Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ Inuyasha's Mouth And Dulling The Pull ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Will Of The Jewel
Chapter V
Inuyasha's Mouth And Dulling The Pull
Summary: Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with it's guardian?
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I make NO money from the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
^^ Hiei
&& Kurama
$$ Someone else
I hope you enjoy chapter five! I finally have internet back, and I'm still trying to add on to Deadly Feelings. If you like this story, maybe you'll like some of my other stories, like Crimson Rose or Stealing From Thieves!
AN! I've decided that Youko and Shuichi will not be one... exactly. They'll be joined together, but Kurama will still be able to talk to Youko because that'll be his beast.... I think. You'll get it later.... hopefully. I got it! Their consciouses have yet to merge! I'm brilliant! Oh the greatness of me! **laughs hysterically at own stupidity!**
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It was Friday morning and Kagome was packing her things. The week had been quite interesting. The first two days, Hiei took her, then Youko came the last three. Yusuke hadn't come, and the jewel seemed to be angry, at least it felt like it was to her.
She was currently the only one home. Her grandfather was still here, but he was off talking to the shrine visitors. Her mom was out getting a few more things that the group could take with them. It was times like this that she loved her new backpack. It was small and light, but you could put everything in it... oh how she loved certain kami!
The backpack was a gift... well the spell was. It's to help her carried all needed items on their quest and not be weighed down by it! She was in the middle of thanking the kami who gave it to her when she heard a knock on the door, so she went downstairs to answer it.
Yusuke was standing there waiting for her when she opened the door. "Hey Kagome."
"Yusuke, what are you doing here so early?"
"Nothin to really do, and I thought maybe we could hang out." He said with a grin.
She merely shook her head at him. Come on in then. I was just attempting to pack a few more things."
"How much stuff you takin?"
"Well, I have to take things for everyone. Each of my friends likes to have specific things, and I need specific foods. So normally I take a lot."
"How do you carry it all?"
"A gift from the kami."
"Come and I'll show you." She headed upstairs and to her room, beckoning Yusuke to follow her. When they got there, she showed him her backpack. "One of the kami in the past blessed it to be extremely light and it's kinda bottomless. I can put everything in here and the backpack stays light and small."
"That's cool. Wanna put my stuff in there?" He asked.
Kagome just shrugged. "Probably should, as well as the other guys' stuff too once they get here. It'll make it easier to travel if no one has to carry anything."
"What do ya wanna do now?"
"Hmm... how about we go for a walk?"
Souta was just getting home from school when he saw the guys heading toward his house. "Hey guys! Wait up!"
The two demons and Botan turned to look at the boy, and slowed so that he could catch up. Kurama turned to look at him. "How was your last day?"
"Boring." He said as he looked at their bags. "I can't wait to get shard hunting though."
"After all the stories she's told you, you still want to go?" Botan asked quietly.
"Hai. I've always wanted to help her." They had just crested the stairs and Shippo tackled him. "What's up Shippo?"
The kit paused for a moment and grinned. "The sky."
"That's not what I meant."
"I know. Yusuke and momma are inside arguing about something, grandma is putting things she thinks the group needs into the backpack, and Inuyasha is growling at anything and everything."
"Inuyasha's here?"
"Hai. He says momma and I were taking too long and need to get our buts back to hunt for shards."
Souta turned and looked at the other three. "Seems you get to meet Inuyasha now. Please don't kill him." And with that, he walked into the house with Shippo trailing behind him. The three followed the boys and were met with a growling inu hanyou. "Hey Inuyasha."
"Hurry the fuck up Souta. I wanna leave soon."
"You do realize that these three are coming as well, don't you?"
He stopped walking toward the living room and turned around, growling as he did so. "Why the fuck are they coming?"
Kagome appeared with Yusuke at that moment. "Same reason Yusuke is. They're gonna help us." She looked at the group. "I heard that Kazuma can take down any barrier with his sword, is he coming too?"
Botan nodded. "Yeah, he just has to get away from his sister. He should be here soon."
"Good. I'm hoping that he can take down Naraku's barrier."
