Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Hiei's death...and rebirth ❯ Countdown Complete (4 hours 10 minutes through 0) ( Chapter 3 )
Neptunes Daughter: Here's the disclaimer; I don't own Yu-Yu-Hakusho, I never will so there. I do however own my immense fear of Hiei, (I think). Why do you think I made him die, I just don't know how to write his character. Actually I started writing another story and I ended up making him dead AGAIN. That one however, shall not be posted. The next story I will attempt to put up is one that starts out talking about Kurama and ends up on a completely different topic concerning Hiei and my semi-original character that will be in this story because I can't figure out a way to make sense of it without her. (I'm sorry nice reviewer person). The next story shall be entitled "Secrets of the Mind" or something like that. K I got off topic oh well. Sorry if you don't understand the original character but I posted my stories out of order. If you really care, wait until she is explained in one of my later fics or I get permission to put up my friend's fic, which is from that character's point of view and goes through her entire long life. Well actually short lives oh well; regardless that is what I have decided to do. Sorry to all of you who hate OC or just don't like how mine comes in, I didn't mean for it to be this way. Really and I'm not being sarcastic I really do care what people think its just sometimes I have to just let it be what it will. I don't really think it trough ahead of time it just comes out and then I don't like to change it.
4 Hours 10 minutes
"This is getting harder, the body seems to be resisting us," says one koorime.
"It is," answers one of the others.
All of the koorime are trying to keep the body ready but there seems to be a golden shadow watching over Hiei. Some of the koorime are starting to get discouraged. They are starting to weaken but still they carry on.
3 Hours 53 minutes
Kurama and Kuwabara find the ice wall and the wounded youkai. The rest of the youkai attack them but are soon defeated. However, they don't know how to get past the ice wall.
"I'd have to say Yukina made this but I don't know how long it will last," says Kurama calmly. Soon the ice wall melts and they carry on as soon as they can get over it.
3 Hours 40 minutes
"I wish we could go faster, I feel things are getting desperate," says Yukina.
"I don't know how we could. Are we close?" asks a breathless Yusuke.
"Not really."
"Then let's not talk and just run."
3 Hours 12 minutes
Kurama and Kuwabara are getting farther and farther behind. Yusuke is starting to get tired and slow down as well.
"I'm coming Onissan, please hold on," whispers Yukina many times as she runs, aware of the time shortage.
"Hurry up Yusuke," says Yukina out loud.
"You keep going, I'm right behind you," replies Yusuke from about 20 feet back.
3 Hours 10 minutes
A few of the koorime have fainted but the rest keep trying. They can't stand the fact that if they had let him stay or at least let his mother take he and Yukina that he would still be alive.
2 Hours 40 minutes
Yusuke suddenly stops, seemingly for no reason.
"Yusuke, why are you stopping?" calls back Yukina.
"There seems to be something bad here, something weird," answers Yusuke.
"It's okay, it's just Hiei's dragon. It can't hurt us. I can control it well enough to keep it from hurting us," Yukina says confidently.
"Alright," is Yusuke's doubtful reply. He had seen Hiei's dragon and doesn't see how Yukina could control the thing. Regardless of what he thinks they keep going.
1 hour 24 minutes
They seem to have found the dragon. Yukina walks right up to it and then calmly lays her hand on it. It sits and acts docile but only as long as she keeps her hand physically on it.
"What do we do now?" asks Yusuke.
"I don't know. I guess I could try to freeze the dragon."
Yukina tries this but it doesn't work since the dragon is made of actual fire.
0 Hours 48 minutes
Yukina decides to see if she can get the dragon to lead her to where Hiei last was. She succeeds but Yusuke can't come because she is going to ride the dragon. This is also very efficient because the dragon is even faster than Yukina.
Only about half the koorime have any strength left. They are starting to lose hope. The golden shadow still hovers nearby; waiting it seems for when she is needed.
10 minutes 14 seconds
Yukina has found the battleground but not Hiei. She whispers, "Onissan, where are you? How can I put your dragon somewhere to look for you?" She then has an idea and tries to cage the dragon. This doesn't work, however, because the dragon keeps melting the cage.
6 minutes 36 seconds
She has no idea what to do and just starts crying. Yukina knows she is wasting the last of her time but she feels lost. There doesn't seem to be anything left she can do.
0 minutes 20 seconds
Yukina looks up to see the koorime village and thinks aloud, "Hiei must have felt strange, dying under the village we were born in. Wait, his body must be up there, that's why I couldn't find it." She starts to ride up to the village on the dragon.
Nearly all the koorime are giving up. They are willing only to go to the 0 mark. Only one koorime, the one who had physically thrown him off the island is still trying her hardest.
0 minutes 0 seconds
Yukina has not yet arrived.
The last koorime shouts, "Someone help me, I'm not going to let him go again!
The golden shadow, now recognizable as Mea, jumps down and begins to help, pouring her energy into Hiei as best she could. She loves him and will never let him go, that's why she had followed him into battle though not in time, why she had followed to the koorime village to keep watch, and why right now she would be willing to do anything, so long as he lived. If he was lost she would die with him and never truly come back.
Neptunes Daughter: I had to leave you hanging its just fun but since I'm gonna start typing the next chapter soon, hopefully you won't be hanging for long. Here's a cool quote: It is better to be silent and considered a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
I don't know who its by but it sounds cool bye for now.