Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Black Sunrise ❯ Home Away (Part 1) ( Chapter 9 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer- I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, if I did I would possibly be the happiest person in the world.
Hey there, just a little note from your authoress. This chapter is leading up to one that might get a bit more graphic on the sexual side. If you can't take that, then the next one and when this moment is referred to just use your imagination to think of what it was. I'll warn you again next chapter. ---Sheamaru
He had stormed off in some direction he didn't know. Was he going to the park? No that was in the other direction. The arcade? No he'd passed that. Kuwabara's house? He was avoiding all of his `friends'. No, he wasn't going any where he thought would be a `good' `safe' place to be. He was going to a bar that he had found a few years back. For the longest time, or what felt like it, he was a regular there. He would never get insanely drunk, he would never let himself get hurt or anything. But he would drink, sometimes smoke, anything to make whatever was wrong go away. And it usually worked, in fact, it always worked. Then the next day he'd have a hang over and a sore throat and everything would be normal. It was the way some things had worked. It was the way he wanted them to work.
His boots made soft thunks on the ground as he approached the bar. It was nice kept, used to be an Inn. It had an upstairs and back rooms, the front was the only spot most people saw. When he'd first drank, he got sick and couldn't make it to Yusuke's, who lived closest to this place yet was still several miles away, and they let him stay in the back. Beary, the owner of the bar, had said it was a one time thing because he was a kid. It didn't matter, Hiei had watched what he drank from the on anyway. He glared through the dark, under the glow of the fading sunlight, with his hands in fists in his pockets. His jaw was clenched so tight it had hurt.
The neon sign of blue lit up the words, `Home Away'. It sent a soft glow over the gravel and dirt in front of the door, two windows on either side of the door were lit up with the lights from inside. To most it looked like a shabby place to walk in and be greeted by a hooker or gunshot. To Hiei, it looked like relief. The best part was, in Home Away, he wasn't considered under age. Beary wouldn't serve alcohol to anyone, but he didn't much care that Hiei was under age. After that first time though, Beary seemed to be more careful about what he sold Hiei.
He grabbed the cold handle of the door and paused for a minute before he pulled it open. When he did he was greeted by the glow of lights, not too bright, but bright enough to see. It was such a `typical' bar looking setting, some tables around the place, and drunkards in the seats with their heads on the table. Then the bar with spaced out stools around it, then some people with their heads on the bar.
Beary looked up as Hiei entered, he was setting a clean glass on the shelf behind him. He was clean, nice dark blue shirt, jeans, he didn't have a beer gut he was pretty in shape. A few strands of hair hung in his face, shading over blue eyes, his hair was short cut and looked like it was slicked back but some strands escaped it. He laughed around a cigarette when he saw Hiei.
“Hiei? Hiei J? That you, kid?” he asked with a laugh. Hiei's jaw unclenched, and he smiled a bit as well. It even seem slightly embarrassed, he pulled a hand out of the vest pocket and waved it as he headed towards the bar.
“Yeah, it's me. Long time no see,” he said as he took his seat. Beary let the tip of ashes fall off the end of his cigarette into a shot glass and walked over towards Hiei.
“No kidding. How ya' been?” he asked, leaning on the bar a bit.
“Been better,” Hiei said, he always felt like a kid in front of Beary. Out side this place he could be as grown up as any adult, even more so. Through hell and still living, but when Beary talked to him, he felt like a teenager. What he really was, just a kid in an adults eyes. Part of him liked it, not having a dad growing up that's what Beary was. Part of him hated it, he didn't want to be a kid in anyone's eyes.
“Yeah, I'm guessing, usual then?” he asked. Hiei gave a light nod and Beary went off to fix his drink. A four inch tall glass filled with two kinds of beer, one dark and one light, and some other kind of alcohol mixed in to give it a kick to make Hiei wince at the first sip.
Hiei looked around the room, someone got up and left. The other guy, who was sleeping on the table, had moved off as well. Before Hiei had noticed he was gone. So all that was left was him and Beary. The glass was set down in front of him, he picked it up and took a gulp instead of his usual `test sip'. The flavor bit a bit more then it usually did with the larger intake. He shook his head slightly with that `sour' sort of look. Beary let out a chuckle as Hiei set the glass back down.