"I can do that Kagome." Inuyasha snapped.
"That's why he's still alive?" She snapped back.
"He's still alive because you let him get the jewel shards."
"I though it was Kikyo who hand him half of them."
"Leave her out of this!" Inuyasha snarled as he advanced on her.
"Or what? You'll attack me? If you did that, you wouldn't have your precious jewel detector anymore!" Kagome screamed at him.
Kurama and Yusuke shared a glance as they looked at the scene. "Don't worry, this is normal." Shippo commented. "We normally don't have to jump in."
"You've had to jump in before?" Souta asked shocked.
"Yeah. He had compared her to Kikyo a little too much and she sorta snapped. She said something and he tried to attack her. Sango ended up hitting him with hiraikotsu and Miroku hit him with his staff. I put a stone statue on him so he couldn't move."
"Wow... I didn't think he'd attack sis."
The argument was steadily getting worse. "You know, I think you're just jealous that you'll never be as good as Kikyo!" Inuyasha shouted.
Everyone's attention snapped to the girl and hanyou at that. Bangs shadowed her eyes and they could see the tears slowing trailing down the porcelain skin of her face. When she spoke, it sounded strained and was laced with pain, anger, hurt, and loathing. "Kikyo, is that all you can think of? I may be her reincarnation Inuyasha, but her and I are nothing alike anymore. I no longer hold the love for you that she did."
Shippo was first to notice the pulsing aura that surrounded her, but he also noticed that it wasn't hers. The power of the jewel pulsed in time with her heartbeat, and was steadily growing in power. "Do not compare me to that clay bitch anymore or I will hurt you. I do not care that we were friends. I will no longer allow you to compare me to that cold and uncaring bitch. She does not even love you and still you follow her like a faithful puppy."
Everyone could see that Inuyasha was angry, and Shippo half expected him to yell. Which is why he didn't jump at the beginning of his angry rampage when said hanyou snarled. "Listen here wench! I will compare you to whomever I want, and I don't want you talking about Kikyo that way! She's a hundred times better than you, and it's not my fault you're nothing but a stupid weakling that can't deal with criticism. Now let's get going and get the damn shards of the jewel that you broke if I might add."
Kagome slowly looked up, everyone took a step back except for Inuyasha and Hiei who refused to look weak. Her eyes glowed an iridescent pink as she turned them onto the half demon. "Yes Inuyasha, I did break the jewel. I know that, and I also know that if I had gone after the it instead of saving the boy it wouldn't have shattered. But may I remind you that I am the reason we have half of the jewel now. I am the one who got a tentacle shoved through my stomach to steal the shards from Naraku, I am the one that stopped him from killing Kohaku. I am the one that unsealed you from the tree, I am the one that has, on numerous occasions, stopped Kikyo from dragging your ass to hell. I am also the only one who is currently capable of seeing the shards as your clay girlfriend has lost that ability. Now we will be waiting for Kazuma to get here, and I highly recommend that you leave."
The hanyou glared coldly at the woman before him. "Sure you managed to get some shards, but you didn't get them all. Kikyo would have."
That did it! Her control snapped as she smiled coldly at Inuyasha. "Was it not Kikyo who in essence gave him the jewel? I have only one thing to say to you half-breed, "she stressed the half-breed part and Shippo, Inuyasha, and Souta's eyes all widened. Kagome's smile turned colder. "Sit boy." Then she turned and stormed up to her room as Inuyasha slammed into the ground with enough force to shake the house.
Souta turned a glare to the somehow still conscious half demon. "To think I used to look up to you. You're nothing but an irritating asshole, you know that?" He turned and ran after his sister.
Shippo looked at the hanyou as he slowly and shakily stood. "I suggest you leave Inu-baka, and if you ever upset momma like that again, I'll make sure Miroku sucks you into his wind tunnel." The kit's voice was deadly calm as he made the threat before turning to the others. "Wait in the living room. I'll go try to help Souta calm mom down."
The group nodded as the kit walked upstairs after sending a dark glare at the hanyou. Botan who was quite up until now, walked over and struck Inuyasha with her oar. "What the fuck was that for bitch?"
