Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Will Of The Jewel ❯ The Group ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Will Of The Jewel
Chapter VII
The Group
Summary: Souta has new friends and is being trained in his spirit powers by his sister when she's home. What happens when they meet? What are these dreams that some of them have been having? What does the jewel have to do with anything? Why is it trying to bring certain people together with it's guardian?
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Inuyasha or YuYu Hakusho. I wish I did, but sadly... I don't. I make NO money from the stories. I merely write them for my own enjoyment (and to see if anyone will actually read them).
Let's talk telepathy
((Someone else))
It's time for another chapter, and I hope that you all enjoy it.
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The group decided to spend the night in Kaede's village and set out in the morning. When Inuyasha fell asleep, Kagome decided that she wanted to take a walk. What she didn't realize was that three certain demons were following her. "You know, you should pay more attention to your surroundings."
Kagome jumped and had her hand over her chest as she turned to look at Kurama. "Did you have to scare me?"
He smirked at her. "Considering you couldn't sense the three of us, yes I did."
"Three?" Kagome questioned as Hiei and Yusuke appeared. "Ok, so I didn't sense any of you, so what?"
"We could've been an enemy." Yusuke stated.
"Could've been, but weren't." Kagome began walking again before she suddenly stopped, one name falling from her lips as she passed out. "Kikyo."
Inuyasha was sleeping in the hut when the scent of graveyard soil woke him up. Slowly he stood up and took off into the forest. He found Kikyo standing in front of Goshinboku. As he approached, she turned to him. "Inuyasha..."
It took a few minutes to wake Kagome back up, but once she woke she took off for the God Tree. The boys glanced at each other before following her. They looked at her curiously once they caught up with, at least until they heard voices. "Inuyasha..."
"Kikyo. What are you doing here?"
"I have come to warn you, Naraku is going to go after the girl."
"Why would he want her?"
"He wishes to return my soul to me, thinking that I'll help him if he does."
"Would you?"
Kikyo gave a cold smile and beckoned Inuyasha into her arms. "Never Inuyasha. I wouldn't betray you like that."
Inuyasha might not of caught it, but the other three demons did. She was lying! From where they were standing, they could even see the faint blue glow that was surrounding her. The ground beneath the two slowly started shrinking down, like they were being sucked into the earth. The inu hanyou seemed to be asleep as well, then they heard Kagome curse. "Dammit!" Jumping out of her hiding place, grabbed Kikyo and yanked her away from Inuyasha by her hair. "Can't you even wait until he's killed Naraku to avenge you, or do you simply not care about that?"
The clay priestess stood slowly and faced her reincarnation with hatred clearly in her calm, cold eyes. "Reincarnation." She stated calmly, eyeing the girl.
"Clay bitch." Kagome muttered, earning a glare from said woman. The three youkai that had followed her smirked at her. Yusuke, however, chuckled.
Inuyasha had just pulled himself up and was glaring at Kagome. "Don't call Kikyo names."
Kagome turned a glare on him that would make even Hiei step back in fear. "Listen here half-breed, unless you want me to let her take you to hell so you can't help kill Naraku, you will shut up. I am still mad at you for earlier. Now get your ass up and return to Kaede's before I S-I-T you so much that you won't need Kikyo to reach hell."
Inuyasha gulped as he looked at the girl. Power crackled around her as her glare hardened. "Hai." He turned and left without another word before Kagome turned back to the other miko.
"Unless you want me to put you to rest before you can take Inuyasha with you, leave him alone until Naraku is dead. After that, I don't give a fuck what you do with him." With that, she turned and stormed off back to the village with three smirking demons walking behind her.
"She's hott when she's angry!" Yusuke exclaimed, but not loud enough for said girl to hear him.
"I'd have to agree."
"I know you think I can't hear you, but I can." Kagome called back to them. "I do happen to have demonic hearing now!"
Yusuke's eyes widened as he looked at her. She had heard him. "How'd you get demonic hearing?"
