Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mission in America ❯ Do Anime Characters Play Our Video Games? ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Muriko: Hey before we begin I'd like to say
That there's no way in hell
Our heros could tell
What was coming up next
Yes, next is the ultimate test
And I say it in rhyme
Simply to pass the time
And to fill up this chapter
So my reviewers live happily ever after (in their own little world)
Please, spoil your mind
Please have some fun!
I may suck at rhyming
But who gives a care? Really? I'm the one writing this whole dumb story.


Innocent Bystander wearing YuYuMation t-shirt <--- Muriko: *SMACK* YuYuMation Fan: Hey, what was that for?? Muriko: God, I wrote that too... Hey Genkai, what've you got against YYM?!


Muriko: Note to self: Put Genkai on the list of unhappy victim- I mean customers. Yeah.

"My name is DUCKY!" a girl in a Yuna costume shouted running in circles. "I am a summoner!"

"No Ducky, out there," said fighter G, directing her to the door.

"I knew that!" exclaimed Ducky. "I'm on my way to eliminate the intruders! Save Spira!"

"So what do you think this next fighter is gonna be like?" asked Yusuke, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not speaking to you, dimwit," Genkai muttered.

"Alright, alright," said Yusuke, rolling his eyes.

"I still respect you, Genkai!" exclaimed Yugi. Genkai turned her head for a minute, then began to walk faster. Ducky stepped out in front of her.

"What the..." Genkai began. She stepped back a bit. "What are you wearing ?"

"Do you have a problem with my outfit, lowly commoner?" Ducky asked angrily. "I am Ducky the summoner! You will meet your demise here! QUACK!" Everyone stared.

"Joy, we're going against a wacko duck girl who thinks she's a Final Fantasy character," Kuwabara murmered.

"Stop your whispering!" exclaimed Ducky. "I will summon powerful thingies to hurt you!" She began to wave her staff around. "Come thingies! Hurt them!"

Everyone looked around. Nothing happened. "I said hurt them!" Ducky began to jump up and down.

"I don't have the heart to attack her," said Kurama.

"Yeah, me niether," Yusuke replied.

"Maybe we should just keep walking and ignore her," Kuwabara whispered. They tried to take a few steps forward, but Ducky whacked them over the head with her staff.

"No moving!" she shouted. "Strong stuff will come to smite you in a minute! Give it time!" They all looked at each other. "SIT!"

Everyone sat in the empty room, waiting for Ducky to give up.