She struck him again. "You do realize that you really upset her, don't you? And my name is Botan, not bitch!" She then turned and marched into the living room.
Mrs. Higurashi had seen the entire thing. "I think I'll go unpack some of the ramen. You don't need that much of it." That got Inuyasha's attention and he gulped at the look Kagome's mom had sent him, and he took off. The guys all shared a look before heading into the living room to find Botan, each lost in their own thoughts.
Yusuke's POV
He looked at the others, then they headed into the living room. He debated whether or not he should go up and help calm the girl down. He didn't think he'd ever hear someone that seemed as nice as she was, use the term half-breed in such a demeaning manner. Why did that hanyou insist on making her angry? Why do I even care, girls are nothing but trouble!
Of course, they weren't all the time. He eventually started having an inner debate with his conscious... or was it his demonic beast? Who cares?
Why do I care that he upset her so much?
Because you happen to like her.
Do not.
You do too. Even I can feel the pull. It's like we're being called out to. The others feel it as well.
Your friends. Ask them about it.
Kurama's POV
Why do we feel such a strong pull towards the girl? Why are we so mad that the hanyou made her that mad? I thought she was just a one time want?
That's what I thought. Something's going on though I'm not sure what. Although the hanyou does not need to be speaking to her like that.
I agree Youko.
Hiei's POV
Why can't I get that girl out of my head? Why did I want to kill the hanyou for speaking to her like that? It makes no sense.
Sure it does. Came the annoying voice of his conscious. You like her.
I do not like the ningen.
Sure you do. Plus she was an amazing fuck.
Hiei growled to himself. I don't care about that. I want to know why I feel a pull towards her.
The others feel the pull as well. Ask them about it.
I will. He said before he shut his conscious up.
Regular POV
Hiei mentally contacted his two partners. ^^ Do you also feel a pull towards the onna? ^^
** Do you know why I feel it? ** Yusuke asked hopefully.
$$ I know I don't. $$
^^ Youko? ^^
&& I don't know, but the girl might. &&
** I noticed it when we first met her, but it's gotten a lot stronger since then. It was steadily getting stronger, then like it just grew a lot about three days ago. **
$$ Could it be a spell? $$
&& No, I would've noticed that. &&
^^ So too would I. ^^
** Then this is getting us nowhere. She knows about the dreams, so I say we ask her. **
That perked Youko's interests. && She knows. &&
^^ Yes, she has dreams also. ^^
&& And how would you know that? &&
They could hear Yusuke chuckling. ** He's taken her. She told me that... it was right before I started kissing her I think. **
Hiei and Kurama both growled through the connection. && Wait! && Youko suddenly said.
^^ What now fox? ^^
&& When you took her, did it somewhat relieve the pull? &&
^^ Why? ^^
The fox mentally sighed. $$ Do you two feel an ache, like a need to be with and protect her? $$
** Yes. **
$$ I'll take Hiei's silence as a yes. Now answer Youko's question, I think he thought of something. $$
^^ Yes, it diminished. ^^
&& I've taken her as well, and it also diminished for me. I think that it'd go away completely if we marked her. &&
Yusuke's eyes visibly widened. ** You think that all three of us are supposed to mate her? **
&& It is an idea. My suggestion is that one of us puts a courting mark on her and see what that does. It is close to being a mating mark and should have close to the same effect as one. &&
^^ And who do you suggest puts the mark on her. ^^
** I'll do it! You each had a turn with her, so I get to court her! **
$$ Go ahead, Youko and I will take her even if she does bear you're courting mark. $$
&& My my Kurama. I'm proud of you. &&
With Kagome
"Come on sis, calm down." Souta pleaded as he stroked her back.
Shippo suddenly had an idea and grinned evilly. "Momma?"
"H-hai?" She asked as she looked up to see his evil grin.
"Wanna get back at Inuyasha?"
"You know how those boys are for some reason drawn to you?"
"Use it against Inuyasha. Spend time with them and ignore him. And ask Sango to train you, if you become a tajiya, he can't call you weak."
