Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ After the Fall ❯ The Final Step ( Chapter 37 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Greetings once again my fellow YYH lovers! I have returned with yet another installment to my monstrous epic. I know it takes me forever to update anymore but my situation at home, for lack of a better word, sucks. My time is extremely limited anymore. I have too many responsibilities and not much free time to do things I love, like writing which is one of my main outlets to escape from my crappy existence. I apologize. Well, enough with the morose rambling. On with the chapter, eh?
Chapter 37–The Final Step
Ren sat on the roof of a nearby house, his frame hidden by shadow, safe from the flashing lights atop the numerous police cars choking the street below. He had heard the wailing of sirens but a few moments ago and, not wanting to be caught, had released his telepathic hold on Kigorei, seeking a safe harbor until his strength could return to him. The fight with Urameshi and Shinato had been physically exhausting but the increase of his spiritual and youkai energies more than made up for his wearied body.
And he could feel it.
The power coursing through his veins was borrowed energy, but strong nonetheless. And it was power that would be needed once he entered Reikai. Ren smiled at this. Though problems had occurred during the attacks on the detectives, he couldn’t deny the fact that things were more or less going according to plan. Hiei was out of commission, Yusuke was severely weakened. Kuwabara was of little threat. Only Kurama remained to deal with.
Ren’s lip curled up, a dark look forming upon his face. “Kurama.” He growled in disdain. How he loathed the man. A symbol of everything that Ren was yet was not. My family was destroyed for the very reasons that you are allowed to get away with, Kurama. He snapped inwardly, jealously fueling his rage as he contemplated one last time what needed to be done. Everything was set. He simply had to make a phone call and the last phase before entering spirit world would be complete. But I need to rest a bit more before I leave.
His gray eyes shifted, watching with detachment as the paramedics zipped up the black body bag holding the now lifeless form of Kigorei. The killing of his former comrade had been unfortunate but unavoidable. Ren would not tolerate traitors in his midst. Especially ones who were pivotal to his plan. And Shinato was a great loss. Stupid fool should have stayed uninvolved. He thought with a shake of his head. But that’s what caring about people gets you.
Ren remained still, idly studying the police, the paramedics and the neighbors walking about, searching, talking, trying to understand what happened. He smirked. They had no idea the very perpetrator of the crime was but a few dozen feet away. And they never will. He added mentally. His strength at last returning to him, Ren rose to his feet and stretched. Lowering his hands to the sides, he reached over to the clip on his belt and slipped off the cell phone attached to it. Looking down, Kurayami turned on the phone then pressed the redial button then brought it up to his ear. He waited for Ailia to answer then said, “Let it begin.” And with that he hung up and disappeared from sight.
Kurama sat quietly upon the open space on the roof of Ren’s loft, a forlorn expression upon his face as he studied the darkened sky above. It had been well over an hour since his teammates had departed, seeking rest before the search began anew tomorrow. The kitsune had watched them go, unable to bring himself to follow. Botan’s scent still lingered, binding him to remain. He knew it was foolish to hope the deity would be returned here. And yet hope’s flicker remained burning within his heart.
He shifted his gaze downward, a tender smile tugging at his lips as he looked upon the sweater laying within his lap. Kurama’s mind drifted, recalling the last moments he had shared with Botan before leaving for Makai. She had been so adamant about going that the kitsune had nearly given in to her request. But in the end he had left her. Alone and unprotected.
Kurama’s features tightened, pain welling in his chest as his tortured psyche began to consume him once again. Doubt and dismay, anger and grief. He felt all this and more. Nothing would soothe him, no peace of mind would be found until Botan was returned to him. Where was she now? He wondered. If he were to find her, would she even remember him? That he loved her more than life itself? That he wanted to marry her, have children with her?
“Botan” He whispered mournfully. Reaching down, he grabbed the sweater and clutched it tightly against his chest. Kurama closed his eyes, letting out a shaky sigh, his heart hurting from the absence of his beloved only to snap his head up when a familiar energy slammed into him, nearly blowing him over with it’s intensity. He bolted to his feet, closing his eyes, his features a mask of concentration as he reached out spiritually, wanting desperately to confirm what he was sensing. His body turned slowly, coming to a stop the second his telepathic call was answered.
Botan! Kurama cried inwardly as he felt her presence within his heart once more, the joy of their re-connection sweeping through his darkened mind like a burning flame. Opening his eyes, the red head’s gaze focused upon the northern outskirts of the city where the national forests lay. So that’s where you’ve taken her. The kitsune growled, eyes turning a dangerous shade of gold. Ren had kidnaped Botan, erasing her memory of him, harming her with his foolish actions. And he will be made to pay.
Without further delay, he raced over to the roof top door, whipping it open before flying down the stairs and out the building. For a split second, Kurama contemplated running on foot but decided against it. He would need the energy. Especially if Kurayami wasn’t alone. Seeking a vehicle, the kitsune searched the area, his gaze resting upon what looked like a garage beside the loft. Smiling, the red head stalked forward, picked the lock and raised the door. A rumbling sound erupted a few seconds later, a single beam of light cutting through the darkness.
Kurama revved the engine of the black motorcycle he had confiscated before tearing out of the garage and onto the street. He needed to get to Botan soon. Before she was moved again and the connection was lost. Hang on, Botan. I’m coming. Spurned on by thoughts of seeing the deity again, the kitsune increased his speed, his lean frame a blur as he zoomed down the back streets and onto the highway, heading for the more mountainous and forested grounds of the north.
“Hey Keiko, slow down will ya! I can’t walk that freaking fast!”
The brunette followed Yusuke’s command, coming to a stop about half way up the steps that led to Genkai’s temple watching her boyfriend slowly make his way to her side.
They had raced over to the female psychic’s domain as fast as the Mazda could take them. Yusuke had been silent for most of the ride over, too upset with Mr. Shinato’s decision to talk. He had liked the computer teacher, one of the few adults to earn his respect. Finding out that the blond was in league with their enemy hurt. But such pain was minimal to knowing that Shinato was dead. Killed by Ren in order to buy Yusuke and Keiko time to escape. If only he hadn’t fallen for Ren’s trap. If he hadn’t been so stupid and weak, Kigorei might have lived. But I blew it didn’t I?
Yusuke hated feeling weak and useless. What good was all his strength if he couldn’t help anybody?
“Yusuke?” Keiko whispered, drawing the detective’s attention over to her. “Are you all right?”
He frowned. “Do I look all right, Keiko?” He replied irritably.
Keiko glared at him. “There’s no need to get pissy about it, Yusuke.”
The detective sighed. “I’m sorry, Keiko. It’s just that ..”
“You’re thinking about Mr. Shinato again, aren’t you?” She finished for him, her features softening as she witnessed her boyfriend’s reaction.
Yusuke gave a small nod, his features contorting into a look of confusion and pain. “I don’t understand why he would willingly join up with Ren. I mean, his family’s been dead for three years. There’s no possible way Ren could bring them back to life.”
“That’s not what he wanted, Yusuke.”
The detective frowned. “What are you talking about, Keiko?”
“Mr. Shinato said he wanted to see them again. Not have them brought back to life.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Yusuke retorted with a sigh to cover up the pain he felt. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I just want to get up these damn steps and speak with grandma.” He added as he straightened his frame and pushed forward up the stairs once again.
Keiko looked at him in concern but didn’t press the issue, following her boyfriend. She reached the top only to smack into Yusuke’s back when he stopped abruptly in front of her. “Yusuke!” The brunette snapped in irritation.
But the spirit detective was too shocked to reply. Instead, his gaze was focused upon the destruction that greeted his view.
Smoke, light and wispy, hovered low above the scorched earth covering the once fertile grass way around and beyond Genkai’s temple. The side wall was completely blown away, the woods behind it’s once intact borders ripped apart, the remains scattered upon the ground like shredded tissue paper.
Keiko, having moved around and beside her boyfriend, stared at he battlefield in open surprise. “What happened here, Yusuke?” She whispered in a voice etched with fear and concern.
“I ..don’t know Keiko.” Yusuke replied in a distant whisper, his heart equally troubled by the mass of destruction laid before them. A sudden tingle of familiar ki entered his senses and he snapped his head to his left, his eyes falling upon the still form of Genkai who met his questioning gaze with a troubled one.
Finding his legs again, the detective grabbed Keiko’s hand and rushed forward, pulling his girlfriend along with him. He got close to the first step before shouting out, “What the hell happened here, Genkai?!”
“It seems the battle has begun in earnest.” The female psychic answered. As if to prove her statement she raised her hands, revealing a few tear gems in her right and Hiei’s katana in her left.
Yusuke’s features darkened upon seeing the tear gems and fire demon’s sword clutched with the grip of his master. Hiei was never without his katana. And the tear gems meant Yukina had been attacked as well. Along with Kuwabara. Thes thoughts brought a sense of fear and loss that would not abate. “Did ..did anybody ..Did Kuwabara .. ?” He started then stopped, unable to bring to words the possible truth of his friend’s demise.
