Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hells war ❯ old foes return ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3: Old Foes Return
As the group exited the palace, Botan awaited them with the portal open to return to Earth. As they walked by, she asked Yusuke what King Yama wanted with them.
Yusuke responded “Crazy ass demon wants to take over Spirit World and Earth. You know the drill, same old, same old.”
Kurama interjected “Not quite, Yusuke. Remember this one was able to kill both Mukuro and Yomi.”
“Yeah, it won't matter. Don't worry about. We'll be able to take this guy out, no problem. Just watch” Yusuke said with confidence.
Genkai thought to herself “Typical Yusuke. Always going about things half-assed.”
Back on Earth, the group landed at Genkai's temple. Kurama spoke up “It appears nothing else we must do for now. We should just probably head home.”
“Yeah, Kayko always gets pissed off if I'm late” Yusuke agreed.
As Yusuke begins walking home, he notices the forest where he had his first mission as a Spirit Detective. He went in for a quick reminder of what it used to be like back in the old days. He suddenly stopped and shouted out “Whoever the hell you are, get your ass out here! I'm not going to be stalked all day!”
With that, a figure pops in front of Yusuke. He is wearing dark blue pants without a shirt on. He is very pale and his torso and arms are covered in what appears to be red splotches of blood. He has long red hair. It's Rando. He speaks “You remember me, right Yusuke Urameshi?”
Yusuke smugly says “Of course I remember you. It was because of you I had to go through the six months of torturous hell that Genkai called `training'.”
Rando charges Yusuke, yelling “Then you know why I want revenge!”
Yusuke steps to the left to dodge the punch, but instead gets elbowed in the gut. Yusuke yells “What the hell was that?”
“Didn't expect me to get stronger, did you?”
“Can't say I did. Looks like this will be a fun fight.” Yusuke responds.
Yusuke rushes Rando with a left hook. Rando ducks under the blow and thrust kicks Yusuke in the gut. After being sent backwards from the kick, Yusuke yells “Spirit Gun!”
Rando counters the same way Gavin did earlier by firing his own spirit gun. The two blasts meet and explode in the air. Yusuke had completely forgotten that Rando had learned spirit gun while watching a fight. But Yusuke knew one technique that Rando couldn't have known. Yusuke began charging all the spirit energy throughout his body. Rando could feel the energy and knew that Yusuke was going to attempt to destroy him. Rando charged right into Yusuke's face and put his right index finger into Yusuke's chest.
“I hope this hurts. Spirit Gun!”
The blast exploded as soon as it came out, blowing Yusuke backwards and forcing him to lose all the stored energy. Yusuke, battered from the attack, laid on the ground wondering to himself “How the hell did Rando get this strong/”
Rando walked up to Yusuke and said “I'm strong because Shadow has made me this way. He gave me a portion of his power. A mere fraction of his power and look what has happened to you. You're nothing, Yusuke. Now die!”
He pointed his right index finger at Yusuke and began to shout “Spirit G…..”
Before he could finish, Rando's head was blown off in a flash of green light. Yusuke sat up. Gavin was there.
“You didn't pay attention to what I said, did you Yusuke? I'll repeat it for you. If you don't get stronger, you will be dead.”
Yusuke yells “Mind your own business, asshole!” Then, Yusuke thinking for a moment added “But thanks for the help.”
“You're welcome. But allow me to give you a little tip. If you're in a fight to the death, then it's not a very good idea to not fight to kill. You're not very used to it, are you Yusuke?”
“No, I'm not. I've only killed one demon really in my life. And that was during my first mission.” Yusuke said quietly.
Gavin nodded, “Then I suppose you're going to need some help. I have an idea. Get your friends together tomorrow and have them meet us at Genkai's temple. Konryu is an old friend of Genkai's so she shouldn't mind.”
“Sure, I'll do what I can. I'm not sure I'll be able to get Hiei though. He doesn't like to listen to anyone but himself.”
“Don't worry. Just tell him he'll have a chance to settle the score between you two.” Gavin said.
“Right.” Yusuke said as he got up. “I need to get home before Kayko kills me. I guess I'll see you at Genkai's temple tomorrow.”
“Until then” Gavin replied.
Hey everyone, it's Mazoku7. Hope you've been enjoying “Hell's War” so far. This is still just the beginning and there's a lot more to go. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the time it took me to post Chapter 2. I had a lot of crap going on. Anyway, I had a few other ideas for fanfics so give me a review about this one and give me your opinions about other anime' or manga's I could do a fanfic about. Until next time….