"Shippo. It's one of the traits I got from him." She said as she shrugged.
When they got back to the village, they found Sango awake. "Why's Inuyasha so mad?"
"I told him and his bitch off when I found her trying to drag him to hell." Kagome answered as she looked at the older girl.
"That would explain it." Sango mumbled before smiling. "So why were you out anyways?" Looking over at the three guys, she smirked. "Who's turn was it tonight, or was it all at once?"
Turning a deep shade of red Kagome simply stared at her best friend and 'sister' figure. "That's it, you're not allowed near Miroku anymore!" Pushing the now laughing slayer aside, she went to her sleeping bag and curled around her son.
It was at dawn the next morning that the hanyou decided to wake everyone. Kagome quickly made breakfast for everyone (she almost dumped Kuwabara's on him when he wouldn't wake), then the group set off. They were heading west in order to meet up with Sesshomaru, a fact that Inuyasha did not like. "We're gonna start heading north now."
"Sit boy." Kagome said calmly and watched as the half inu plummeted from the tree and into the ground. "Sesshomaru is west and you know it. We remain heading this way."
Grumbling and cursing as he did so, Inuyasha barely managed to pull himself up to jump into a tree. He was not at all happy about the alliance, and he really did not wish to meet up with his older half brother. The rest simply ignored him. Hiei was also flitting through trees like he normally would, Kurama was talking to Shippo about kitsunes, and Yusuke was walking alongside Kagome. That fact also ticked off the half inu. "If we're meeting up with him, we might as well hurry so we can get back to hunting the shards. I'll carry Kagome and the other humans can ride Kirara."
Kagome sent a bland look at the half inu demon. "I think I'd prefer to keep up on my own."
"Feh! You're too weak to keep up."
A pointed glare was sent his way, but before she could sit him a branch knocked him out of his tree. Giggling, she turned to the innocently smiling Kurama. "Thanks."
"You're welcome." He said as he gave her a charming smile.
Shaking her head with a blush, she turned to face the now cussing hanyou. "Get over here bitch so we can get moving."
"I think I'll carry the girl." Hiei said as he appeared in front of her with a smirk. Shippo was giggling from beside Souta as the two told Sango and Miroku what was going on.
Inuyasha had nothing to say to that, as he wasn't expecting it. Kagome, however, smiled happily and thanked him as he knelt so she could climb onto his back. Kirara turned into her larger form so Sango, Miroku, and Kuwabara could get on. Inuyasha looked at Souta and Yusuke. "I'm not carrying either of you."
Yusuke smirked. "I don't need carried."
"Neither does Souta, at least not by you." Shippo transformed into a hawk so he could carry the other boy. "Get on." Souta nodded and climbed onto his back. With that, they took off. The growling hanyou took the lead... or at least tried to. He couldn't match Hiei's speed.
Kagome was having a lot of fun. She hadn't known that Hiei could go faster than Inuyasha. Nuzzling into Hiei's back and neck, she giggled as he groaned. When she began suckling on his neck, he stopped. "Unless you want taken, I advise you to stop that."
Pouting at him, she licked the shell of his ear. Her action caused him to shiver and growl. "We can't stop now, we have to meet Sesshomaru... but we can play tonight if you want."
With that promise in mind, Hiei couldn't wait for night to fall. The young woman also realized that she'd be in for it when night came. His hands slid slowly up her thighs in order to tease her. It was working, so she quickly hid her scent. Knowing why she did it, caused the fire demon to chuckle darkly. "You'll be in for worse tonight."
Kagome gulped. Definitely in for it.
It was an hour later that they reached Sesshomaru's group. Said group consisted of the two headed dragon Au Un, the annoying imp Jaken, the little girl Rin, and Sesshomaru himself. Once there, Hiei put Kagome down and she bowed slightly to the inu. "Sesshomaru-sama."