“I don’t know Yusuke.” Genkai answered with a shake of her head.
Yusuke turned away from the old woman, anger filling him at the uncertainty of Kuwabara’s condition. “That idiot better not have got himself killed!.” He snapped, his jaw clenched as he stared out at the devastation before him. “Because I’ll kick his ass!”
Keiko flinched at the harshness of his tone while Genkai’s features grew annoyed.
“Yusuke calm down.”
“How the hell can I calm down!” The detective snarled as whirled back towards his teacher. “That bastard Ren nearly killed me and Keiko and now he’s gone after my friends! And I don’t even know if they’re alive or not!”
Genkai took his verbal tirade without batting an eye before retorting softly, “What does your heart tell you, Yusuke?”
A softness came over the detective’s face, his voice growing calm and certain as he replied, “That they’re alive.” He paused, returning his attention back over to the scorched battlefield. “But where are they?”
Hiei remained suspended within the light greenish fluid of Mukuro’s regeneration tank, naked save for the white loincloth wrapped around his waist, giving him a modicum of dignity. Black wires were wrapped around his body like tentacles, attached to the devastating wounds that Tahomen’s shuriken had inflicted while an oxygen mask was strapped upon his chin, allowing him to breathe while within the medicinal fluid. A bright green glow shone from the fire demon’s forehead, indicating Hiei was aware of what was going on around him.
Outside the tank, Mukuro watched with hidden concern as Hiei’s body was quickly mending. The wounds were numerous and deep. Some too deep for me to heal completely. She thought with a frown. Scars would remain, visual reminders of the fire demon’s failure. And not just scars of the flesh. Hiei’s loss to the shinobi would most likely scar his mind as well. The fire demon hated losing and failing. Especially when it came to protecting his sister.
The sound of footsteps met Mukuro’s ears and she turned, her gaze falling upon the approaching forms of Kuwabara and Yukina. Speak of the devil. She thought, watching them come to a stop a few feet in front of her.
Yukina’s gaze shifted past the female warlord over to her brother, the concern and fear visible on her face and within her words as she asked, “How is he?”
Mukuro allowed herself a small smile. “He is healing quickly. It won’t be much longer and he’ll be fit enough to come out and join us.”
“Good.” Kuwabara said, drawing Mukuro’s attention over to him. “The sooner we go after those bastards the better.”
“Before you go rushing off into battle, perhaps you should know exactly who it is you’re up against?” Mukuro countered in a lightly warning tone that caught Kuwabara’s attention.
The street fighter studied her in irritation but said nothing, waiting for the warlord to explain.
“Earlier today, I received a messenger orb from the shinobi called Touya. I assume you’ve heard of him before.” She began, pausing to make sure the human was following her.
Kuwabara nodded. “The freak ninja with ice powers that Kurama and Hiei helped. Yeah, I know who he is.” He replied. “What about him?”
“Simply put, both Touya and his friend, the wind master Jin, are currently without their power.” Mukuro explained.
Realization dawned on Kuwabara. “You.. You mean to tell me that Ren and ..his freak friends can take away someone’s power?”
The warlord gave him an approving nod. “I’m not exactly sure how the draining process works, but by touching the victim’s forehead, they are able to leech away as much or as little power as they desire. That’s what happened to Hiei.” She paused, casting a glance over to her mate who remained suspended within the healing fluid. “The shinobi took his black dragon. God knows what else was stolen from him.”
Kuwabara’s features grew contemplative. “If that’s true, why didn’t they take any power from me?”
“You were not the main focus of the attack. It was Hiei the shinobi was after.”
“Gee,” The tall human grumbled. “I don’t know if I should be thankful or insulted.”
Mukuro smiled but said nothing as she studied the fire demon.
Silence reigned for several seconds until Kuwabara asked, “What about the others then? Do you think they’re all right?”
“I don’t think it likely, Kuwabara.” The female demon replied. “As we speak they are probably being attacked.”
Kuwabara scowled. “Then how come I can’t sense anything?”
Mukuro took a few seconds before answering. “Most likely a barrier was enacted within the battlefield itself, preventing you from sensing their distress.”
“So then how did you know what was going on in Ningenkai?”
“I didn’t know.” Mukuro replied. “But the information was vital to your and your friend’s survival. I had no choice but to enter the human world to warn you.” She paused, her features softening slightly as Hiei began to stir within the chamber. “And help in anyway I could.”
“Well, if what you say is true, we need to get to Urameshi and Kurama. See what’s going on with them.” Kuwabara said with a sense of urgency that was palpable to Mukuro.
The warlord turned to him about to reply when the voice of Hiei entered her mind.
Tell the human not to leave until I’ve recovered. I want another shot at the bastard who took my dragon.
Mukuro nodded, relenting to his request. “Hiei says he would like you to wait for him.”
“Huh?” Kuwabara murmured in confusion. “How do you know that’ what he..” He started then stopped. Remembering the fire demon was telepathic. “Oh yeah.. Sure, I’ll wait. But how long do you think it’ll take for him to recover?” He asked. “Because I don’t know if Urameshi and Kurama need help or not.”
As if in answer, Hiei’s eyes snapped open, his Jagan closing as the fluid within the healing chamber began to drain.
No one spoke, watching anxiously as the fluid disappeared. Now upon his feet, Hiei held his arms to the side, allowing the tentacle like machinery to disengage from his body and withdraw back into the side out of view. Free of their hold, the fire demon reached out with his now bare right arm, flipped open the lock and pushed the door. It swung outward, allowing Hiei entrance into the darkened room outside the chamber.
“Hiei?” Yukina whispered as she cautiously approached her brother. “Are you all right?”
The fire youkai turned to her, his cold features softening as he studied her. “I’m fine Yukina.” He paused, turning his attention over Kuwabara who asked,
“Does that mean you’re ready to go after Ren and his gang?”
Hiei’s look grew hard but his anger was directed at what had happened to him rather than at the street fighter. “Yes.” He answered before stalking out the room and into the hall, leaving the remaining three in the dark as he made his way into his quarters.
Once inside, Hiei went to the storage unit housing his spare clothes and pulled out another of his signature outfits. Holding onto his pants, he threw the rest of the clothing onto the bed. Taking off the towel, he slid into his pants quickly and zipped them up. He reached for his shirt only to pause when his right arm came into view. He raised it slowly, studying the bare flesh once marked by the dragon and scowled. It felt odd to be without the tattoo, without the power underneath.
Gritting his teeth, Hiei lowered his arm, reaching out to snag the black shirt laying on his bed before stuffing it over his head angrily.
“Feeling better?” Mukuro’s voice whispered softly from behind him.
Hiei turned around, watching as his mate came to a stop in front of him. “Hn..” He sounded as he pull a black tunic over his head and down around his shoulders before pushing his arms into the long sleeves. Straightening his outfit he started out only to stop as Mukuro called out to him,
“You sure you’re strong enough to go back so soon?”
Hiei turned around slowly, his heart softening at the concerned tone of his mate’s voice. “I’ll come back to you.” He promised, allowing her to see the truth of his words through his eyes.
Mukuro smiled. Walking up to him, she leaned down and kissed his cheek. “See that you do.” She whispered into his ear before pulling back and moving around him, exiting the room, leaving Hiei alone once more.
Yusuke, Keiko and Genkai sat somberly in front of the small monitor inside the temple. On the screen, Koenma’s teenaged form could be seen. And he wasn’t happy. The head detective had related everything that had occurred while Genkai described what she believed to have happened on her property. When they had finished, Koenma took a few seconds to absorb the information before speaking.
“So you mean to tell me that Ren and at least one of his cronies have already begun to implement their plan?”
Yusuke nodded.
“And what about the others? Where are they now?”
“Right here.” Hiei’s voice cut through the darkened room, drawing everyone’s attention to him.
The fire demon stood just beyond the door, Kuwabara and Yukina behind him.
Yusuke jumped to his feet, a look of joy and relief upon his young features as he rushed over to Kuwabara. “You lucky bastard! You’re alive!” He shouted, giving the taller man a playful punch to the shoulder.
“Of course I am!” Kuwabara retorted in mock indignance. “It’ll take more than some freak dressed up like a ninja to kill the mighty Kuwabara!”
Hiei smirked, tempted to offer his usual smart ass comment but held his tongue. There were more pressing matters to attend to. Stepping forward, the fire demon began to explain all that had transpired before finally divulging the loss of his dragon. Holding up his right arm, Hiei pulled the sleeve back, revealing nothing but bare skin.
“What the...” Yusuke murmured, studying Hiei’s arm in shock. “What happened to your dragon?”
Hiei lowered the sleeve back down. “It was taken from me. By the shinobi called Tahomen.” He paused turning to face the detective before continuing. “It appears that this shinobi has the ability to steal power and techniques directly through touch. It was also revealed to us through a messenger orb sent by Touya that Ren also has this ability.”
