Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When the Years Flew By ❯ To the Twentieth Century! ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

To the Twentieth Century

Today was the day they would all go back through the portal. She promised Inuyasha she would come back often to see him. Inuyasha and Yusuke had made friends to a weird degree, and Miroku had accepted Kuwabara as his apprentice from afar, studying in the art of womanizing. Kagome and Sango had absolutely worshipped the sexy Yoko Kurama.

They had many tearful goodbyes, and with that and the promise of another visit, Hiei opened the portal, and they walked in.

Shimura lifted her head to the wind…she could have sworn she had smelled or sensed something, but she must have been mistaken.

"Oi, Shimura, come on!" Yusuke called walking in to the portal the last one to do so.

"Coming." she said softly, looking at the sky, and after sighing with deep release, she headed toward the portal.

Sesshomaru looked on from the treetops, carefully examining his female, yet painfully aware he was outnumbered. He quickly pieced together what had happened, and was not really surprised. He was going with her to this "Tokyo", and he would not be hindered…he had to keep an eye on that hormonal kitsune anyway.

Koga also looked down on this powerful female he had a strange attraction to. He wanted to go to this "time", of hers and Kagome's. And as she approached the portal, he sprung, but not before Sesshomaru.

Shimura turned, only to be swept into the portal, by two blurs that pulled her through with them.

They fell out one by one, Hiei Yusuke Kurama Kuwabara. But then Shimura came…with two others.

Koga had flown into a wall of Koenma's vacant office, unconscious, where Sesshomaru has on top of Shimura with a grin, and wandering hands.

"I knew I would get on top of you", he said in a throaty voice.

"What are you doing here!" she said completely ignoring his crude comment, and powerful hands gripping her hips.

"I followed you obviously", he said crooking an eyebrow, and as if it was absurd he wouldn't be here.

" I kinda got pushed by this guy", Koga said, coming to. All the while the yy gang was standing still, clearly shocked.

She got up and pushed him off of her, staring at him wildly, with an eyebrow cocked.

"I will not go without you again", he said quietly, staring at her, his eyes portraying a tale of extreme sorrow.

"What does this mean?" Yoko said outraged at his spectacular behavior towards his female.

She turned towards him, with a helpless expression he hadn't seen on her before. All Shimura wanted to do was run towards Yoko and bury her face in his powerful, and smooth chest, and let him deal with her pain.

But she was not one of those kinds and would clean up after herself, besides she didn't like Yoko having that much control over her.

"It does not matter…what we have to worry about now, is how to get them back" Hiei interjected.

"I told you, I am not leaving you", Sesshomaru said in one of his cold, its-a-done-deal, kind of way.

"That is just fine", Shimura said, taking control once again, walking closer, swishing her hips, and looking at him through her long eyelashes.

He was shocked and enticed by this so he was completely open for what came next.


She knocked him over the head hard, and made a point not to catch him. When he was face first on the floor, clearly out, did she reach for the scruff of his collar.

"Will you go willingly?" Shimura said to Koga warily.

"Well…I kinda like the looks of things here-", he didn't time to finish because he was unconscious before he hit the floor, secured safely in Shimura's arms.

"We need to get them disguises…to be more precise, necklaces", Hiei chimed in.

"Yes, and thankfully for us…" Yoko began, as he slowly drew forth a bag of Shimura's blood gems, with a devilish grin.

"I sole these back from the greedy and loathsome hag, and with some…persuasion…I got her to bless these as well", he finished with a wistful look.

"Well done" Shimura said, with a look of satisfaction that made Kurama's skin crawl…in a good way.

"Boton, we are going to go tell diaper-boy about these…visitors, I want you to keep them locked up real good k?" Yusuke said, pointing at them with something of disdain.

"Right…but how? They are strong", Boton asked.

"Here", Shimura said as her golden tail whirled in front of her and she plucked some of the longer ones.

"These have many purposes", she said inn explanation.

"Okay, now let us leave", Yoko, said, slipping on his necklace and becoming the red haired boy again.

"And let us hope they will still be here when we get back…I can not believe they followed me", Shimura said.

"Believe it… hey, you know what? I think the one with white hair has some sort of a crush on you…isn't that Inuyasha's bro?" Yusuke mumbled to himself.

Little did he realize that a certain possessive and sexy fox had taken it to heart and had become…somewhat jealous.



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