Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Psycho's and F_D_C2003's CRAZY Killing Spree Story ❯ UFOs, Pink Planets and Funny Bunny!! NOOO!!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Marik: We rock!!!! We got to kill all of those demented lesbos in just one chapter!!!

Psycho: Yeah what other sick and twisted things are we gonna do now?

Bakura: I don't care as long as it has lots of blood and guts!

F_D_C2003: YAY BLOOD! Wait lets see blood right now! *strangles Pegasus cuz she is still angry about the eating the cat thing* FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT COULD HAVE BEEN MY COUSIN!

Pegasus: *is bleeding in the head* I'm sorry!!!! *whines in pain*

Bakura: Ooooo blood....

Ryou: Shouldn't you save it for the fic?

Psycho: Yeah or we will have nothing so.....ON WITH THE FIC!!!!! I love saying that line… ^_^

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Psycho: Err…. Hmm okay so let me see. You're WHO again? *staring at a girl with huge yellow cat's eyes, down-to-the-ground length baby-pink hair in a ponytail with two tails and cat's ears*

Random Person: I am Nyoko [name meaning "Gem" in Japanese]. I am your Yami. How is that so hard to understand?

Psycho: o_O … uh, a little help here, F_D_C?

F_D_C: You've got a Yami! Kewl!!!! So do I!!!

Psycho: *gasps* You do?! Show me!!

F_D_C: Introducing…. RavenFire!

RavenFire: ^_____^ Hey!!

F_D_C: See there she is!

Psycho: Kewl!

Yugi: You guys have yamis too?

Psycho: Yup!

Bakura: Oh well… I still love my Psycho! *hugz his Psycho*

Ryou: Same here for me and FDC! *hugz his FDC*

Authoresses: *sigh dreamily*

Pegasus: *is stumbling around like a drunk* I see spots and stars and little lovehearts!

Malik: Where did he come from?

Yami: From hell and back it looks like

RavenFire: Poor soul.... NOT THAT I CARE!!!

Nyoko: Darn I wish I could've caused him to act like that... o well there is still plenty of time to use my dark mystical powers…

Marik: Who else is there to kill around here?

*barney the big purple dinosaur comes walking around like we love his ugly self*

Barney: I love you, you love me we're a happy family.....


Barney: …with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me too?




Nyoko: HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIYAH!!!!!!!!!! *uses her super-agile super-fast Kung Fu/Tae Kwan Do moves on Barney*

Barney: *in a calm voice* Violence is not the answer... love, peace, and tranquility will solve all of our problems.... just take a deep breath and... *gets knocked out by Yami*

Yami: For Ra's sakes! Shut your mother freakin pie hole!!

Ryou: And we thought Anzu was bad………that just wasn't right!

Barney: You are all very angry children… lets all join hands in a circle and sing the 'not angry song'

Nyoko: TO HELL WITH YOU!!!!! *makes Barney glow black like the Dark Necrofear duel monster*


RavenFire: This is the end for you, you purple dinosaur wannabe queer!!!

Nyoko and RavenFire: *slaughters Barney until he is a pile of ripped up purple nothingness*

Barney: *disintegrates into a pile of black mud and then disappears to the Shadow Realm*

Nyoko: Finally, NOW we can catch up on our gossip RavenFire!!!

RavenFire: Yeah I know! I haven't seen you for 5 millennia!! Sup girl?!

Nyoko: Not a hell of a lot! I FINALLY got to meet my hikari!!! Check out these kewl tails, ears and eyes that I got… *shows RavenFire her two fluffy pink tails with white tips on the ends, pink cat ears with white tips and HUGE freaky looking yellow cat's eyes*

RavenFire: OOoOOoO… very stylish… who gave you those?

Nyoko: Well he was a crazy looking guy with a weird gold eye and long ugly hair…

F_D_C & Psycho: PEGASUS!!!!!!!!!

Psycho: Pegasus why the f*ck did you give me a yami anywayz?!! Not that it's a bad thing…

Nyoko: ^_^

Pegasus: I didn't GIVE you a yami… she's been with you all your life until now. I simply upgraded her with some kewl accessories ^_o


F_D_C: You are already cool enough, yami.

RavenFire: ^_^ Aww thanks! *hugz F_D_C*

F_D_C: ^_^

Pegasus: Well even though RavenFire already has big yellow cats eyes like Nyoko and pointy elf ears and a black fluffy tail, she gets nothing!

RavenFire: You freak... O well I look good the way I am!

Malik: And Pegasus is ugly!

Mokuba: Isn't he always?

Nyoko: Where did you come from?

Mokuba: I've always been here

Malik: And we care because…

Psycho: Good question

Seto: So where is this hunk of junk, (referring to the UFO) going to take us?