Yusuke paled. “Oh no..” He whispered. The detective rushed passed the group and out of the room.
“Yusuke!” Keiko cried out, rising to her feet to follow him, but he didn’t stop.
He needed to know something. Now.
Jumping off the steps, Yusuke stood in the center of the ruined courtyard. Clenching his right wrist with his left hand, he lifted his arms towards the evening sky, preparing to shoot his spirit gun attack. But nothing happened. Not even a spark at the end of his pointed index finger. “Dammit!” He roared in complete rage and frustration. “The bastard took my power too!”
“I’m sorry, Urameshi.” Kuwabara said softly, a look of sadness upon his face.
Yusuke turned in surprise, his gaze falling upon everyone as they studied him.
Meanwhile, in Reikai, Koenma sat at his desk impatiently waiting for the gang to return and explain just what the hell was going on. “I’d wish they’d hurry up. I don’t have all day.” He grumbled, his annoyed gaze shifting to the door at the front of his office at the sound of someone knocking. “Come in!” He shouted, his eyes going back to the screen when Yusuke and the others came into view.
“Sorry Koenma,” Yusuke said quickly. “Seems I’ve lost my power too.”
The spirit lord looked at the screen in shock. “Wha..what..” He stammered. “All of it?”
Yusuke shrugged. “I don’t know about all of it. But right now, my spirit energy is equal to that of a frog.”
“My lord?” A shy, feminine voice whispered at the front of his desk but he waved her to be silent. “In a minute, Hinageshi.” He replied. “So tell me Yusuke,” He continued. “If you and Hiei are without your most powerful attacks where does that leave us?”
“Well, there’s still Kuwabara who was left untouched so to speak,” Yusuke answered. “Then of course there’s...” His voice trailed off, as if realizing something very important.
“My lord please, I have to tell you.. “
Again Koenma waved Hinageshi silent. “What is it Yusuke? What’s wrong?”
The detective looked back to the screen, his features full of fear and shame. “Kurama..”
“What about Kurama?”
“He’s not here. He’s alone.”
Koenma paled at the statement. Of course. He thought. The red head wasn’t with the group when Yusuke had contacted him. So if he wasn’t with them, where was he?
“My lord I have to tell you something! Please listen to me!”
Koenma sighed and turned to face her. “All right, Hinageshi what is it?!” He snapped only to have his voice drop when he saw someone standing beside the petite ferry girl. And surprise turned to shock as the spirit form of Kigorei Shinato spoke.
“I know where Kurama is.”
Kurama raced down the highway that cut through a heavily forested area, large flakes of white dancing in front of the beam of light from the motorcycle he was driving. Cold air swirled around him but the kitsune paid no mind. He was on a mission. He could sense Botan. Knew she was alive. And I won’t stop until I have her with me once again.
As he pressed on, the red head noticed the terrain become more rugged, hilly. Visions of his dream came back to him and he frowned. All the conditions were the same. The snow, the forests, the darkness. He knew he was walking into a trap. But it was a risk he had to take. I lost you once Botan. I will not lose you again.
His gaze shifted to the side as the headlight beam struck something metallic. He slowed down, the shape of a car quickly coming into view. Pulling then coming to a stop in front of it, Kurama hopped off the bike and walked cautiously over to the vehicle. He crouched down, wiping away the snow that had accumulated upon the window then peered inside. His breath came out in misty bursts, fogging up the window as he studied the interior. Not expecting to find anything, Kurama opened the door and drew in a breath, a smile lighting his face as Botan’s scent invaded his senses.
Closing the door, he straightened his frame and walked over to the hood. Placing his hand down, Kurama felt the warmth of the engine radiate up through the black tinted metal. So you haven’t been here long. He thought, as he retracted his hand back to the side. Walking quickly over to the motorcycle, the kitsune shut off the engine and went back to the car. Studying the ground, his keen eyes detected the presence of two foot prints. One larger than the other.
He began to follow the trail into the woods, his vision unencumbered by the swirling snow and the pitch black darkness that surrounded him. The lay of the land shifted, become steeper, the woods thinner, the snow deeper. He lost the tracks about half way up a rather steep incline, the blowing snow all but covering the imprints. No matter. Kurama thought. He didn’t need visual clues to the location of Botan. He could sense her. And with each step he made, the feeling grew stronger. Still, he was puzzled. Why bring the deity all the way out here? What possible reason other than to trap him would such an action serve?
Then it came to him. Access to Reikai. Ren was going to use Botan to get into spirit world. Which meant a portal was nearby. Quite possibly a direct one to Koenma’s palace. And I can’t allow that to happen. Spurned on by thoughts of seeing his mate and of stopping Ren’s plan, Kurama increased his speed, fighting against the blinding snow that seem to conspire against him. He frowned, feeling a malevolency within the very air that swirled around him. Almost as if it was bending to the will of another.
Undaunted by the apprehension the back of his mind warned him about, the kitsune plowed through the snow packed ground. His blue jeans and hiking boots proved an ill defense against the numbing cold of the nearly waist deep snow. But the kitsune kept moving, his breath shooting out in misty bursts, his emerald eyes ever alert for the first sign of danger. The massive pines of the forests began to creak, groaning as the wind picked up, dragging the snow along with it and pelting Kurama’s body relentlessly but the red head would not be kept from finding Botan.
The kitsune came to a sudden stop as a enormous burst of power entered his senses. A whizzing noise, loud and insistent, met his ears and he snapped his head to the side, eyes widening as his gaze confirmed what his ears had heard.
Arrows. Dozens upon dozens of arrows lit up with a bright red flame.
Without hesitation, Kurama tore forward, using his spirit energy to increase his speed and stamina. He zig zagged through the woods as a flurry of fiery arrows rained down upon him. He wanted so badly to defend himself. To take out the perpetrator attacking him, but the combination of the blinding snow and inability to determine the location fo his attacker, forced him into only one option. Running.
And so he ran, continuing up and up the slope until at last he burst through the brush and onto flat ground once again. Remembering the dream from the night before, Kurama’s eyes focused through the snow, his heart leaping at the sight before him.
There, just a few dozen feet away, stood the form of Botan, dressed in the same outfit that he remembered. Scowling but not daring to think, Kurama charged forward, closing the distance and scooping the deity within his arms just as another barrage of fiery arrows dropped from the sky. He dove to his right, his body twisting as his back smacked into the stone type rock formation.
Kurama clenched his jaw upon impact, holding the deity protectively against him, thankful for the small overhang of rock which sheltered their bodies from being pierced by the arrow volley above. He felt the deity shift within his arms and he loosened his hold, joyful emerald eyes meeting the surprised amethyst ones of Botan. His heart, which for so long had been wounded and alone since the deity’s kidnapping, began to pound frantically in his chest and in his joy at having Botan by his side once more, the kitsune leaned down and kissed her with such relief and passion the deity couldn’t help but respond.
Confused as Botan was at the situation, the connection she could feel between the man holding and kissing her and herself was undeniable. Thoughts of Ren disappeared. All she felt and longed for was this man. “Kurama..” She whispered as the kitsune briefly tore his lips away from hers.
“Botan...” Kurama whispered back, a tone of love and desire within his voice as he rested his forehead against the deity’s. He reached up, resting his hands on either side of his lover’s jaw before tilting her head back and kissing her again.
The deity let out a small sound, wrapping her arms tightly around the kitsune as she leaned into the kiss, returning his affection only to be suddenly pulled away from him by an invisible force.
Kurama gasped, leaping out in an attempt to pull Botan back to him only to land face first into the snow. He bolted to his feet, shock turning to rage as his gaze fell upon the grinning features of Ren. Anger flooded his veins as the fox spirit noticed how close and tightly the smaller man was holding Botan against him. “Let her go you bastard.” He growled, gold flaring within his green orbs as Youko began to take over. “And I promise to kill you quickly.”
“Kill me?” Ren retorted with a scoff. “I think you’ve got it wrong.” He added making a small movement with his head as if to signal someone. “The only one dying today is you.”
Kurama frowned, his eyes widening as he sensed the presence of three more ki’s. His sensitive hearing detected footsteps crushing against the snow laden ground, surrounding him and he smirked. Turning his now completely gold eyes back upon Ren he replied in a voice full of dark promise. “You should know better than to corner a fox, Ren. We have a tendency to show our teeth.”
At this, a black burst of energy erupted, the bolts sizzling within the cold air. Snow flew in all directions, the force knocking everyone off their feet. The energy field dissipated seconds later, revealing the tall, pissed off form of Youko who wasted no time attacking. Arms crossed, the fox spirit stood still as several plants burst upward, snow exploding in their wake, as they coiled around the still rising forms of Tahomen, Lina, Ailia and Ren. Botan, remained sitting on the ground unharmed. Youko made a motion with his fist, silently commanding the plants to constrict around their victims.
