Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ Talking With The Souls ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Will Of The Jewel
Chapter VI
Talking With The Souls
Summary: Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with it's guardian?
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I make NO money from the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
^^ Hiei
&& Kurama
$$ Someone else
It's time for another chapter, and I hope that you all enjoy it.
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Kagome sighed as they made it to the well. "Kazuma and Souta will have to hold onto me, but you three should be able to pass through on your own."
"You'd think me being your brother would allow me passage." Souta complained as they sat at the lip of the well.
"Quit complaining brat, or I'll toss you in and let you hit bottom before I go through."
"How can you be so evil to me?" Souta asked with fake hurt.
"Simple, I am evil. I just don't let people know it." She replied with an innocent smile, before turing to the three demons behind her. "Try going first Yusuke."
"Try?" He questioned.
"Well I'm not completely sure it'll work. While it should, it may not. You three have a connection to me, as does Shippo and Inuyasha, therefore you should be allowed passage on your own."
"Whatever." He said as he vaulted over the side and a blue light engulfed him.
"Guess it works." Kagome mumbled to herself. "Kurama, Hiei, you next." Kurama jumped in, followed by Hiei, then Shippo. Kagome then took Kuwabara's and and hugged Souta to herself as they jumped in. When they light faded, the two boys were still with her. She had them climb up, then she did and jumped back into the well to get Botan. Quickly climbing the ladder, she took Botan's hand and they jumped through. "I need a ladder for this side too." She sighed as Botan barely managed to climb up the vines.
Once she was on the other side, they headed toward the village. "So momma, what led to you having three mating marks?"
Kagome sighed. "It makes the jewel's pull on them diminish. Now though, the jewel is talking to me."
Shippo's eyes snapped onto her. "Talking to you?"
"I wonder why, but at least we figured out that it was indeed the jewel. Now you do realize you smell like Hiei and sex, right?"
Kagome paled. "You've got to be kidding me?" He shook his head no. "Does Hiei smell like me and sex?" Another no. "Any ideas?"
"Kurama is kitsune, ask him for a scentless petal plant."
"And what do I tell him the reason is?"
"The truth. You don't want another fight with Inuyasha."
She hugged him tightly and kissed his head. "I'm so proud to have such a smart little boy as my son." Shippo laughed as she took off back to Kurama. He looked up as she approached. "Can I ask you a favor Kurama?"
"Depends on what it is."
"Shippo told me that I smell of umm..." she turned red "uh, my earlier activities, and I don't want a fight with Inuyasha. He suggested I ask you for a scentless petal plant, whatever it is, so can you help me?"
He couldn't help it, he laughed at her. "Earlier activities? You wouldn't happen to be talking about your having sex with Hiei, would you?"
She turned beet red. "Yes." She mumbled.
He laughed again and shook his head. "Yes, I can help you." Quickly growing the plant he pulled off a petal and took her hand as he rubbed the petal into her skin, he then handed her the plant. "I'm sure you'll be needing it again."
Nodding, she again turned red before kissing him on the cheek. "Thanks." And she returned to her son's side.
"What was that about?" Yusuke asked, as he and Hiei came up beside the fox.
"She was afraid of another fight with the hanyou and asked for something to rid herself of the scent from earlier. Apparently her son told her about it and to ask me."
"If dog-boy tries anything, we could stop him."
"True, but I think she'd rather not have another fight."
Upon reaching the village, they ran into Miroku. "And who are these people Lady Kagome?" He asked as he reached for her backside without being noticed.
"They're... PERVERT!!!!!" She shrieked as she turned and smacked him as hard as she could, rendering him unconscious.
"That's Miroku." Souta stated as he walked over and kicked the unconscious monk. "And that was for touching my sister." He walked further into the village the other following. Three of the men were glaring at the unconscious monk.
They walked up to an old hut and an old woman exited with her bow in hand. "Kagome, are these ye friends?"
"Hai. They're here to help hunt Naraku."
Kaede nodded. "I was afraid the village would come under attack when I sensed them, for some reason I do not sense ye's aura."
Kagome laughed nervously. "It's a little overpowered I imagine."
Kaede looked at her before her eyes widened. "Come inside and tell me what has occurred." Everyone followed the mikos into the hut and relaxed. Souta and Shippo laid down, Yusuke sat near Kagome, Kurama sat on her other side, Botan sat near the two boys, and Kuwabara just plopped down somewhere. Hiei of course was leaning against the wall. "Now child, what has happened that has you courting three men?"
"It's the jewel. They're all being pulled to me by it, and it's been acting weird. I told you of this before our confrontation with Naraku, and these three are the ones that the dreams were about. I spoke to Shippo about them being drawn to me and he guessed it was the jewel. They have also been having the same dreams I did, and when I got those shards from Naraku the pull became steadily stronger. At least it did until I fully fused the jewel. Then the pull became a lot stronger. The courting marks they placed on me reduced the pull greatly. And the jewel is now talking to me and I can sense it's emotions."
"So you're being courted by Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke?" Botan asked shocked.
"Hehehe..... Yes."
Botan leaned in close to her ear and whispered so only she could hear. "You're lucky."
Kagome actually laughed. "Thanks. I guess I kinda am."
Kaede shook her head and got Kagome's attention. "There is something I need to speak with ye about, and in private too. Please come with me." Kagome nodded and followed Kaede from the hut.
"Why's Kagome leaving?" Kurama shook his head as Yusuke knocked Kuwabara out.
"Baka." Hiei muttered.
"Kagome, I need ye to tell me something."
"What is it Kaede?" Kagome asked curiously as the old woman turned towards her.
