Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Words Can't Describe ❯ When Questions Are Asked ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I would like to thank the readers and reviewers, and dedicate this chapter to Ryukotsusei for successfully, if unintentionally, figuring out the main pairing. I purposely didn’t put any warnings up to try to make it harder to figure out. Alas, my plan failed. Anyways, the main pairing is Yukina, Kagome, and Hiei. If you are against this pairing in anyway, then please choose a different story to read. No incest will be in this story though. Not because I don’t support it, it’s just because it won’t work with the plotline.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho, nor do I own the story Little Red Riding Hood. The only things I gain out of this fanfiction are pride and satisfaction, maybe a few fantasies. No money is gained and no infringement upon any Copyright Laws are intended.

When Questions Are Asked

Kagome watched Yukina in amusement, it wasn’t very often she got a chance to catch her daydreaming. Seeing as the Koorime always seemed to be busy, she took the chance to study her demon friend.

Kagome noted the sea-green hair that was pulled back in a low-hanging ponytail with a red tie except for bangs and two pieces of hair that framed her small face. Bright claret eyes that usually shone with kindness were now glazed over in thought. A soft smile seemed to play about her lips, sparking an interest in Kagome to know what her friend was thinking about. Shaking her head slightly, she continued her observation.

A light blue kimono with red edging hung on her miniature body frame, along with a dark blue obi that held the cloth on her. Giving her friend a last once-over, she chuckled to herself. Really, she thought, her friend was almost too cute for her own good. No wonder that tall, orange haired boy proclaimed his affections for his ‘Darling Yukina’ so much and so loudly. Though Kagome had only seen the boy once, and from a distance at that, she had a feeling that the boy would gladly come over more often if given the chance.

A slight movement from the girl in front of her brought Kagome out of her own musings. Blinking a bit in surprise, she saw that Yukina had finally come out of her own musings and was preparing dinner. Grinning at her earlier thought, she decided to ask Yukina about her self-proclaimed suitor.

“You know,” she started slyly, “I haven’t seen your admirer around here lately. I wonder what is keeping him so long.”

Yukina flushed at the implication before answering, “Do you mean Kazuma? I think he is busy working with the boys.” Too late Yukina remembered that Kagome didn’t know who ‘the boys’ were, so she hoped that her friend hadn’t caught that little ending.

Of course Kagome had caught this, but seeing the slightly panicked look on her friend’s face after she had said that made Kagome refrain from commenting on that particular tidbit. ‘Maybe later though,’ she thought.

“Oh, what kind of work is Kazuma into?” she queried. She could practically feel the relief the Koorime was feeling and silently speculated on that.

“Detective work,” came the reply from the doorway. “Kuwabara Kazuma and his friends are detectives.” ‘of a sort’ finished the voice mentally. Kagome beamed at the owner of the voice before bowing in respect.

“Good Evening Genkai, did you enjoy your day?” asked the Miko. “I did until someone decided to interrupt my meditating. I’m used to him doing that by now though, the boy simply has no respect for his elders. But that is of no consequence, how was Story time?” Even though the raven-haired girl had only been living with them for a few days, Genkai had witnessed the bond the Miko and the Koorime had created over the past year and was happy for it. The only guests that frequently visited were the boys and sometimes Keiko and Botan, even Shizuru. She had been a little wary at first, but she had come to see that Kagome was a sweet, kind-heart girl with a fiery spirit that complimented the Koorime quite nicely.

Kagome smiled happily in memory. “It was great! The children had picked out a fairy tale by the name of Little Red Riding Hood. They really loved the part where the Wolf was in the Granny’s bed.” She had to admit that Little Red Riding Hood reminded her of Rin when she was reading it, so she had ended up being just as eager to see what would happen as the children had been.

Yukina smiled to herself as she stirred the simmering miso soup. She loved the way Kagome was so passionate when it came to those she cared for, and she definitely cared for children. She was snapped out of her thoughts when a hissing sound became known. Blushing in embarrassment, Yukina turned off the heat and wiped up the bubbled-over liquid before ladling out three bowels of the steaming soup for dinner.

Ja ne! ^.^