Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ I Think We All Remember Being Loved ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yusuke began to sing as he made his way down the hall. "La, la, la, I sure hope Genkai isn't touching my PS2, la, la, laaaa."


"Crap. I broke it," said Genkai as the PS2 began to smoke.


Yusuke reached the vending machine and eyed the choices. "Hmm... What should I get for mehself," he said quietly.

"I'd try the Seven Up," said a familiar voice from behind.

"Okay, thanks," said Yusuke as he inserted a quarter. "Hey... Wait.. Aww, hell." He turned around to see Yugi, smiling. "Ah, you're back." He rolled his eyes and turned back to the vending machine.

"Yep, sure am!" said Yugi happily. He began to whistle and extremely annoying song. "By the way, friend, what's our room number?"

Yusuke thought for a moment and smirked. "We're in room 207," he said with a snicker. Their room was 260.

"Thanks, good buddy," said Yugi as he began to walk down the hall. "I need to 'talk' with Genkai." Yusuke made an utterly disgusted face and banged his head against the vending machine.

"Do I really wanna know what he meant by 'talk'?" he asked himself grumpily. "Yep, sure do." He began to follow Yugi down the hall opposite of theirs. Yugi stopped at room 207 and began to knock on the door.

"Hello?" he asked. "Anybody in there? It's Yugi! I'm not dead!"

"Genkai's the only one in there," said Yusuke with an invisible smirk. He would see what was up if it killed him. "I'll let you in, and then get back to my soda, completely turning the other way and staying very, very far away from this room, both out of sight and earshot!"

"Okay," said Yugi. "Thanks, Yusuke." Yusuke opened the door, let Yugi in, and appeared to have left, but opened the door just enough to see inside.

"Genkai!" called Yugi. "Genkai, where are you? We need to talk!" Yugi pulled a pocket knife out of his back pocket and glared at it menacingly. Yusuke's eyes widened as he backed away from the door slowly and headed for his room. He flung the door open and came face to face with Kurama.

"Yusuke, what's the matter?" asked Kurama.

"Where's Genkai?" asked Yusuke.

"She said she needed some air," said Kuwabara. "I don't blame her. The air in here's kinda smoky because of the PS2."

"Wha?" asked Yusuke. He looked at the PS2, and it lay broken in half on the floor.

"Do you need me to help you find her Yusuke?" asked Kurama.

"No, that's alright," said Yusuke. "I can talk to her... later. Hey, where's Tea?"

"Um..." began Kurama. "The story with Tea is..." He opened the nearest closet, and she sat there bound and gagged.

"Jesus, Kurama," said Yusuke. "Good knots. I wish I could tie like you."

"You need strong fingers," said Kurama. "Kuwabara's fingers started cramping so I had to do it."

"You were all in on this?" asked Yusuke.

"Yep," said Kuwabara. "It was Genkai's idea." Yusuke felt a pang of guilt and struggled with his conscience for a moment.

"Guys..." he began. "We need to find Genkai. She might be in trouble." He ignored the broken PS2 on the floor and stepped outside the room.

"What do you mean trouble?" asked Kurama. "What's going on?"

"Let's just say I saw things I probably shouldn't have," said Yusuke, scratching his head.

"Urameshi, you didn't get her pregnant, did you?" asked Kuwabara. Yusuke stared at him, his eye twitching.

"God, it will be a fateful day when I finally understand what's going on in your head, Kuwabara," he said quietly. "Enough standing around. Let's go find her." Hiei groaned out. "And we'll play tic-tac-toe when we get back. Promise."

The four searched the hotel for Genkai as Kaiba remained in the room, sulking. Kurama finally ran into her on the way to the pool. "Genkai, we've been looking for you!" he exclaimed. "You're in danger! We have to get out of here!"

"What are you talking about?" she asked as Kurama started pulling on her arm. Just then Yugi came around the corner with a knife.

"Genkai, if I can't have you nobody will!" he exclaimed as he aimed the knife at Kurama and threw it.

"Rose whip!" shouted Kurama as he flung out the weapon and deflected the knife, sending it clattering to the floor.

"I won't let you have her, Kurama!" he shouted as he charged him down.

"She wasn't mine in the first place, please believe me!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with horror. Yugi tackled him and wrestled him to the floor.

"Boys are fighting over me!" said Genkai. "I feel fourteen years old again! Sweet reminisance!"

"But I'm not even fighting back!" exclaimed Kurama.

"Don't spoil this!" said Genkai as she faked a horrified look. Yusuke came rushing down the hall.

"Genkai!" he exclaimed.

"Everyone wants me!" said Genkai with glee. "Happy day!"

"Shut up, already!" he said. "Let's get out of here!"

"What about Kurama?" she asked as she eyed him struggling on the floor, Yugi pulling his hair.

"He's just another victim of deception, tough for him," he said. "Let's go!"

"It's still sweet!" said Genkai as Yusuke dragged her off. "Yusuke, we should help him!"

"Where have you been?" he asked.

"Well, if you count my conciousness... hell," she said.

"I hear that," he said with a sigh. "Fine. Hurry up and help him." He let Genkai go and she ran over to the wrestling Yugi and Kurama.

"Yugi, if you leave Kurama alone, I'll fix you up with a friend of mine," she said. Yugi stopped ripping Kurama's hair out and looked at her.

"Is she as pretty and smart and cunning and sweet and beautiful and powerful and-"

"Yes!" said Genkai. "Twice of everything I possess!" Yusuke sniggered at that thought.

"Sounds like a deal!" said Hiei. He had just entered the hall. "Who is this girl?" Genkai stared at him, fuming. "Um... Never mind."

"She'd love to date a blonde little creep like you!" she said, faking a grin.

"Really?" asked Yugi, standing up. "Gee, Genkai. It sure would be a heartache to have to leave you." Genkai almost fell over.

"Think nothing of it!" she said. "Love is love after all! And she loves you already! I can sense it now! I promise I'll fix you up once we complete this mission."

"Well, alright Genkai, if you insist," said Yugi.