Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wish Upon A Fallen Star ❯ Fighting the Willing Slave ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 17: Fighting the Willing Slave

Dedicated to my sister, whose ideas are always listened to.

Kurama looked back into the room, and saw all his friends lying injured… well most of them. He couldn't see Hiei anywhere in the room. Running over to Yusuke, Kurama started healing the others, starting with Yusuke, who told him what happened and why Hiei was no longer at the temple. "You let him leave with that sadistic monster?!" Kurama shouted. "Have you any idea what will happen to the one that you love so dearly? The same thing that happened to Kuronue, that's what." He said healing the wounds.

"I didn't exactly have much choice." I was pretty much on my back for a while, and you've seen the mess that I'm in. How could I stop him in this condition?" Kurama sighed. He knew that Yusuke was right. Hiei had sacrificed himself for those he held most dear to his heart.

"I'm sorry, you're right. I have never seen Hiei like that before, but seeing the way that you are in, I understand why he did what he did." He knew that Yusuke was in a lot of pain, both mentally and physically. He had lost his lover to Muraki, and knew that it was possible that he would have to face him in combat. That Yusuke would find it hard to face Hiei, the man with whom shared his bed.

"Don't worry, Yusuke, we will get him back." Kurama said, then he saw that Yusuke wasn't listening, that his eyes were distant as though viewing things from afar. The man had caught glimpses of where Hiei was, storing them for later when they were all healed enough to use them to their proper use. He needed Hiei to be back in his arms, needed Hiei to be his.

It had taken three full days of rest and potions for everyone to be fully healed, and even then Yusuke was still tender where the Sword of the Darkness Flame had cut through his body. He remembered everything that he saw clearly, and he remembered what Karasu had done to the one he loved. The sadistic monster had harmed his beloved, Karasu had to pay. When everyone was well enough to travel they started heading towards Muraki's place, all holding one grudge or another.

The journey was long, Yusuke being their only guide was out in front of the group, intent on finding the one he held most dear to his heart. Usually he hated nature treks, however this one was different at the end of this one was his lover, his true companion. The one he desired more than the entire world, and it took all this time for him to see and realise his true feelings. . However, now that he had, he wasn't intending to let him go again. He and Hiei needed to have a talk about that streak in him again.

Suddenly he stopped in his tracks, something not feeling right. He felt as though he was being watched, and he didn't need a second guess when a bomb exploded where he would have stood had he carried on walking. "Come out from hiding, Karasu." When the other didn't move. "What's the matter, you bastard? Scared of us now?" There was a flicker of black as Karasu jumped from the tree that he had been sitting on. "What have you done with Hiei?" Yusuke demanded.

"The Jaganshi is with my master. I am sure that my master is having fun with your intended as we speak." Karasu smirked nastily, as Yusuke's eyes flashed in anger as his form changed, morphing into his Toushin form. Before Yusuke could do anything Kurama wrapped an arm around his body.

"Be careful, Yusuke, we don't know what he is capable of." Kurama hissed, knowing that his words were being ignored by the other demon. "You aren't even listening to me, are you?" The Youko sighed. "You will die a fool if you aren't careful. What use to Hiei if you are dead?" Yusuke glared at him.

"Exactly. We don't have Hiei here to bargain with Karasu for our lives this time. He has no reason to keep us alive. We need to attack him with all that we have. The one I love has been taken from me, and I will do anything to get him back by my side. Back to where he belongs." His rust red eyes stared at Karasu. "Even if I have to slaughter those in my path." He laughed, but the laugh was cold, as though it were to scare the youkai that stood in his way. Tsuzuki placed a hand on Yusuke's arm.

"Please listen to your friend. Let myself and Hisoka take care of him. It's hard to kill one that's already dead. We should have been there and maybe if we had, Hiei wouldn't have needed to feel as though he needed to sacrifice himself." Yusuke made to argue, but seeing the other's face he nodded. He wanted to rip into Karasu, wanted to tear him limb from limb while he was still conscious. He wanted to heart pained screams. He felt his hand close around something and he squeezed hard, hearing bones crack in satisfaction. He knew that this was his Toushin side calling and teasing him on, but he needed to hear something, to do something that would make him feel better.

Once he let go, Youko Kurama sank to the ground, nursing a broken arm. The pain was terrible, making him ache all over, not just the arm. Kuronue knelt beside his love and was about to attack Yusuke when Kurama shook his head. "He needed to get this off his chest. He is guided by his emotions, and he feels helpless. I, or Yukina, can heal my arm easy enough, but he cannot heal his frustration." With help from Kuronue, he set his arm. "At least he made sure it was my left arm, or I would be of no use to fight with."

"I summon you, Suzaku!" Tsuzuki said as the chant ended and a phoenix ripped into existence. The searing heat was almost too much to bear for Karasu, but he bore it none the less. He had to. His master told him to buy him time with his newest plaything, and Karasu had agreed to buy him that time. Using bombs he attacked Tsuzuki while avoiding the phoenix's fiery attacks. Two bombs connected with Tsuzuki, the rest were absorbed by Suzaku, who faded away with Tsuzuki's consciousness, however he forgot all about Hisoka, and as he approached the rest of the group he felt the young swordsman press the blade against his throat.

