Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ Curing the Curses ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 12: Curing the Curses

It had been two days of working non-stop on the potions for Kuronue and Hisoka, and it was tiring even Youko Kurama's reserves. The good news was that the potions were almost ready to be used, pleasing the fox. It meant that he could finally sleep, a luxury that he never experienced since starting them. The golden eyes began to close and the tail began to droop as he sagged to one side, suddenly supported by another. Arms and wings closed around the fox, holding him tightly. "You should sleep, my Youko." Kuronue said. "I'm not worth your health."

"Kuro, its only for another day. If it is left alone, or the yoki of another demon gets mixed in with mine, at this stage I would have to start over." Kurama said delighting in the feeling of Kuronue against his back. "I want you free of him, Kuro. I want you to be the same as you were. I want you to be my fearless companion once more." Remembering the pendant that he still wore, he untied it from his neck and pressed it into Kuronue's hand. "Yours, I believe. I'm sorry that I forgot it until now." The Youko kissed the hand that, now, held the pendant. "Now I need to carry on my work, and with any luck it'll be ready for use soon." Kuronue nodded as he pulled away to allow Youko Kurama to continue working.

The next day and the potions had all the energy that they required, meaning that the demon could finally get some sleep, and having found solace, was sleeping fitfully. However as Kuronue joined him in slumber, it wasn't a sweet dream that the other was experiencing. It was a nightmare, a nightmare concerning Muraki. "You can never escape from me, my little bat. Wherever you run, wherever you hide, I shall find you. You and that fox of yours." Were the last words Kuronue heard before waking in a cold sweat, he looked over ay the kitsune that was still asleep. It was a relief that the other hadn't woken. He turned his attention to the potions as their colours began to change, he knew that they were supposed to be different, but were they supposed to be that different? One was a blood red while the other was a glittering blue. He felt warm arms wrap around him, a head pressing against his back.

"What's wrong, Kuronue?" Youko Kurama asked as his eyes flickered between gold and green, as the form shifted between Youko Kurama and Shuichi Minamino. The change surprised Kuronue, even more when he saw the drastic change for himself.

"Where's Youko?" Kuronue asked as he edged away from the redhead. "Who are you and where's my Youko Kurama?"

"I keep forgetting that you aren't as insightful as Yomi." Kurama said checking the potions. "However I kept telling him to tell you that there are two of us in the same body." He touched both vials, testing the temperature. "I am Shuichi Minamino, known to the others as Kurama. Youko was exhausted, so I made myself active so he could rest easier. He really hasn't told you anything about me?" Kurama asked Kuronue shook his head, making the other tut. "Some years ago Youko was caught raiding in Reikai and was caught by one of the S.D.F. and he fled to Ningenkai as a spirit. He was only strong enough to take over this body as it was growing in my mother's womb. I have all his powers and memories, yet I don't have his personality." Kurama smiled. "We are different and yet the same, a perfect contradiction." Cautiously Kuronue approached Kurama, watching for any sign of attack from the other. Seeing none, he leaned down and brushed his lips against Kurama's, making Kurama laugh. "I got a growl from Youko Kurama, calling me a slut. Can you believe that?" Both of them laughed. "It was nice to finally meet you in person, Kuronue, and thank you for the kiss." However the demon didn't move, and actually pinned Kurama to the bed, kissing him once more, this time more domineering.

"You taste different than Youko does. You're lighter and sweet, while Youko is more exotic, maybe it's because he's a demon and you are in a human form. So different, yet you are tied together by circumstance. You interest me, Shuichi, and have to be considered if I decide to mate with Youko. I guess that I shall have to seduce you just in case I do take him as mine." Kuronue said as he watched Kurama blush. "I hope that you don't mind me referring to you as Shuichi. I don't want to be confused. Anyway, how long until the potions are ready to be used?"

"Two hours at most." Kurama replied as Kuronue released him. "Imagine being free in less than a day. My other half will be so glad, and I know that Hisoka and Asato will be happy too."

"You refer to them by their given names. Why does Youko refer to them always as Kurosaki and Tsuzuki?" Kuronue asked.

"I see them as friends, Youko sees them as potential enemies. He is more cautious than I." Kurama explained. "They have proved themselves to my liking."

Two hours later, when the colours had stabilised, the potions were ready for use. "Come on, Kuronue, we need to get Hisoka too." He siphoned off some of both of the potions, and as he changed back to his Youko form he blasted both potions with yoki, making them thicken to a thick paste to smear on the marks. Kuronue followed Youko Kurama to the main room, where the others were waiting. "It's ready, however I don't know what kind of effect the potion will have on humans because it has never been used on them before. However the plants are mostly healing, so it shouldn't do any harm." He said to Hisoka. "If you still want to go through with this, please remove your clothing in the next room."

He then turned his attention to the others. "If you aren't demon kin, please leave. This could be dangerous to any human that hasn't been anointed. Yusuke, Hiei I would like you in your more powerful forms. This could take a lot of energy, and although in your current forms, you are both over A-class levels, I know that in your other forms, that you are both over S-class. Please, Yukina, leave. I know that you want to stay, but your power is less than that of an E-class demon. Your full power would be like a drop of water in an ocean. You would serve better keeping the others far enough away from all this." Yukina nodded and left as the others changed their forms, transferring their strength to Youko Kurama.

"Hisoka, Kuronue drink your potions now." They both did and Youko Kurama, binding the power of the 'working' yoki of the others to his, he dipped his finger into the paste, marking the well-practiced symbols over Hisoka's body, chanting as he did so. The yoki sealing it in place, as it was absorbed into his body, calling its brother potion to it, once complete the seal flared, causing both subjects pain. "Accept the pain and make it yours, then use the power it provides to feed the seal. It could take a while because the more power the seal gains, the more pain that you will feel, it's a vicious cycle that has a very painful ending." He looked to the other demons, their yoki only half used. "Let's leave them alone to work through the pain. Thank you for helping me with the power." As they filed out of the room Hiei caught the Youko's arm as they left.

"Can we talk Youko? It's rather important." He asked, and the Youko nodded as he draped an arm over Hiei's shoulder. Unable to resist teasing the Toushin, he looked over and made eye contact with the other demon and winked. He saw an answering flash of anger and jealousy in the reddish brown depths. He faced Hiei knowing that the one that Hiei desired above the whole of Makai was watching and was angered was watching his every movement.

"So what can I do for you, Hiei?" He asked the fire demon. "Everything okay in Paradise?" Hiei glared at the fox.

"I am sure that you heard me talk to Yusuke about a trial after you returned. I was just wondering if you had any suggestions on how to convince him to remain with me. I never want to be without him in my life." Hiei said in a small voice. "I feel as though I have lost to that little bitch that he calls his fiancée, even though he has said nothing to make me feel that way."

"If I were you, I'd grab him, bend him over the nearest table and make him mine, but I don't think that he'd appreciate that from you." He went quiet for a moment, as he conversed with his 'other half'. "Well Shuichi thinks that you should allow Yusuke the thinking time that he needs, to give him the trust he seeks. Hasn't Yusuke deserved the time to think?" The Youko grinned. "Personally I prefer my idea, but as Yusuke was raised as a human, I'd say that Shuichi has the advantage over my thoughts." Hiei nodded.

"Thank you, both of you." Hiei said as he started walking away. Both ideas will be kept in mind, though I do agree with you. Shuichi's idea is more what Yusuke would desire."