The kitsune started forward towards the shocked Botan only to feel an invisible force slam into his side, knocking him up into the air and over the edge to the incline below. Youko snarled, reaching behind the back of his hair to withdraw a rose seed. Feeding it with energy, it transformed into a whip. He made a quick flicking motion, sending the whip outward and around a thick tree branch just as gravity took hold once again. He swung downward, dropping unharmed onto the ground a few seconds later. Jumping up, he vaulted through the trees and back to the cliff top in time to see his victims break free of their organic bonds.
Tahomen was the first to retaliate, throwing out a series of shuriken which Youko deftly dodged. Rushing forward, the kitsune used the rose whip with expert precision, destroying each metal star in his path. The shinobi’s eyes widened as Youko’s fist came into view and smashed into his chin, the impact knocking the ninja off his feet and sending him rocketing backwards towards the far edge where a rampaging river flowed about one hundred feet below.
Wasting no time, Youko turned his attention on Lina, his whip lashing out, wrapping around the feral woman’s ankles. He yanked hard, knocking her to the ground before pulling up with such force, Lina was lifted off the ground. Youko swung the whip to the side then released, sending the petite female flying out and over the brush and into the woodland behind it. He smiled in satisfaction at the sound of Lina’s bones breaking as she crashed sideways into a tree.
“Two down. Two to go.” He murmured, advancing upon Ren who handed Botan over to Ailia.
“Take her and make sure she doesn’t pass out.” Ren commanded.
Ailia frowned but nodded, obeying his order. She held the trembling deity against her, guilt filling her heart at what she knew Ren was about to do. I’m sorry Botan. So sorry.
Ren matched the smirk of Youko as he stalked forward. “Here I am. Come and get me.” He taunted as he held his arms out to the side in a gesture of defenselessness.
Youko stopped. Eyes narrowing, he studied the smaller man, trying to figure out what kind of game he was playing.
Ren’s smirk faltered. Realizing he was dealing with someone more crafty than any other opponent before, he decided to change tactics. Lowering his arms, the dark haired man made a flicking motion with his hand.
Youko sensed an attack and countered, raising his arms and enacting a psychic barrier that repelled the smaller man’s telekinetic attack. In response, the kitsune lashed out with his whip, bringing it down upon Ren’s chest, slicing through the clothing and splitting the skin wide open.
Ren stumbled backwards, shocked not only at the kitsune’s ability to deflect one of his attacks but to actually hit him. To cut him open. To make him bleed. He clasped his wound, gray eyes darkening, becoming nearly black as he snarled and retaliated.
Youko smirked, amused at Ren’s reaction only to frown as a column of air began to circle around him, debris filling the miniature twister. He studied the metallic objects, recognizing them as shuriken. Which meant that the shinobi was back upon the cliff. The kitsune tried to jump free of the air column but it was too high. The twister began to shrink, the debris beginning to cut into him. Blood exploded, a mass of red filling the dirty air, blending.
The fox spirit clenched his teeth and his eyes shut, not willing to give Ren the satisfaction of knowing his was in pain. Had his eyes been open, he would have seen a hand push through the twister wall unharmed. As it was all he could feel was something touching his forehead and then a dark blackness that brought him to his knees.
The hand retracted, the twister dissipating into nothingness, the snow settling, revealing the bruised and battered form of Kurama’s human counterpart. His clothing tattered, his flesh sliced and torn, the kitsune slowly lifted his gaze to find Ren smirking down at him. Without warning, the smaller man lashed out with his foot, kicking the red head in the sternum. The sound of snapping bone could be heard as Kurama fell forward into the snow. He coughed, making a choking sound as blood exploded out his mouth and onto the ground, staining the once white snow a bright shade of red.
Botan watched in horror, her heart breaking at the sight before her. She didn’t understand why Ren was doing this. But she had to stop it. Had to stop him from killing Kurama. “Stop! Please! Leave him alone!” She cried out pleadingly, struggling against the hold Ailia had on her. But the dark haired ferry girl’s grip was iron tight. So all the deity could do was cry and beg when Ren kicked Kurama again. This time in the side. “You’re killing him! Please Ren.. Leave him alone!”
Ren withdrew away from the kitsune then crouched down so only he could hear. “Seems your woman cares deeply for you, even with her memory altered. Pity you won’t live long enough to see what I have in store for us.”
Kurama clenched his teeth at the insinuation, rage filling him. He turned his gaze to the side, glaring at Ren as he tried to pour energy into the surrounding plant life but nothing obeyed his will. Weak. He was too weak. But how? “What... “ He paused, coughing then spitting out more blood before continuing. “What .. Did you do to me?”
“Allow me to show you.” Ren answered then rose, backing away from Kurama before raising his hand. Instantly vines sprung up out of the ground and wrapped around the red head’s arms and legs, stretching them, pinning him in place.
Kurama blanched. He recognized that ki. It was his own. But..how was such a thing possible.? “You.. You took my energy!”
Ren made a tsk-tsk noise and waggled his finger. “You make it sound so simple. I did so much more than that. I took your exact signature along with your power, thus severing your bond with Botan and making it my own. You’re as good as dead to her now.” As if to prove his point, the smaller man walked over to the deity, making sure Kurama was watching before leaning down and kissing the ferry girl full on the lips.
Botan offered no resistance. Entranced, fooled into thinking Ren was her life mate, the deity lost all knowledge of Kurama’s existence.
The kitsune watched them , his heart breaking at the sight and the loss of connection with the ferry girl. Giving up, Kurama lowered his head, waiting for whatever Ren had in store for him. He didn’t want to live anymore.
Sensing his defeat, Ren broke off the lip lock and made a motion with his hand, signaling Tahomen to step forward.
The shinobi complied, pulling back his sleeve to reveal the black dragon tattoo wrapped around his right arm.
Kurama looked up, shocked orbs noticing the signature symbol of Hiei’s black dragon.
Ren saw this and smiled. “Let’s give him a fitting farewell. A death at the hands of his best friend’s favorite attack. A nice send off don’t you think?”
Tahomen nodded, willing the black dragon to life.
Kurama watched, anger and grief filling him as the dragon shot up into the sky then came swooping down towards him.
The dragon let out an earth shattering roar, snapping it’s jaws open as it slammed into Kurama, ripping him free of the vines, sailing forward towards the edge of the cliff and then over.
No one saw though, a greenish glow of energy erupt around Kurama as he fought against the deadly bite of the dragon. Red hair grew longer, gold replacing emerald, fangs emerging as his body grew larger and more powerful. And with a roar of his own, the now hybrid form of Kurama pushed, his arms and legs straining, breaking the dragon’s jaws just as they plunged together into the icy depths of the river far below the cliff.
Ren and the others watched, unaware of what had transpired. Sensing no life signs from the kitsune, he ordered Tahomen to recall the dragon.
Tahomen held out his hand, swirls of purplish black energy swirling around his arm, materializing into the form of the snake like dragon tattoo.
Satisfied with the outcome, Ren turned away from the cliff edge. “Now onto Reikai.”
He felt so cold.
And weak.
How long Kurama had been underwater he knew not. Nor could he believe his good fortune as to escape the black dragon attack. Had the prospect of death not triggered the transformation, the kitsune would have indeed been making a permanent residence in Spirit World. Still, using the last reserves of his energy had drained him. He to the heal himself. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even bring himself to rise to the surface to retrieve air. At last, through no will of his own, did his body rise to the top, allowing him at last to breathe.
He floated along, letting the current drag him to wherever it led. His body had gone numb from exposure to the ice cold water a while ago. So he felt no pain. Only exhaustion. I’m so tired. He thought, closing his eyes, even as the current pulled him away from the center of the river, washing his body upon the rocky embankment and out of the water.
Kurama lay upon his back, still as death, his glazed eyes staring up into the heavens. But he saw not the stars nor the moon. He saw only the face of his beloved, smiling down at him and in his delusion her reached out, calling for Botan, trying to touch her, until he succumbed to the darkness that sought to claim him and he saw no more.
Yes. This is way late, I know. And much shorter than usual. I just haven’t been motivated to do anything. But I wanted to get this out before heading off for a few days. There will be no long responses to reviews this time around. But I want to thank the following people for leaving me a few words:
Steph-chan; Rurouni Saiyan; Magus Black; Sailor Dark; Hay Lynn; Animefreak03; Jadzia 31; Slow Motion Runner; Kudachi (hiya Ben!);FireGoddess101; Crimson Breeze; Mika Samu; Tigerhw114; Bissek; The Honorable Gucci (How’s it going, Carmen?); Shizu Kuwabara (love ya musume!); Tsume Ishida; ToCorNot77; Mariale Benitez; Kanzen ne Tsuki (Greetings neesan!); Volpone (ashiteru, koishii.); Trans; Green Oasis (got the extended review via e mail. Thanks!); ?????; Angel-skie; Hanyou_Yukari; Gangling Freak; Akkitora; White Artemis; Madam Spooky and last but not least Meiko M. whom has returned after a long hiatus from the K and B world.