"Tell me what ye can sense from the jewel. Close your eyes and concentrate on it."
"Ok." Doing as she was told, she sat cross legged and allowed her conscious to sink into the jewel. She could feel the overpowering aura surrounding her, and she saw the outline of four figures. "What the..."
"Welcome Kagome." Spoke a feminine voice as a beautiful woman became visible.
Everyone was quietly waiting for Kagome and Kaede to return when both Souta and Shippo shot up. "Momma!" "Sis!" Both cries were heard as the two took off toward where they could feel her aura. The now present slayer and finally conscious monk looked at each other before taking off after the two. Botan and the boys followed them to figure out what was going.
The sight they found, was not one they were expecting to see. Kagome was laying on the ground and her body was glowing a faint pink and her eyes were blank, soulless. The two boys were at her side trying to wake her. "Momma! Please get up, don't leave me!" Shippo cried, shaking her.
Souta looked pale as he tried to wake her. "No, please no. Stay with us Kagome."
Kagome looked into the face of Midoriko as the other four figures closed in on her. "What's happening?" She asked as she suddenly felt something. It felt as if her soul was being pulled out of her.
"Relax child." Midoriko smiled at her. "The jewel is bringing you here so we can talk."
"About what?"
"We are the reason the men are being drawn into you, but it is not our doing. There are things we must explain to you."
"Like what?"
"Like you being youkai." Stated a ryuu as he stepped into the light so she could see him.
"But I am human, miko."
"That you are, but you will start gaining youkai traits. The jewel will allow you to decide what kind of youkai you turn into." Said a cat demon as she walked into the light.
"May I suggest a silver shadow demon?" Said dark haired woman as she stepped forward. She smiled at Kagome's inquisitive stare. "I am an ice demoness."
"Oh. What's a silver shadow demon?"
"A shadow demon uses shadow and dark attacks. Being silver shadow would mean you have more of a variety. They can learn attacks that they see, and can control elements to some degree. You're already capable of manipulating earth, air, water, and fire through your miko powers."
"Ok... Well why is the jewel trying to mate me off?"
"The jewel has chosen three men who are powerful enough to protect you, as you are, in essence, the jewel." Midoriko stated.
"How am I the jewel?"
"Kikyo's soul was not as pure as it should have been in order to protect the jewel, so the jewel used it's own powers to form a soul using Kikyo's as a start. The jewel purified her soul, changing it, and adding pieces of the souls within to it. In essence, you are us and Kikyo, but are completely different from us all. If I am correct, you are also my descendent."
Kagome's eyes widened. "That explains why both Souta and I have spiritual powers, but is there a way to stop the jewel from imposing this mating?"
"No. The jewel's desire will become a reality. You have half of the jewel, the pure half. The other half is tainted and has other wants and desires. But the two halves have one common desire."
"What is that?"
"To be with you. When the jewel is whole, it will completely merge with you and you shall become the jewel. For now though, you must learn to call forth the full potential of your ki. Very shortly you will begin turning youkai. It will be a slow process, but it will also be a necessary one. Heed the jewel and mate the three demons. The jewel will not be persuaded. It's will is iron clad." And they faded.
Everything around her faded as her soul returned to her body. Slowly she opened her eyes and could barely see. Everything was blurry. Though she could hear someone crying. Her vision slowly returned, and she could see Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke nearby. At her side was Souta and Shippo, the latter being the one that was crying. All of her limbs felt like they weighed a ton, but she somehow managed to lift her hand to her son's face. "Shippo?"
His head snapped up and everyone turned to look at her. "Momma!" He cried out as he hugged her tightly to himself. "I was so scared that you were gonna leave me! What happened?"
"The jewel." She managed to say. Her voice didn't want to work. "It took my soul into itself in order to talk to me."
"Yeah right." That let her know Inuyasha was here.
She growled at him as she tried to sit up. Shippo helped her. "I thought you'd be with Kikyo." She said coldly.
"Feh!" Was his only reply.
"Are you ok Kagome?" Sango asked as she hugged her.
"I'm fine Sango, just feel really cold..." she laughed a little "probably from not being in my body for so long."
Sango lightly laughed. "Then how about a dip in the hot springs so you can explain what's going on?"
"Ok." She looked at her son. "Are you coming?" He nodded. "Souta, you have my permision to do to Miroku whatever you wish if he tries to sneak out of the hut." Her response was a smirk from her brother and a gulp from said monk. "And no fighting Inuyasha. Try to and I'll S-I-T you."
The three left after Shippo grabbed the backpack. Kuwabara broke the silence in the hut. "Why would Miroku sneak out?"
"To spy on the girls." Souta said like it wasn't a big deal, then he turned to Botan. "You should go with them. I think sis forgot you were here."
"Ok." Botan said as she grabbed her stuff and left the hut.
Botan arrived at the springs to find the others relaxing inside. "Mind if I join you?" She asked as she walked up to it.
Kagome gasped. "I'm sorry Botan, I forgot that you were here as well. Please join us."
"Ok." She stripped down and climbed inside.
"So Kagome, I heard that you're being courted..." Sango started.
"Yes, by Hiei, Kurama, and Yusuke. I let them mark me because it helps. The jewel now has a will of it's own, and it's will is trying to force them to mate me."
"At least they're handsome then." Sango joked.
Kagome giggled at her friend before taking on a sly look. "Miroku is handsome as well."
Botan was about to say something until she noticed Sango's blush and caught on. "Yes, he is quite handsome. I wonder why he has yet to settle down."
"Same reason that he won't confess to Sango that he loves her, the wind tunnel."
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