"Miko." He bowed his head in acknowledgment as he looked over the other demon. "Who is this?"
"One of our new companions, Hiei."
"One of, so there are more?"
"Hai. A hanyou named Yusuke, a kitsune avatar named Kurama, a human named Kuwabara, and a ferry girl named Botan. I also have my brother with the group."
He gave a nod. "If they are your companions, I trust that they are strong enough to stand against the half-breed."
Looking to Hiei, she gave a slight nod. "I believe they are. Souta also has strong spiritual powers, and I know the new demons are powerful."
"Where is your group miko?"
"Umm..." She giggled. "Hiei's a lot faster than everyone else."
"Then we shall continue toward them."
"Alright." Kagome said with a nod.
She and Hiei began walking with them as a little girl ran up to her. "Kagome nee-san!"
"Rin." The miko said with a smile as she held her arms open for the little girl to jump into. The girl took up the offer and launched herself at Kagome. "I missed you little one."
"Rin missed you too nee-san! Jaken-san said that you weren't going to come see Rin again."
"Well Jaken was wrong." Kagome said with a smile. "As you can see, I'm here to see you again."
The little girl nodded and smiled some more as she looked over at the stoic fire demon. "Who's he Kagome nee-san?"
"He's Hiei, my umm.... friend."
"Hello Hiei-sama! Rin's name is Rin! Do you like Kagome nee-san? I think she's really pretty, but Jaken-san says she's an ugly ningen."
That got Hiei to chuckle. "For a ningen, she doesn't look bad."
Kagome rolled her eyes at him. "I'm glad that a lowly ningen such as myself can achieve such a complete from someone as great as you, Hiei-sama."
The fire demon was now looking at her in amusement as Rin giggled. "You're funny nee-san."
"Why thank-you Rin."
"Do you think Shippo with play with Rin when Rin sees him?"
"Probably. My brother, Souta, might play with you too."
"Yay! More friends for Rin to play with!"
It took about three hours for them to meet back up with the rest of the group. Shippo and Souta landed in front of Kagome, who was carrying Rin. She set the little girl down and introduced the girl to her brother. Then the three of them started playing with something Souta took out. Kagome merely shook her head at them. Then she introduced Kurama, Botan, Kuwabara, and Yusuke to Sesshomaru and Jaken.
After that, the now larger group started heading in a direction Sesshomaru decided. That little fact seemed to tick Inuyasha off... a lot. "Why the fuck does he get to choose which way we go?"
"Inuyasha, sit! There are children here, and you don't need to be cussing in front of them!"
"Why? I cuss in front of Shippo and Souta all the time."
"Rin does not need to hear that kind of language!"
"What the fuck do I care what she needs!"
"Sit boy! Sit sit sit sit sit!" With one last glare at the Inuyasha shaped crater, she moved next to Yusuke to ignore the now lowly cussing inu hanyou.
"So we're not allowed to cuss anymore?" Yusuke asked curiously.
"Nope. First person who does, gets a rosary like Inuyasha." The hanyou beside her gulped at the threat and nodded. "Which reminds me, what kind of demon are you anyway?"
A gasp, had the two turning around to see a wide eyed Sango. "What's wrong?" Kagome asked as she looked at her friend.
"Mazoku eat human flesh!"
Wide sapphire eyes looked back to Yusuke. "Is that true?"
He shrugged. "I think so. All I know is that my ancestor refused to eat for several centuries and he died because he was weakened. I originally had barely any demon blood, but something called the x-gene awakened what little I did have. So I don't eat what full mazoku demons eat."
"Ok." The miko said. "Hiei's a fire demon, right?" When Yusuke nodded, she continued. "I've been curious, because his aura seems odd. Like it's clashing almost."
"Ah, it does that."
"That's something to ask him. See, he normally keeps that a secret."
"Oh. Then I'll ask him later." The miko said with a shrug as they continued on. Only now, she dropped back to talk to Sango and Botan.
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