I thank you all. Responses will be given in the next chapter. When I return, I’ll begin work on chapter three to “A Moment of Weakness.”
Chapter 37–The Final Step
Ren sat on the roof of a nearby house, his frame hidden by shadow, safe from the flashing lights atop the numerous police cars choking the street below. He had heard the wailing of sirens but a few moments ago and, not wanting to be caught, had released his telepathic hold on Kigorei, seeking a safe harbor until his strength could return to him. The fight with Urameshi and Shinato had been physically exhausting but the increase of his spiritual and youkai energies more than made up for his wearied body.
And he could feel it.
The power coursing through his veins was borrowed energy, but strong nonetheless. And it was power that would be needed once he entered Reikai. Ren smiled at this. Though problems had occurred during the attacks on the detectives, he couldn’t deny the fact that things were more or less going according to plan. Hiei was out of commission, Yusuke was severely weakened. Kuwabara was of little threat. Only Kurama remained to deal with.
Ren’s lip curled up, a dark look forming upon his face. “Kurama.” He growled in disdain. How he loathed the man. A symbol of everything that Ren was yet was not. My family was destroyed for the very reasons that you are allowed to get away with, Kurama. He snapped inwardly, jealously fueling his rage as he contemplated one last time what needed to be done. Everything was set. He simply had to make a phone call and the last phase before entering spirit world would be complete. But I need to rest a bit more before I leave.
His gray eyes shifted, watching with detachment as the paramedics zipped up the black body bag holding the now lifeless form of Kigorei. The killing of his former comrade had been unfortunate but unavoidable. Ren would not tolerate traitors in his midst. Especially ones who were pivotal to his plan. And Shinato was a great loss. Stupid fool should have stayed uninvolved. He thought with a shake of his head. But that’s what caring about people gets you.
Ren remained still, idly studying the police, the paramedics and the neighbors walking about, searching, talking, trying to understand what happened. He smirked. They had no idea the very perpetrator of the crime was but a few dozen feet away. And they never will. He added mentally. His strength at last returning to him, Ren rose to his feet and stretched. Lowering his hands to the sides, he reached over to the clip on his belt and slipped off the cell phone attached to it. Looking down, Kurayami turned on the phone then pressed the redial button then brought it up to his ear. He waited for Ailia to answer then said, “Let it begin.” And with that he hung up and disappeared from sight.
Kurama sat quietly upon the open space on the roof of Ren’s loft, a forlorn expression upon his face as he studied the darkened sky above. It had been well over an hour since his teammates had departed, seeking rest before the search began anew tomorrow. The kitsune had watched them go, unable to bring himself to follow. Botan’s scent still lingered, binding him to remain. He knew it was foolish to hope the deity would be returned here. And yet hope’s flicker remained burning within his heart.
He shifted his gaze downward, a tender smile tugging at his lips as he looked upon the sweater laying within his lap. Kurama’s mind drifted, recalling the last moments he had shared with Botan before leaving for Makai. She had been so adamant about going that the kitsune had nearly given in to her request. But in the end he had left her. Alone and unprotected.
Kurama’s features tightened, pain welling in his chest as his tortured psyche began to consume him once again. Doubt and dismay, anger and grief. He felt all this and more. Nothing would soothe him, no peace of mind would be found until Botan was returned to him. Where was she now? He wondered. If he were to find her, would she even remember him? That he loved her more than life itself? That he wanted to marry her, have children with her?
“Botan” He whispered mournfully. Reaching down, he grabbed the sweater and clutched it tightly against his chest. Kurama closed his eyes, letting out a shaky sigh, his heart hurting from the absence of his beloved only to snap his head up when a familiar energy slammed into him, nearly blowing him over with it’s intensity. He bolted to his feet, closing his eyes, his features a mask of concentration as he reached out spiritually, wanting desperately to confirm what he was sensing. His body turned slowly, coming to a stop the second his telepathic call was answered.
Botan! Kurama cried inwardly as he felt her presence within his heart once more, the joy of their re-connection sweeping through his darkened mind like a burning flame. Opening his eyes, the red head’s gaze focused upon the northern outskirts of the city where the national forests lay. So that’s where you’ve taken her. The kitsune growled, eyes turning a dangerous shade of gold. Ren had kidnaped Botan, erasing her memory of him, harming her with his foolish actions. And he will be made to pay.
Without further delay, he raced over to the roof top door, whipping it open before flying down the stairs and out the building. For a split second, Kurama contemplated running on foot but decided against it. He would need the energy. Especially if Kurayami wasn’t alone. Seeking a vehicle, the kitsune searched the area, his gaze resting upon what looked like a garage beside the loft. Smiling, the red head stalked forward, picked the lock and raised the door. A rumbling sound erupted a few seconds later, a single beam of light cutting through the darkness.
Kurama revved the engine of the black motorcycle he had confiscated before tearing out of the garage and onto the street. He needed to get to Botan soon. Before she was moved again and the connection was lost. Hang on, Botan. I’m coming. Spurned on by thoughts of seeing the deity again, the kitsune increased his speed, his lean frame a blur as he zoomed down the back streets and onto the highway, heading for the more mountainous and forested grounds of the north.
“Hey Keiko, slow down will ya! I can’t walk that freaking fast!”
The brunette followed Yusuke’s command, coming to a stop about half way up the steps that led to Genkai’s temple watching her boyfriend slowly make his way to her side.
They had raced over to the female psychic’s domain as fast as the Mazda could take them. Yusuke had been silent for most of the ride over, too upset with Mr. Shinato’s decision to talk. He had liked the computer teacher, one of the few adults to earn his respect. Finding out that the blond was in league with their enemy hurt. But such pain was minimal to knowing that Shinato was dead. Killed by Ren in order to buy Yusuke and Keiko time to escape. If only he hadn’t fallen for Ren’s trap. If he hadn’t been so stupid and weak, Kigorei might have lived. But I blew it didn’t I?
Yusuke hated feeling weak and useless. What good was all his strength if he couldn’t help anybody?
“Yusuke?” Keiko whispered, drawing the detective’s attention over to her. “Are you all right?”
He frowned. “Do I look all right, Keiko?” He replied irritably.
Keiko glared at him. “There’s no need to get pissy about it, Yusuke.”
The detective sighed. “I’m sorry, Keiko. It’s just that ..”
“You’re thinking about Mr. Shinato again, aren’t you?” She finished for him, her features softening as she witnessed her boyfriend’s reaction.
Yusuke gave a small nod, his features contorting into a look of confusion and pain. “I don’t understand why he would willingly join up with Ren. I mean, his family’s been dead for three years. There’s no possible way Ren could bring them back to life.”
“That’s not what he wanted, Yusuke.”
The detective frowned. “What are you talking about, Keiko?”
“Mr. Shinato said he wanted to see them again. Not have them brought back to life.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Yusuke retorted with a sigh to cover up the pain he felt. “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I just want to get up these damn steps and speak with grandma.” He added as he straightened his frame and pushed forward up the stairs once again.
Keiko looked at him in concern but didn’t press the issue, following her boyfriend. She reached the top only to smack into Yusuke’s back when he stopped abruptly in front of her. “Yusuke!” The brunette snapped in irritation.
But the spirit detective was too shocked to reply. Instead, his gaze was focused upon the destruction that greeted his view.
Smoke, light and wispy, hovered low above the scorched earth covering the once fertile grass way around and beyond Genkai’s temple. The side wall was completely blown away, the woods behind it’s once intact borders ripped apart, the remains scattered upon the ground like shredded tissue paper.
Keiko, having moved around and beside her boyfriend, stared at he battlefield in open surprise. “What happened here, Yusuke?” She whispered in a voice etched with fear and concern.
“I ..don’t know Keiko.” Yusuke replied in a distant whisper, his heart equally troubled by the mass of destruction laid before them. A sudden tingle of familiar ki entered his senses and he snapped his head to his left, his eyes falling upon the still form of Genkai who met his questioning gaze with a troubled one.
Finding his legs again, the detective grabbed Keiko’s hand and rushed forward, pulling his girlfriend along with him. He got close to the first step before shouting out, “What the hell happened here, Genkai?!”
“It seems the battle has begun in earnest.” The female psychic answered. As if to prove her statement she raised her hands, revealing a few tear gems in her right and Hiei’s katana in her left.
Yusuke’s features darkened upon seeing the tear gems and fire demon’s sword clutched with the grip of his master. Hiei was never without his katana. And the tear gems meant Yukina had been attacked as well. Along with Kuwabara. Thes thoughts brought a sense of fear and loss that would not abate. “Did ..did anybody ..Did Kuwabara .. ?” He started then stopped, unable to bring to words the possible truth of his friend’s demise.
“I don’t know Yusuke.” Genkai answered with a shake of her head.
