Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ Karasu ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 16: Karasu

Brief Note: This happens during chapters 14 and 15 for those that maybe don't realise the timing of the other chapters. Anyway with that note said, on with the chapter.

Karasu stretched, his dark hair gleamed in the light. The gorgeous demon was still in pain from the blood bond that held him sealed to Muraki, the bond that had been used to bring him back to life. Muraki held his soul, as if Karasu would leave the one who brought him back to life anyway. He was pleased to be alive once more, and he would always be Lord Muraki's, be it as a toy or something else. He was all that his Lord would ever need. He walked over to the door, opening it he walked the well known corridor to Muraki's quarters. He knocked on the door, and hearing the invitation to come in, the revived demon did so. "Good morning, Lord Muraki." He said quietly as he bowed. He could see the anger etched over the fine features. "Milord, may I ask what pains you so?" He asked as he collected the old tea from the previous night. Getting no answer he turned to leave when a hand stopped him.

"Remove your clothes." Muraki said. He had to see if the marks were glowing or not. He knew that Karasu wouldn't fight him as Kuronue had done. This man was thankful. He watched as Karasu stripped off his layers, revealing the bond to him. Touching the marks gave Karasu some reprieve from the pain, and made him purr happily, pressing against the hand, while Kuronue had cringed back. Muraki seriously wondered about what had happened, how the blood lines were not glowing so brightly on his body as they had on Kuronue. Only then did he realise that Karasu, although not broken to his will, stayed compliant much to Muraki's satisfaction. He stroked over Karasu's naked body, making pleasurable moans escape his lips. "Why do you not fight my bond, Karasu?" He asked ceasing the touches for a moment.

"I owe you my life, the least I can do for you is aid you in whatever you plan to do." Karasu said, and Muraki could see the truth. He could see that there was more to Karasu than he had first seen. Was the demon smitten with him? He pulled Karasu against him, making his demon moan. He stroked Karasu's back as he felt the demon press tightly against him, increasing the contact between them, making Muraki laugh to himself.

"For the moment I want you, Karasu, to get me some breakfast and I shall explain why I need your services." Muraki said, noticing the slight look of disappointment in the eyes of the other. "You look saddened, Karasu, why are you so?" He asked the one he held.

"My master, I thought that you desired something other than my prowess with making my energy bombs." The demon said as he pulled away, pulling his clothes back on and leaving the room to follow Muraki's instructions. 'So he doesn't desire me.' Karasu thought sadly to himself. 'If he doesn't desire me now, I shall make him desire me. I shall follow his instructions to the best of my ability and prove myself in his eyes.' He made more tea and cooked his master's breakfast before returning back to his master's room. He entered the open door and looked for Muraki, nor seeing him in the room he started to leave when he heard a splash from the bathroom, and following the sound he looked in, seeing his master relaxing in the bath, and he couldn't help but watch Muraki's lean frame as he bathed, the eyes were closed and the face relaxed. The demon couldn't stop himself from walking forward, towards his master. He knelt beside the bath and lifted the sponge, and coating it in soap he then started to wash Muraki's body, noticing one of the eyes open, watching him Karasu smiled.

"Did I ask you to bathe me?" Muraki asked Karasu.

"My lord, that you didn't, however you looked so peaceful that you didn't deserve the hassle of having to wash yourself." He said as he continued to wash Muraki's body. "I would do anything for you, my dear Lord Muraki." Muraki sat up, giving access to his back. "I will destroy the creature that has caused you pain. I will destroy all those that harms you in any way." Muraki smiled entwining his fingers in Karasu's hair.

"You are getting wet, Karasu." He said noticing the wet patches on Karasu's clothing. "It is stupid to bathe someone fully clothed." Following Muraki's advice Karasu stripped off his clothing and continued to bathe Muraki. "There is a demon that has caused me pain. A bat demon by the name of Kuronue. He betrayed me, the one who returned his life to him. I wish that he would be eliminated, then my pain would be eased." Muraki said, knowing that Karasu would follow him.

"Do you know where he is, Lord?" Karasu asked as he rinsed the soap off of his body. "I will teach him to betray you." Muraki smiled at the sureness in the demon's voice.

"Look for Youko Kurama and his group, there he calls his home." Muraki said as he stepped out of the bath into the towel that Karasu held for him. "Last time I saw them, they were heading towards a temple." He pointed towards the desk in his room. "The directions is in the drawer." Only then did he see the anger in Karasu's eyes.

"Not only will I defeat Kuronue, but I shall defeat the others there too. I will never forgive Kurama for defeating me." Muraki laughed. "Kill them as you wish, my darling Karasu." He said touching the other. "You have the ability and strength to seek them out, to find them and to destroy them." He said

"You need not worry, my master. They shall be no more by this evening. If they are not destroyed, then I shall die trying to kill them." Karasu said, his eyes glowing in fiery passion. "I shall not disgrace you, my lord." Muraki nodded, giving him the map to the area. "I shall see you soon." He took the map from Muraki's hand and left. There was quite some distance to get to the train station, and to travel to the place where he was to go.

