Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Rivalry and Thieves ❯ arguement ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 1
***********************With Souta*************************************
At the park Souta was arguing with Mokuba about which brother or sister was a better duelist. Mokuba said,” No, my brother is way better than your sister Akumi.” “No, my sister is a way better duelist than your brother Seto,” said Souta. (Just to let you know Mrs. Higurashi adopted Akumi)They argued some more until Yugi came. “Whoa hold on what is going on Mokuba,” said Yugi. “Souta said that his sister could beat my brother,” said Mokuba. “Well, then we'll just have to find out by having duel, Souta's sister vs. Seto Kaiba,” exclaimed Yugi. “Fine I'll prove it to you tomorrow at 4:30 p.m.,” said Souta. “Fine I accept your challenge and I will bet 10 dollars on my brother,” said Mokuba. “Fine I bet ten dollars on my sister,” said Souta. “Then it is settled the battle begins at 4:30 p.m.,” Yugi called. Then they left the park to go home.
&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&Spirit world&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Yusuke came smashing through the doors to Koenma's office. “Okay toddler this had better be good because I was in the middle of a date with Keiko and she is going to beat the crap out of me when she finds out I ditched her.” said Yusuke. Then Kurama said, “You ran from Keiko to come hear I thought you would at least tell her you were going to Rekai.” By now Kuwabara was rolling on the ground laughing really hard. Hiei just had his normal emotionless face. When Kuwabara regained his composure Koenma started telling them what their mission was. “Okay you guys need to find these two ladies,” then a screen appeared that had a picture of a girl with a sailor shirt on and a smile on her face. Then a girl in black with a hood over her head. Right now Yusuke and Kuwabara are drooling over them. Finally Yusuke gained his composure. “What type of powers do they have, Toddler,” asked Yusuke. “First of all I AM NOT A TODDLER. Second of all I don't know that is why you have to go and find them and bring them back here and the one in black has stolen many artifacts here in Rekai and I need you to find her and find out where she hid the artifacts.” said Koenma/Toddler. “But where are they located?” Kurama asked. “I am still trying to find out where they are” Said Koenma. Then Botan came running through the doors. “Koenma sir, I think *breathe* I*breathe* found *breathe* ……out where they are located” said Botan. “Well where are they?” asked Koenma. “They are at the Sunrise Shrine.” said Botan. “Well what are we waiting for let's go.” said Kuwabara. Hiei hn'ed. Kurama gave a nod. Yusuke was about to run out of there.
Well wat ya think I hope ya'll review because this is my first fanfic ever and I am only 10 so it might not be so great.
I know it's not so great, but if you read this and is wondering what the pairings are going to be it's going to be a Hiei/Kags fic alright alright. ^_^