F_D_C: o____O I forgot we were still on it

Psycho: Me too! O_o

Bakura: Then how did your yamis get here?

RavenFire: We arrived mysteriously and might I add that this is a rather pointless mystery that we are trying to solve!

Pegasus: Who cares?

Nyoko: We care, but not about you.

Bakura: I want blood!

FDC: And sugar!


Malik: Ok then we need a place to land with lots of fleshy beings and a sugar or chocolate factory.

Ryou: Well do we want to stay on earth or search the cosmos for some fleshy creatures?


Mokuba: Lets go to the planet of the apes!

Pegasus: Nooo! Let's visit my cousin on the Planet Shnitz! *transforms into Sailor Jackass from the planet Jackass*

F_D_C: Oh no not again with the Sailor Jackass and the cousin from Shnitz!

Nyoko: Huh?

Psycho: Looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggg story.

RavenFire: Hikari! You've created a monster! Call it off, call it off! *is being chased by a Sailor Senshi wannabe* (A/N: we do not own Sailor Moon if that is what you are thinking!!!)

Seto: Just go where ever there is food so my brother doesn't eat all of his shoes!

Mokuba: *is obviously craving leather and is still trying to eat his shoes*

Marik: I'm growing old here

Nyoko: Shut up you're already nearly 5017 years old

Marik: Just because you used to be a princess in ancient times

Nyoko: What's that got to do with anything, you yellow microphone?

Marik: Yellow microphone?

Nyoko: First words that came to my head.

Marik: Yeah you always were the strange one in the family weren't you. Still, you're sexier than your sister which died several thousand years ago.

Psycho: OOoOOoO sounds like Nyoko and Marik had some HISTORY back in ancient times aye…. ^_~ *winking at Nyoko*

Nyoko: *blushes and hides her face behind one of her tails*


Everyone: O_o o_O

Nyoko: *to Marik* I think your hikari has cracked…

Bakura: No I think he's actually correct… *points to a brown suitcase lying randomly in the middle of the room jumping up and down growling*

Ryou: Uh… is the suitcase itself alive or is there something in it?

Psycho: You can do the honours Yami…

Nyoko & Yami: Which one r u talking about?!

Psycho: -_-;; Yugi's Yami. From now on I will call Nyoko Nyoko and I will call Yami Yami. CLEAR?!

FDC: Yeah me too…

Seto: Well while you sort out the suitcase dilemma I'm going to try and start this UFO so we can get outa here.

RavenFire: You do that

Seto: I will *goes to the pilot room thingy where all the controls are*

Engine: *starts up*

Computer voice: Counting down from 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… ignition…

UFO: *blasts off at the speed of lightening into the galaxy causing everyone inside it to fly to the other end and smack into the far side wall*

Yugi: Geeze lucky these walls are made of foamy rubber stuff

Nyoko & Psycho: *are bouncing up and down from the roof to the floor constantly*

FDC: Since when was this entire room made of rubber squishy stuff?

RavenFire: I dunno but it's funnnn!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! *starts bouncing around the room*

Everyone: *is still bouncing up and down on the rubbery walls*

Seto: Where do you people want to go? *is steering the ship*

Psycho: Uhhh lets go see Pegasus's cousin! Did I just say that?!

Pegasus: YAY!

Seto: Ok! *in a Captain Picard, (from Star Trek) voice* Space, the final frontier, where no normal man has dared go before... *evil suitcase sneaks up on him* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT GOT ME!!!! *Seto is steering the UFO astray*

Everyone: *is still bouncing and not seeming to care about where we are going or what the suitcase is doing to Kaiba*

*3 hours later*

*Seto is still fighting the evil suitcase and is losing miserably, Nyoko and Marik went somewhere ^_~. Psycho and Bakura are making out, as is F_D_C and Ryou. Malik wants a girl to cuddle as does Yami and Yugi cuz they are lonely. Mokuba is flossing his teeth with his shoe lace, and Pegasus is, well, being Pegasus, and RavenFire is trying to make him stop following her like a lost puppy. Speaking of Joey, he's been miraculously sleeping all this time and just now woke up*

Joey: Where are we and who is that? *points to RavenFire*

RavenFire: I am RavenFire, FDC's yami.

Joey: O joy.

*All of a sudden the UFO crash lands on our destination after 3 hours of pointless floating in space*

Marik & Nyoko: *come out from where ever they were ^_______~!* WHAT ON RA'S EARTH WAS THAT?!

Psycho: We landed!


Ryou: Cousin who?

Pegasus: Lachachada!

Everyone: o_O O_o ok.....

