Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ A Talk Between Friends and a Deal ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 9: A Talk Between Friends and a Deal

Yusuke awoke early, forcing his mind to reflect on the problem at hand. He knew that he needed a clear head to figure out what was happening with Hiei. He sneaked out of the temple, making his way towards the lake. Once there he slipped into the water, swimming four lengths before realising that he was being watched, Hiei had decided to join him. That was good, Yusuke didn't feel like embarrassing himself in front of the others. "Why don't you come down, Hiei?" Yusuke asked as he floated in the water. "It isn't very nice to spy on naked people when they're in water. You may get labelled a pervert." A moment later there was a splash as Hiei dived into the water and approached Yusuke. Only the sight of the lithe demon made Yusuke's breath catch in his throat.

"Who said I was wanting to be nice?" Hiei asked, whispering the words into Yusuke's ear. When Yusuke turned to face him, Hiei wrapped his arms around Yusuke's neck, making Yusuke tremble, suddenly feeling too hot. Hiei couldn't help but press against Yusuke, pushing him towards the bank. Once Yusuke was there, Hiei withdrew from him, yet remaining close enough to be there. "What's the matter, Yusuke?" He purred, unable to stop himself from lightly teasing the hanyou, the purr made Yusuke blush..

"I… well I don't know what the other day meant." Yusuke said, refusing to meet Hiei's blood-red eyes. "What did it mean?" His lips still tingled and he wanted Hiei to kiss him again. He desired the tingly feeling that the other demon gave in the apple tree. He wanted to feel comfortable as he had when he sat astride Hiei's hips when Hiei saved him from Muraki's knives. It felt almost natural to be like that with Hiei, as though they had done it many times in t he past. Hiei just looked at Yusuke. Wasn't the actions explanation enough? Wasn't the comments about Keiko telling him anything at all?

"What did it mean to you?" Hiei asked, that was more important to the fire demon now. He had felt as though a great weight was pushing down on his shoulders, and he wanted reassurances from the man before him that everything was okay. That Yusuke wasn't angry at him for the impulsive kiss. To hide the awkward silence, Hiei watched two birds on the bank. They seemed so happy to be together, so inseparable. Yet Hiei could be over there before the birds could react and kill one before the other realised. Yet he knew that killing one of the birds would make the other lonely, like he had felt when he watched Sensui kill Yusuke. He closed his eyes waiting for the hurtful words that never came. Instead he felt Yusuke's hand on his shoulder.

"It felt nice and right, but I don't know what I feel about it." Yusuke blushed. "I'm sorry for pushing you off me like that." Hiei looked at Yusuke and gave a slight smile. "You startled me when I realised who was kissing me." Yusuke smiled wider. "It felt really nice, something that I liked a lot." Hiei was the one to blush this time. "I want to never forget that moment, for as long as I live your kiss will remain with me, Hiei. I can't say anything more than that."

"Don't tease me, Yusuke." The youkai said quietly. "Never say things that you don't…" He was cut off by a silencing finger. Then Yusuke faced him, the eyes of the hanyou were like burning orbs, searing into the crimson depths of the shorter youkai. There Hiei saw the seriousness in the other's face, the truth in his eyes and it touched his heart. He felt Yusuke wrap his arms around him, holding Hiei in his embrace, before Yusuke released him, as he pulled himself out of the lake, followed by Hiei. They dried themselves off in silence, both thinking their separate thoughts. "Yusuke?" Hiei asked looking at the other, Yusuke faced him. "Can I ask one thing from you?"

"Sure, Hiei." Yusuke said as he started to dress, hiding the body Hiei so desired. "What can I do?" Yusuke faced Hiei, to find Hiei looking up at him. The look in Hiei's eyes were of clouded desire.

"Can we make a deal, we don't have to if you feel uncomfortable with it." Hiei said, he saw Yusuke nod, telling him to continue. "Well I was wondering if we could somehow have a relationship, even if it's only until Kurama returns. I would like to experience a normal relationship with someone I truly love and desire." Yusuke was shocked by the request Hiei asked for. The demon wanted a relationship, even if it was just a trial. Hiei picked up on the negative signals and, muttering an apology, turned to leave. Yusuke, realising Hiei's mistake, stopped Hiei and kissed him, pressing lightly against the other.

"I would love that very much." Yusuke said, feeling Hiei press against him harder, his small hands on Yusuke's hips. The simple actions made Yusuke feel as though a great weight had been removed from his shoulders. He took Hiei's hand in his as they walked back to the temple. "I guess if things do work out between us, you don't want to share?" The question was hopeful that the answer would be a no. He got a growl and a bite for the question.

"I will not share with Keiko." Hiei stated. "I will share you with no one. It took long enough to get you." Hiei kissed the bite, knowing that he shouldn't do that to those he loved, that it could give them the wrong idea. "I have desired you since we had to defeat the four Saint Beasts. Since you trusted me at the Gate of Betrayal." Hiei wrapped both arms around Yusuke, pressing against him. Then Hiei saw movement at the temple door and pulled Yusuke's head down and kissed him, then he ran his tongue over Yusuke's bottom lip asking to be allowed to enter. A request that Yusuke gladly granted, his fingers entwined in Hiei's hair as his tongue entwined with Hiei's . Every time the tongues touched there was a slight tingle down the their backs. When both pulled back, Hiei lay his head on Yusuke's chest, Yusuke still hadn't realised that they were being watched.

From where she was sitting, Yukina watched Hiei and Yusuke, the beginning of any relationship was always cute. She wanted to run down and congratulate then, then she remembered that Yusuke was Keiko's and the ice maiden was confused. Why was Yusuke holding Hiei? However the more the ice apparition watched them, the better they looked together. Hiei and Yusuke fitted together, while there was a clash between Yusuke and Keiko. She was happy for them, especially for Hiei. She didn't know much about the private fire demon, but she could see that he was more happy being held by Yusuke than anything else. "Kazuma!" She called, waking Kuwabara from his sleep, and dragged him out. Kuwabara's jaw dropped. "Aren't they wonder together, Kazuma?" She asked the taller human, then she felt Kuwabara take her hands.

"You're right, Yukina." He said. "I never saw it before." He held Yukina's hands and gently kissed her. Hiei saw this and tried to get to them, feeling like ripping the head off of the idiot. However Yusuke stopped him.

"I know that Yukina is your sister, but you cannot protect her forever. Kuwabara would never harm a single hair on her head , just as you'd never truly harm me… well not outside of training. If you never harmed me in training that would be a nightmare." Hiei relaxed slowly.

"She's only young, and doesn't need the heartache of losing someone that she loves. Kuwabara will grow old and die, and she will never change." Hiei said. "If you didn't have demon D.N.A. in you I would have kept well away." Yusuke pulled Hiei back into his arms kissing him gently, stroking Hiei's hair.

"It is better to love and lose than never love, or experience love, at all. You know that when Kurama returns there is a possibility that I will choose Keiko, yet you're putting your heart on the line. Give Yukina that choice, Hiei. That way she will have no regrets." Hiei pressed tighter to Yusuke and nodded slightly. Yusuke guided Hiei towards the door to the temple