“Got a bit more of a kick after a while, don't it?” Beary asked. Hiei gave a bit of a nod in return. Beary returned to putting his glasses away and finishing his cigarette, “So what've you been up to, kid?”
“My dad's back in town,” Hiei said, Beary didn't know about Hiei's dad. There were just some things you didn't tell a bartender, no matter how fatherly.
“Eh? You don't so good about that,” Beary said turning those bright blue eyes on Hiei. The teenager was looking at the wall to his left, the fingers of his right hand drumming on the wooden bar and his other hand holding the glass. He shrugged.
“He isn't the greatest father,” Hiei said dully. He wasn't going to dive into his past, and Beary could tell that. So he put out his cigarette and dumped the shot glass out in a trash can under the bar then started cleaning that.
“My dad wasn't so good either,” he said. Hiei looked up at him out of the corner of his eye. He wasn't betting Beary's father was anything like his own. But then again, he wasn't the only child who had parents sexually molest them. It just felt like that most of the time. Beary continued on, “Yeah, typical unsporting father. Always told me I'd amount to nothing, well I didn't care what he thought. I did what I wanted too, and I'm happy running a home away from home bar in the slums of a city.”
Then Beary laughed, it was light but not feminine, it wasn't bitter either. Hiei knew he was happy, you could always tell with Beary. Wore his emotions on his sleeve most of the time, at least around Hiei. Maybe because Hiei was a kid. Maybe because he knew Hiei wouldn't do anything bad. Maybe because he felt like Hiei was his son, just like Hiei was his father. No matter the reason, Hiei could just tell what Beary was feeling at all times.
Hiei downed the rest of his glass and shook his head his bangs hitting his forehead. He put his head down on the bar for a minute, not drunk, but letting that buzz work up. It was why he came here, to feel better. To get his buzz, then go find somewhere to stay for the night, then get his hangover. Maybe he'd even stay here. He wasn't sure he wanted to face Kurama and Yusuke again. Even Kuwabara felt like it'd be too much.
Beary walked out from behind the bar and started picking up the chairs. He threw his rag at Hiei.
“Come on, kid. Help me clean up.” He said. Hiei slid off the bar and started picking up around the tables, stuffing all the garbage and beers into a bag he'd found. Then he'd put the chairs up on the table. For anyone else, seeing Hiei clean would be death. But he knew no one was here to see him except Beary. And it wasn't really something to tell to every person that came in here. `Oh yeah, that Hiei kid, helped me clean up the place!'. It wasn't gossip and it wasn't funny.
Time whizzed by, Hiei started to feel more light headed, his world got a little fuzzy. He set the last chair up on it's table and leaned his head on it slightly.
“I guess this is what not drinking in a while does to you,” he said. Beary laughed from behind the bar.
“Yeah, kinda missed ya' around here, kid.” Beary said. Hiei looked over at him, he wasn't smiling, but he wasn't snarling or glaring like he did with most people. Both males turned to look at the door as it opened. Hiei had just realized it was raining when the sound of it came as the door open. The person walked in, a high collared black trench coat was soaked, his hands in his pockets. The black hair was slicked back without looking greasy, just. . .rather expensively neat. He wore circular red glasses, a dark red, so his eyes couldn't be seen. Hiei blinked through the fuzz, something didn't feel right.
Beary must've realized it too, “Sorry buddy, we're closed.”
Home Away was always welcoming when Beary could tell someone needed a drink, or a place to stay. But this guy just felt like something evil was coming off him. Like he wasn't here for a drink or good conversation. Hiei was partially hidden by the legs of the chair, he started walking out from behind it, but Beary gave him a small signal, telling him to stop.
“I'm looking for someone,” rolled out a low voice, not angry or threatening, just low. It sent a zing down Hiei's spine, but he couldn't tell why. He was starting to regret that drink.
“Yeah? Can't help you,” Beary said, setting his hand on the bar. He drummed his fingers on the wood. The guy started crossing the bar, when he got to it, he walked along it closer to Beary, running a black leather gloved hand over the top.
“I think you can,” he said and stopped in front of Beary. Hiei moved silently at the guy moved, so he would still be hidden. He hadn't moved his eyes from the figure, his hands clenched at his sides, “I'm looking for a teenager. Red eyes, black hair, five foot two, always wears a necklace with a dragon pendant on it.”
Hiei mentally cursed himself for being so stupid and so blind. It was Yoma, his father, standing there threatening Beary.