Arriving at the station of his arrival he saw the whole area was woods. The sun had already begun to set, and he still had some ways to go. Following the map closely, he found himself at the temple just as the sun had begun to set. Jumping onto a nearby tree he watched the festivities from the outside. It looked as though there had been a party, and then he saw Kuronue, the winged bat-demon was suddenly all he saw until he saw a very familiar face wrapping his arms around the one he sought, the red hair changing to silver-white, expressive, open green eyes changed to cold gold, and grew as all the bones in his body lengthened and his ears became pointed and moved to the top of his head. 'So he can change at will. That could be slightly more problematic.' He thought as he continued to watch. There was no point in running in unprepared.

At first the shadow seemed to be fixated on the bat-winged demon, then the red-headed Kurama, changing willingly into his other side held his fascination. Both fox and bat were obviously lovers, a fact that angered the shadow. Only he could love the beautiful fox. However he still never moved, he was to collect information for his Master, and then he saw another pair entering the room. The Urameshi kid and the Jaganshi from the Dark Tournament. Kurama's friends and allies, however there was something not quite what h remembered. The boy was a demon, but not only that, but he supported a Koorime's birth stone, a Koorime's pledge. He belonged to a Koorime, and was her attendant. However the only Koorime in the building had given her stone to the tall buffoon from the Tournament, Kuwabara, wasn't it. Then he realised something. He had heard of a Koorime getting pregnant by a fire demon, birthing two offspring, one a boy and the other a girl. Could this Jaganshi be the one that they called 'Hiei the Imiko'?

Jumping from the branch that he had been sitting on, the shadow appeared, taking the form of a handsome man, a man with beauty that could be compared to that of the most beautiful women. It was Hiei who sensed the intruder first, and shouted the alarm. Yusuke faced the threat. "So you've shown your face, Karasu. I was wondering if Muraki had forgotten how to use his puppets!" He felt a bomb explode against the table and the creature laughed.

"Nice to see you again, Urameshi. I heard what you did to the Togoro brothers, however I will not be so easy to defeat this time. Give me Kuronue and I shall leave you alone in peace. If you do not, you will regret it." There was an explosion from the wall behind them. Making the others growl and start forward, when Hiei stopped. "Ah, so you have seen my little bomb, Imiko." Karasu said with a smirk.

Kurama heard the commotion from the dining room and ran through the door. Yusuke looked at him. "Get Kuronue out of here, Kurama! Karasu is after him!" Yusuke shouted to the new arrival. "We will hold him here, get him out!" Kurama nodded and ran to get Kuronue out.

"Foolish children." Karasu said forming more bombs. "You will only die, you know. Why do you sacrifice yourselves when you know all I desire is Kuronue?" He made a bomb explode straight in Kuwabara's chest. All Hiei heard was his sister's cry of shock and anger. The fact that he had gone after the weaker party members angered Hiei.. "A moment later and he had revealed his Jagan eye, however the dragon still remained hidden away. If he used his dragon, he wouldn't have much energy left after the summoning if it missed. While he glared at Karasu, he heard his sister's terrified scream.

"You bastard!" Hiei growled, his body tensed. "Picking on a helpless girl." He then heard his love releasing his energy into a ball of sacred-energy-like energy. Karasu just laughed as he used a lot of his aura bombs to protect himself.

"Now, now. That won't work with me. Not with Lord Muraki's modifications." He laughed aloud as a bomb exploded between Yusuke and Hiei, causing major damage to Yusuke, lesser damage to Hiei. He walked over to Yusuke's fallen body and gave a vicious kick. "So much for the great Toushin king." He said preparing the bomb that would take away Yusuke's life when he felt another behind him. Hiei had summoned the Sword of the Darkness Flame to do his biding. Lunging downwards, he hoped to impale Karasu on the blade, however, instead he impaled Yusuke, Hiei cried in anguish. How could he have done that. He heard Karasu laugh as he wrapped an arm around Hiei, holding a bomb over all those still on the ground. "What ever will you do, Jaganshi?" Karasu asked. "You could try and kill me again, but there is no saying what damage these bombs will do to their delicate bodies." Hiei knew then what he had to do. What he needed to do in order to save his beloved and his sister. He knew that Yusuke would probably kill him later for doing this, but at least he'd be alive to do so.

'Yusuke, I'm sorry, but this is the only way to save you and my sister Please forgive me, forgive me my beloved Yusuke.' Hiei said telepathically to his love, giving a phantom caress to his cheek. "Take me to Muraki, just let my friends live." Hiei said, hearing Yukina's shout telling him not to go. 'Yusuke, I'll send everything I see to you so you could follow me to wherever Muraki is." Karasu laughed. He couldn't believe that he had the power of an S-class demon, and had so easily defeated these people. Not only that, but he now had their Jaganshi to present to his lord and master.

"Very well, Jaganshi, your sacrifice is accepted." He looked at the others still on the floor, before lifting Hiei into his arms and ran off into the night, leaving the others alone as he had promised. It didn't matter, he had done enough damage that they should die anyway. "Very well, to my master's mansion."