Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ Yusuke's Decision ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 14: Yusuke's Decision

Yusuke woke to his hair being stroked. "Good morning, Hiei." He said as he sat up. He looked down at the other, and felt the need to kiss the other. Swooping down he kissed Hiei, begging him to allow entry. Whimpering, Hiei wrapped his arms around Yusuke's neck, permitting the taller demon his desire. He allowed Yusuke to take control of the kiss. Yusuke slowly pulled back, watching Hiei. "I could get used to this, Hiei. I could get used to waking up to you every morning." Yusuke said with a smile as he ran a hand over Hiei's chest. Lowering his head to Hiei's neck, he applied pressure to the exposed skin, wanting to leave a mark, his mark. He wanted it to be there, even if it was only himself and Hiei that would know it was there. Licking the bruise, he cradled Hiei's face in his hands. "Call it my mark of intention if you desire. I've decided never to let you go. I want you by my side. I love you, Hiei, and I want us to spend out futures together."

"What made you make up your mind?" Hiei said as he raised a hand to touch the mark on his neck.

"Last night I realised that you trusted me much more than Keiko ever would. I belong with another demon, not a human. I belong with someone that is more like you than someone more like her. Not to mention, that by just thinking about you makes me happier than I have ever been with Keiko. I feel that only you will ever truly understand me, Hiei. We are both outcasts from out birth races, both because of things that we couldn't help, you because you're male, and I because I have demon DNA. It took me long enough to think that over." He kissed Hiei's forehead, just left of Hiei's Jagan Eye before he started to dress. Then he felt something being placed around his neck, and looking down his eyes beheld a glistening jewel lying on his chest. He quickly turned and faced Hiei. Hiei smiled and placed a hand over the stone.

"Hiei, why did you give me this?" Yusuke asked. "It's too precious to give to me."

"It's my birth stone, cried by my mother at the time of my birth. It is given as a sign of love between a Koorime and its love. It's a sign of intent to mate, a mark like the one that you gave me." Hiei nuzzled Yusuke's neck. "I'm following my heart, Yusuke, and it screams at me to make you mine. The stone belongs to the protector of my heart, the stone belongs to you." Hiei pulled on his shirt before admiring the mark in the mirror, his skin, being so pale, made it show up even more, without warning he threw himself into Yusuke's arms. "We have to tell everyone!"

"Once we have told Keiko we can tell the others." Yusuke said, quickly adjusting to the new situation. He blushed lightly. "I want to shout it out to the world, to let everyone know not to mess with you." Hiei smiled, as his hands buried themselves in Yusuke's shirt.

"Can we show off our marks then?" Hiei asked, feeling the need to flash his marking in front of Youko Kurama that it was Hiei and not him that had been chosen by Yusuke. "Please?"

"Yes, Hiei, we can show off our markings." Yusuke said, knowing that if he didn't the fire demon would explode. He nuzzled his mark on Hiei's neck and Hiei leaned into the touch. Then Yusuke caught Hiei's lips in a passionate kiss, knowing that the demon wanted it as much as he did. "Come on, let's show our faces and grab some food before we leave." He walked towards the door, feeling Hiei grab his hand and giving it a light squeeze, returning the squeeze Yusuke kissed the back of the hand and opened the door.

The first person that they saw was Yukina, conversing with one of the birds. Turning around the Koorime smiled at them. "Good morning." She said as she stood up, her eyes were drawn to the stone that Yusuke wore proudly and ran over touching it lightly. "Yusuke, where did you get…" She looked at Hiei and saw a mark on his neck. The sight angered her, had Hiei killed her brother and took the stone for himself to give to Yusuke as a betrothal gift. "Where did you get that stone?" She asked quietly, Hiei saw the sign to tell her the truth.

"It's mine, I lost it in a fight when I was younger and Mukuro returned it to me once I proved myself in her eyes." Hiei said, knowing that Yukina recognised the stone as being the brother to her own. "It's the only item of my mother's that I have, and even that never belonged to her. It was mine by right. It is now Yusuke's by rights."

"But it's so similar to my own. It could almost be its... twin." She looked at Hiei, as though trying to look into his mind. "So if this stone is yours, and it is so similar to mine... are you my brother?" Hiei could only nod. "Why didn't you tell me before? You knew that I was searching for you."

"I didn't want you to think of your brother as being a wanted criminal. It's hard enough you searching for a half-bred Koorime without searching for a criminal too." Yusuke pulled Hiei into his arms, laying his head on top of Hiei's. "The longer I stayed quiet, the easier it became to keep things a secret. I should have told you though."

"It's okay. I know now that you aren't dead." She looked up at Yusuke with a wide smile. "We need to tell everyone that you and my brother are a couple, Yusuke." She said excitedly. "They'd be so happy. I need to tell Kazuma that I've found my brother too, though why he has become so interested in you, Hiei, I don't know." She ran inside, however Hiei caught up with her.

"Keep quiet about it until we have left, Yukina. Yusuke wants to tell Keiko about us before anyone else finds out." He said in his sister's ear. "You can tell them I'm your brother though. It would be good not to hide anymore." Yukina grinned and nodded.

Sitting down for breakfast they could hear quiet speech between the others, and got a knowing smile from Kurama, who was busy playing with Kuronue's hair, much to the bat demon's delight.

'So they're official, interesting.' Kurama thought to himself as he watched Yusuke and Hiei. 'I think that a party is called for. Maybe I can get Kuronue and Hisoka to help me with the cooking. Yes, that would be a good idea. Maybe some sweet cakes and chocolate filled pastries. This will be a party for them to remember.'

"Well that was quieter than I thought it would be." Yusuke said as they waited for the train to arrive. "However I'm sure that Kurama knows about us. He seemed smug about something too." Hiei laughed.