Yusuke turned away from the old woman, anger filling him at the uncertainty of Kuwabara’s condition. “That idiot better not have got himself killed!.” He snapped, his jaw clenched as he stared out at the devastation before him. “Because I’ll kick his ass!”
Keiko flinched at the harshness of his tone while Genkai’s features grew annoyed.
“Yusuke calm down.”
“How the hell can I calm down!” The detective snarled as whirled back towards his teacher. “That bastard Ren nearly killed me and Keiko and now he’s gone after my friends! And I don’t even know if they’re alive or not!”
Genkai took his verbal tirade without batting an eye before retorting softly, “What does your heart tell you, Yusuke?”
A softness came over the detective’s face, his voice growing calm and certain as he replied, “That they’re alive.” He paused, returning his attention back over to the scorched battlefield. “But where are they?”
Hiei remained suspended within the light greenish fluid of Mukuro’s regeneration tank, naked save for the white loincloth wrapped around his waist, giving him a modicum of dignity. Black wires were wrapped around his body like tentacles, attached to the devastating wounds that Tahomen’s shuriken had inflicted while an oxygen mask was strapped upon his chin, allowing him to breathe while within the medicinal fluid. A bright green glow shone from the fire demon’s forehead, indicating Hiei was aware of what was going on around him.
Outside the tank, Mukuro watched with hidden concern as Hiei’s body was quickly mending. The wounds were numerous and deep. Some too deep for me to heal completely. She thought with a frown. Scars would remain, visual reminders of the fire demon’s failure. And not just scars of the flesh. Hiei’s loss to the shinobi would most likely scar his mind as well. The fire demon hated losing and failing. Especially when it came to protecting his sister.
The sound of footsteps met Mukuro’s ears and she turned, her gaze falling upon the approaching forms of Kuwabara and Yukina. Speak of the devil. She thought, watching them come to a stop a few feet in front of her.
Yukina’s gaze shifted past the female warlord over to her brother, the concern and fear visible on her face and within her words as she asked, “How is he?”
Mukuro allowed herself a small smile. “He is healing quickly. It won’t be much longer and he’ll be fit enough to come out and join us.”
“Good.” Kuwabara said, drawing Mukuro’s attention over to him. “The sooner we go after those bastards the better.”
“Before you go rushing off into battle, perhaps you should know exactly who it is you’re up against?” Mukuro countered in a lightly warning tone that caught Kuwabara’s attention.
The street fighter studied her in irritation but said nothing, waiting for the warlord to explain.
“Earlier today, I received a messenger orb from the shinobi called Touya. I assume you’ve heard of him before.” She began, pausing to make sure the human was following her.
Kuwabara nodded. “The freak ninja with ice powers that Kurama and Hiei helped. Yeah, I know who he is.” He replied. “What about him?”
“Simply put, both Touya and his friend, the wind master Jin, are currently without their power.” Mukuro explained.
Realization dawned on Kuwabara. “You.. You mean to tell me that Ren and ..his freak friends can take away someone’s power?”
The warlord gave him an approving nod. “I’m not exactly sure how the draining process works, but by touching the victim’s forehead, they are able to leech away as much or as little power as they desire. That’s what happened to Hiei.” She paused, casting a glance over to her mate who remained suspended within the healing fluid. “The shinobi took his black dragon. God knows what else was stolen from him.”
Kuwabara’s features grew contemplative. “If that’s true, why didn’t they take any power from me?”
“You were not the main focus of the attack. It was Hiei the shinobi was after.”
“Gee,” The tall human grumbled. “I don’t know if I should be thankful or insulted.”
Mukuro smiled but said nothing as she studied the fire demon.
Silence reigned for several seconds until Kuwabara asked, “What about the others then? Do you think they’re all right?”
“I don’t think it likely, Kuwabara.” The female demon replied. “As we speak they are probably being attacked.”
Kuwabara scowled. “Then how come I can’t sense anything?”
Mukuro took a few seconds before answering. “Most likely a barrier was enacted within the battlefield itself, preventing you from sensing their distress.”
“So then how did you know what was going on in Ningenkai?”
“I didn’t know.” Mukuro replied. “But the information was vital to your and your friend’s survival. I had no choice but to enter the human world to warn you.” She paused, her features softening slightly as Hiei began to stir within the chamber. “And help in anyway I could.”
“Well, if what you say is true, we need to get to Urameshi and Kurama. See what’s going on with them.” Kuwabara said with a sense of urgency that was palpable to Mukuro.
The warlord turned to him about to reply when the voice of Hiei entered her mind.
Tell the human not to leave until I’ve recovered. I want another shot at the bastard who took my dragon.
Mukuro nodded, relenting to his request. “Hiei says he would like you to wait for him.”
“Huh?” Kuwabara murmured in confusion. “How do you know that’ what he..” He started then stopped. Remembering the fire demon was telepathic. “Oh yeah.. Sure, I’ll wait. But how long do you think it’ll take for him to recover?” He asked. “Because I don’t know if Urameshi and Kurama need help or not.”
As if in answer, Hiei’s eyes snapped open, his Jagan closing as the fluid within the healing chamber began to drain.
No one spoke, watching anxiously as the fluid disappeared. Now upon his feet, Hiei held his arms to the side, allowing the tentacle like machinery to disengage from his body and withdraw back into the side out of view. Free of their hold, the fire demon reached out with his now bare right arm, flipped open the lock and pushed the door. It swung outward, allowing Hiei entrance into the darkened room outside the chamber.
“Hiei?” Yukina whispered as she cautiously approached her brother. “Are you all right?”
The fire youkai turned to her, his cold features softening as he studied her. “I’m fine Yukina.” He paused, turning his attention over Kuwabara who asked,
“Does that mean you’re ready to go after Ren and his gang?”
Hiei’s look grew hard but his anger was directed at what had happened to him rather than at the street fighter. “Yes.” He answered before stalking out the room and into the hall, leaving the remaining three in the dark as he made his way into his quarters.
Once inside, Hiei went to the storage unit housing his spare clothes and pulled out another of his signature outfits. Holding onto his pants, he threw the rest of the clothing onto the bed. Taking off the towel, he slid into his pants quickly and zipped them up. He reached for his shirt only to pause when his right arm came into view. He raised it slowly, studying the bare flesh once marked by the dragon and scowled. It felt odd to be without the tattoo, without the power underneath.
Gritting his teeth, Hiei lowered his arm, reaching out to snag the black shirt laying on his bed before stuffing it over his head angrily.
“Feeling better?” Mukuro’s voice whispered softly from behind him.
Hiei turned around, watching as his mate came to a stop in front of him. “Hn..” He sounded as he pull a black tunic over his head and down around his shoulders before pushing his arms into the long sleeves. Straightening his outfit he started out only to stop as Mukuro called out to him,
“You sure you’re strong enough to go back so soon?”
Hiei turned around slowly, his heart softening at the concerned tone of his mate’s voice. “I’ll come back to you.” He promised, allowing her to see the truth of his words through his eyes.
Mukuro smiled. Walking up to him, she leaned down and kissed his cheek. “See that you do.” She whispered into his ear before pulling back and moving around him, exiting the room, leaving Hiei alone once more.
Yusuke, Keiko and Genkai sat somberly in front of the small monitor inside the temple. On the screen, Koenma’s teenaged form could be seen. And he wasn’t happy. The head detective had related everything that had occurred while Genkai described what she believed to have happened on her property. When they had finished, Koenma took a few seconds to absorb the information before speaking.
“So you mean to tell me that Ren and at least one of his cronies have already begun to implement their plan?”
Yusuke nodded.
“And what about the others? Where are they now?”
“Right here.” Hiei’s voice cut through the darkened room, drawing everyone’s attention to him.
The fire demon stood just beyond the door, Kuwabara and Yukina behind him.
Yusuke jumped to his feet, a look of joy and relief upon his young features as he rushed over to Kuwabara. “You lucky bastard! You’re alive!” He shouted, giving the taller man a playful punch to the shoulder.
“Of course I am!” Kuwabara retorted in mock indignance. “It’ll take more than some freak dressed up like a ninja to kill the mighty Kuwabara!”
Hiei smirked, tempted to offer his usual smart ass comment but held his tongue. There were more pressing matters to attend to. Stepping forward, the fire demon began to explain all that had transpired before finally divulging the loss of his dragon. Holding up his right arm, Hiei pulled the sleeve back, revealing nothing but bare skin.
“What the...” Yusuke murmured, studying Hiei’s arm in shock. “What happened to your dragon?”
Hiei lowered the sleeve back down. “It was taken from me. By the shinobi called Tahomen.” He paused turning to face the detective before continuing. “It appears that this shinobi has the ability to steal power and techniques directly through touch. It was also revealed to us through a messenger orb sent by Touya that Ren also has this ability.”
Yusuke paled. “Oh no..” He whispered. The detective rushed passed the group and out of the room.
“Yusuke!” Keiko cried out, rising to her feet to follow him, but he didn’t stop.
