Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line Is It Anime ❯ Commercial #2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Commercial Sponser Dude: Hello boys and girls! Remeber us? We're the ones that brought you Spencer The Lawn Gnome! For a limited time only, you can buy the army of Evil Leprechauns that will assist Spencer in his quest for revenge on all the bullies. You get alll 562 1/2 of them for the awesome price of $45578920! That's right, just $45578920! *girl appears on screen* I ordered my Evil Leprechauns, and now I never have to worry about bullies.... though they killed off all my friends.... in fact, they got my entire town... But no need to worry! The Leprechauns are my friends! ^_^ *thumbs up, cheesey smile* Just call 1-800-evilleprechaunsofDOOM, and we'll have them deliverd right to your door! If you call within the next two seconds, you'll get the army of Rabid Mice for FREE! That's right, for FREE! So call now the number now! (wearenotresponsibleforanypropertydamage,rampaging,orrandommassacreingcause dbytheleprechauns)