*we all make our way out of the UFO thing*

RavenFire: Whoa... its a little pink don't you think? *stares around the freaky planet landscape to find that the entire planet is fluorescent pink*

Psycho: Shield me Bakura! Actually no don't, PRETTY PINK!!!! *starts galumphing around like a dickhead*

Pegasus: Where are we? This isn't Shnitz!

Random Voice: Shnitz? Those back stabbing ass wipes?

Malik: Who are you?

RV: *comes out* I AM FUNNY BUNNY FEAR ME!!!!!! And YOU *points to Malik and Marik* offend me with your purple eyes!!! Nothing and nobody purple is allowed on the PINK PLANET!!!!!!!

Nyoko: But I'm wearing a purple skir- *mouth gets slapped shut by Marik's hand*


Bakura: MY EYES!!! IT CAN'T BE!!!

Mokuba: Eeeewwwwwwwwww is that thing edible?

Funny Bunny: Are you from Shnitz?

Nyoko: Nope just passing through

Funny Bunny: Oh ok then I deem this ship the F.B.I!

Yami: Why? What the heck does that stand for?

Funny Bunny: Funny Bunny interprises!

Everyone: O.o o.O *anime fall*

Psycho: The least you can do is spell "interprises" right! It starts with an E dumbass!

Funny Bunny: Rabbits don't go to school.

Seto: *crawls out of the ship* Evil....suitcase...is coming....for ...you an- *stands up and is just fine* WHOA HO HOLD THE PHONE WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??! *points to funny bunny*

Funny Bunny: My dear sir I find that very offensive! *shoots a laser at Seto*

Pegasus: YAY FUNNY BUNNY IS MY HERO! That mean Kaiba has been so mean to me! *changes from Sailor Jackass to pink bunny PJ's with the little footsies in them*

Funny Bunny: Don't worry he wont be mean to you any more. *pats Pegasus' head

RavenFire: Ok I've seen all I want to see that could last a lifetime…

Nyoko: Lets just walk away very slowly now.. *walks away slowly*

Funny Bunny: Please don't leave join us for a feast!

Mokuba: Yay food! do ya have any more sneakers?!

everyone: o.O

Seto: Run for your lives!!! *gets back on the UFO with everyone and takes off again at the speed of lightening, again throwing everyone to the back of the ship again*

Seto: *puts the UFO on autopilot and walks through to the bouncy room* What are you idiots doing now?

RavenFire: Waiting to land somewhere, duh! What does it look like?!

Seto: Well for your information we've already landed somewhere.

Ryou: That was quick

Nyoko: Where have we landed?

Seto: Look out the window and you'll find out!

FDC: Oh dear Ra no…

Psycho: Oh Lordy…

Nyoko: Now we're REALLY gonna die…

Marik: We're already dead, stupid.

Psycho: Leave my yami alone!

Nyoko: *head buts Marik without hurting herself*
Marik: OOWWW!!! Far out girl! Is your head made of steel or something?!

Nyoko: Possibly although I really wouldn't know

Seto: *ahem* Anyway, we're about to land on the Planet of the Isises. Because I love her.

Malik: You sick, sick man


Nyoko: *to RavenFire: Who's Isis?

RavenFire: Beats me

Nyoko: *shrugs*

RavenFire: *shrugs*

Nyoko: *shrugs*

RavenFire: *shrugs*

Nyoko: *shrugs*

Psycho: Would you two yamis stop shrugging already!!??

Nyoko: We will if you tell us who Isis is *keeps shrugging*

RavenFire: *is now violently and uncontrollably shrugging* TELL ME NOW!!!!

FDC: She's Malik's sister and she's EVIL!!! Well not really, she's just way too mature and likes to lock away insane psychotic people-

Psycho: Like me!!!!!!!!! ^_^

FDC: Yes like you, and whenever we get locked up by her we end up in an asylum with a freaky being named Shadi who is schizophrenic and claims that a man-eating dolphin is out to get him.

Nyoko: That sounds nasty

Psycho: It is!!! Believe me it is!!!

Seto: *drives the UFO down to the Planet of the Isises and Shadi*

Everyone: NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Psycho: LOL that was like the most fun story chapter I have ever had to write!!!

FDC: With my help!!!

Psycho: Well of course!!

Nyoko: The real world is scarier than I thought it would be… *clings to RavenFire*

RavenFire: Yeah I know you're absolutely correct!! *clings back*

Psycho: Well I'm off to find Bakura now, it's getting late and we have to get to bed… ^_~

FDC: Speaking of which… I might go and find Ryou too!

Psycho: Okay, see ya next chapter!!

FDC: Later!!

Nyoko & RavenFire: See ya!!!!!!!

Psycho: O and b4 I go… don't forget to R&R!! Not that I'm a review whore but it would be nice!! ^_^