He needed to know something. Now.
Jumping off the steps, Yusuke stood in the center of the ruined courtyard. Clenching his right wrist with his left hand, he lifted his arms towards the evening sky, preparing to shoot his spirit gun attack. But nothing happened. Not even a spark at the end of his pointed index finger. “Dammit!” He roared in complete rage and frustration. “The bastard took my power too!”
“I’m sorry, Urameshi.” Kuwabara said softly, a look of sadness upon his face.
Yusuke turned in surprise, his gaze falling upon everyone as they studied him.
Meanwhile, in Reikai, Koenma sat at his desk impatiently waiting for the gang to return and explain just what the hell was going on. “I’d wish they’d hurry up. I don’t have all day.” He grumbled, his annoyed gaze shifting to the door at the front of his office at the sound of someone knocking. “Come in!” He shouted, his eyes going back to the screen when Yusuke and the others came into view.
“Sorry Koenma,” Yusuke said quickly. “Seems I’ve lost my power too.”
The spirit lord looked at the screen in shock. “Wha..what..” He stammered. “All of it?”
Yusuke shrugged. “I don’t know about all of it. But right now, my spirit energy is equal to that of a frog.”
“My lord?” A shy, feminine voice whispered at the front of his desk but he waved her to be silent. “In a minute, Hinageshi.” He replied. “So tell me Yusuke,” He continued. “If you and Hiei are without your most powerful attacks where does that leave us?”
“Well, there’s still Kuwabara who was left untouched so to speak,” Yusuke answered. “Then of course there’s...” His voice trailed off, as if realizing something very important.
“My lord please, I have to tell you.. “
Again Koenma waved Hinageshi silent. “What is it Yusuke? What’s wrong?”
The detective looked back to the screen, his features full of fear and shame. “Kurama..”
“What about Kurama?”
“He’s not here. He’s alone.”
Koenma paled at the statement. Of course. He thought. The red head wasn’t with the group when Yusuke had contacted him. So if he wasn’t with them, where was he?
“My lord I have to tell you something! Please listen to me!”
Koenma sighed and turned to face her. “All right, Hinageshi what is it?!” He snapped only to have his voice drop when he saw someone standing beside the petite ferry girl. And surprise turned to shock as the spirit form of Kigorei Shinato spoke.
“I know where Kurama is.”
Kurama raced down the highway that cut through a heavily forested area, large flakes of white dancing in front of the beam of light from the motorcycle he was driving. Cold air swirled around him but the kitsune paid no mind. He was on a mission. He could sense Botan. Knew she was alive. And I won’t stop until I have her with me once again.
As he pressed on, the red head noticed the terrain become more rugged, hilly. Visions of his dream came back to him and he frowned. All the conditions were the same. The snow, the forests, the darkness. He knew he was walking into a trap. But it was a risk he had to take. I lost you once Botan. I will not lose you again.
His gaze shifted to the side as the headlight beam struck something metallic. He slowed down, the shape of a car quickly coming into view. Pulling then coming to a stop in front of it, Kurama hopped off the bike and walked cautiously over to the vehicle. He crouched down, wiping away the snow that had accumulated upon the window then peered inside. His breath came out in misty bursts, fogging up the window as he studied the interior. Not expecting to find anything, Kurama opened the door and drew in a breath, a smile lighting his face as Botan’s scent invaded his senses.
Closing the door, he straightened his frame and walked over to the hood. Placing his hand down, Kurama felt the warmth of the engine radiate up through the black tinted metal. So you haven’t been here long. He thought, as he retracted his hand back to the side. Walking quickly over to the motorcycle, the kitsune shut off the engine and went back to the car. Studying the ground, his keen eyes detected the presence of two foot prints. One larger than the other.
He began to follow the trail into the woods, his vision unencumbered by the swirling snow and the pitch black darkness that surrounded him. The lay of the land shifted, become steeper, the woods thinner, the snow deeper. He lost the tracks about half way up a rather steep incline, the blowing snow all but covering the imprints. No matter. Kurama thought. He didn’t need visual clues to the location of Botan. He could sense her. And with each step he made, the feeling grew stronger. Still, he was puzzled. Why bring the deity all the way out here? What possible reason other than to trap him would such an action serve?
Then it came to him. Access to Reikai. Ren was going to use Botan to get into spirit world. Which meant a portal was nearby. Quite possibly a direct one to Koenma’s palace. And I can’t allow that to happen. Spurned on by thoughts of seeing his mate and of stopping Ren’s plan, Kurama increased his speed, fighting against the blinding snow that seem to conspire against him. He frowned, feeling a malevolency within the very air that swirled around him. Almost as if it was bending to the will of another.
Undaunted by the apprehension the back of his mind warned him about, the kitsune plowed through the snow packed ground. His blue jeans and hiking boots proved an ill defense against the numbing cold of the nearly waist deep snow. But the kitsune kept moving, his breath shooting out in misty bursts, his emerald eyes ever alert for the first sign of danger. The massive pines of the forests began to creak, groaning as the wind picked up, dragging the snow along with it and pelting Kurama’s body relentlessly but the red head would not be kept from finding Botan.
The kitsune came to a sudden stop as a enormous burst of power entered his senses. A whizzing noise, loud and insistent, met his ears and he snapped his head to the side, eyes widening as his gaze confirmed what his ears had heard.
Arrows. Dozens upon dozens of arrows lit up with a bright red flame.
Without hesitation, Kurama tore forward, using his spirit energy to increase his speed and stamina. He zig zagged through the woods as a flurry of fiery arrows rained down upon him. He wanted so badly to defend himself. To take out the perpetrator attacking him, but the combination of the blinding snow and inability to determine the location fo his attacker, forced him into only one option. Running.
And so he ran, continuing up and up the slope until at last he burst through the brush and onto flat ground once again. Remembering the dream from the night before, Kurama’s eyes focused through the snow, his heart leaping at the sight before him.
There, just a few dozen feet away, stood the form of Botan, dressed in the same outfit that he remembered. Scowling but not daring to think, Kurama charged forward, closing the distance and scooping the deity within his arms just as another barrage of fiery arrows dropped from the sky. He dove to his right, his body twisting as his back smacked into the stone type rock formation.
Kurama clenched his jaw upon impact, holding the deity protectively against him, thankful for the small overhang of rock which sheltered their bodies from being pierced by the arrow volley above. He felt the deity shift within his arms and he loosened his hold, joyful emerald eyes meeting the surprised amethyst ones of Botan. His heart, which for so long had been wounded and alone since the deity’s kidnapping, began to pound frantically in his chest and in his joy at having Botan by his side once more, the kitsune leaned down and kissed her with such relief and passion the deity couldn’t help but respond.
Confused as Botan was at the situation, the connection she could feel between the man holding and kissing her and herself was undeniable. Thoughts of Ren disappeared. All she felt and longed for was this man. “Kurama..” She whispered as the kitsune briefly tore his lips away from hers.
“Botan...” Kurama whispered back, a tone of love and desire within his voice as he rested his forehead against the deity’s. He reached up, resting his hands on either side of his lover’s jaw before tilting her head back and kissing her again.
The deity let out a small sound, wrapping her arms tightly around the kitsune as she leaned into the kiss, returning his affection only to be suddenly pulled away from him by an invisible force.
Kurama gasped, leaping out in an attempt to pull Botan back to him only to land face first into the snow. He bolted to his feet, shock turning to rage as his gaze fell upon the grinning features of Ren. Anger flooded his veins as the fox spirit noticed how close and tightly the smaller man was holding Botan against him. “Let her go you bastard.” He growled, gold flaring within his green orbs as Youko began to take over. “And I promise to kill you quickly.”
“Kill me?” Ren retorted with a scoff. “I think you’ve got it wrong.” He added making a small movement with his head as if to signal someone. “The only one dying today is you.”
Kurama frowned, his eyes widening as he sensed the presence of three more ki’s. His sensitive hearing detected footsteps crushing against the snow laden ground, surrounding him and he smirked. Turning his now completely gold eyes back upon Ren he replied in a voice full of dark promise. “You should know better than to corner a fox, Ren. We have a tendency to show our teeth.”
At this, a black burst of energy erupted, the bolts sizzling within the cold air. Snow flew in all directions, the force knocking everyone off their feet. The energy field dissipated seconds later, revealing the tall, pissed off form of Youko who wasted no time attacking. Arms crossed, the fox spirit stood still as several plants burst upward, snow exploding in their wake, as they coiled around the still rising forms of Tahomen, Lina, Ailia and Ren. Botan, remained sitting on the ground unharmed. Youko made a motion with his fist, silently commanding the plants to constrict around their victims.
The kitsune started forward towards the shocked Botan only to feel an invisible force slam into his side, knocking him up into the air and over the edge to the incline below. Youko snarled, reaching behind the back of his hair to withdraw a rose seed. Feeding it with energy, it transformed into a whip. He made a quick flicking motion, sending the whip outward and around a thick tree branch just as gravity took hold once again. He swung downward, dropping unharmed onto the ground a few seconds later. Jumping up, he vaulted through the trees and back to the cliff top in time to see his victims break free of their organic bonds.