She thought it over for a moment before jumping up and hugging her son. "That's a brilliant idea!"
"Of course it is, I'm a kitsune remember."
After that they headed downstairs to find the guys to be deep in thought. At least they were until Botan stood up and rushed toward her. "Oh Kagome, how can you deal with him?"
"I'm mostly used to it by now. Our fights have gotten worse over the past four years though."
"Yeah, I've never heard momma say anything like half-breed before." Shippo said as he walked over and plopped down on the couch.
"Well he shouldn't have kept comparing me to that evil clay bitch." Kagome stated with venom laced in her voice. Everyone quieted as a soft glow surrounded and calmed her. "Great, now it's being even more abnormal." She said as she threw her hands into the air in defeat.
"What's being even more abnormal?" Botan asked curiously.
"The jewel." She said as she pulled out half of a pink gem. "It's been acting weird for several weeks. At least the single shard I had did, now this whole half is acting up... Speaking of which" she turned toward the three men "I would like to speak with you three in private." And she quickly walked outside and over to the God Tree. The three shrugged their shoulders before following her.
"What ya need?" Yusuke asked as he sat beside her.
"Am I right in guessing that you three feel a pull towards me?" Kurama and Hiei narrowed their eyes as Yusuke nodded his head. The girl sighed as she thought of what to say next. "About three days ago, did the pull get worse, more urgent?"
"How'd you know that?" Yusuke asked looking at her.
She pulled out her necklace and held it in the palm of her hand for them to see. "Shippo came up with a theory, and it does seem to make sense."
"What theory?" Questioned Kurama.
"We were talking the night Yusuke rescued me from my friends at the mall." The two demons looked at Yusuke who shrugged. "I asked why you were acting like that towards me, and he suddenly said something that made me thing. He said that it was the jewel."
"How would the jewel be doing this?" Hiei surprised everyone by asking.
Kagome shrugged. "I'm not sure, but it is a pretty good theory. My one shard was acting up, like I had said inside. The funny thing is that that is when the dreams started. It's even attempted to calm me before, but it didn't have the needed energy."
"Then how would you know about the pull strengthening?" Kurama asked suspiciously.
"I asked Shippo why it would be slowly getting stronger, he had an answer for it too. I stole half the shards from Naraku before I managed to somehow get to the well and passed out as I fell over the edge. The shards I stole were clutched in my hand, but Souta told me he tossed them into the bottle I kept the other one in."
"That haas what to do with the pull getting stronger?" Yusuke asked curiously.
"The shards were slowly fusing together within the bottle." She said as she looked at him. "Three nights ago, I completely fused them. That made the bond strengthen quickly. Shippo said I had to fuse them, so I did. If you really felt the pull strengthen to be noticeably larger, than my guess is that Shippo is right. Now I'll need to tell him so he can help figure out why the jewel is doing it and how to make it stop."
Hiei thought for a moment. "If what you say is true, then the pull will strengthen the more shards are gathered." Kagome nodded. "We have an idea about how to temporarily diminish the pull."
"How?" Kagome asked with a hope filled voice.
Kurama now took over. "It's our belief that a mating would stop the pull," he watched as her eyes widened and her face paled a little "but we think a courting mark might slow it down."
Kagome cocked her head and thought for a moment. "So you want me to let you bite me?" She asked with a giggle. "How do you know it'll work?"
"We don't, so we voted to have Yusuke test the theory." Kurama answered.
"I just thought of something." Everyone turned to look at Yusuke. "If she's a miko, and miko ki destroys youkai, can we mark her at all?"
"That is actually a good question Yusuke."
"Hn. For once he said something intelligent."
Kagome sighed, drawing everyone's attention. "A demon can mark a miko if and only if the miko is willing. If said miko changes her mind, her powers will burn the mark off."
"How do you know that?" Kurama asked sounding astounded.
"Kaede told me about it. Apparently there was once a miko that allowed a demon to mark her in order to find out. Not sure about a mating mark though. I also know that if you place a courting mark on me, I can possibly gain some of your youkai traits and abilities."