"You forget that's the fox's strong point. He has a good head on his shoulders, and he has Youko in there too. Two minds are better than one." Hiei said walking onto the train and sitting on the seat, pulling Yusuke to sit beside him, cuddling him close. "I'm going to sleep."

The looked everywhere for the girl, eventually deciding to ask her parents where she was. After hearing that she was in the park, having a picnic with her maths private tutor, they left for the park. Having looked everywhere, Yusuke remembered a small glade that he and Keiko used to go. He walked there, Hiei following, jumping from tree to tree. Yusuke entered the glade in time to see Keiko lean in and kiss the guy that was with her. "Well this makes things easier." He said aloud as they broke away, he heard Hiei drop to the ground behind him. As he heard Keiko call his name.

"Yusuke, it wasn't what you think!" She said running over, and then she saw Hiei behind Yusuke.

"As I said, Keiko, this makes what I have to say easier. I don't think that we should be engaged any more. We aren't right for each other. Not any more. Not since Sensui." Yusuke said. "I've grown to realise that I only think of you as a friend, not as a girlfriend or as a fiancée." Hiei wrapped an arm around Yusuke's waist and Yusuke held him close.

"There's someone else, isn't there?" She saw and pointed to the glistening stone. "Did she give you this?"

"There is no other 'she'. I love another male, and yes he gave me that stone. It's the stone that was created at his birth. It is more precious than all the other jewels in the world." Yusuke said. "I decided last night that I want Hiei, that I have always desired him deep down, and I'm sorry that you had to learn about this in this way. I can no longer live a lie though." He could hear the slight rumble in Hiei's chest, the sound of a contented demon. "I would like to remain friends with you, Keiko, however I will understand if you do not wish to be so." He kissed Hiei gently. "Take your time, Keiko. I'll be at Genkai's for the near future." He turned to leave the glade. "I'm sorry to have burst in on your picnic."

"That went better than you thought, Yusuke." Hiei said with a smile. "I thought that it would have been worse." That was the first thing said after they left the park over two hours ago. They had just got off the train and were walking to Genkai's.

"She was with someone else, Hiei. That was why she was so amiable. The first time that she got, she would have broken up with me. I just did the break-up for her." He stroked Hiei's chest. "We will both be happier now than we were. I have you and she has him. We no longer have to worry about that side. However we now have to face the others." Hiei nodded as the pair ascended the stairs. They were immediately assaulted with hugs from Kurama, who was in his human form since breakfast.

"You couldn't have told us before!" He said almost bouncing. "You should have told us before you left!" He looked at Hiei. "You know that Yukina told us everything. Kuwabara freaked out when he heard that she was related to you." He said. "The poor guy thought that we were kidding at first." Kurama then winked. "Looks like he's going be your brother-in-law you pair." Both Hiei and Yusuke groaned, praying that it wouldn't be so.

Entering the temple, they saw a mouth-watering meal prepared for them. "Myself, Kuronue and Kurama did all the work." Hisoka said as he pulled a dish of sweet cakes away from a sorry-looking Tsuzuki. "We couldn't let Tsuzuki in the same room as any of the sweets, he'd eat them all and look for more." The comment made Tsuzuki say that Hisoka was a meany, and started sulking. "Hiei, Yusuke, I'm happy for you. I hope that you spend many years..." Kurama whispered something into Hisoka's ear, "many centuries, together."

"Here, here." An older voice said as Genkai entered with a few bottles of non-alcoholic drinks. "Now that we have the guests of honour, we may begin." She poured the drinks into glasses as the others congregated around the table.

Yukina dragged Kuwabara out of the room. "Come on, Kazuma. You wanted to speak with my brother, well here he is." Kuwabara tried desperately to get away, considering that he was getting a death glare from Hiei.

"Why did you want to speak with me, idiot?" Hiei asked as he looked the taller human up and down. "Or aren't you man enough to broach the subject."

"Enough, Hiei, this is supposed to be a celebration." Yusuke said. "Let's enjoy ourselves for the moment. Now isn't the time to fall out with anyone. They did this feast in our honour." They started to eat some of the food that was still untouched.

Hiei watched as Yusuke lifted a small cake to his lips and bit into it, licking his lips as he swallowed. Hiei whimpered quietly as he watched Yusuke eating the cake. "What does it taste like?" He asked.

Yusuke smiled as he lifted a sweet cake to Hiei's lips. "Try one, they're delicious." Hiei took the cake from Yusuke's fingers and bit into it, and then deciding he liked the cakes he took a second one, this time a pastry filled with a chocolate filling. He bit into it, and finding out what the filling was, he had a nasty idea. Offering it to Yusuke he 'accidentally' dropped it inside Yusuke's shirt and used the Jagan Eye to exert some control over the light pastry. Seeing a change of expression, Hiei knew that Yusuke was getting the idea that he had, quickly pocketing a few more of the same pastries before looking directly into Kurama's eyes.

'Fox, there is no point in waiting for a quick return. I intend on having a little more fun with my new playmate.' He said directly into Kurama's mind. 'I wouldn't like any interruptions either.' Then he stood up, twitching the pastry to slip over a nipple. "I need to clean you up. I'm so sorry." He said with a wink. "It's all my fault, so I should be the one to clean up." Yusuke nodded following the other to their room.

After some time, Hisoka stood up, intending on checking up on the pair. "I wouldn't if I were you, Hisoka." Kurama said, wrapping an arm around Kuronue, nuzzling his neck. "I have a feeling that since they didn't come back, they're wanting to be alone and considering that Hiei pocketed about ten other chocolate pastries, I think they're going to be busy for a while."