ledge overlooking the waterfalls.

He saw a flash of gold, and stopped, froze. He raised his head and sniffed. Nothing. He moved closer, and saw a form, under the falling water. It was blurry and he could not see clearly, but he knew it was a woman.

She moved out from under it and then he saw her. Her wet hair covered her chest and the water stopped at her navel. She was ringing out her tail, when she looked up into the smirking face of the young male.

There was a scream heard throughout the forest. More like a fierce resounding growl, and a brilliant flash of white flame was seen shooting in the night sky. Hiei and the other's head rose, and immediately, Hiei, Inuyasha, Yusuke, and Yoko leapt up and were by her side momentarily.

Shimura was naked and in the dark water, with her hands raised, throwing fireballs at Koga with alarming accuracy. She hit him a couple of times and he was getting slower. Truth be told, he had scared her, so it was just a reflex.

"What is going on Shimura?" Yusuke said, stopping when he saw Shimura naked.

"Stop for a minute will ya!" Inuyasha shouted almost being hit with a runaway fireball.

Shimura stopped, and then looked at them and blushed as she saw Yusuke, and Yoko looking at her interestedly.

They laughed as they saw her blush and she readied a fireball. Yusuke put his hands up in surrender, and Yoko looked at her, wishing he could see under water.

Hiei came and handed her her clothes, blushing slightly himself.

"All of you mutts turn around and if you looked, he won't be the only one unconscious!" she said to them, pointing at Koga who was indeed unconscious from the fireball blast.

They turned around and she put her clothes on with all swiftness, and then told them they could turn around. Just as they were turning around Koga gained consciousness once again.

He shook his head and rose up. He saw all the demons around him and the one human with amazing power.

"What's going on?", Koga said.

"You mind telling us that?" Inuyasha voiced.

"What are you doing flea bag?!", Koga said.

"That lecher, was watching me", Shimura said, spitting a bad taste out of her mouth.

"Hey I couldn't smell her, and this is my territory. Technically she belongs to me!", he said defensively.

"I would like to see you take her alive", Yoko laughed from the side.

"Well, I wouldn't have mind staying", he said under his breath, as Yusuke and Inuyasha restrained her.

"Nice wolf Inuyasha", he said putting his hand out to touch her face. He succeeded in touching her silk skin, but she also attempted to bite him as her eyes tinged red.

"Leave Koga or I'll let her loose on your ass!" Inuyasha said, holding her back barely, with the help of Yusuke, both equally strong, yet 2 of them not being able to hold one woman very well.

"I'll see you around Shimura", he said and in a whirl of dust he was gone.

"Calm down", Inuyasha said in her furry ear, as she shook herself and left, completely perturbed, with Hiei by her side, the only one she could stand at the moment.

"Hey wait up", Yusuke yelled, as they ran to keep up with her brisk pace.

Shimura grumbled, as she walked. She really couldn't blame him, she was in his territory, and he couldn't smell her, so it wasn't his fault, but he didn't need to watch! What a pervert.

She walked away with her first encounter with Koga, although it wouldn't be the last she saw of this wolf in the feudal era, or in modern times.



So what do you think? Review, and then check out my latest story that is COMPLETE. It's Inuyasha based and it's called "Sightless in Seattle". I guarantee you will like it!

Kagome is blind and Inuyasha is her Seeing Eye dog. Inuyasha all furry how cute! It's a romance, with a few twists, so check it out and review!