Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Killing and Loving ❯ Too Damn Weak! (Korunue's POV) ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.3 (Korunue's POV)
Damn them! Damn them all! Why couldn't I just die like everyone else?! Why do I have to live?! I growl weakly. I am sooo fucking weak it makes me sick to think about. Gods, Akuhei is going to use me against Kurama and there isn't a Gods damned thing I can do about it! Shiska is in charge of making sure I don't off myself, which I've tried several times. I go from a state of unconscious existence to full-blown awareness without any transition time, am thrown into a cage, and expected not to scream when my wounds open during transit. The Gods surely have a sick sense of humor.
Kana stares at me as if disbelieving my existence, as if he were a human to gaze upon me. I sure as hell hope Kana remembers that he owes me his life, so he'll take mine before Kurama has to see me die. I know Akuhei just wants his son to suffer for taking Inari's favor away from him. I feel a prick on my arm. Kana is holding a syringe. Gods, I hope whatever it is kills me quickly and painlessly. I pass out.
' Kurama is holding his sister Amaya in his arms. I see three males and four females surrounding the scene. One male is unmistakable: the forbidden one. Another male has incredible energy. He has black hair and brown eyes, and seems almost completely human, but he's not. I can tell there is demon blood in his veins somewhere. The final male is an orange haired human with ungainly features. He seems to have ki higher than an average human but is still human. The women are fuzzy and I can't read them or see them very well.
I hear Kurama say, Korunue, my former partner, may still be alive and Akuhei may use him against me. If this occurs, do not step in. Let me make the decision alone. I could not bare to face anyone who causes Korunue's death by killing Akuhei. Gods, I want to touch him! Just touch his hair or face, or even just see him with my own eyes. I want to see his eyes cloud with pleasure as we touch. I want to feel his smooth and silky skin against mine. I want to taste his essence one last time before I die. I sigh sadly knowing this won't happen. I suddenly hear a voice. It is a deep male bass voice that exudes authority.
The voice says, You will not die before Kurama sees you again. You are to preserve yourself because in the end, if you do what you can to live, you will experience what you desire one last time before you finally die. I want to believe the voice but it is hard to do so. The poison in my veins that has been slowly eating away my insides has gained much ground since I've been conscious. I feel a warmth surround me. It's a pelt. It is wrapped around me to keep the harsh cold from killing me prematurely. Maybe I will make it to see Kurama and be with him one last time before I die.'
I suddenly wake up from my dream to find myself soaked in cold water. A few guards are opening my cage and removing my clothes. Gods, How can you be soo cruel?! Offer me hope and then expect me to live through hell to obtain such a simple desire! I hate having to rely on senseless hope! I suddenly see flashes of light. I see Kana soaked in blood.
He growls, “Akuhei would not want you dead yet.”
Another voice growls, “I gave them permission to use the prisoners as they wish! Him included!” Akuhei's eyes are glowing gold as if ready to cast hot, molten metal onto your skin. Those eyes only further remind me of how helpless I truly am to their whims. Kana grumbles under his breath but leaves. Akuhei smiles a truly wicked smile at me.
He says, “So, you were my son's play thing?” I know where this is going. I know my voice is too weak to try to tell him otherwise. I also wouldn't wish to waste the effort. He is determined to show that his son is the same heartless bastard that his father is. Akuhei smacks my face but then leaves me alone. This is odd. He usually, at the very least, digs his claws into my wings and tastes the leathery skin of them. A voice suddenly penetrates my mind. It's the voice I heard in my sleep!
The voice says, “Kurama is gathering his forces and has sent Akuhei a warning telling him that either he surrender or die. Akuhei is unnerved by the directness of his son. Take care of yourself so Kurama does not rescue a corpse.” I listen to the voice because I am too physically tired to mentally ponder about whether to trust that voice or not. Damn, I hate being this weak! I fall back into the black oblivion I am all too familiar with.
A/N: Yes, It's short but I wanted to do this chapter anyway. It isn't the most vital of chapters but I wanted to add it anyway so you could get a sense of the pure evil of Akuhei and could also see how I view Korunue. Don't worry, this story won't have a 'deus ex machina' ending that leaves the reader wondering 'Well, where the hell is the fucking fight?!'. Please review! I won't know if I should continue or how I should proceed until I get feedback. Give me a review and I'll write more, or edit existing chapters. I'm still debating on how to write chapter 4 so suggestions would be nice!
Oh yeah, as a side note, Korunue's dream actually happens and that is what will set the scene for the first paragraph or two of chapter 4. That's all I'm sure of for chapter 4. Also, note that I have demons mentally communicate with one another. In my thinking, powerful demons or related demons can mentally communicate. The Jagan can mentally communicate with anyone or anything.