Tahomen was the first to retaliate, throwing out a series of shuriken which Youko deftly dodged. Rushing forward, the kitsune used the rose whip with expert precision, destroying each metal star in his path. The shinobi’s eyes widened as Youko’s fist came into view and smashed into his chin, the impact knocking the ninja off his feet and sending him rocketing backwards towards the far edge where a rampaging river flowed about one hundred feet below.
Wasting no time, Youko turned his attention on Lina, his whip lashing out, wrapping around the feral woman’s ankles. He yanked hard, knocking her to the ground before pulling up with such force, Lina was lifted off the ground. Youko swung the whip to the side then released, sending the petite female flying out and over the brush and into the woodland behind it. He smiled in satisfaction at the sound of Lina’s bones breaking as she crashed sideways into a tree.
“Two down. Two to go.” He murmured, advancing upon Ren who handed Botan over to Ailia.
“Take her and make sure she doesn’t pass out.” Ren commanded.
Ailia frowned but nodded, obeying his order. She held the trembling deity against her, guilt filling her heart at what she knew Ren was about to do. I’m sorry Botan. So sorry.
Ren matched the smirk of Youko as he stalked forward. “Here I am. Come and get me.” He taunted as he held his arms out to the side in a gesture of defenselessness.
Youko stopped. Eyes narrowing, he studied the smaller man, trying to figure out what kind of game he was playing.
Ren’s smirk faltered. Realizing he was dealing with someone more crafty than any other opponent before, he decided to change tactics. Lowering his arms, the dark haired man made a flicking motion with his hand.
Youko sensed an attack and countered, raising his arms and enacting a psychic barrier that repelled the smaller man’s telekinetic attack. In response, the kitsune lashed out with his whip, bringing it down upon Ren’s chest, slicing through the clothing and splitting the skin wide open.
Ren stumbled backwards, shocked not only at the kitsune’s ability to deflect one of his attacks but to actually hit him. To cut him open. To make him bleed. He clasped his wound, gray eyes darkening, becoming nearly black as he snarled and retaliated.
Youko smirked, amused at Ren’s reaction only to frown as a column of air began to circle around him, debris filling the miniature twister. He studied the metallic objects, recognizing them as shuriken. Which meant that the shinobi was back upon the cliff. The kitsune tried to jump free of the air column but it was too high. The twister began to shrink, the debris beginning to cut into him. Blood exploded, a mass of red filling the dirty air, blending.
The fox spirit clenched his teeth and his eyes shut, not willing to give Ren the satisfaction of knowing his was in pain. Had his eyes been open, he would have seen a hand push through the twister wall unharmed. As it was all he could feel was something touching his forehead and then a dark blackness that brought him to his knees.
The hand retracted, the twister dissipating into nothingness, the snow settling, revealing the bruised and battered form of Kurama’s human counterpart. His clothing tattered, his flesh sliced and torn, the kitsune slowly lifted his gaze to find Ren smirking down at him. Without warning, the smaller man lashed out with his foot, kicking the red head in the sternum. The sound of snapping bone could be heard as Kurama fell forward into the snow. He coughed, making a choking sound as blood exploded out his mouth and onto the ground, staining the once white snow a bright shade of red.
Botan watched in horror, her heart breaking at the sight before her. She didn’t understand why Ren was doing this. But she had to stop it. Had to stop him from killing Kurama. “Stop! Please! Leave him alone!” She cried out pleadingly, struggling against the hold Ailia had on her. But the dark haired ferry girl’s grip was iron tight. So all the deity could do was cry and beg when Ren kicked Kurama again. This time in the side. “You’re killing him! Please Ren.. Leave him alone!”
Ren withdrew away from the kitsune then crouched down so only he could hear. “Seems your woman cares deeply for you, even with her memory altered. Pity you won’t live long enough to see what I have in store for us.”
Kurama clenched his teeth at the insinuation, rage filling him. He turned his gaze to the side, glaring at Ren as he tried to pour energy into the surrounding plant life but nothing obeyed his will. Weak. He was too weak. But how? “What... “ He paused, coughing then spitting out more blood before continuing. “What .. Did you do to me?”
“Allow me to show you.” Ren answered then rose, backing away from Kurama before raising his hand. Instantly vines sprung up out of the ground and wrapped around the red head’s arms and legs, stretching them, pinning him in place.
Kurama blanched. He recognized that ki. It was his own. But..how was such a thing possible.? “You.. You took my energy!”
Ren made a tsk-tsk noise and waggled his finger. “You make it sound so simple. I did so much more than that. I took your exact signature along with your power, thus severing your bond with Botan and making it my own. You’re as good as dead to her now.” As if to prove his point, the smaller man walked over to the deity, making sure Kurama was watching before leaning down and kissing the ferry girl full on the lips.
Botan offered no resistance. Entranced, fooled into thinking Ren was her life mate, the deity lost all knowledge of Kurama’s existence.
The kitsune watched them , his heart breaking at the sight and the loss of connection with the ferry girl. Giving up, Kurama lowered his head, waiting for whatever Ren had in store for him. He didn’t want to live anymore.
Sensing his defeat, Ren broke off the lip lock and made a motion with his hand, signaling Tahomen to step forward.
The shinobi complied, pulling back his sleeve to reveal the black dragon tattoo wrapped around his right arm.
Kurama looked up, shocked orbs noticing the signature symbol of Hiei’s black dragon.
Ren saw this and smiled. “Let’s give him a fitting farewell. A death at the hands of his best friend’s favorite attack. A nice send off don’t you think?”
Tahomen nodded, willing the black dragon to life.
Kurama watched, anger and grief filling him as the dragon shot up into the sky then came swooping down towards him.
The dragon let out an earth shattering roar, snapping it’s jaws open as it slammed into Kurama, ripping him free of the vines, sailing forward towards the edge of the cliff and then over.
No one saw though, a greenish glow of energy erupt around Kurama as he fought against the deadly bite of the dragon. Red hair grew longer, gold replacing emerald, fangs emerging as his body grew larger and more powerful. And with a roar of his own, the now hybrid form of Kurama pushed, his arms and legs straining, breaking the dragon’s jaws just as they plunged together into the icy depths of the river far below the cliff.
Ren and the others watched, unaware of what had transpired. Sensing no life signs from the kitsune, he ordered Tahomen to recall the dragon.
Tahomen held out his hand, swirls of purplish black energy swirling around his arm, materializing into the form of the snake like dragon tattoo.
Satisfied with the outcome, Ren turned away from the cliff edge. “Now onto Reikai.”
He felt so cold.
And weak.
How long Kurama had been underwater he knew not. Nor could he believe his good fortune as to escape the black dragon attack. Had the prospect of death not triggered the transformation, the kitsune would have indeed been making a permanent residence in Spirit World. Still, using the last reserves of his energy had drained him. He to the heal himself. He couldn’t move. He couldn’t even bring himself to rise to the surface to retrieve air. At last, through no will of his own, did his body rise to the top, allowing him at last to breathe.
He floated along, letting the current drag him to wherever it led. His body had gone numb from exposure to the ice cold water a while ago. So he felt no pain. Only exhaustion. I’m so tired. He thought, closing his eyes, even as the current pulled him away from the center of the river, washing his body upon the rocky embankment and out of the water.
Kurama lay upon his back, still as death, his glazed eyes staring up into the heavens. But he saw not the stars nor the moon. He saw only the face of his beloved, smiling down at him and in his delusion her reached out, calling for Botan, trying to touch her, until he succumbed to the darkness that sought to claim him and he saw no more.
Yes. This is way late, I know. And much shorter than usual. I just haven’t been motivated to do anything. But I wanted to get this out before heading off for a few days. There will be no long responses to reviews this time around. But I want to thank the following people for leaving me a few words:
Steph-chan; Rurouni Saiyan; Magus Black; Sailor Dark; Hay Lynn; Animefreak03; Jadzia 31; Slow Motion Runner; Kudachi (hiya Ben!);FireGoddess101; Crimson Breeze; Mika Samu; Tigerhw114; Bissek; The Honorable Gucci (How’s it going, Carmen?); Shizu Kuwabara (love ya musume!); Tsume Ishida; ToCorNot77; Mariale Benitez; Kanzen ne Tsuki (Greetings neesan!); Volpone (ashiteru, koishii.); Trans; Green Oasis (got the extended review via e mail. Thanks!); ?????; Angel-skie; Hanyou_Yukari; Gangling Freak; Akkitora; White Artemis; Madam Spooky and last but not least Meiko M. whom has returned after a long hiatus from the K and B world.
I thank you all. Responses will be given in the next chapter. When I return, I’ll begin work on chapter three to “A Moment of Weakness.”