"Forgetting someone?" Hisoka asked, Hiei's blade snugly fit his hand. He could see the many times that the blade had been lovingly restored by its true owner. A rivulet of blood ran over the blade The demon pulled back firing a bomb at Hisoka's chest, knocking him down.

Yusuke growled menacingly. "You really shouldn't have pissed me off. First you steal away my lover, and now you have harmed my friends. Bad mistake, idiot." He cracked his knuckles. "They were the only ones keeping you alive." A flare of yoki, barely below A-class levels flared up around him, combining with his spirit energy, and created a shield around him, similar to the one that Yomi had used against him, however this one absorbed both spirit and demon energy. "I should have taken you from the start." He growled as his eyes flickered to his unconscious friends. "Yukina, can you look after them while I deal with this annoyance?" Yukina nodded, Kurama's arm was healed to the best of her ability and moved onto the others.

"So you're not going to hide behind your friends anymore, Urameshi. I admire your courage." He threw a bomb, which smashed against the shield, absorbing into it. He had never seen that trick before, but he wanted to break through it to hit the infuriating boy behind it. Yusuke's eyes were downcast, his body still. "What's the matter, don't you want to look at the capturer of your beloved Hiei?" He asked, making Yusuke's eyes shoot up, in the depths Karasu saw bloodlust, Yusuke's lust for his blood. It made him pause for a moment, but it was only that pause that Yusuke needed. Launching forward, Yusuke threw a punch at Karasu's Jaw, and it connected with a sickening crack. Before Karasu could do anything Yusuke caught him by his hair and started to drag him to the nearest tree, bending him backwards, he tied Karasu's hair to his feet, then turned Karasu so his exposed stomach was facing the ground and sent a vicious kick to the vulnerable midsection, cracking the branch with the force of the kick, and Karasu coughed up thick blood. Another kick broke the branch. He kicked Karasu's shoulder, making him cry in pain as the force dislocated the joint before moving onto the elbow, snapping it with ease too.

The others could only stare as Yusuke continued to force joints the way that they weren't meant to go. He took perverse pleasure in hearing the screams of the other demon, and Kurama could see that, short of blowing himself up, Karasu would be in a lot of pain for quite a while. He knew that it would be better for the other to die, but he wasn't going to tell that to Yusuke. He didn't have a death wish. Kuronue looked at Kurama. "What should we do?" He asked.

"This is Yusuke's fight. I just hope that he tired of Karasu sooner rather than later." The golden eyes closed. "Life isn't worth living if you cannot move because of pain." As though Yusuke heard his friend he stopped.

"Now, tell me where your master is, or do I have to dislocate a few more joints?" Whimpering, Karasu shook his head as he told them how close they were, pleading with Yusuke to kill him, which Yusuke did by snapping Karasu's neck. "That's better." He said licking Karasu's blood from his hands before spitting it out again. It was not nearly as good as Hiei's. Nobody said anything as he started walking, only following closely behind him. "Don't worry, I'm not in the mood for attacking my friends now." He said, guessing what they were worried about. "Unless you're hiding Hiei, then I could get a little angry."

(At Muraki's mansion)

"Well, well. How do you feel, my little Jaganshi?" Muraki drawled as he drew a hand over Hiei's chest. Hiei kept his eyes closed, as his skin crawled under the touch of the doctor. "Come on, dear Hiei, tell me how you feel." Hiei felt Muraki's hand stroke lower, over the exposed abdomen, and yet lower, making Hiei struggle against the tight bonds as he watched Muraki then slice into his wrists. The blood fell into the stone bowl, and Muraki chanted something over the blood, making it glow. Hiei tried again, futilely, to get away. Placing one blood-covered finger on the bare body of the Jaganshi, tracing the pattern that he had studied. This little youkai was to be his unwilling puppet. He would have the Jaganshi attack his own friends, and watch as he dealt them deadly blows.

Once he was done he watched in sadistic delight as Hiei writhed in agony. The sweet rapture on Muraki's face was clear to see. He knew that Yusuke and the others were on their way, that Karasu was now dead. "My, Yusuke isn't in a good mood, he killed poor Karasu." Muraki said with a laugh. "I wonder what he will do when he sees you." He touched the pained face and stared into his eyes. "It is less painful if you accept what will be anyway, Hiei of the Koorime. After all you will get to see your beloved Yusuke soon." A single tear rolled down his cheek. He would see Yusuke, only for the bastard controlling him to kill him with Hiei's own body. There was nothing that he could do.

Entering Muraki's mansion, Yusuke and the others walked through the empty corridor, boots clicking over the marble floor. Then Yusuke stopped seeing a familiar form before him. Yukina tried to run to her brother, but Yusuke stopped her. "It may look like Hiei, but it isn't him, or if it is, it isn't his mind." Yusuke said, keeping his eyes on the silent figure before them. "Stay with the others. You know what you have to do, Yukina." The girl nodded and stepped back into Kuwabara's arms. Yusuke walked forward, towards Hiei. Looking into the crimson eyes, he could see that it was Hiei, but that the one in control wasn't him. Across his body was bright red lines, turning Yusuke's blood to ice. He had expected Muraki to do this, but it was quite something to actually see it with his own eyes. "Oh, Hiei." He whispered. "What has he done to you."