"And that Information came from?" Yusuke asked curiously.
"Sesshomaru told me. He thought that I still liked Inuyasha and figured he'd let me know. I also needed to know because I was about to adopt Shippo by youkai laws, so I'm slowly gaining kitsune traits from him. And before you ask, Sesshomaru knows because his father mated a human. A princess named Izayoi, and she is Inuyasha's mother."
"Well then, will you allow us to test our theory?" Kurama asked.
"Sure, but beware Inuyasha will throw a fit over it." That thought made her smile. Sighing, she stood. "Come with me to my room." Kurama looked about to protest but she stopped him with a look. "While you and Hiei have seen me naked, this does happen to be a public shrine and we are in plain view."
The fox conceded and the three followed her inside and up to her room where she closed the door and pulled her shirt off with a blush. Yusuke grinned as he looked at her chest and walked behind her. "This may hurt a little." He whispered as he called upon his youkai to gain fangs. He then bit lightly into her neck. She didn't wince like any of them expected, she instead moaned and they saw the jewel pulse and glow brightly. When Yusuke was done feeding some of his Youkai into the mark, he looked at her. "The pull isn't as strong now, and why'd the jewel glow?"
Kagome growled. "It's happy."
Kurama blinked at her. "It has emotions... and you can feel them?"
Kagome nodded. "Yes, it is composed of four souls after all. It was mad at Inuyasha earlier for comparing me to Kikyo. Now it's happen that Yusuke decided to court me." Hiei and Kurama suddenly stiffened. "What's wrong?"
Kurama shook his head slowly. "The pull on us just became stronger."
Kagome looked down and glared at the jewel. "The damn thing's laughing!" She exclaimed.
"What?" Yusuke asked as he looked at her.
"It's laughing at me and them." She suddenly paled as she looked at it. "It's.... talking to me."
"What?" All three men asked.
"The jewel... it's talking to me." She looked up at them. "It says that it can use more energy on you since Yusuke marked me and that it'll only let up if you do as well."
"At least our theory is proved." Kurama stated as he walked over to her and transformed into his kitsune self. Kagome sighed as he bit into the shoulder opposite the one Yusuke did. She moaned, and Kurama sighed as he released her. "Much better." He commented with a small smile as the jewel again pulsed happily.
"Out." Hiei suddenly ordered.
"Hiei?" Yusuke asked before realization dawned. "Fuck, now the jewel is concentrating solely on him."
Kagome realized something too. "You two leave."
"But Kagome..." Yusuke started before Kagome cut him off.
"Listen, just go." She pleaded. "He needs more than to mark me and plus I don't think he'll be marking my neck." Hiei smirked at that. "He'll need release Yusuke."
"Ok." He grabbed Kurama and left.
As soon as they left the room and the door closed, Hiei pounced on her. The jewel was now positively brimming with happiness as their clothes disappeared. Hiei placed his courting mark on her inner thigh before he decided it was time to take her. And took her he did. He tossed her onto her hands and knees before driving into her roughly. He still could not believe how tight she was.
The jewel seemed to almost sigh happily as it produced a barrier for them. The barrier would stop sound from leaving the room. The two exited the room an hour later. One with a smirk, and the other was merely trying to remain standing. He had been rough and taken her twice. While it was enjoyable, it made it difficult to walk.
When they made it to the living room, Shippo seemed to be trying not to laugh. "Well sis, if you're done with your math, perhaps we could leave."
"Math?" Kagome questioned. "Yes." Souta replied with a grin. "Were you not practicing your multiplication?"
All the boys began snickering as Hiei's smirk widened and Kagome turned a deep shade of red. "You are so dead." She was about to chase him and beat him to a bloody pulp when her mom entered the room.
"I see you're finally down here." Kagome went even redder as her mother sent her a knowing smile. She then turned to the three boys who were now courting her daughter. "You better treat her right." Walking over and handing something to Kagome, she left as she called out. "And I can't wait to have grandchildren with adorable fox ears!"
Everyone stood gawking at where her mother had left through as Kagome about died of embarrassment. Then she looked down at her hands and found...
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