Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line Is It Anime ❯ Party Quirks ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hello! It is I, Mooselini McSqueegee, and I am back with another chapter for you. Now for the RDD!

Random Disclaimer Dude: No.... Mooselini doesn't YYH, YGO, or WLIIA, no matter what she says to you.

Now, on to the fic! Enjoy! ^_^


Whose Line Is It Anime?

MM: Welcome back to Whose Line Is It Anime! The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter! Now we'll be going to our next game.... Party Quirks! In this game, Joey is throwing a party, but all his guests have odd personalities. At the end, he'll have to guess who they are. Joey, when you're ready.

Joey: *pretending to set up chps and dip* Thist is going to be a GREAT party!

*doorbell rings*

Joey: Oh, the first guest is here! I'm coming! *pretends to open a door* Oh, hey Yusuke, come on in.

Yusuke: (caption: criminal being followed by the cops) Yeah, yeah, Hey. Now, shut the door and close all the blinds! Hurry!

Joey: Uh.... okay....

*doorbell rings again*

Joey: Oooh! The next guest! *looks at Yusuke* Er.... have some chips or something.... *pretends to open door* Hey Jin! Welcome to the party!

Jin: (caption: Richard Simmons) *imitating R.S's voice* My goodness! Look at you, and what's with all this fattening food?!

Joey: o_O Umm....

Jin: Oh, I know just what to do with you.... Follow me! *starts doing leg-lifts* And one.... and two.... and one..... and two.... Come on now, you can do it!

Yusuke: *runs behind Jin* NOOO! They've found me! *peeks over Jin's shoulder* YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!

Joey: O_o Er..... wha?

Yusuke: I smell bacon, I smell pork, run little piggy, 'cause I gotta fork! Heh heh heh.....

*doorbell rings*

Joey: Ummm, I'll get it. *pretends to open door* Hey Bakura. Please, do come in.

Bakura: (caption: monkey that thinks Joey is a giant banana) Ooh.... O_O EEH! *jumps on Joey*

Joey: GAH! Get offa me!

Yusuke: If you want me, come and get me, ya' dumb coppers! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *pretends to shoot* TAKE THAT!

Jin: Come on everybody! Like this! *starts doing jumping jacks* One....two....three....four....

Bakura: Eek! *starts picking at Jin's hair* Ooh!

Jin: That's the spirit! Keep it up! And one... and two...

Yusuke: *keeps shooting* Hahahaha! Take that, and that, and THAT! *pretends to be shot* Gak! You got me! NOOOOO! *falls down*

Joey: *points to Yusuke* Get out of here, you criminal!


Yusuke *gets up and goes to sit down*

Joey: Yeah! I got one! *proceeds to do a happy dance, but is jumped by Bakura* ACK! Not again!

Bakura: Ooh, ooh, EEK! *attempts to chew on Joey's head*

Joey: Get off, you stupid monkey! I'm not a banana!


Bakura: *hangs head* Dang..... *goes and sits down*

Joey: Woohoo! Two down, one to go! *turns to Jin*

Jin: Come on, do it with me! One, two, three! *starts running in place* Hurry up!

Joey: Oh get out of here...er.... Richard Simmons?

*buzz, buzz, buzz*

MM: Very good, Joey! 1000 points to you!

Joey: Oh yeah! *does victory pose*

MM: 1000 points to Bakura for chewing on Joey's head, 100 points to Jin for a great Richard Simmons....

Jin: *grins* ^__^ Yay!

MM: and 500 points to Yusuke for dying.

Yusuke: ^_^ Woohoo! Wait a second..... What's that supposed to mean?!

MM: ^_^; Uh, nothing!

Yusuke: Riiiiiight. I believe you. Really, I do.

MM: Eh heh.... Aaaaanyhooble, we'll be going to commercial break now! Don't go away!


Whoo! Another chappie done! I have two things to request from you.

#1- If you wish to be in my fic, give me a description of what you look like, your personality, and what you want to do. I'll only be taking a limited amount of people, though.

#2- I need suggestions for "Scenes From A Hat", sense it is an audience based game, and well.... you're the audience! So, give me your ideas in you review!

Alrighty! I'll see you next chapter! Remember, read and review or the Evil Leprechauns will get you! Bwehehehe....

~Mooselini McSqueegee~